Server! Changelog

What's new in Server! 6.2.32

Apr 24, 2024
  • Fixed the gzip log rotator, it now correctly gzips log files upon rotation to save space, and doesn’t leave zombie files on disk
  • Slightly improved the logging of users’ PKI authentication phases

New in Server! 6.2.31 (Apr 22, 2024)

  • Upgraded the Go compiler, standard library and toolchain to v1.22.2
  • Fixed a bug in the SuperAdmin UI that occasionally would mistake two distinct bindings for conflicting ones
  • Reduced the amount of CPU necessary for password authentication (this applies only to new users, or when existing users change/reset their password)

New in Server! 6.2.30 (Mar 27, 2024)

  • Implemented a work-around to gracefully handle buggy SFTP clients that attempt multi-phase authentication in the wrong order (not the order explicitly mandated by the SSH2 protocol standard); most of these situations will now be handled internally by Syncplify Server! while maintaining session consistency at the same time

New in Server! 6.2.29 (Mar 20, 2024)

  • Fixed a small bug in DNS record resolution that only affected the Windows version of our software, and only when the operating system’s DNS configuration was wrong in the first place.

New in Server! 6.2.28 (Mar 8, 2024)

  • Restored support for PKI authentication (SSH2/SCP/SFTP) using insecure RSA keys (SHA1 signature, insecure moduli, …), while secure RSA keys have never been dropped. We understand that transitioning to secure keys can be a challenge for some users. While we’ve provided resources and recommendations for dropping RSA keys for PKI authentication and switching to more secure keys (ECDSA, Ed25519, …), we recognize that some users may require more time, hence the choice to re-enable PKI auth support for these insecure keys. This does not make our server software less secure, it simply means it may allow certain insecure algorithms, but security-conscious users will simply configure our server software not to use them, thus keeping it completely safe and secure

New in Server! 6.2.27 (Mar 5, 2024)

  • Upgraded some package dependencies to incorporate various bug-fixes in external libraries
  • Fixed a bug in parametric VFS that occasionally caused directories to be created on physical storage with names enclosed in square brackets
  • Significantly improved the way files are downloaded via WebClient!: downloads now use less memory and are much faster (other protocols like FTP and SFTP are unchanged)

New in Server! 6.2.24 (Feb 2, 2024)

  • Fixed a glitch in the node-sync that only affected a minuscule number of high-availability (HA) installations
  • Tiny minor/cosmetic bug-fixes here and there in the web UIs

New in Server! 6.2.23 (Jan 31, 2024)

  • Fixed a potentially catastrophic bug that could suddenly cause your Syncplify Server! to lose its “initialized” status, de facto rendering it non functional and causing the loss of parts of your configuration (or even all of it)
  • Tiny minor/cosmetic bug-fixes here and there in the web UIs

New in Server! 6.2.22 (Jan 16, 2024)

  • The Golang compiler was updated to the most recent version, and a full rebuild was performed
  • Auto-generation of one 4,096 bit RSA host key for the SSH/SFTP protocol handler is back in (by popular demand)
  • Tiny minor/cosmetic bug-fixes here and there in the web UIs

New in Server! 6.2.21 (Dec 18, 2023)

  • The Golang standard library was updated to address a yet-to-be-disclosed CVE that could potentially affect SSH/SFTP services, this release incorporates such updates to keep your server safe
  • Importing old V4/V5 backups now works a little better even when such backups contain errors and misconfigurations (some of them are addressed by applying sensible default settings)
  • Parameters (see this KB article) can now be used in all Virtual File Systems, and not only in “Disk” VFSs as it used to be

New in Server! 6.2.20 (Dec 7, 2023)

  • Special ISO-8859-1 characters in old V4/V5 backups are now correctly converted to UTF8 when restoring (importing) those backup files into a new Syncplify Server! V6

New in Server! 6.2.19 (Nov 28, 2023)

  • A bug in our implementation of the support for the mget command used by the standard Linux FTP client has been fixed, wildcards are now supported correctly – other protocols (SFTP, SCP, WebClient!, …) were not affected, this bug only affected our implementation of the FTP protocol

New in Server! 6.2.18 (Nov 24, 2023)

  • On new installs the setup process does not create an RSA host key anymore, upgrades and restores from backups will not remove your existing RSA keys though
  • The repairhttp command-line verb now uses better defaults for HTTPS/WebClient! configuration
  • Better HTTPS/WebClient! default values are also used now when creating a new Virtual Site
  • Fixed the list of host key algorithms returned to SSH/SFTP clients, now it won’t include algorithms for keys your server doesn’t have
  • Upgraded the compiler to the most recent version to capture several fixes and improvements in its standard library

New in Server! 6.2.17 (Nov 17, 2023)

  • Fixed small bug in the Admin UI that occasionally prevented the removal of cipher-suites from the HTTPS/WebClient! advanced configuration page (for experts only)

New in Server! 6.2.14 (Oct 15, 2023)

  • Fixed a small bug in the way password complexity rules were enforced
  • Fixed a small bug in the SyngoDB backend configuration database
  • Updated Go compiler to the most recent version (which also includes several security-related bug-fixes to its standard library)

New in Server! 6.2.13 (Oct 10, 2023)

  • Fixed a small bug in the update function (only present in high-availability deployments composed of 3 or more nodes)

New in Server! 6.2.12 (Oct 8, 2023)

  • Fixed a vulnerability in one of the libraries used by the web UIs (SuperAdmin, Admin, and WebClient); for the record, this vulnerability was only exploitable in npm (node.js) so within the context of our software was non-exploitable, but we figured it would be better to update that 3rd-party library to its newer and bug-free version anyway.
  • Upgraded Go compiler, standard library and toolchain to the latest 1.21.2

New in Server! 6.2.11 (Oct 1, 2023)

  • Fixed a problem that prevented logging into the SuperAdmin UI of a newly added node to an HA (high-availability) deployment – this bug only and exclusively affected secondary HA nodes, those running Syncplify Server! v6 as a standalone single-node server were never affected by it

New in Server! 6.2.10 (Sep 27, 2023)

  • Several cosmetic improvements to WebClient!
  • Improved sanitization and validation of bindings when saving/editing a virtual site
  • Improved sanitization of the configuration for SFTP-type VFSs

New in Server! 6.2.9 (Sep 20, 2023)

  • The ghost session bug that affected the FTP/FTPS/FTPES protocols (WebClient! and SFTP were not affected) has now been completely fixed
  • A weird and somewhat semi-random directory disappearance bug when using cloud (S3, Azure, GCP) VFSs has been identified and resolved

New in Server! 6.2.8 (Sep 15, 2023)

  • A bug was accidentally introduced in v6.2.7 release which prevented it from saving changes to the “globalconf” page in the SuperAdmin UI: such bug has now been fixed

New in Server! 6.2.7 (Sep 15, 2023)

