64bit Checker Changelog

What's new in 64bit Checker 1.5.0

Jul 9, 2015
  • new: detect Windows 10 (not complete)
  • new: added high DPI awareness

New in 64bit Checker 1.4.3 (Nov 4, 2013)

  • Fixed detection of Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2 that were broken because of Microsoft's API change.

New in 64bit Checker 1.4.2 (Jul 29, 2013)

  • fix: crash when parsing command-line parameters

New in 64bit Checker 1.4.1 (Jul 1, 2013)

  • change: commands in uppercase are recognized as well as lowercase (/OS or /os)
  • new: /s parametar for silent i.e. doesn't output text to console

New in 64bit Checker 1.4.0 (Jun 29, 2013)

  • I added three switches /os, /osbit (or /ob), and /cpubit (or /cb). Considering they return errorlevel codes, only one switch can be used at a time. Other new thing is latest version checker which will show up on the bottom of the app window.

New in 64bit Checker 1.3.0 (Jun 25, 2013)

  • new: ability to detect Windows 8.1 (a.k.a. Blue) and Windows Server 2012 R2

New in 64bit Checker 1.2.0 (Aug 16, 2012)

  • change: Microsoft renamed new version of their Windows server operating system to Windows Server 2012
  • new: added ability to detect some new Microsoft operating systems

New in 64bit Checker 1.1 (Aug 16, 2012)

  • change: redesigned report tab
  • change: smaller app window