AWS SDK for Ruby Changelog

What's new in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.11.632

Nov 20, 2020
  • Feature - Aws::AppMesh - Updated the API for AWS App Mesh.
  • Feature - Aws::Chime - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon Chime.
  • Feature - Aws::CloudHSMV2 - Updated the API, and documentation for AWS CloudHSM V2.
  • Feature - Aws::CodeGuruReviewer - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer.
  • Feature - Aws::CognitoIdentity - Updated the API, and integration test for Amazon Cognito Identity.
  • Feature - Aws::Connect - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon Connect Service.
  • Feature - Aws::Kafka - Updated the API, and documentation for Managed Streaming for Kafka.
  • Feature - Aws::Macie2 - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon Macie 2.
  • Feature - Aws::S3 - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon Simple Storage Service.
  • Feature - Aws::AppRegistry - Updated the API, and documentation for AWS Service Catalog App Registry.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.11.630 (Nov 18, 2020)

  • Feature - Aws::Backup - Updated the API, and documentation for AWS Backup.
  • Feature - Aws::CloudFormation - Updated the API, and documentation for AWS CloudFormation.
  • Feature - Aws::CodeBuild - Updated the API, and documentation for AWS CodeBuild.
  • Feature - Aws::EC2 - Updated the documentation for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud.
  • Feature - Aws::ElastiCache - Updated the documentation for Amazon ElastiCache.
  • Feature - Aws::Outposts - Updated the API for AWS Outposts.
  • Feature - Aws::S3Control - Updated the API, and documentation for AWS S3 Control.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.11.629 (Nov 17, 2020)

  • Feature - Aws::Chime - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon Chime.
  • Feature - Aws::Connect - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon Connect Service.
  • Feature - Aws::FMS - Updated the API, and documentation for Firewall Management Service.
  • Feature - Aws::Macie2 - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon Macie 2.
  • Feature - Aws::RDS - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon Relational Database Service.
  • Feature - Aws::NetworkFirewall - Added support for a new service, AWS Network Firewall.
  • Feature - Aws::NetworkFirewall - Added support for the new 2020-11-12 API version of AWS Network Firewall.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.11.628 (Nov 16, 2020)

  • Feature - Aws::CodePipeline - Updated the API, and documentation for AWS CodePipeline.
  • Feature - Aws::DatabaseMigrationService - Updated the API, and documentation for AWS Database Migration Service.
  • Feature - Aws::IoTSecureTunneling - Updated the API, and documentation for AWS IoT Secure Tunneling.
  • Feature - Aws::IoTSiteWise - Updated the API, and documentation for AWS IoT SiteWise.
  • Feature - Aws::QuickSight - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon QuickSight.
  • Feature - Aws::SageMaker - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon SageMaker Service.
  • Feature - Aws::ServiceCatalog - Updated the API, and documentation for AWS Service Catalog.
  • Feature - Aws::SNS - Updated the documentation for Amazon Simple Notification Service.
  • Feature - Aws::Synthetics - Updated the API, and documentation for Synthetics.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.11.627 (Nov 13, 2020)

  • Feature - Aws::ElasticLoadBalancingV2 - Updated the API, and documentation for Elastic Load Balancing.
  • Feature - Aws::Shield - Updated the API, and documentation for AWS Shield.
  • Feature - Aws::Textract - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon Textract.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.11.626 (Nov 12, 2020)

  • Feature - Aws::IoT - Updated the API, and documentation for AWS IoT.
  • Feature - Aws::LexModelBuildingService - Updated the API for Amazon Lex Model Building Service.
  • Feature - Aws::Lightsail - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon Lightsail.
  • Feature - Aws::PersonalizeRuntime - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon Personalize Runtime.
  • Feature - Aws::Polly - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon Polly.
  • Feature - Aws::RoboMaker - Updated the API, and documentation for AWS RoboMaker.
  • Feature - Aws::AppRegistry - Added support for a new service, AWS Service Catalog App Registry.
  • Feature - Aws::AppRegistry - Added support for the new 2020-06-24 API version of AWS Service Catalog App Registry.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.11.625 (Nov 11, 2020)

  • Feature - Aws::Amplify - Updated the API, and documentation for AWS Amplify.
  • Feature - Aws::ForecastService - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon Forecast Service.
  • Feature - Aws::MediaConvert - Updated the API, and documentation for AWS Elemental MediaConvert.
  • Feature - Aws::QuickSight - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon QuickSight.
  • Feature - Aws::ServiceCatalog - Updated the API, and documentation for AWS Service Catalog.
  • Feature - Aws::GlueDataBrew - Added support for a new service, AWS Glue DataBrew.
  • Feature - Aws::GlueDataBrew - Added support for the new 2017-07-25 API version of AWS Glue DataBrew.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.11.624 (Nov 10, 2020)

  • Feature - Aws::AutoScaling - Updated the documentation for Auto Scaling.
  • Feature - Aws::EC2 - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud.
  • Feature - Aws::ElasticLoadBalancingV2 - Updated the API, and documentation for Elastic Load Balancing.
  • Feature - Aws::SSM - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.11.623 (Nov 9, 2020)

  • Feature - Aws::DataSync - Updated the API, and documentation for AWS DataSync.
  • Feature - Aws::DynamoDB - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon DynamoDB.
  • Feature - Aws::ECS - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon EC2 Container Service.
  • Feature - Aws::ElasticsearchService - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon Elasticsearch Service.
  • Feature - Aws::FSx - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon FSx.
  • Feature - Aws::IoTAnalytics - Updated the API, and documentation for AWS IoT Analytics.
  • Feature - Aws::Macie2 - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon Macie 2.
  • Feature - Aws::S3 - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon Simple Storage Service.
  • Feature - Aws::SSM - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
  • Feature - Aws::StorageGateway - Updated the API, and documentation for AWS Storage Gateway.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.11.622 (Nov 6, 2020)