  • What’s changed:
  • All places where you can select a VFS (user’s home, virtual folders, …) now present you with a searchable drop-down, so you can easily filter and find what you need even when you have hundreds or thousands of VFSs
  • You can now use special characters in usernames and passwords for SFTP type VFSs
  • A possible delayed FTPS (and FTPES) certificate validation error has been fixed
  • OCSP stapling now correctly re-staples X.509 certificate if/when previous stapling expires
  • Occasionally erroneous count of concurrent connections per user has now been fixed
  • Tentative fix for Azure “directory placeholder” bug
  • Fix for the NLST command in the FTP(E/S) protocol handler
  • IMPORTANT NOTE: those who are running the “worker” system service under a different account (not System or LocalSystem) will need to re-configure the service to run under such account after upgrading from any version number <= 6.1.12)

New in Server! 6.2.6 (Jul 31, 2023)

  • What’s changed:
  • The Status/History tab of the Dashboard page in the Admin UI now shows each node’s status and CPU/RAM usage in a clearer and more pleasant way
  • When logging detail is configured to TRACE level, each LIST command received by the client software now also logs the number of directory items returned to the client in the response
  • Fixed an inconsistency in the way variables were processed in banners, titles, etc…
  • What’s new:
  • The backup verb has been added to the ss6-webrest executable, to export full configuration backups via command line
  • All virtual file system (VFS) types can now automatically identify file paths and names sent by buggy client software in encodings other than UTF8, and automatically convert them to standard UTF8

New in Server! 6.2.5 (Jul 19, 2023)

  • Fixed:
  • A glitch in the Admin UI could occasionally give the impression that updates to the HTTPS/WebClient! weren’t persisted in the database (they were but without visual feedback)
  • Counter of cleaned up items in the block-list (only in log files) was wrong
  • Added:
  • System-wide used RAM (memory) percentage indicator, per node, has been added to the dashboard
  • A few additional variables have been added to those you can use to customize the various protocol handler banners

New in Server! 6.2.4 (Jul 16, 2023)

  • Fixed:
  • A deeply nested bug in the FTP(E/S) protocol handler could have allowed a cleverly crafted attack to cause a DoS in this particular protocol subsystem; all other protocol handlers (Shell, SCP, SFTP, HTTPS, …) would still be functioning just fine – now this risk has been averted

New in Server! 6.2.3 (Jul 14, 2023)

  • Fixed:
  • Block-list pagination didn’t work if you had more than 100 block-list items, now it works
  • Improved:
  • Improved logging on connection rejection reasons and block-list addition reasons
  • CORS configuration now guarantees that the minimum functional values are always present

New in Server! 6.2.2 (Jul 1, 2023)

  • Improved:
  • The service shutdown routines have been reworked to make them more elegant and streamlined (and with better logging, too).

New in Server! 6.2.1 (Jun 28, 2023)

  • Fixed:
  • All file transfer operations now correctly log the relative path of the file that was transferred.

New in Server! 6.1.12 (Jun 19, 2023)

  • Fixed:
  • Fixed first activation of 2FA for additional SuperAdmin accounts from within the SuperAdmin account that creates them (self-enrollment already worked as expected)

New in Server! 6.1.11 (Jun 15, 2023)

  • Fixed:
  • Editing of bindings for HA (high-availability) deployments now works as expected even when one of the nodes was not initialized in the first place
  • New:
  • The new SNI implementation that was introduced about a month ago in the Web/REST service has now been extended and incorporated into the “worker” service as well; this makes certificate management far easier, and comes with the additional advantage of not having to restart the system service(s) anymore when you update/change your X.509 certificate(s)

New in Server! 6.1.9 (Jun 2, 2023)

  • Fixed:
  • The Zip function in the scripting language now correctly supports Windows and Linux compatible encrypted zip archives
  • Several minor glitches in the UIs (SuperAdmin and Admin) have been fixed, if you experienced some issues with the UIs this is definitely an update you want to perform

New in Server! 6.1.8 (May 18, 2023)

  • Fixed:
  • Fixed behavior of ImportFile and ExportFile VFS methods in the scripting engine
  • New:
  • Added HashFile function to the scripting engine to compute hash codes of local files
  • Added optional password parameter to the Zip function in the scripting engine: if not empty, the created zip archive will be encrypted
  • Added the possibility to edit the notes for each item in the Safe-List and Allow-List

New in Server! 6.1.7 (May 16, 2023)

  • Fixed:
  • Label in the Admin UI indicating the “total number of sessions” since last restart and overall
  • The aes256-cbc algorithm in the SSH/SFTP configuration is now correctly persisted when added to the list of active encryption algorithms
  • Corrected an Admin UI glitch that was introduced in v6.1.4 and prevented adding “permission override” items to existing user accounts
  • New:
  • Added the ability to use markdown in Admin UI and WebClient! disclaimers
  • Added the ability to specify a custom title to be displayed just above the disclaimer in WebClient!’s login page

New in Server! 6.1.6 (May 15, 2023)

  • Fixed:
  • Label in the Admin UI indicating the “total number of sessions” since last restart and overall
  • The aes256-cbc algorithm in the SSH/SFTP configuration is now correctly persisted when added to the list of active encryption algorithms
  • Corrected an Admin UI glitch that was introduced in v6.1.4 and prevented adding “permission override” items to existing user accounts
  • New:
  • Added the ability to use markdown in Admin UI and WebClient! disclaimers
  • Added the ability to specify a custom title to be displayed just above the disclaimer in WebClient!’s login page

New in Server! 6.1.5 (May 14, 2023)

  • Fixed:
  • Fixed the virtual site’s (WebClient!) trusted proxies list behavior in the Admin UI
  • Scripting engine: the CopyFile() function now auto-adjusts the timestamp of the target file once the copy has been successfully completed
  • Fixed validation rules during password self-change in WebClient!
  • New:
  • Added automatic safety backup of the entire configuration (max once per hour, max 42 in total with auto-rollover) every time a change is detected: easier to roll back if you configure yourself in a corner
  • Added ToDate() function to the scripting engine to convert Go’s time.Time type to a standard JavaScript Date() object
  • Added StatFileSystemObject() function to the scripting engine to extract the “stat” record of directories and files on any local file system
  • Added ReadFileAsHex() function to the scripting engine that reads the specified portion of a file and returns it as a hex (base-16) encoded string

New in Server! 6.1.4 (May 4, 2023)

  • Fixed:
  • Service detection under Linux now works as expected: resolves all the “exit code 4” errors during Virtual Site creation
  • Correctly initialized all functions/methods in the scripting engine
  • Fixed a possible (though very rare) goroutine leak in the scripting engine
  • Improved:
  • Added user account statistics to the Admin UI
  • Changing (adding/deleting) certificates from the Certificates page in the SuperAdmin UI no longer requires a restart of the system service (all changes are applied live at run-time)
  • Upgraded back-end SyngoDB to v4.7.1 (new and much stringer DB locking mechanism)

New in Server! 6.1.3 (Apr 26, 2023)

  • Fixed:
  • Permission overrides now show the check-mark under the correct label when configured inside of a User account
  • A better automatic sanitizer for User objects now prevents certain mishaps when saving such User objects to the back-end DB
  • Log files, when stored in W3C format, now correctly use UTC timestamps, as required by the W3C Extended Log File Format standard
  • Improved:
  • When importing users from older (V4/V5) backups a broader variety of fields of such user objects is now initialized to sensible default values
  • Upgraded back-end SyngoDB to v4.6.0

