
creating Fantasia Archive, Mythkeeper and Wonderdraft map assets

  • 324 members
  • 33 posts
  • $172.2/month

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Determined aspirant
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After trying either my apps or map assets in action, you found them worthy of your time and money and decided to pitch in a little extra.
Thank you very much!
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Enthralled follower
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You are in love with my work and just can't get enough of it even after using it over and over again!
Thank you most graciously for your patronage kind soul!
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Master of Madness
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My apps and assets have driven you to obsession! You can't imagine your life anymore without them or you consider me the next coming Tolkien!
You have my everlasting gratitude for the most gracious gift!
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The Ascendant
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There isn't much say at this point as you have ascended above the mortal realm and can see my grandiose scheme in its entirety!
Your extremely generous donation shall be used for only the most secretive of activities - like adding new features normally out of scope to existing apps, designing brand new asset packs, or perhaps create an amazing new app altogether!
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