  • Feature - Aws::DLM - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager.
  • Feature - Aws::EC2 - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud.
  • Feature - Aws::IoTSiteWise - Updated the API, and documentation for AWS IoT SiteWise.
  • Feature - Aws::MediaLive - Updated the API, and documentation for AWS Elemental MediaLive.
  • Feature - Aws::SSM - Updated the documentation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.11.621 (Nov 5, 2020)

  • Feature - Aws::AppMesh - Updated the API, and documentation for AWS App Mesh.
  • Feature - Aws::DynamoDB - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon DynamoDB.
  • Feature - Aws::EC2 - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud.
  • Feature - Aws::ElasticsearchService - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon Elasticsearch Service.
  • Feature - Aws::EventBridge - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon EventBridge.
  • Feature - Aws::CloudWatchEvents - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon CloudWatch Events.
  • Feature - Aws::FraudDetector - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon Fraud Detector.
  • Feature - Aws::Kendra - Updated the API, and documentation for AWSKendraFrontendService.
  • Feature - Aws::Lambda - Updated the API, and documentation for AWS Lambda.
  • Feature - Aws::RDS - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon Relational Database Service.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.11.619 (Nov 4, 2020)

  • Feature - Aws::EC2 - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.11.618 (Oct 30, 2020)

  • Feature - Aws::Braket - Updated the API, and documentation for Braket.
  • Feature - Aws::DatabaseMigrationService - Updated the API, and documentation for AWS Database Migration Service.
  • Feature - Aws::ElastiCache - Updated the documentation for Amazon ElastiCache.
  • Feature - Aws::Imagebuilder - Updated the API, and documentation for EC2 Image Builder.
  • Feature - Aws::Macie2 - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon Macie 2.
  • Feature - Aws::MediaLive - Updated the API, and documentation for AWS Elemental MediaLive.
  • Feature - Aws::SNS - Updated the documentation for Amazon Simple Notification Service.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.11.617 (Oct 29, 2020)

  • Feature - Aws::APIGateway - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon API Gateway.
  • Feature - Aws::CodeArtifact - Updated the API, and documentation for CodeArtifact.
  • Feature - Aws::EC2 - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud.
  • Feature - Aws::ElasticLoadBalancingV2 - Updated the API, and documentation for Elastic Load Balancing.
  • Feature - Aws::MarketplaceCommerceAnalytics - Updated the documentation for AWS Marketplace Commerce Analytics.
  • Feature - Aws::SESV2 - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon Simple Email Service.
  • Feature - Aws::StorageGateway - Updated the API, and documentation for AWS Storage Gateway.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.11.615 (Oct 29, 2020)

  • Feature - Aws::Glue - Updated the API, and documentation for AWS Glue.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.11.614 (Oct 26, 2020)

  • Feature - Aws::Kendra - Updated the API, and documentation for AWSKendraFrontendService.
  • Feature - Aws::Neptune - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon Neptune.
  • Feature - Aws::SageMaker - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon SageMaker Service.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.11.613 (Oct 24, 2020)

  • Feature - Aws::Macie2 - Updated the documentation for Amazon Macie 2.
  • Feature - Aws::MediaTailor - Updated the API, and documentation for AWS MediaTailor.
  • Feature - Aws::QuickSight - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon QuickSight.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.11.601 (Oct 5, 2020)

  • Feature - Aws::DynamoDB - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon DynamoDB.
  • Feature - Aws::Glue - Updated the API, and documentation for AWS Glue.
  • Feature - Aws::MediaConvert - Updated the API, and documentation for AWS Elemental MediaConvert.
  • Feature - Aws::SageMaker - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon SageMaker Service.
  • Feature - Aws::DynamoDBStreams - Updated the documentation for Amazon DynamoDB Streams.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.11.600 (Oct 2, 2020)

  • Feature - Aws::Batch - Updated the API, and documentation for AWS Batch.
  • Feature - Aws::ElasticLoadBalancingV2 - Updated the API, and documentation for Elastic Load Balancing.
  • Feature - Aws::PersonalizeEvents - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon Personalize Events.
  • Feature - Aws::RDS - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon Relational Database Service.
  • Feature - Aws::S3 - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon Simple Storage Service.
  • Feature - Aws::ServiceDiscovery - Updated the API, and documentation for AWS Cloud Map.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.11.599 (Oct 1, 2020)

  • Feature - Aws::AppSync - Updated the API, and documentation for AWS AppSync.
  • Feature - Aws::EMR - Updated the documentation for Amazon Elastic MapReduce.
  • Feature - Aws::Glue - Updated the API, and documentation for AWS Glue.
  • Feature - Aws::Kafka - Updated the API, and documentation for Managed Streaming for Kafka.
  • Feature - Aws::QuickSight - Updated the API for Amazon QuickSight.
  • Feature - Aws::WAFV2 - Updated the API, and documentation for AWS WAFV2.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.11.597 (Oct 1, 2020)

  • Feature - Aws::ApplicationAutoScaling - Updated the API, and documentation for Application Auto Scaling.
  • Feature - Aws::DataSync - Updated the API, and documentation for AWS DataSync.
  • Feature - Aws::DirectConnect - Updated the documentation for AWS Direct Connect.
  • Feature - Aws::EMR - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon Elastic MapReduce.
  • Feature - Aws::Imagebuilder - Updated the API, and documentation for EC2 Image Builder.
  • Feature - Aws::IoT - Updated the API, and documentation for AWS IoT.
  • Feature - Aws::MediaConnect - Updated the API, and documentation for AWS MediaConnect.
  • Feature - Aws::Pinpoint - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon Pinpoint.
  • Feature - Aws::S3 - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon Simple Storage Service.
  • Feature - Aws::S3Control - Updated the API, and documentation for AWS S3 Control.
  • Feature - Aws::SecurityHub - Updated the API, and documentation for AWS SecurityHub.
  • Feature - Aws::S3Outposts - Added support for a new service, Amazon S3 on Outposts.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.3.9 (May 27, 2016)