New in Server! 6.1.2 (Apr 23, 2023)

  • Fixed:
  • Validation of the password fields in the WebClient! UI for users to be able to change their password by themselves
  • Improved:
  • Sanitization of virtual site configuration now can also automatically fix most incorrect FTP(E/S) data-port and passive port-range bindings (after we found out that a surprisingly high number of our customers were running old V4/V5 with incorrect FTP(E/S) bindings causing all sorts of problems)

New in Server! 6.1.1 (Apr 20, 2023)

  • Fixed:
  • License activation problem affecting only some new/fresh installs of the software

New in Server! 6.1.0 (Apr 19, 2023)

  • Fixed:
  • Various bugs and glitches in all web-based UIs (SuperAdmin, Admin, and WebClient!)
  • Virtual folders and permission overrides can now be edited/removed without errors
  • VFS names are now correctly enumerated in the virtual folder list inside of user accounts
  • Online license activation now allows for a longer timeout detection frame
  • Improved:
  • Total redesign of the Admin UI dashboard page: clearer, faster, more responsive, more streamlined
  • Added:
  • New OnQuotaExceeded event-handler

New in Server! 6.0.29 (Apr 15, 2023)

  • Fixed:
  • Default configuration generated upon creation of a brand new Virtual Site has been slightly revised to avoid a an occasional false-positive error message

New in Server! 6.0.28 (Apr 12, 2023)

  • Fixed:
  • Password validation during User creation is only applied for user profiles which password authentication is not delegated to a back-end LDAP server
  • User authentication via PKI (over SSH/SCP/SFTP) is now carried out correctly even when the user profile has multiple public-keys associated to it
  • Exporting the public part of an SSH Host Key now works as expected

New in Server! 6.0.27 (Apr 11, 2023)

  • Fixed:
  • HAProxy headers now report the correct client IP address in the SSH2/SCP/SFTP protocol handler
  • Importers (V4/V5) now auto-sanitize all IP/Network lists by removing incorrect items
  • Improved:
  • Decreased heap memory allocation by ~0.8%
  • Sped up file transfers by ~1.4%
  • Upgraded SyngoDB to v4.5.5
  • Radically changed validation for all APIs and database objects/structures: now anything that can be sanitized (auto-corrected) will be sanitized, and validation errors will be reported only for those rare cases in which automatic sanitization is not possible: this should reduce the number of errors returned by the Admin UI upon saving configuration changes by up to 95%
  • Most of the remaining errors are now reported with clear messages in plain English
  • Removed nearly all null values from JSON objects returned by the APIs

New in Server! 6.0.26 (Mar 26, 2023)

  • Fixed:
  • Little cosmetic (Admin UI) bug introduced in v6.0.25 that prevented editing of LDAP users/group after importing them from an old V4/V5 backup
  • Cloud VFSs (S3, Azure, GCP) now correctly delete empty directories even when the client software sends the request without a trailing slash
  • Improved:
  • Figured out a way to rename/move non-empty directories in cloud VFSs (S3, Azure, GCP) – it’s not fast (there’s no way to make this fast, as the only way is to iterate over all contained objects) but it works

New in Server! 6.0.25 (Mar 24, 2023)

  • Fixed:
  • Fixed Admin UI glitches in the creation and editing of cloud VFSs (S3, Azure, GCP)
  • Improved:
  • Importing (restoring) from an old V4/V5 backup now also sanitizes your block-list, safe-list, and allow-list: only correct items are imported, faulty ones are skipped
  • Cloud VFSs (S3, Azure, GCP) now return directory names in directory lists in a format that is more compatible with a broader variety of FTP/SFTP clients

New in Server! 6.0.24 (Mar 21, 2023)

  • Fixed vulnerability in the SSH2/SFTP protocol handler that could cause memory leaks and, under certain circumstances, even a DoS situation
  • Fixed several minor/cosmetic bugs in the HTTPS protocol handler (WebClient! UI)

New in Server! 6.0.23 (Mar 19, 2023)

  • Fixed:
  • Restore/import from V4/V5: group accounts are now imported without square brackets
  • The “encrypted” switch for VFSs now behaves as expected
  • Poor performance of file uploads via WebClient! (HTTPS protocol) has been completely resolved (all other protocols were never affected by this)
  • Improved:
  • Editing of SuperAdmin, Admin, and User accounts
  • Better choice of initial location (directory) for log files when a new virtual site is created (existing virtual sites are not affected nor changed)
  • Manual was greatly improved, new pages and sections were added
  • The sliding-window used to feed the real-time dashboard is now double-buffered for much better performance and a lot less context-switches

New in Server! 6.0.22 (Mar 13, 2023)

  • Fixed:
  • PUT/GET operations are now logged correctly, even when the client issues a STAT command on the open file handle before the file-transfer is finished
  • Fixed a memory leak in the session manager that only affected the ARM build of the software (x86-64 Windows and Linux versions were not affected)
  • Fixed a small memory leak in the scripting and event-handling subsystem that affected all builds on all platforms and could cause memory exhaustion over time if this subsystem was actively used
  • Fixed importing LDAP server profiles from old V5 backups
  • Improved:
  • Optimized global server configuration loads/reloads for speed and reduced memory footprint
  • General code cleanup, removed unused/old libraries and all references to MongoDB (even in the comments)
  • Added:
  • Added Session.AddQuestionTOTP to allow for true 2FA/MFA via Google Authenticator during keyboard-interactive (SSH2/SFTP) authentication flow

New in Server! 6.0.20 (Feb 25, 2023)

  • Fixed:
  • Fixed the return condition when no session ID is found in a session during its termination
  • Added safety checks during restore (from V6 backups, V4/V5 were not affected)
  • Consistent logging is now applied to all restore processes (from V4, V5, and V6)
  • Improved:
  • Added “Trusted Proxies” setting to the SuperAdmin UI global configuration, which applies to all management UIs (SuperAdmin and Admin) to be able to run them behind non-fixed-IP load balancers like ALB and the like

New in Server! 6.0.19 (Feb 19, 2023)

  • Fixed:
  • FTPES (explicit TLS) now no longer requires FTP permissions as well
  • FTP idle sessions that could not be terminated are now handled (timed-out and terminated) properly
  • Errors during WebClient! binding configuration are now handled correctly

New in Server! 6.0.18 (Feb 15, 2023)

  • Fixed:
  • Minor Admin UI glitch that prevented the insertion of POSIX paths in VFSs (which only affected the Linux/ARM version of the software)

New in Server! 6.0.17 (Feb 13, 2023)

  • Improved:
  • Improvements to Syncplify Customer Center portal’s Customer UI for usability purposes
  • Small SuperAdmin UI and Admin UI optimizations for usability purposes

New in Server! 6.0.16 (Feb 12, 2023)

  • Fixed:
  • Glitch in the Admin UI that affected only the Linux version preventing it from using standard POSIX paths when creating new VFSs

New in Server! 6.0.15 (Feb 10, 2023)

