Window Hacker
Monitor and alter the windows of Windows
Download RAR 16.06.28
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Window Hacker

Allows you to enumerate, track and monitor windows, as well as perform certain actions on those windows. To see what sort of things are possible, look at the "Commands Menu" section below. Also, each tab in Window Hacker enables certain useful features, take a look at the "Tab Information" section. This is the re-written version of "Window Hacker", which was previously named "hWnd Monitor".

Commands Menu

Through this menu, you can perform all sorts of actions on the current window. Here are some examples: * Toggle the enabled or visible state * Restore, minimize or maximize the window * Set the window to always be top-most (i.e. always on top) * Change the window text * Move or size the window * Change the style or extended style

Track Window at Mouse

To find/track a window under the mouse, you can enable the option "Scan Window at Mouse" option. Found under the Options menu. When enabled, the window details will update for the window currently under the mouse. If you wish to continue tracking a window under the mouse, even when you move the mouse away, just turn off the option again, by pressing [F5].

Tab Information

Here is a short description of the main tabs in Window Hacker. Tracked - Details for the Monitored Windows This lists all the currently monitored windows. Double click an entry to mark that as the active window. You can also use [Alt + Left] and [Alt + Right] to cycle through the tracked windows. Placement - Window Position View the position of the active monitored window. In addition to the active window, the parent of this window is also shown, to give a greater sense of context. Use the left mouse button to move the active window, and the right button to resize it. Enum - Enumerate Windows On this tab you can search for windows. To start tracking windows, right the windows you're interested in, then click "Monitor Selected". Branch - Window Hierarchy Here, a hierarchy of windows as they relate to each other, are shown. Messages - Send or Post Window Messages Sending, or posting, messages directly to a window can be quite useful at times. This tab allows you to do just that. To allocate a buffer for a return value, you can specify [*256] for example, to create a buffer 256 bytes long. If you need a parameter to point to a string or integer, you can do so by prefixing the param with a "@". For strings you would then enter [@"Bubble bath!"] to get a string, or [@0x6B656B] for an integer. The typecast window allows you to interpret return values, or the data in any buffers you allocated. Menus - Enumerate Menus Lists the standard or system menu of the active window. Properties - Certain Window Properties Displays certain useful properties of the monitored window. Processes - Process Explorer A very simple process explorer. Press [Del] to terminate a process. Config - Alter Settings Directly Here you can change all available settings. Most options however, will have a more user friendly implementation where relevant.

Window Hacker Changes | 2016 Jun 28

- First release of the re-written Window Hacker program.