  • This release includes an API update for Amazon ElastiCache.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.3.8 (May 25, 2016)

  • This release includes API updates for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud and Amazon Relational Database Service.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.3.7 (May 20, 2016)

  • This release includes API updates for Amazon Kinesis Firehose and Amazon EC2 Container Service.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.3.6 (May 19, 2016)

  • This release includes initial API support for Application Auto Scaling.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.3.5 (May 18, 2016)

  • This release includes API updates for AWS Application Discovery Service, and Amazon WorkSpaces.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.3.2 (May 17, 2016)

  • This release includes API updates for Amazon Simple Storage Service, Amazon EC2 Container Service, Amazon API Gateway, and AWS CloudTrail.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.3.1 (May 4, 2016)

  • This release includes an API update for AWS CodePipeline.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.3.0 (Apr 29, 2016)

  • This release includes new regions and endpoints functionality, as well as API updates for Amazon Simple Storage Service, AWS OpsWorks and Amazon Route 53 Domains.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.2.37 (Apr 27, 2016)

  • This release includes API updates for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud, Amazon EC2 Container Registry, and Amazon Cognito Identity Provider.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.2.36 (Apr 25, 2016)

  • This release includes API updates for AWS Certificate Manager, Amazon Elastic MapReduce, and AWS IoT.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.2.34 (Apr 12, 2016)

  • This release includes an API update for AWS IoT.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.2.33 (Apr 8, 2016)

  • This release includes API updates for AWS Lambda, AWS Directory Service, and AWS Elastic Beanstalk.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.2.32 (Apr 6, 2016)

  • This release includes API updates for Amazon API Gateway, Amazon Route 53, and AWS Security Token Service.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.2.31 (Mar 30, 2016)

  • This release includes API updates for AWS CloudFormation, AWS WAF, Amazon Redshift, and Amazon Inspector.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.2.30 (Mar 25, 2016)

  • This release includes API updates for AWS Storage Gateway, Amazon Relational Database Service, and Amazon ElastiCache.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.2.29 (Mar 25, 2016)

  • This release includes API updates for Amazon Relational Database Service and AWS Device Farm.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.2.27 (Mar 17, 2016)

  • This release includes initial API support for AWS Database Migration Service, an API update for Amazon Simple Email Service, and an additional resource method for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.2.26 (Mar 11, 2016)

  • This release includes API updates for Amazon GameLift and Amazon Redshift.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.2.25 (Mar 9, 2016)

  • This release includes API updates for AWS CodeCommit and AWS Device Farm, as well as a resolved issue in the Amazon Simple Storage Service resource abstraction.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.2.23 (Mar 4, 2016)

  • This release includes API updates for AWS Directory Service and Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.2.16 (Feb 12, 2016)

  • This release includes API updates for AWS Lambda and Amazon API Gateway.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.2.15 (Feb 9, 2016)

  • This release includes initial support for Amazon GameLift as well as API updates for Amazon CloudFront and AWS Marketplace Commerce Analytics.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.2.14 (Jan 29, 2016)

  • This release includes API updates for AWS WAF and Amazon Simple Systems Management Service.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.2.13 (Jan 22, 2016)

  • This release includes initial support for AWS Certificate Manager, as well as API updates for Amazon CloudFront, Aws IoT, and AWS CloudFormation.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.2.12 (Jan 19, 2016)

  • This release includes API updates for AWS Security Token Service and AWS Device Farm.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.2.11 (Jan 15, 2016)

  • This release includes initial support for Amazon CloudWatch Events, and API updates for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud and Amazon CloudFront.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.2.10 (Jan 12, 2016)

  • This release includes an API update for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.2.8 (Dec 22, 2015)

  • This release includes initial support for the Amazon EC2 Container Registry, and includes API updates for Amazon EC2 Container Service and Amazon Elastic MapReduce.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.2.7 (Dec 22, 2015)

  • This release includes API updates for AWS CloudTrail, Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud, Amazon CloudFront, Amazon Relational Database Service, and AWS Config.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.2.6 (Dec 22, 2015)

  • This release includes an API update for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.2.1 (Nov 19, 2015)

  • This release includes an API update for AWS Device Farm.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.2.0 (Nov 13, 2015)

  • This release includes changes to resource interfaces as well as the Amazon Simple Storage Service signing logic - please read the upgrade notes. It also includes an API update for Amazon Relational Database Service.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.1.36 (Nov 12, 2015)

  • This release includes an API update for Amazon API Gateway.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.1.34 (Nov 3, 2015)

  • This release includes an API update for AWS Identity and Access Management.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.1.33 (Oct 31, 2015)

  • This release resolves an issue with the Amazon API Gateway client API.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.1.31 (Oct 24, 2015)

  • This release includes API updates for AWS Identity and Access Management, and Auto Scaling.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.1.30 (Oct 20, 2015)

  • This release includes API updates for Amazon Simple Storage Service and AWS Key Management Service.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.1.28 (Oct 9, 2015)

  • This release adds support for the new services announces at AWS re:Invent 2015.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.1.27 (Oct 7, 2015)

  • This release includes initial support for AWS WAF, and API updates for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud and Amazon CloudFront.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.1.24 (Oct 7, 2015)

  • This release includes API updates for Amazon Simple Email Service, Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud, and AWS CloudFormation.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.1.22 (Sep 17, 2015)

  • This release adds support for new Amazon S3 features including STANDARD_IA storage class and new lifecycle policy transitions.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.1.20 (Sep 17, 2015)

  • This release includes an API update for AWS Identity and Access Management.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.1.19 (Sep 17, 2015)

  • This release includes an API update for AWS Storage Gateway.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.1.18 (Sep 17, 2015)