  • Improved:
  • CLI installer added a –repair command line argument to repair existing installations
  • CLI installer now does not overwrite your .toml files during maintenance (update/upgrade)
  • More settings are now adopted in real-time without requiring a restart of the “worker” system service
  • Implemented the [email protected] SFTP protocol extension

New in Server! 6.0.14 (Feb 2, 2023)

  • Fixed:
  • Import CRT issued based upon existing CSR didn’t always work
  • FTP sessions that would remain idle prior to attempting user authentication were not automaically closed, now they are
  • Backup function in the SuperAdmin UI would sometimes generate a 0-byte archive a false-positive in FTP(E/S) session termination has now been gracefully absorbed
  • If Web/REST service started first, dashboard would only connect again after 60 seconds because of cached worker address
  • Some Allow-List checks were not performed correctly, now the Allow-List is always honored (when not empty)

New in Server! 6.0.12 (Jan 28, 2023)

  • Fixed:
  • Internal refresh timeout for the Dashboard (Admin UI) has been fine-tuned
  • TLS config for FTP(E/S) now works as expected when it is set as “Disabled”
  • Sharing objects via WebClient! is now subject to the correct set of permissions
  • Fixed bug in enforcement of Protector’s behavior that could lead to wrongful block-listing of legitimate client IP addresses

New in Server! 6.0.11 (Jan 24, 2023)

  • Fixed:
  • The Windows version of the installer is now compatible with Windows 11 and Windows Server 2022 (we had to give up the “dark theme” of the installer because Win11 and Win2022 don’t support it, so don’t be surprised if this installer looks “light-colored”)
  • Some clients may cause an “unexpected EOF” false-positive during long file transfers, our software no longer falls for it now
  • Authentication of LDAP (Active Directory) user profiles now works as expected in WebClient!

New in Server! 6.0.10 (Jan 23, 2023)

  • Fixed:
  • In-GUI notification of new updates/upgrades has been fixed
  • Definition of custom bindings during virtual site creation now works as intended
  • New:
  • First installers for Linux (x86-64 and ARM-64) has been released

New in Server! 6.0.9 (Jan 23, 2023)

  • Fixed:
  • WebClient! add-on for BASIC edition now works the same way as it does in the PROFESSIONAL and ULTIMATE editions
  • Overlap between [email protected] and curve25519-sha256 has been removed, now both implementations are rolled into the [email protected] algorithm (so you won’t see curve25519-sha256 in the list anymore)

New in Server! 6.0.8 (Jan 18, 2023)

  • Fixed:
  • Some passwords restored from old V4/V5 backups were wrong, thus now allowing those users to log in anymore
  • Automatic enable/disable dates for user profiles could not be saved
  • SSH2 key-exchange algorithm list was incorrect
  • Improved:
  • FTP and SSH2 banner pre-processor is now more powerful and accurate
  • The FTP protocol listener is now more resilient to slow-loris attacks

New in Server! 6.0.7 (Jan 18, 2023)

  • Fixed:
  • If the Admin made two distinct configuration mistakes in two distinct parts of the Admin UI, saving the configuration would then become impossible
  • The list of addressable Users was limited to 20 items, unless filters were applied; this limit has now been removed
  • Improved:
  • Restore/import functions from old V4/V5 backups have been further improved
  • Better and more consistent default values are used when no value (empty value) for each configuration setting is imported from a backup

New in Server! 6.0.6 (Jan 16, 2023)

  • Fixed:
  • If an Admin profile was incompletely imported from an old backup, all Admin profiles of that virtual site would be non-editable
  • The list of VFS selectable as Home-VFS for a User profile was limited to 20 items
  • Improved:
  • Restore/import functions from old V4/V5 backups have been further improved
  • Re-activation of the same license on the same “system ID” can now be performed autonomously by the SuperAdmin

New in Server! 6.0.5 (Jan 15, 2023)

  • Fixed:
  • Importing configurations from a backup with an erroneous maximum number of concurrent connections now no longer fails (it auto-corrects the situation)
  • The server wrongly advertised the diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1 key exchange algorithm
  • Added:
  • Support for SSH2 public key encoding (PEM) as exported by PuTTYgen

New in Server! 6.0.4 (Jan 11, 2023)

  • Fixed:
  • Mix-up with notification dates that displayed future notifications as past ones
  • Improved:
  • The internal caching object for configuration settings is now slightly more efficient

New in Server! 6.0.3 (Jan 11, 2023)

  • Fixed:
  • Restoring from old V4/V5 backups in some cases did not import the virtual sites’ admin(s)
  • Restoring from old V4/V5 backups skipped the structure validation, causing potential issues editing the configuration down the road (some changes would not persist)
  • Occasional 15-second timeout of the control connection while transferring data over a PASV data connections (FTP protocol family only)
  • Unit validation of some SI (standard international system) numeric values
  • In some user profiles it wasn’t possible to import a user-supplied public key for PKI authentication
  • Improved:
  • The “System ID” is now immutable even across multiple uninstall/reinstall cycles
  • New:
  • There is now an easy-to-see top-screen notification when updates/upgrades are available with instructions on how to obtain them

New in Server! 6.0.2 (Dec 29, 2022)

  • Fixed:
  • Bug in the restore procedure from old version (v4/v5) database backups, which neglected to drop some of the collections prior to restoring them, and consequently produced an unusable restored configuration

New in Server! 6.0.1 (Dec 24, 2022)

  • Fixed:
  • Small bug that affected roughly 3% of all imports (restore) of old v4/v5 backup files when performing a migration-upgrade process
  • Bug in both SuperAdmin UI and Admin UI that occasionally prevented the correct saving of the settings for the external SMTP (mail) service configuration
  • Improved:
  • Instantiation speed of the scripting and event-handling environment

New in Server! 5.1.30 (Apr 24, 2022)

  • Fixed: little glitch in the Admin web UI which would occasionally mistakenly ask to refresh the browser’s cache (Ctrl-F5)

New in Server! 5.1.28 (Feb 22, 2022)

  • Improved: active FTP(E/S) data-port server-to-client connections are now performed from the same IP address the relative client-to-server control connection was established to, even when the server is run behind a multi-IP NAT device (router/firewall)

New in Server! 5.1.27 (Jan 26, 2022)

  • Fixed: glitches in WebClient!’s web UI

New in Server! 5.1.26 (Sep 25, 2021)

  • This update features the following improvements:
  • Improved: added a workaround to allow SAP’s SFTP client to resume uploads via SFTP regardless of the non-standard file-open flags that such client utilizes.

New in Server! 5.1.25 (Sep 15, 2021)

  • Fixed: minor cosmetic bug in WebClient! that was occasionally reporting a wrong file size for shared objects.

New in Server! 5.1.24 (Sep 8, 2021)

  • Improved: added support for ASCII-mode SIZE command to the FTP(E/S) protocol handlers; note: its accuracy is entirely dependent on the client-side correctly identifying itself and its system features.

