TimeGT Changelog

What's new in TimeGT 1.8.1 Build 20319

Nov 20, 2014
  • Upgraded internal components (java 8 is now required for future improvements).

New in TimeGT 1.7.5 Build 20314 (Nov 11, 2014)

  • Improved task ordering algorithm (if starts later than tomorrow then move to bottom)

New in TimeGT 1.7.4 Build 20309 (Oct 21, 2014)

  • Urgent update to migrate to new SSL certificate chain

New in TimeGT 1.7.3 Build 20308 (Oct 18, 2014)

  • Improvements and stability fixes for task font rendering
  • Bugfix for the preferences dialog timezone selection

New in TimeGT 1.7.2 Build 20299 (Oct 16, 2014)

  • Fixing important and urgent task rendering for some of the specific Windows 8 and GPU combinations.

New in TimeGT 1.7.1 Build 20298 (Oct 14, 2014)

  • Bugfix for the cases when menu items get disabled without obvious reason

New in TimeGT 1.7.0 Build 20278 (May 31, 2014)

  • New better crossplatform fonts, improved icons and colorset
  • Preparations for a smoother migration to an improved layout (including dark theme)
  • Bugfix for a rare error when switching from Someday to Inbox

New in TimeGT 1.6.8 Build 20273 (Mar 11, 2014)

  • Bugfix for cases where resizing window is keeping the resize cursor as default cursor
  • Bugfix for date entry - previously enter key was required to save the new value. Now normal focus switch is enough.
  • Search bar is now wider
  • Search bar is now keeping the search string when selecting a task.
  • Pressing Esc in search field clears the text.
  • Experimentally keeping search popup open when opening results, might reverse the decision.
  • Show archived task & context count before deleting them (Delete All Archived Items menu item)
  • Rearranged timing ordering to reflect more reasonable flow from left to right
  • Cleaned up "move to timing" shortcuts (ctrl 1..6)
  • Added "Reload All" menu item to View menu to reload UI in case something goes stale

New in TimeGT 1.6.7 Build 20255 (Dec 3, 2013)

  • Removed unsupported sorting menu-item

New in TimeGT 1.6.6 Build 20236 (May 24, 2013)

  • Experimentally added Apple Java runtime to supported list.

New in TimeGT 1.6.5 Build 20210 (Apr 22, 2013)

  • New feature: allow dragging in-progress task notification. Dimmed color for less distraction.

New in TimeGT 1.6.4 Build 20209 (Mar 30, 2013)

  • Better java version validation at startup

New in TimeGT 1.6.3 Build 20198 (Jan 24, 2013)

  • Bugfix to date formatter in Preferences. Formatters now change without a need for restart.
  • Dragging task to a tag now ADDS the tag. Previously replaced.
  • Bugfix to always properly rename tags.

New in TimeGT 1.6.2 Build 20167 (Dec 31, 2012)

  • Bugfix for Backup Restore function that for some cases failed to import the backup file.

New in TimeGT 1.6.1 Build 20166 (Nov 29, 2012)

  • Bugfix for cases where user tries to log in first time at the TimeGT client and the password validation fails.

New in TimeGT 1.6.0 Build 20153 (Sep 22, 2012)

  • Sync certificate update

New in TimeGT 1.5.9 Build 20132 (Jul 23, 2012)

  • Added friendly note to support TimeGT development by upgrading to PRO.
  • Moved Start Offline startup checkbox to bottom right to avoid confusion for the first-time users trying to log in.

New in TimeGT 1.5.8 Build 20122 (Jun 22, 2012)

  • Bugfix for tasks tags input field so Enter key registers new tags properly.
  • Bugfix for sync, sometimes sync loading failed.
  • Bugfix for cases where sometimes completing in progress task moved it to inbox instead of complete.
  • Bugfix for autostart that with some Windows 7 machines failed to read the keys properly.
  • Total time spent visible at task info now converts minutes longer than hour to hours

New in TimeGT 1.5.7 (Jun 22, 2012)

  • Added back multitab timing selection (Someday, Next Action etc) when CTRL key is pressed. When multiple tabs are selected then it's ordered by Eisenhower priority.
  • Fixed bugs with the new task notification: it's stopped when task gets completed or TimeGT is started with an In Progress task.
  • Fixed autostart bug where for some cases Preferences autostart checbox was disabled but autostart was actually enabled in the registry.
  • Fixed bug where project was not always properly revealed with the search function
  • New feature: Time is now tracked and stored whenever in progress task notification is in progress. If there has been any time spent it is shown at the task info area.
  • Multiselect sums it up. Time spent info is also synced between the devices.
  • To avoid surprises in behavior: always stop in progress task when you finish working or before exiting TimeGT!
  • New feature: In progress task notification supports now multiple tasks at the same time.
  • Please be aware that the time spent is added to each of the tasks (working for 3 tasks for 2 minutes logs 2 minutes for each task, 6 minutes total).