  • T This release includes an API update for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.1.17 (Sep 17, 2015)

  • This release includes an API update for AWS Config.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.1.16 (Sep 17, 2015)

  • This release includes an API update for AWS CodePipeline.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.1.14 (Aug 13, 2015)

  • This release adds support for managed multipart object copies and two new AWS Elastic Beanstalk operations.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.1.13 (Aug 7, 2015)

  • This release includes an API update for Amazon Simple Workflow Service.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.1.12 (Aug 5, 2015)

  • This release includes an API update for AWS Device Farm.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.1.9 (Jul 29, 2015)

  • This release adds support new for Amazon S3 notification events and storage class, and adds support for CloudWatch Logs destinations.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.1.8 (Jul 24, 2015)

  • This release updates APIs for multiple services and resolves a few issues.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.1.5 (Jul 15, 2015)

  • This release adds support for Amazon DynamoDB Streams, and AWS Device Farm.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.1.4 (Jul 14, 2015)

  • This release includes SDK support for AWS CodeCommit and AWS CodePipeline, as well as API updates for Amazon EC2 Container Service, AWS Identity and Access Management, and Amazon Simple Email Service.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.1.3 (Jul 14, 2015)

  • This release includes API updates for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud and Auto Scaling.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.1.2 (Jun 25, 2015)

  • This release includes API updates for Amazon CloudFront, AWS Config, AWS Lambda, AWS OpsWorks, Amazon Cognito Identity, Amazon Cognito Sync, Amazon Redshift, and Amazon Glacier.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.1.1 (Jun 19, 2015)

  • This release adds support to Aws::ECS::Client for environment variables and resolves a few issues.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.1.0 (Jun 12, 2015)

  • This release includes updates to SDK features, as well as API updates for Auto Scaling, Amazon EC2 Container Service, and Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.0.48 (Jun 5, 2015)

  • This release includes API updates for Amazon Cognito Identity, AWS Storage Gateway, and Amazon CloudWatch Logs.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.0.47 (Jun 4, 2015)

  • This release includes an API update for AWS Lambda.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.0.46 (Jun 4, 2015)

  • This release adds support for the Amazon Elastic File System preview.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.0.45 (May 22, 2015)

  • This release includes API updates for AWS Key Management Service, Amazon Elastic Transcoder, and Amazon Kinesis.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.0.44 (May 19, 2015)

  • This release adds support for Amazon EC2 spot fleet operations, adds support to AWS OpsWorks for CloudWatch auto-scaling and resolves a few issues.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.0.43 (May 15, 2015)

  • This release includes SDK support for AWS Directory Service, and API updates for Amazon EC2, Amazon CloudWatch Logs, AWS CloudFormation, and Amazon Route 53 Domains.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.0.42 (May 8, 2015)

  • Includes an API update for Amazon Glacier, and doc updates for AWS Identity and Access Management and AWS Security Token Service.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.0.41 (Apr 28, 2015)

  • This release adds support for Amazon DynamoDB key conditions.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.0.39 (Apr 17, 2015)

  • This release includes API updates for AWS Config and Amazon Cognito Sync.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.0.38 (Apr 10, 2015)

  • This release adds support for Amazon Machine Learning and Amazon WorkSpaces, and updates the APIs for other services.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.0.37 (Apr 8, 2015)

  • This release includes API updates for AWS Data Pipeline and AWS Elastic Beanstalk.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.0.34 (Apr 3, 2015)

  • This release includes API updates for AWS CodeDeploy, Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud, Amazon Relational Database Service, and Amazon Elastic Transcoder.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.0.33 (Mar 27, 2015)

  • This release includes API updates for AWS OpsWorks, AWS Elastic Transcoder, and AWS Identity and Access Management.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.0.32 (Mar 25, 2015)

  • This release adds support for cross region replication of Amazon S3 buckets.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.0.31 (Mar 24, 2015)

  • This release adds support for Amazon SNS message verification, Amazon SQS queue polling, support for requester pays with Amazon S3, and resolves a few issues.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.0.29 (Mar 5, 2015)

  • Elastic Load Balancing now offers support for configurable idle timeouts. This setting allows you to specify the length of time that a connection should remain open while in an idle state.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.0.28 (Feb 25, 2015)

  • This release adds tagging support to AWS Data Pipeline and support for the new hosted zone methods to Amazon Route53

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.0.27 (Feb 21, 2015)

  • This release adds support to Amazon Elastic Transcoder for warnings, adds support to Amazon EC2 for volume mounts, and resolves an issue.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.0.25 (Feb 18, 2015)

  • This release adds support for Amazon Simple Systems Management Service, adds support for regionalized AWS Security Token Service endpoints and resolves a few issues.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.0.24 (Feb 13, 2015)

  • This release adds support for named and managed policies, and tagging operations.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.0.23 (Feb 11, 2015)

  • This release adds support for index scan to Amazon DynamoDB and resolves a few issues.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.0.21 (Jan 28, 2015)

  • This release updates the API for Aws::DynamoDB, and Aws::ImportExport, and resolves a few issues.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.0.20 (Jan 21, 2015)

  • This release updates support for Aws::EMR, Aws::CognitoIdentity, and Aws::AutoScaling.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.0.19 (Jan 16, 2015)

  • This release adds new features to Aws::ElasticTranscoder, updates to the v2 format for waiters and resolves a few issues.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.0.18 (Jan 9, 2015)

  • This release adds support for Amazon EC2 Container Service and Amazon CloudHSM.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.0.17 (Dec 23, 2014)

  • This release resolves an issue with JSON services

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.0.16 (Dec 19, 2014)

  • This release adds support for task priorities to Aws::SWF::Client

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.0.15 (Dec 18, 2014)