New in Server! 5.1.23 (Aug 18, 2021)

  • Fixed: bug in WebClient!’s bindings when run on multiple Virtual Sites with non-standard bindings (now all bindings are properly/correctly honored)

New in Server! 5.1.21 (Jul 26, 2021)

  • Fixed: bug that prevented proper synchronization of Admin accounts created in the SuperAdmin interface in certain high-availability (HA) deployments after upgrading from older versions of the software

New in Server! 5.1.20 (Jul 16, 2021)

  • Fixed: small bug that occasionally prevented the WebClient! component from correctly activating its own license when bought as an add-on to a Server! BASIC edition

New in Server! 5.1.19 Beta (Jun 29, 2021)

  • His update features the following improvements:
  • Fixed: small bug that occasionally prevented the WebClient! component from correctly activating its own license
  • Fixed: service status report when adding/removing services is now updated correctly every time

New in Server! 5.1.18 (May 25, 2021)

  • Fixed: small bug that occasionally prevented the upload of tiny files (only affected FTPS and FTPES, and only in v5.1.17, no other protocol handler nor version was affected).

New in Server! 5.1.17 (May 21, 2021)

  • Improved: the FTP(E/S) protocol handler now supports "TLS session resumption"

New in Server! 5.1.16 (May 18, 2021)

  • Improved: the FTP(E/S) protocol handler now can funnel direct, pass-through, APPE commands through the REST+STOR data transfer handler, supporting both scenarios seamlessly and automatically

New in Server! 5.1.15 (May 13, 2021)

  • Improved: WebClient! can now handle file names that contain the '#' special character, and automatically escape it without errors

New in Server! 5.1.14 (May 11, 2021)

  • Fixed:
  • Multi-file upload without "modify" permission now works as expected

New in Server! 5.1.13 (May 6, 2021)

  • Fixed: folder uploads via WebClient!
  • Fixed: nested uploads via WebClient!
  • Improved: WebClient! now automatically reconnects to the back-end

New in Server! 5.1.12 (Apr 27, 2021)

  • Fixed: editing of the WebClient! binding when one already exists.
  • Added: password self-reset for logged-in SuperAdmin user.

New in Server! 5.1.11 (Apr 17, 2021)

  • Fixed: occasional issue that prevented WebClient! from reading the underlying server's bindings correctly.

New in Server! 5.1.10 (Mar 19, 2021)

  • Fixed: small glitch that would prevent file upload via WebClient! when the user profile was authenticated as part of an Active Directory group.

New in Server! 5.1.9 (Mar 6, 2021)

  • Fixed: non-persistent issue with license activation of the WebClient! component that was only affecting the Ultimate edition of the software

New in Server! 5.1.8 (Feb 3, 2021)

  • Fixed:
  • Occasional time synchronization via NTP even for server nodes that are not running in HA (high-availability)
  • White-list IP restrictions for the SuperAdmin interface are now correctly saved and enforced

New in Server! 5.1.7 (Jan 22, 2021)

  • Fixed: memory management bug that, in certain circumstances, led the Web/REST service to allocate too many connections to the back-end database (not always de-allocating them after use)

New in Server! 5.1.6 (Jan 16, 2021)

  • Fixed: critical bug that may cause the exhaustion of the operating system's allocable sockets
  • Fixed: minor bug that only affected deletions from the blacklist
  • Improved: admin web interface now correctly handles the VFS list when editing the Virtual Folders section of a User profile

New in Server! 5.1.5 (Jan 13, 2021)

  • Fixed: changing the X.509 certificate for WebClient! didn't always work
  • Fixed: exception while importing backups that contained blacklisted IP addresses with "hit count" equal to zero

New in Server! 5.1.4 (Jan 8, 2021)

  • Fixed: occasional issues logging into the back-end SFTP server from the WebClient! front-end web application

New in Server! 5.1.3 (Dec 19, 2020)

  • Fixed: occasional heartbeat de-synchronization occurring in high-availability (HA) deployments

New in Server! 5.1.2 (Dec 17, 2020)

  • Fixed: lifespan of WebClient!'s JWT
  • Fixed: one registry key that was in the wrong place

New in Server! 5.1.1 (Dec 17, 2020)

  • Fixed: small glitch that only affected upgrades from older versions
  • Fixed: password complexity rules were occasionally not enforced

New in Server! 5.0.32 (Apr 7, 2020)

  • Fixed: a very minor bug in the web interface that mistakenly set the same IP address to multiple nodes in HA bindings when more than one virtual site was present

New in Server! 5.0.31 (Apr 6, 2020)

  • Fixed: a major bug in the way HAProxy headers were processed, so if you’re running Server! behind an HAProxy load balancer you’re strongly encouraged to download and install this release
  • Improved: speed of the VFS section in the web configuration interface

New in Server! 5.0.30 (Mar 27, 2020)

  • Fixed: a glitch in the web UI that made it really slow to enumerate large numbers of VFSs

New in Server! 5.0.29 (Dec 17, 2019)

  • Fixed: occasionally the web interface would mistakenly complain about a false-positive “wrong version” error

New in Server! 5.0.28 (Dec 14, 2019)

  • Fixed: the whitelist in the SuperAdmin interface would occasionally fail to save (in the backend DB)

New in Server! 5.0.27 (Nov 26, 2019)

  • Fixed: occasional inability to export users’ public keys
  • Fixed: small glitches in the web interface

New in Server! 5.0.26 (Oct 23, 2019)

  • Fixed: occasionally the dashboard would display the wrong maximum number of allowed client connections
  • Fixed: on certain operating systems and architectures the SSH-2 host/server public keys were not exportable

New in Server! 5.0.25 (Oct 11, 2019)

  • Improved: the REST API that deletes a VFS and the one that deletes an LDAP configuration now return the error code -400 if the client is trying to delete a resource that is “in use” (associated to a user profile)
  • Fixed: glitches in the web UI that prevented copy/pasting information when the data-tables were filtered

New in Server! 5.0.24 (Sep 28, 2019)

  • Fixed: small bug that prevented saving changes to your existing scripts in high-availability (HA) deployments of the Ultimate edition

New in Server! 5.0.23 (Sep 25, 2019)

  • Fixed: small bug that prevented restoring from broken backup files that had “orphan” virtual sites in them.

