Andreas Software
Free programs for Windows by Andreas Jönsson


AS-Hex Color 1.20 - Mix colors for web pages.

AS-Hex Color 1.20
Screenshot of AS-Hex Color 1.20

Use this program to mix base colors and get its Hex value for use in web pages. The program always shows how the color can be changed by clickable color transitions connected to each base color's control. In addition to these color transitions there is a horizontal and a vertical spectrum where you can pick colors. Double-click the color box to copy the color code to Clipboard.


> Download AS-Hex Color 1.20 (7Z file, 0.77 MB)

Revision Date: 2024-05-16.
License: Freeware.
Unicode Support: Yes.
DPI Aware: Per-Monitor (V2).
Program Type: Fully portable, X64.
Operating System(s): Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 and 11. (Also the Server versions.)
Language(s): English and Swedish.

This is the program's official website - download the program here to get the latest version/revision. The program is free.


The program can also read a color code, paste/type it in the textbox and press [ENTER] to read it.

Hex colors

Abbreviated hex colors are not supported.