Personal Inventory Control Kit
The program insurance companies don't want you to know about
Price: Beer
Latest Version:  1.1
Release Date:  Nov 1, 2011

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PICK is a total house inventory tracking program. The intention of PICK is to give you one place to keep track of all the stuff you own - serial numbers, product numbers, where it is, what it is, etc. We're all supposed to have a total house inventory for insurance purposes, but very few people actually do it. PICK makes it easy to create and maintain this important list.

The program insurance companies don't want you to know about...

After creating PICK, Paul went to talk to a local insurance agency about it, to see what sorts of reports we could include to increase the value even more. The response he got was nervous fidgeting and a polite but subdued response indicating that they saw no value in keeping track of all this information. Our analysis of this could only lead to one conclusion: that the insurance companies don't want you to know how much stuff you actually have. They want you to forget. Why? So they don't have to pay to replace it should you lose it.

PICK Features:

v1.2 Beta

There's an "other download" added in October 2021 for version 1.2. Paul actually made this version back in early 2016 and we've been testing and using it ever since. But apparently when I (Jamie) started my new day job in February that year, this release is one of many things that fell to the wayside and was forgotten. Sorry about that. I haven't made an installer for it because, honestly, I forgot how. Just unzip the program and run it from anywhere; and/or overwrite the installed version in your Program Files folder. It's compiled against .Net Framework 4.5.1, so any modern machine should be able to run it.


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Independent Virus Scans

There's a lot of malware out there on the Internet - viruses, spyware, and other software created to track what you do and make your computer slower. In light of all that, we're including links to independent software sites that have done virus scans of our software. Feel free to follow their links and see for yourself that we don't do anything we're not supposed to.

The following changes have been made since the initial release of Personal Inventory Control Kit:

Version 1.2 (October 5, 2021)

	* Maximized state, while saved, was never loaded from the config.ini file.
	* Changed save/load paths to reflect default system app data locations for newer OS (i.e. Win7).
	* Changed XML save to UTF-8 to support foreign characters.
	* Fixed save/load pathing so that the default directories will be proper.
	* Increased size of date field to correct Linux display problem.
	* Increased limit of quantity field data to support larger numbers.
	* Adjusted auto widths of Model/Serial Number fields.
	* Changed minimum data panel size to reflect larger date field.
	* Adjusted minimum form size so that the Notes field would display properly.
	* Linux closing crash bug.
	* Help menu item selections did not gracefully handle missing files (i.e. it crashed).
	* When copying, containers would not show container icon.
	* When copying/pasting into root area, attempt to expand container caused crash.
	* Copy/paste of an open container would leave the new container closed with an open icon.
	* Cut/Copy/Paste on Context Menu did not have Control Keys listed.
	* Cut/Copy/Paste did not function in Data Panel.
	* Deselect was not clearing the Data Panel.
	* Clicking on a blank area was not always deselecting the current item.
	* Replaced box/item icons in program with better public domain ones.
	* Updated program icon and splash screen.
	* A better sort routine for numbers.
	* Price will now handle thousandths, in case you want to fine tune quantity values.
	* Clearing the Data Panel did not handle foreign currencies correctly.

	* Added current filename in use to the status bar.
	* Allow drag/drop within treeview to move items quickly.
	* Arrow keys now work in treeview (Up/Down for navigation, Left/Right for Collapse/Expand).
	* Edit-Count menu item.
	* File-New menu item.
	* File-Recent History menu item with the 5 most recent files.
	* Report printing and preview (Summary and Full).
	* Visual Tool Bar below Menu Bar containing common menu items.

Version 1.1 (November 1, 2011)

	* Adjusted field sizes in data panel to handle larger fonts.
	* Moved Total field so it makes more sense.
	* Added the path to the save Filename in the config.ini.
	* Data in DataPanel is now stored if any text is changed.
	* Clicking Load cleared the treeView, even if you cancelled the load.
	* Can now use Ctrl-A (select all) in the Notes field.

	* Find. Not case sensitive. Highlights all findings in yellow.
	* Font Picker for the treeView. Selection is saved to config.ini.
	* Cut, Copy, and Paste added to Edit menu. Can use common hotkeys.

Version 1.0 (September 1, 2009)

Initial release

Licensing Info

Personal Inventory Control Kit is Beerware.
That means it's FREE to download and use as much as you want.There's no time limits, no spyware, no advertisements, none of that. If you love our program and want to help us out, you can make a donation via the PayPal link to the right.

Microsoft Windows

.Net Framework 4.5.1

Download v1.1 (603 kb)


Mono 1.9

Download v1.1 (527 kb)

Note: There is no upgrade package to go from version 1.0 to 1.1 because all of the files have changed in the new version. The new installation package above can be used to upgrade your existing Windows version. Don't worry, it's smart enough to overwrite your currently installed version without adding yet another entry to your Add/Remove Programs list.

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