New in Server! 5.0.22 (Sep 25, 2019)

  • Improved: the installer now allows the addition of further HA nodes even if the existing nodes have a different minor version during the installation phase (example: one node is v5.0.18 and the other node is v5.0.22)

New in Server! 5.0.21 (Sep 23, 2019)

  • Improved: automatic detection of several consistency requirements when adding a second node to an HA deployment (at install time)
  • Improved: better logging of the SMTP session when sending an email from within a script (Ultimate edition only)
  • Fixed: several small bugs in the UI and in the REST Configuration Wizard

New in Server! 5.0.20 (Sep 12, 2019)

  • Fixed: a small bug in the calculation of the digital certificate validity dates, which could affect customers in certain non-UTC timezones

New in Server! 5.0.19 (Sep 7, 2019)

  • Fixed: a bug that prevented a correct license activation if the customer name in the license itself contained special Unicode characters

New in Server! 5.0.18 (Aug 29, 2019)

  • Fixed: a bug the VFS cache that would make it terribly slow to add one more VFS when you already have many (300+)
  • Fixed: a bug in the SMSCLI (command-line utility) that on certain systems could not connect to the REST service
  • Fixed: several little bugs and glitches in the web interface reported by our users

New in Server! 5.0.17 (Aug 14, 2019)

  • Fixed: a bug in the offline license activation process
  • Fixed: a few user-reported bugs in the web admin interfaces

New in Server! 5.0.16 (Aug 8, 2019)

  • Fixed: a small bug that, in some occasions, would slow down the startup of our system services by several seconds

New in Server! 5.0.15 (Aug 2, 2019)

  • Fixed: a glitch in v5.0.14 that prevented the software from correctly decoding the license data (the bug only affected v5.0.14, no other v5.0.x was affected by it)

New in Server! 5.0.14 (Aug 2, 2019)

  • Fixed: a few instances of the Ultimate edition were still unable to run scripts (event handlers) even after correctly activating the license

New in Server! 5.0.13 (Jul 13, 2019)

  • Fixed: the VFS type “DiskAES256” was erroneously not available in the free/evaluation edition of the software

New in Server! 5.0.12 (Jul 12, 2019)

  • Fixed: new virtual SFTP site didn’t always start automatically upon creation
  • Fixed: “back-end DB unreachable” error is now correctly handled, and connection to the DB is automatically re-established
  • Fixed: virtual SFTP sites that have the “AutoStart” flag set are now correctly automatically started after an OS reboot
  • Fixed: SMTP configuration is now saved correctly (only applies to the Ultimate edition of our software)

New in Server! 5.0.11 (Jul 12, 2019)

  • This is a hot-fix minor release that fixes only one small bug in the process that allows the web interface to change the SSL/TLS certificate used by/for the HTTPS protocol only.

New in Server! (Feb 6, 2018)

  • Fixed: issue that prevented some secondary nodes in HA deployments from creating their own system services

New in Server! (Nov 15, 2017)

  • Fixed: occasional lingering of sockets in CLOSE_WAIT status when behind firewalls that act as proxies
  • Fixed: occasional huge delay upon accepting new connections when the number of VFSs is high

New in Server! (Oct 5, 2017)

  • Fixed: early detection and resolution of the [%USER_HOME%] parameter in the VFS target

New in Server! (Aug 24, 2017)

  • Fixed: sporadic VFS reload issue that only affected HA (High-Availability) deployments

New in Server! (Aug 15, 2017)

  • Added: support for AWS Load Balancer’s “proxy protocol” (HAProxy protocol v1) to correctly identify the remote client IP address from multi-node load-balanced EC2 instances inside the AWS cloud
  • Improved: performance and reliability of the [%USER_HOME%] finder function inside the VFS subsystem
  • Fixed: directory list timer and counter in the FTP protocol handler
  • Fixed: few other minor and rarely occurring issues

New in Server! (Jul 18, 2017)

  • Added: support for the XCUP, XMKD, XCWD, XRMD commands in the FTP(E/S) protocol handlers; even though such commands are deprecated by the IETF protocol standard, some FTP clients still use them, so we now support them even though we don’t advertise them in the FEAT response

New in Server! (Jun 30, 2017)

  • Added: support for the XPWD command in the FTP(E/S) protocol handlers, previously only PWD was supported

New in Server! (May 25, 2017)

  • Fixed: bug in the SSH “Shell” subsystem that prevented the user to be placed in the correct home directory upon opening a shell
  • Fixed: bug that prevented the TLS socket closure notification packet from being sent (only on Active FTPS data connections, no other protocol was affected)

New in Server! (May 5, 2017)

  • Fixed: bug in the REST server that caused outbound connections to be attempted even when the server was working “offline”
  • Experimental: VFS.ImportFile and VFS.ExportFile functions to import and export files into/out-of the current VFS from inside event-handling scripts (with support for both plain and encrypted VFS types)

New in Server! (Mar 31, 2017)

  • Improved: added the possibility to use IP ranges (ex: in blacklist, whitelist, and safelist
  • Fixed: white-list and safe-list now automatically handle duplicates gracefully

New in Server! (Mar 1, 2017)

  • This version features the following improvements:
  • Improved: added the possibility to use IP ranges (ex: in blacklist, whitelist, and safelist
  • Fixed: white-list and safe-list now automatically handle duplicates gracefully

New in Server! (Feb 20, 2017)

  • Fixed: small bug in the “login” REST API function

New in Server! (Feb 11, 2017)

  • Fixed: bug in retrieving the last modification date of files stored in UNC paths (SFTP protocol only)
  • Fixed: bug that prevented WinSCP from asking for confirmation before overwriting a file (SFTP protocol only)

New in Server! (Feb 9, 2017)

  • Fixed: computed permissions inside directory list were incorrect when VFS target was a UNC path (SFTP protocol only)
  • Warning: upgrading to 4.1.0 from any version prior to 4.0.34 will invalidate your license, so please if you are a customer – before you upgrade – contact us to request a license reset.

New in Server! (Feb 7, 2017)

  • Added: support for MongoDB authentication and specific utility to configure it (read how to use it here)
  • Fixed: small memory leak in one of the password encryption functions
  • Warning: upgrading to 4.1.0 from any version prior to 4.0.34 will invalidate your license, so please if you are a customer – before you upgrade – contact us to request a license reset.

New in Server! (Jan 19, 2017)

  • Fixed: white-list rejection handling in the FTP(E/S) protocol handler (SFTP was not affected)
  • Improved: license persistence in complex virtual environment featuring partially dynamic virtual hardware (Warning: upgrading to 4.0.34 from any previous version will invalidate your license, so please if you are a customer – before you upgrade – contact us to request a license reset)

New in Server! (Dec 14, 2016)

  • Fixed: behavior of [%USERNAME%] parameter in VFS when using Active Directory group authentication

New in Server! (Dec 14, 2016)

  • Improved: directory list format is now compatible with Maverick’s SFTPv4 behavior
  • Fixed: bug that prevented changing the Software-ID for SSH/SFTP connections
  • Fixed: installer now ensures that all prerequisites are correctly installed before allowing software setup

New in Server! (Oct 28, 2016)

  • Fixed: bug in response to the SFTP-List command when the client requested a wildcard-path

New in Server! (Oct 25, 2016)

  • Fixed: bug in the initialization of MongoDB replica sets, which affected only High-Availability (HA) deployments

New in Server! (Sep 27, 2016)

  • Fixed: bug in the DiskAES256 virtual file system (VFS) that caused WinSCP to raise an “Error 4: file-write error”, but only on very large files (larger than 2GB or 4GB depending on the OS)

New in Server! (Sep 27, 2016)

  • Fixed: bug in the DiskAES256 virtual file system (VFS) that caused WinSCP to raise an “Error 4: file-write error”

New in Server! (Aug 15, 2016)

  • This version features the following improvements:
  • Fixed: several Command-Line Interface (CLI) inline help topics
  • Fixed: WhiteList and SafeList now automatically sanitize duplicates
  • Fixed: virtual server configuration bug that was affecting the FREE edition

New in Server! (Jul 30, 2016)

