foo midi Changelog

What's new in foo midi 1.155

Apr 11, 2012
  • Updated BASSMIDI, which now supports sinc interpolation
  • VST Instrument support requires a path to be configured in the Advanced section of Preferences before opening the regular MIDI decoder configuration page. It is recommended that you only include instruments you may wish to use in this directory
  • MT-32 support requires either the PCM and control ROMs for either the MT-32 or CM-32L to be located in the directory configured in Preferences
  • SoundFont list files are plain text files with the file name extension .SFLIST. They are assumed to be UTF-8 encoded, unless they contain an appropriate UTF-16LE byte order marker. A simple way to create a list for a given directory of SoundFont files from a cmd.exe prompt
  • C:\soundfonts\>chcp 65001
  • C:\soundfonts\>dir /b *.sf2 > soundfonts.sflist
  • The chcp command switches the command prompt to the UTF-8 code page so that Unicode file names will be written to the list file properly
  • You may also copy the names from Explorer and paste them into Notepad or another Unicode capable text editor

New in foo midi 1.154 (Mar 7, 2012)

  • Added abort check to decoder