An eyes care software that efficiently filters blue light from the screen
Efficient filter screen blue light for PC
Windows presets 5 eye protection modes, automaticallyfilters blue light and controls brightness. By adjusting the brightness of the screen, to reduce eye fatigue, reduce the damage to the eyes.

Blue light filter

Blue light may cause diseases such as myopia in the eyes. CuEyes effectively filters screen blue light by adjusting screen color temperature and brightness, thereby reducing eye damage.

Brightness control

The brightness of a computer screen is too bright or too dark, which can lead to eye fatigue. CuEyes tries to keep the brightness of the screen as close to the brightness of the surrounding environment as possible, reducing the irritation of brightness to the eyes.

Eye Protechion mode

CuEyes supports multiple eye protection modes, and different computer usage environments can be configured with different eye protection modes to reduce screen brightness and eye irritation.