  • This release adds support for client-side encryption with Amazon S3, Amazon DynamoDB CRC32 checksum verification, and adds support for new features of Amazon Elastic MapReduce, and AWS Storage Gateway.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.0.14 (Dec 13, 2014)

  • This release adds support for data retrieval policies to Aws::Glacier and adds support for user metadata to Aws::ElasticTranscoder.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.0.13 (Dec 9, 2014)

  • You can now use AWS OpsWorks with existing EC2 instances and on-premises servers.
  • Also added support for purging queues and resolved a few issues.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.0.12 (Dec 5, 2014)

  • This release adds support for Amazon Kinesis PutRecords and resolves a few issues.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.0.11 (Nov 27, 2014)

  • This release adds support to Aws::ElasticTranscoder::Client for AWS Key Management Service and resolves a few issues.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.0.10 (Nov 21, 2014)

  • This release adds support to Aws::Redshift::Client for AWS Key Management Service and resolves a number of issues.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.0.9 (Nov 14, 2014)

  • This release adds support for AWS Lambda and Amazon S3 event notifications.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.0.8 (Nov 13, 2014)

  • This release adds support for Amazon Key Management Service, AWS CodeDeploy, and AWS Config.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.0.6 (Oct 31, 2014)

  • This release expands support for Resource objects in Aws::S3 and Aws::EC2.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.0.5 (Oct 24, 2014)

  • This release adds support for the Amazon EC2 2014-09-01 API version.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.0.4 (Oct 24, 2014)

  • This release adds support for the new eu-central-1 region and adds support for Open-ID Connect.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.0.3 (Oct 17, 2014)

  • This release adds support for Amazon RDS 2014-09-01, adds a handful of new waiters and resolves a few issues.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.0.2 (Oct 9, 2014)

  • New Features:
  • DynamoDB Document Attributes:
  • Added support for hashes, arrays, booleans, and nil to DynamoDB attribute values.
  • S3::Object#upload_file:
  • Added a utility method for uploading files to Amazon S3. This method automatically manages uploading large objects using the multipart upload APIs.
  • S3::Object#upload_file:
  • Added a utility method for uploading files to Amazon S3. This method automatically manages uploading large objects using the multipart upload APIs.
  • Stubbing Client Responses:
  • Added support for stubbing client responses without making API calls. In addition to the default fake resposnes, you can provide stub data and errors
  • S3 Waiters:
  • Added resource waiters for S3::Bucket and S3::Object.
  • Resolved Issues:
  • Aws::SQS::Client#receive_message:
  • Resolved an issue where the response from #receive_message could return nil for #messages. It now always returns an array.
  • Waiters:
  • Resolved an issue with Aws::EC2::Client#wait_until and the volume status waiters. These were polling the incorrect API method causing #wait_until to raise an error. See issue #129.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.0.1 (Oct 9, 2014)

  • Resolved Issues:
  • Region:
  • Now giving a helpful error message when a region is not configured. Was previously exposing a URI parse error message.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 2.0.0 RC 15 (Oct 9, 2014)

  • Upgrading Notes:
  • Aws:DynamoDB:Client:
  • Added a plugin that simplifies working with DynamoDB attribute values. Enabled by default, to restore default behavior, use :simple_attributes => false.
  • New Features:
  • Aws:S3:Client:
  • Enabling url-encoding of Amazon S3 keys by default. Keys are decoded before response data is returned. See #95.
  • Aws::ElasticLoadBalancing::Client:
  • Added support for the new tagging operations.
  • Aws::CloudSearch::Client:
  • Will now sign requests when credentials are provided. You can continue making unauthenticated requests if you do not configure credentials to the client.
  • Coverage:
  • Now generating coverage reports during Travis builds and reporting via
  • Resolved Issues:
  • Documentation: Now loading API files with UTF-8 encoding.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 1.49.0 (Jul 25, 2014)

  • New Features:
  • AWS::ELB:
  • Elastic Load Balancing now offers support for configurable idle timeouts. This setting allows you to specify the length of time that a connection should remain open while in an idle state.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 1.48.0 (Jul 23, 2014)

  • New Features:
  • AWS::IAM:
  • This release adds support for AWS IAM self-service password rotation features and retrieval of credential reports.
  • AWS::Support:
  • API Update for AWS Support.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 1.47.0 (Jul 11, 2014)

  • New Features:
  • Change:
  • AWS::Route53:
  • Update Route 53 to Latest API Version
  • This release of Amazon Route 53 adds names and cost allocation tags for health checks, editable health checks, and two API actions related to health checks.
  • AWS::EC2:
  • Update Amazon EC2 to Latest API Version
  • Adds a new method, AWS::EC2::Client#modify_subnet_attribute

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 1.46.0 (Jul 2, 2014)

  • New Features:
  • AWS::EC2:
  • Add support for Amazon EC2 T2 instances.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 1.45.0 (Jun 27, 2014)

  • New Features:
  • AWS::CloudFront:
  • Added support for the 2014-05-01 API version of Amazon CloudFront.
  • AWS::SimpleEmailService:
  • This change adds support for delivery notifications to Amazon Simple Email Service.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 1.44.0 (Jun 21, 2014)

  • AWS::Core::CredentialProviders::AssumeRole:
  • Added an auto-refreshing credential provider that works by assuming a role via AWS::STS#assume_role.
  • AWS::EMR::Client:
  • Added support to AWS::EMR::Client for service roles.
  • AWS::ElasticTranscoder::Client:
  • Added support for captions to AWS::ElasticTranscoder::Client.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 1.33.0 (Jan 30, 2014)

  • This release adds support for Amazon Simple Queue Service dead letter queues.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 1.32.0 (Jan 10, 2014)

  • This release adds support for Amazon Glacier range inventory retrieval, Auto Scaling groups for running instances and resolves an issue with AWS Import/Export.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 1.31.0 (Dec 21, 2013)

