
Singularity Basic

Basic version with limited features: no synchronization, project sharing, filters, no Google.Calendars connection, telegram bot, voice input. Up to 10 projects, up to 5 sections per project, up to 3 habits, 1 notification per task. Good for keeping simple to-do lists on one device.
Get Started for Free

Singularity PRO

All features of Basic + synchronization among devices, adding tasks from Telegram and email, printable daily planner, task filter and voice input, two-way sync with Google.Calendar. Projects, sections, habits without limits, multiple notifications, project sharing.
$29.99 per year (save 16%)

Singularity Forever

All the features of the Pro-version
with unlimited access on all on all popular devices: PCs, mobiles, watches.

Pay once, get access to Pro-features forever.
Singularity Basic Singularity PRO Singularity Forever
Synchronization among devices
Saving data on the SingularityCloud server
Sharing Projects
Projects 10
Sections in the project 5
Telegram bot to add tasks
Tasking via email
Voice input [mobile]
Two-way sync with Google.Calendar
Printable daily planner + in-app marks recognition
Displaying tasks as a schedule [for PC]
Tasks filter
Interface color customization
Hiding icons and folders [for PC]
Habits 3
Pomodoro timer [mobile]
Pomodoro timer [for PC]
Multiple level projects and tasks
Recurring tasks
Quick task widget
Priorities and pinned tasks
Track overdue tasks
Colored task tags and subtags
Undo/redo history
Hotkey and D&D support
Archive of tasks and projects
Favorites for tasks, projects, tags
Focus mode
Review mode
iOS and Android widgets
Dark and light themes
Import from other apps
Connecting web calendars
Automatic backups
Download the App
Install SingularityApp on all devices, and your task list will always be at your hand