4coder Changelog

What's new in 4coder 4.1.5

Jul 21, 2020
  • This build was created almost entirely out of closing user issues. There were more than 50 issues closed on 4coder's github issues page while working on this build, so there are too many to list, but chances are you will notice a few improvements with this build.
  • The one major change to watch out for in this build is for users who build their own customization and make use ofScratch_Block, the auto-closing arena helper. The constructor for this class now takes parameters for other arena pointers and guarantees that the scratch arena is a DIFFERENT arena, so that when it auto-closes it does not effect anything allocated on the given arenas. This is a change from how this same problem used to be solved, which didn't require specifying the independent arenas at all, so your customization code may be broken in this update until you track down and check that your scratch blocks don't need to use this feature.