  • This release adds support for a new Amazon CloudFront API version, updates Amazon Elastic Transcoder to support codec options and pagination, fixes various issues in Amazon S3, updates the AWS CloudTrail API, and adds support for the China (Beijing) Region.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 1.30.0 (Dec 13, 2013)

  • This release adds support for global secondary indexes in Amazon DynamoDB, support for Amazon Kinesis, worker roles for AWS Elastic Beanstalk, resource tagging in Amazon Elastic MapReduce, and resource-based permissions in AWS OpsWorks.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 1.29.0 (Nov 28, 2013)

  • This release updates the Amazon EC2 API, including pagination support for some describe calls.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 1.28.0 (Nov 22, 2013)

  • This release adds support for copying DB snapshots from one AWS region to another in Amazon Relational Database Service, and includes some bug fixes.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 1.27.0 (Nov 20, 2013)

  • This release loosens the version restriction on Nokogiri.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 1.26.0 (Nov 15, 2013)

  • This release introduces AWS CloudTrail support, and includes other service API updates.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 1.25.0 (Nov 9, 2013)

  • This release adds support for cross zone load balancing to the Elastic Load Balancing client, adds support for the Gateway-Virtual Tape Library to the AWS Storage Gateway client, and adds support for stack policies to the AWS CloudFormation client.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 1.24.0 (Nov 1, 2013)

  • This release updates the Amazon Elastic MapReduce API.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 1.23.0 (Oct 25, 2013)

  • This release updates the AWS Direct Connect API.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 1.22.0 (Oct 18, 2013)

  • This release updates the Amazon Elastic Transcoder client with support for audio only transcoding and also updates the Amazon CloudFront client to the latest API version.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 1.21.0 (Oct 18, 2013)

  • This release adds support for Reserved Instance instance type modifications in Amazon EC2 and new resource management features in AWS OpsWorks.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 1.20.0 (Oct 2, 2013)

  • This release updates the Amazon CloudFront API to 2013-08-26.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 1.19.0 (Sep 23, 2013)

  • This release updates the Auto Scaling API, allowing public IPs to be automatically assigned inside an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 1.18.0 (Sep 13, 2013)

  • This release adds VPC support for AWS OpsWorks and includes modifications to the Amazon EC2 Reserved Instances API.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 1.17.0 (Sep 13, 2013)

  • This release adds support for using the Redis cache engine software with Amazon ElastiCache.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 1.16.0 (Aug 30, 2013)

  • This release updates the Amazon EC2 API to 2013-07-15, and includes several issue resolutions.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 1.15.0 (Aug 15, 2013)

  • The release adds support for Amazon Simple Notification Service mobile push, as well as API updates for Amazon Redshift.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 1.14.0 (Jul 25, 2013)

  • New Features:
  • AWS::OpsWorks::Client - Updated AWS::OpsWorks::Client to latest API version.
  • AWS OpsWorks service now supports custom Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) and Chef 11.
  • AWS::SNS::Client and AWS::SimpleWorkflow::Client - Updated AWS::SimpleWorkflow::Client and AWS::SNS::Client to latest API versions.
  • Resolved issues:
  • Added support for paging Amazon EC2 reserved instances offerings. - The DescribeInstancesOfferings Amazon EC2 API changed a while back to be paginated. This change updates the related collection class to be page through the multiple responses. Calling #each will now make multiple requests. You can also pass :limit and :batch_size options.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 1.13.0 (Jul 19, 2013)

  • Upgrading Notes:
  • AWS::DynamoDB::Client - The AWS::DynamoDB::ClientV2 has been deprecated. You should now specify the target API version to use when constructing a client with the :api_version option.
  • # defaults to 2011-12-05 API version for backwards compatability
  • #=> AWS::DynamoDB::Client::V20111205
  • # specify the desired API version
  • => '2012-08-10')
  • #=> AWS::DynamoDB::Client::V20120810
  • # construct a versioned client directly
  • # override the default API version globally
  • AWS.config(:dynamo_db => { :api_version => '2012-08-10')
  • #=> AWS::DynamoDB::Client::V20120810
  • New Features:
  • API Versions - Client classes now support multiple API versions. When constructing a client, you will get a client for a specific API version.
  • #=> AWS::IAM::Client::V20100508
  • If a service makes a backwards compatible version bump, then the default client will be the latest version. If a service makes a backwards incompatible change, then the default client will be locked.
  • To create a client of a specific version, pass the :api_version option to the constructor.
  • => '2012-08-10')
  • #=> AWS::DynamoDB::Client::V20120810
  • You can also specify the global default API version per service using AWS.config:
  • AWS.config(:dynamo_db => { :api_version => '2012-08-10' })
  • #=> AWS::DynamoDB::Client::V20120810
  • aws-rb - Added a -e option to aws-rb.
  • You can now execute commands using aws-rb. Passing commands with the -e option will prevent the REPL from launching and will exit instead. You can pass multiple -e options.
  • aws-rb -q -e "puts"
  • The script above would put the name of each bucket to STDOUT and then exit. The -q flag (quiet) disables logging.
  • Credentials - You can now load credentials from a file on disk using the new AWS::Core::CredentialProviders::CredentialFileProvider.
  • path = '/path/to/credentials'
  • creds =
  • AWS.config(:credential_provider => creds)
  • You can also get this behavior by exporting the path to your credentials using ENV['AWS_CREDENTIAL_FILE'] or ENV['AMAZON_CREDENTIAL_FILE'].
  • export AWS_CREDENTIAL_FILE=/path/to/creds
  • The credential file should be formatted like so:
  • AWSAccessKeyId=your_key
  • AWSSecretKey=your_secret
  • Updated AWS::Redshift::Client to latest API version.
  • Updated AWS::Redshift::Client to latest API version.
  • Added the following methods:
  • AWS::Redshift::Client#authorize_snapshot_access
  • AWS::Redshift::Client#revoke_snapshot_access
  • AWS::STS::Client - Added AWS::STS::Client#decode_authorization_message to AWS Security Token Service client.
  • AWS::CloudFront::Client API Version - AWS::CloudFront::Client now supports the 2013-05-12 API version.
  • AWS::RDS::Client API Version - AWS::RDS::Client now supports the 2013-05-15 API version.
  • AWS::Record Defaults - AWS::Record attributes now accept default values set via a proc. By using a Proc, you can ensure default values are calculated dynamically at runtime.
  • AWS::Record Hash Keys - You can now specify the hash key to use.
  • class Book
  • string_attr :isbn, :hash_key => true
  • end
  • b = Book.create(:isbn => '1234')
  • The default behavior for a class extending AWS::Record::HashModel is to have a managed #id attribute. This attribute is auto-generated before creation. When you specify your own hash key, you now manage its creation.
  • Resolved Issues:
  • Amazon S3 Bucket Website - AWS::S3::Client#put_bucket_website now omits empty routing rules.
  • This resolves an issue where passing :routing_rules => [] to the client would result in an error returned from Amazon S3. Amazon S3 does not accept .
  • AWS::S3::PresignedPost - Allows Amazon S3 Presigned Posts to accept arbitrary options.
  • AWS::AutoScaling::GroupCollection#create - Adds the optional parameter :termination_options to AWS::AutoScaling::GroupCollection "create" method.
  • Amazon S3 Pagination - Fixed issue with pagination in Amazon S3.
  • AWS::S3 Errors - Resolved an issue with errors with empty response bodies.
  • When the response body was the empty string, instead of nil, we would not properly map to helpful error types. This change fixes the empty string case.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 1.12.0 (Jul 9, 2013)