New in TimeGT 1.5.6 (Jun 22, 2012)

  • Task in progress is now also at the bottom right of the screen and shows minutes spent to stay focused. Time spent is not stored anywhere! Supports one task at a time.
  • Complete column at task table is now wider to avoid accidental clicks

New in TimeGT 1.5.5 (Jun 22, 2012)

  • Task info panel now shows created and and completed dates

New in TimeGT 1.5.4 (Jun 22, 2012)

  • Now you can change start and due dates for tasks at once with multiselect (use Ctrl key to select multiple tasks)
  • Shows task selection count if multiple tasks are selected
  • New task entry moved to the top of task table to make room for hint area
  • Completed tasks show completed date, ordered by it and not strikethrough anymore
  • Inbox tasks show creation date, are ordered by creation date
  • Timings (Inbox, Next action etc tabs) can now be selected only one at a time, previous Ctrl+click for multiselect is removed to support timing-specific features such as sorting and custom rendering.
  • Cleaned up and polished Task Info panel, increased fonts for readability

New in TimeGT 1.5.3 (Jun 22, 2012)

  • Added back project name decorators to task list
  • Systray tooltip and window title now includes logged in username
  • Improved Search input box user experience, better behavior for enter key and now first showing projects

New in TimeGT 1.5.2 (Jun 22, 2012)

  • Improvements to the task list rendering and timing tabs. Removed sort orders. More visual space by moving date editing to task info area and reworking list columns.
  • Moved References timing next to Next Action and Someday/Maybe next to Inbox for more logical grouping
  • Renamed main menu TimeGT to File for better consistency
  • Next actions tab is open by default when starting TimeGT
  • Got rid of quickadd to improve systray behavior
  • Fixed timezone bug related to daylightsaving time

New in TimeGT 1.5.1 Build 20064 (Jun 22, 2012)

  • Improved Windows installer so it installs without the need for Administration privileges, in user data dir instead of program files. Similar to what Chrome and other apps do who need to autoupgrade their apps.
  • Added /autostart parameter support to timegt.exe for autostart
  • Added support for autostart in Windows (check for TimeGT preferences on disabling/enabling)
  • TimeGT update procedure has bee upgraded to reflect the windows privileges issue. Updates are now only in program folder and there's no jar lookup from the users home .timegt/lib dir.
  • Default "grace period" for deleting tasks is now 0 seconds so they disappear from the task list right away

New in TimeGT 1.5.0 (Apr 30, 2012)

  • Improved timing buttons and removed horizon slider as not useful enough
  • Removed gcal preferences as google calendar connector was not stable enough
  • Improvements to Windows setup

New in TimeGT 1.4.9 Build 20018 (Mar 14, 2012)

  • Improved performance for pretty much any operation more than 400%
  • Doesn’t show “(0)” counters anymore
  • Added new menuitem under “View” menu to hide counters from projects, tasklist and tags (increases performance!!). Still showing counters by default!
  • Added new menuitem under “Edit” menu to delete all archived items (tasks and tags) at once.
  • Improved a bit the start-up performance
  • Improved stability of the date-pickers
  • Removed selected task name from the window title, became too noisy
  • Renamed “No incoming changes” status button to “Sync idle”

New in TimeGT 1.2.1 (Oct 5, 2010)

  • Time support:
  • A much requested feature has been the ability to not only specify start and due dates for tasks, but to mark down the exact time for these events.
  • It is now possible to do this! Every entered date can either be an all-day event or feature an optional time!
  • And of course this feature also works seamlessly with Google Calendar integration for Hedgehog customers.
  • Search field improvements:
  • The search field has gone through some tweaks that are hard to notice, but will make you wonder how you ever lived without them.
  • For example it’s now considerably wider, escape and enter provide much better focus handling and clear the search field more intuitively. An additional half-transparent “X” icon helps clear the field without the use of a keyboard. Any feedback is welcome!
  • In addition to that many bugs have been squashed and bolts under the hood have been turned… but these are too small to mention here.

New in TimeGT 1.0.3 (Nov 24, 2009)

  • Overall stability
  • Sync outgoing changes status is more precise
  • Added grace period for task completion - completed task doesn't disappear instantly
  • Task info Tag editor respects archived tags
  • Undo works for changes coming over Sync
  • Unsets In Progress flag when clicked on Comlete