  • Added: -jsonoutput parameter to the command-line interface (CLI)
  • Improved: notification when adding an IP to the blacklist (in the Web Manager) fails
  • Fixed: display of correct expiration timestamp in the blacklist

New in Server! (Jul 28, 2016)

  • New event-handler: BeforeSendDirListToClient
  • New scripting framework function: RemoveFromDirList(AMask: string)
  • Fixed connection bug in the Command-Line Interface (CLI)

New in Server! (Jul 20, 2016)

  • Fixed issue with setting log destination to a SysLog server
  • Fixed delay during authentication of Active Directory users in certain situations

New in Server! (Jul 8, 2016)

  • Added: support for POLY1305 HMAC (SSH/SFTP)
  • Added: support for CHACHA20 encryption (SSH/SFTP)
  • Added: support for NFS access by impersonation via Windows Client for NFS (experimental)
  • Improved: handling of failed active (PORT) data transfer over FTP(E/S)
  • Fixed: occasional issue with SHA256 computation during key exchange
  • Fixed: bug in the VFS-related commands of the SMSCLI

New in Server! (Jun 28, 2016)

  • Fixed: quotas expressed in KB are now correctly evaluated in KB
  • Fixed: issue with detecting legacy MongoDB on Windows XP, Vista and Server 2003
  • Fixed: orphan socket handle upon failed PORT (active) transfer (which only affected the FTP protocol)

New in Server! (Jun 24, 2016)

  • Improved: debug-level logging in case the VFS encounters a file-write error
  • Added: SSHFS/WebEx compatibility mode

New in Server! (Jun 5, 2016)

  • Added: scripting functions FileMove, StrSHA256, StrSHA512
  • Fixed: quota enforcement is now triggered correctly
  • Fixed: deployment of High-Availability (HA) virtual servers in Microsoft Azure now works as expected

New in Server! (May 24, 2016)

  • Added: [%USER_DESC%], [%TODAY%] and [%SESS_CUSTDATA%] in VFS base path definition
  • Fixed: bug that prevented JSCH-based clients from downloading files correctly

New in Server! (Apr 29, 2016)

  • Added: compound percentage index to improve Protector™
  • Improved: directory listings now feature attribute-placeholders for virtual directories
  • Improved: better checking of target syntax for all VFS types
  • Fixed: bug in the scripting framework that prevented scripted wildcard (catch-all) user authentication
  • Fixed: DiskAES256 VFS encryption-key change is now (correctly) disabled
  • Fixed: various glitches in the web interface

New in Server! (Apr 18, 2016)

  • Improved: all services now automatically reconnects to the back-end database if connection is lost
  • Fixed a stability issue in the SuperAdmin dashboard page
  • Fixed a bug in the V3->V4 converter for more reliable upgrades

New in Server! (Apr 11, 2016)

  • Fixed a bug in the DiskAES256 encrypted Virtual File System (VFS) – this bug prevented files from being correctly downloaded if the client requested odd-sized or unaligned buffers

New in Server! (Apr 11, 2016)

  • Fixed a memory leak in the Log Server component
  • Fixed directory listing bug that affected Transit and CODA2 clients on Mac
  • Added option to activate/deactivate specific protocol servers (in the Node Bindings configuration)
  • Added option to delay rejection of anonymous logins (to make Windows Explorer happy)

New in Server! (Apr 3, 2016)

  • Improved support for Active Directory Groups
  • Fixed few glitches in the Web Configuration Manager
  • Fixed a bug in the “Zero Configuration” setting of the HTTP/REST Configuration Wizard

New in Server! (Mar 28, 2016)

  • Improved download speed by adding automatic self-adjustment of TCP window size
  • Improved analytics support
  • Improved support for AWS cloud platform

New in Server! (Mar 21, 2016)

  • Added brand new “zero configuration” option to the HTTP/REST Configuration Wizard
  • Added auto-selection of an alternate port for the HTTP/REST service if 443 is busy (without overwriting your IIS certificate)
  • Fixed a bug in Active Directory Group support (also read this article)
  • Fixed a stability bug in the REST API service which was affecting only Windows 2012 R2

New in Server! (Mar 12, 2016)

  • Support for Windows XP, Server 2003, Server 2003 R2, and Vista
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the import of user keys in RSA format
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the correct behavior of AllowFTP, AllowFTPS, and AllowFTPES

New in Server! (Mar 11, 2016)

  • Fixed few glitches in the SuperAdmin (SA) interface relative to High-Availability (HA) deployments
  • Better support for Internet Explorer (still not the recommended browser though)

New in Server! (Mar 8, 2016)

  • Two distinct PCI-compliant configurations to prevent backward compatibility issues
  • Better support for Internet Explorer (still not the recommended browser though)
  • Fixed an issue with self-signed X.509 certificate serial numbers

New in Server! 4.0.5 (Mar 8, 2016)

  • This version improves compatibility with Internet Explorer (Chrome and Firefox were already perfectly supported) and fixes a couple of little glitches in the web interface.

New in Server! 4.0.4 (Mar 8, 2016)

  • This version fixes an issue that occurred while uploading a user’s public key in PEM format (the key length was erroneously detected).

New in Server! 4.0.3 (Mar 8, 2016)

  • This version fixes a specific issue that only affected Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter edition; the problem may have occasionally stopped the REST API service when certain conditions were met. Now it’s fixed.

New in Server! 4.0.2 (Mar 8, 2016)

  • This hot-fix release was necessary to address an issue with some of the upgrades from version 3.x to version 4.0 where – at times – a “path not found” error could appear during the upgrade process.

New in Server! 4.0 (Mar 8, 2016)

  • Server! version 4.0 is not just an improvement over the previous versions, the architecture has been redesigned from the ground up to deliver an even greater level of security while adding manageability via REST API, a brand new and web-based Configuration Manager, support for virtual file systems (VFS), as well as advanced impersonation and isolation features.
  • This new version of Server! is also ideal for those users who need to comply to the latest versions of the PCI-DSS and HIPAA regulations, as it features advanced anti-tampering techniques for its administrative logs using an “indexed rollover” digital signature methodology.

New in Server! (Sep 28, 2015)

  • This new maintenance release introduces a measure to deal with non-standard client softwares that send paths with multiple slashes (ex: ////documents//mydoc.xls). Even though this is a client-originated protocol violation, we needed to make sure to manage it correctly on the server-side in order for the client to be able to reach the intended file. Now all paths are correctly normalized.

New in Server! (Jul 18, 2015)

  • This new maintenance release addresses a “foggy” area in the FTP protocol standard: the MLSD command will now accept wildcards (ex: *.txt) in the request path, and return an error only when a fully qualified file name is provided. This added flexibility mimics the behavior of several other FTP servers on the market, and ultimately improves compatibility with many existing and legacy FTP clients.

New in Server! (Jul 11, 2015)

  • Fixed a bug in the Configuration Manager that prevented the correct loading of the license, in certain circumstances, under Windows Server 2012 R2.

New in Server! (Jun 8, 2015)

  • This new maintenance release fixes a bug in the Configuration Manager that prevented the hash code of some CA-issued certifricates (especially wildcard ones) from being calculated. This was just a visualization bug, all certificates were still working correctly in the SFTP/FTP(S) server, but if you use a CA-issued wildcard certificate you might want to install this update.