  • New Features:
  • AWS::ElasticTranscoder::Client - Added support for watermarks and max frame rates in Amazon Elastic Transcoder.
  • aws-rb REPL - Added a basic REPL to the SDK, available as aws-rb. You can see examples on how to use this from the original pull request.
  • AWS.config - Added support for service specific configuration options to AWS.config.
  • AWS.config(:s3 => { :region => 'us-west-2' })
  • Memoization - Added support for reseting memoization when not using block form.
  • AWS.start_memoizing
  • AWS.reset_memoization # resets the memoization cache
  • Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) Message Authentication - Added support for verifying the authenticity of messages published by Amazon SNS
  • msg =
  • msg.authentic?
  • #=> true
  • Resolved Issues:
  • Request Timeouts - Resolved an issue where request timeout errors from the AWS::S3::Client did not get retried for Ruby 2.0 users. Fixes GitHub issue 276.
  • Virtual MFA - Resolved an issue with AWS::IAM::VirtualMFADevice#enable where codes that begin with zero could raise an error.
  • Fixes GitHub issue #286.
  • Streaming Retries - Disabled retries for requests that have already streamed response data. This resolves an issue where response data is consumed and then the data resets without warning. Fixes GitHub issue #283.
  • Metric Collections - Resolved an issue with AWS::CloudWatch::MetricCollection#with_dimensions, where dimensions were getting lost before being passed to #filter. Added specs for this feature as well. Fixes GitHub issue #286.
  • Eager Autoloading - Resolved an issue where eager autoloading would only load constants of classes that were autoloaded themselves. Fixes GitHub issue #280.
  • CRC32 Checks - Resolved issue with AWS::DynamoDB and CRC32. Larger responses from DynamoDB were getting gziped. This caused the CRC32 checks to fail. The gzip'd responses started to appear based on a accept-encoding header added by Net::HTTP. This happens only in Ruby 2.0.0.
  • Resolves GitHub issue #243.
  • Amazon S3 Paging - Resolved an issue with paging responses from list objects. Fixes GitHub issue 247.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 1.11.3 (Jun 19, 2013)

  • New Features:
  • Amazon SNS Client - Updated the Amazon SNS client to sign requests with Signature V4, which enables larger payloads.
  • Resolved issues:
  • AWS::EC2::Instance#console_output - When the output XML element is missing from the response to GetConsoleOutput then this method was raising an error. This now returns nil indicating the output is not available.
  • AWS::Errors - Resolved an issue with errors with empty response bodies. When the response body was the empty string, instead of nil, we would not properly map to helpful error types. This change fixes the empty string case.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 1.11.1 (Jun 10, 2013)

  • Resolved issues:
  • Nokogiri Dependency - Changed gem dependency on nokogiri to < 1.6.0. The 1.6.0 release of nokogiri. The latest release of nokogiri removed support for Ruby 1.8.7 which is still supported by the AWS SDK for Ruby.
  • AWS::SimpleEmailService#send_raw_email - Resolved an issue where calling the #deliver! method from ActionMailer would raise when using :amazon_ses delivery method.
  • CRC32 Checks - Resolved issue with AWS::DynamoDB and CRC32. Larger responses from DynamoDB were getting gziped. This caused the CRC32 checks to fail. The gzip'd responses started to appear based on a accept-encoding header added by Net::HTTP. This happens only in Ruby 2.0.0.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 1.11.0 (Jun 3, 2013)

  • New Features:
  • AWS::STS - Adds support for web identity federation to AWS::STS. This new feature introduces a new AWS Security Token Service (STS) API, AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity, which you can use to create cloud-backed mobile apps that use public identity providers such as Facebook, Google, or the newly launched Login with Amazon service for authentication. With web identity federation, you have an easy way to integrate, Facebook, or Google sign-in into your apps without having to write any server-side code and without distributing long-term AWS security credentials with the app.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 1.10.0 (May 16, 2013)

