AI Actions

AI actions for the Shortcuts app

The app provides additional AI-related actions for the Shortcuts app.

For example, an action to interact with the ChatGPT API.

The app requires you to specify your own OpenAI API key.

Your API key is securely stored in your keychain, not in a shortcut.

If you are getting a Missing response error, it’s most likely that the OpenAI safety system prevented your prompt. Try something else.

Apple is currently blocking updates for the iOS app, so I won’t be able to submit an update for some time… I plan to get it published to an alternative App Store in 2024.

You may also like my Actions app.

macOS version

The macOS version is not yet available on the App Store because App Store review is being difficult. You can get it here for now. (Requires macOS 14+)

Supports GPT-4o (Only the macOS version)

Frequently Asked Questions

I have a feature request, bug report, or some feedback

Send it here.

The actions do not show up in the Shortcuts app

This is a iOS/macOS bug. Launch the app once and then restart your device. If that doesn’t work, try this.

Why are these actions not just part of your Actions app?

Apple prevents any app that includes AI-related functionality from being available in China. I didn’t want the Actions app to be unavailable in China just because of one action.

How is this better than the “Ask ChatGPT” action provided by the official ChatGPT app?

This one works on macOS too, supports longer text, has customizability options for power-users, supports DALL·E, and will support more AI APIs in the future.

How is this better than just calling the OpenAI API directly from Shortcuts?

This makes it simpler, but more importantly, it stores your API key securely in the keychain. This means you can share your shortcuts to others without exposing your API key. The API key is not stored in the shortcut.

Why is this free without ads?

I just enjoy making apps. Consider leaving a nice review on the App Store.

Where can I find the changelog?

Go here and click “Version History”.

Can you localize the app into my language?

I don’t plan to localize the app.

More FAQs…