New in Server! (Apr 21, 2015)

  • This new maintenance release only features a “cosmetic” change: there is now a button to run the Configuration Manager directly from within the Instance Controller.

New in Server! (Apr 15, 2015)

  • This new maintenance release fixes a bug in the global speed limit configuration. Under certain circumstances, in fact, only user-specific speed limits were enforced, while global speed limits were ignored; now it’s fixed.

New in Server! (Apr 7, 2015)

  • This new maintenance release fixes a bug in the FileToString function that was erroneously assuming the file encoding was always UTF. Now the file encoding is properly detected before the “read” operation takes place.

New in Server! (Feb 27, 2015)

  • This new minor update (maintenance release) fixes a tiny bug that caused the psftp client to raise an error condition upon issuing a bye/quit command. Now the session termination with that particular client program is handled correctly

New in Server! (Feb 23, 2015)

  • User profile automatic expiration date can now be set via CLI (command-line interface)
  • A tiny memory leak in the logging subsystem has been fixed
  • Send buffer performance improved in critically slow network conditions

New in Server! (Feb 4, 2015)

  • Fixed a bug in the “FileCopy” function in the event-handling subsystem (scripting framework)
  • Fixed a potential memory leak in the SMLogServer.exe logging system service

New in Server! (Jan 31, 2015)

  • This version improves compatibility with the PuTTY client with regards to SSH shell connections.

New in Server! (Dec 13, 2014)

  • This new version simplifies the automatic creation of multiple instances for customers who own the “Enterprise” license of our software.

New in Server! (Dec 3, 2014)

  • Today we have released Server! v3.1.7.47 to fix a tiny bug that on some Windows Server 2012 systems (and only in certain conditions) prevented the user profiles from re-loading the user-specific white list after saving it to the configuration database.

New in Server! (Nov 19, 2014)

  • We have just released Server! v3.1.6.46 to work around the issues caused by CloudBerry Backup.
  • The SFTP protocol standard states “The server will respond to this request with a SSH_FXP_STATUS message. If a file or directory with the specified path already exists, an error will be returned.”; Yet, CloudBerry Backup tries to create the same directory twice and when Server! correctly sends an error back the second time (because the directory already exists) CloudBerry Backup ( considers the backup job failed.
  • This new version of Server! tries to identify CloudBerry Backup, and sends a “success” reply upon double directory creation requests, but will practically ignore the second request if the first one was successful.
  • We have already contacted CloudBerry Lab, and we will remove this workaround from our software as soon as they release an update that fixes their protocol violation issue.

New in Server! (Nov 14, 2014)

  • Nothing was changed in the server features or functions, this new version only adds a new online license activation system that allows our customers to buy without having to go through the whole “System ID” process. This should greatly simplify the purchase process.

New in Server! (Oct 28, 2014)

  • We have just released Server! v3.1.4.44 to fix an odd glitch that only happened with the 32 bit distribution of our software: basically the log file of the current day (the one “currently in use”) was locked and inaccessible. This strange behavior did not happen in the 64 bit version. Anyway, both 32 and 64 bit versions work correctly now.

New in Server! (Oct 25, 2014)

  • fixed a minor bug in the message code that was sent to the client upon accessing a locked file (only over FTP protocol family)
  • added a “Test SMTP Configuration” button to the Configuration Manager

New in Server! (Oct 25, 2014)

  • new “virtual files” feature: through its scripting framework (associated to the event-handling subsystem) Server! can now rewrite on the fly all RETR (download) and STOR (upload) command parameters and redirect them to other files anywhere on the addressable file system
  • fixed a bug that, in some cases, prevented Server! from correctly formatting and sending log lines to a remote SysLog server

New in Server! (Oct 25, 2014)

  • We have just released a maintenance version of Server! This new version fixes a tiny glitch that prevented the software from saving the log files in the correct folder under certain operating system locale configurations.
  • If your log files are saved in the right place, you don’t need this update.

New in Server! (Oct 25, 2014)

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the correct encoding of dates and times in FTP file listings on operating system locales other than English
  • Fixed few glitches in the Configuration Manager
  • Added color-coding to both command-line components
  • Added custom SendToClient function to the scripting subsystem (only for FTP/S protocols)

New in Server! (Oct 15, 2014)

  • Hot-fix release (sorry) because had a bug in the Instance Controller that could not disable the FTPES protocol in the binding configuration.

New in Server! (Oct 13, 2014)

  • This new minor release adds a couple string-management functions to the scripting (event-handling) subsystem:
  • StrMD5: calculates the MD5 hash code of a string (supports both ANSI and Unicode)
  • StrSHA1: calculates the SHA1 hash code of a string (supports both ANSI and Unicode)

New in Server! (Oct 9, 2014)

  • This version only fixes a small glitch with Windows/AD user management, where it wasn’t possible to apply multi-factor authentication to such profiles (the field in the Configuration Manager was erroneously disabled).

New in Server! (Oct 9, 2014)

  • Improved blacklist: the blacklist subsystem is now able to detect an additional kind of hammering attack that happens sometimes over SSH connections
  • The real-time monitor in the Configuration Manager now shows the client’s “last request“, so the administrator can be aware of what each client is actually doing
  • The Configuration Manager now has the ability to terminate (kick) a specific session, or all sessions at once (this feature was requested by some of our customers)

New in Server! (Oct 9, 2014)

  • Ability to run multiple instances of the service (FTP/FTPS/FTPES/SSH/SFTP) on a single physical or virtual machine
  • 20+ new event handlers that can automatically run scripts upon occurrence
  • Tens of new functions in the scripting engine
  • Specific configuration (and license) for high-availability (HA) deployment scenarios; multiple servers sharing the same storage and configuration/user database
  • W3C-compliant log files, so you can analyze them with your favorite standard log analyzer
  • Server-wide and per-user speed limits, that can vary depending on the network from which the user is performing the incoming connection (very granular!)
  • Stronger security with an all-new blacklist algorithm that protects against many more types of attack
  • Faster, much faster than any previous version of Server!

New in Server! (Aug 7, 2014)

  • After the recent addition of the public IP to be used for PASV connections, we have now improved such feature by adding the possibility to specify a “local LAN” address space to which the above mentioned configuration will not be applied. Basically this makes your NATted server able to accept PASV connections both from inside and outside your Local Area Network (LAN).

New in Server! (Aug 7, 2014)

  • Fixed: compatibility issue with FileZilla Client
  • New: configuration of external IP for PASV connections (when behind NAT)

New in Server! (Aug 7, 2014)

  • This new version fixes a very minor bug in the session counter for the SFTP protocol. It is not a critical update, as it only improves the accuracy of counters in the real-time monitor, therefore there’s no reason to apply this update right away; we suggest to apply it at your next scheduled server maintenance.

New in Server! (Mar 21, 2014)

  • Fixed a minor bug in the event handling subsystem

New in Server! (Mar 6, 2014)

  • Improved flexibility for the automatic triggering of the blacklist