  • New Features:
  • AWS::OpsWorks::Client - Update AWS OpsWorks client for new Elastic Load Balancing support.
  • AWS::DynamoDB::ClientV2 - Update Amazon DynamoDB client for new parallel scan support.
  • AWS::S3 - Add support for multipart copies to AWS::S3 and AWS::S3::Client.\
  • AWS::S3::S3Object Presigned URLs - Add support for :content_type and :content_md5 to AWS:S3::S3Object#url_for.
  • AWS.config - Add support for configuring region via ENV['AWS_REGION'].
  • Resolved issues:
  • AWS::Route53::HostedZoneCollection#create - Resolved an issue with AWS::Route53::HostedZoneCollection#create.
  • The comment option was getting duplicated before getting passed to the client create method.
  • AWS::EC2::Subnet#network_acl_association - Resolved an issue with AWS::EC2::Subnet#network_acl_association
  • The #network_acl_association had a bug that caused it to always return the first association from the vpc the subnet belongs to.
  • AWS.config - Resolved an issue with service specific configuration not being availble until their classes had been autoloaded.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 1.9.5 (May 1, 2013)

  • New Features:
  • AWS Support - Added support for AWS Support API (AWS::Support)

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 1.9.0 (Apr 18, 2013)

  • New Features:
  • AWS::DynamoDB::ClientV2 - Added support for the AWS DynamoDB 2012-08-10 API. You can use the new API from AWS::DynamoDB::ClientV2.
  • Regions - Improved support for working with alternative regions and multiple regions.
  • Region Configuration:
  • You can now specify what AWS region you want to connect to:
  • AWS.config(:region => 'us-west-2')
  • The individual configuration options for each service endpoints are now deprecated. If you want to override the endpoint for a service you can do so in the constructor:
  • => 'us-east-1')
  • # this also works
  • => '')
  • Region Interface:
  • Added AWS::Core::Region and AWS::Core::RegionCollection to make it easier to work with mulitple regions.
  • east = AWS.regions['us-east-1']
  • west = AWS.regions['us-west-1']
  • You can also explore available regions using AWS.regions:
  • # makes a single (cached) http request to get a complete list of regions
  • AWS.regions.each do |region|
  • puts
  • end
  • Service Shortcuts
  • Given a Region object, you can get a service interface quickly:
  • # get a list of tables in us-east-2
  • AWS.regions['us-west-2']
  • # get a list of instances tables from every region
  • AWS.regions.each do |region|
  • puts
  • puts
  • puts ''
  • end
  • AWS::DirectConnect - Added support for AWS Direct Connect (2012-10-25).
  • AWS::RDS::Client - Updated AWS::RDS::Client to the latest API version (2013-02-12).
  • Retry Logic - Improved retry logic for throttling errors and expired credentials.
  • Eager Autoloading - AWS.eager_autoload! no longer relies on a register_autoloads hook.
  • AWS::RDS::DBInstance - Added #vpc_id and #vpc methods to AWS::RDS::DBInstance.
  • Documentation - Added documentation for enumerated values to the client API docs.
  • Documentation - Converted API docs from rdoc to markdown format.
  • Resolved issues:
  • ConnectionPool - Simplified the connection pool and addressed a few issues.
  • The default http handler (AWS::Core::Http::NetHttpHandler) used internally a Net::Http::ConnectionPool class. This was refactored (and renamed to AWS::Core::Http::ConnectionPool).
  • will now return a previously build (shared) pool for the same options.
  • now tracks all pools, and you can get a list of them from ConnectionPool.pools.
  • Moved Net::HTTP patch into aws/core/http/patch (this fixes 100-continue bug in 1.9.3 and 2.0.0)
  • As part of this refactor a handful of configuration options were removed from AWS::Core::Http::Request (e.g. ssl_ca_file, proxy_uri, etc). These attributes are now passed to the ConnectionPool constructor instead and not tracked on each http request.
  • AWS::CloudFront - Added support for session credentials to AWS::CloudFront.
  • The AWS::CloudFront::Request class was ignoring session tokens when signing the request. This caused Cloud Front to return cyrptic errors. Now setting the 'x-amz-session-token' header when the credentials contain a session token.
  • AWS::EC2::InstanceCollection#create - AWS::EC2::InstanceCollection#create now accepts :block_device_mappings in the same format aws AWS::EC2::Client#run_instances.
  • Previously it expected a hash option and then it would create the array of hashes required by #run_instances. It now only translates when a hash is given and it passes arrays along un-modified.
  • AWS::S3 - Updated S3 interfaces to work with Ruby 2.0
  • The deprecated block semantics broke under Ruby 2.0, as did client-side-encryption (for similar reasons). Updated their #read methods to use the form required by Net::HTTP v2 (now accepting an optional 2nd param as an output buffer).
  • AWS::OpsWorks API Configuration - Resolved an issue with the OpsWorks API configuration. One of the input params was incorrectly inflected.
  • AWS::EC2::Client - Corrected API configuration for VPC attribute methods.
  • Added missing required trait for VpcId to the modify operation.
  • Combined attributes into a single string.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 1.8.5 (Mar 14, 2013)

  • New Features:
  • AWS::RDS::Client - Updated AWS::RDS::Client to the latest API version (2013-02-12).
  • Resolved Issues:
  • AWS::EC2::Client - Corrected API configuration for VPC attribute methods.
  • Added missing required trait for VpcId to the modify operation.
  • Combined attributes into a single string.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 1.8.4 (Mar 12, 2013)

  • New Features:
  • AWS::EC2::Client - Updated the API version to 2013-02-01.
  • Resolved Issues:
  • AWS::S3::CORSRuleCollection#delete_if - Fixed an issue with CORSRuleCollection#delete_if that would raise an error if all rules were deleted.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 1.8.3 (Feb 19, 2013)

  • New Features:
  • AWS OpsWorks - Added support for AWS OpsWorks (AWS::OpsWorks).
  • Amazon Route 53 - Updated the AWS::Route53::Client to support the 2012-12-12 API version. This adds the health check operations.
  • AWS::EC2::Instance - Added a mutable #ebs_optimized attribute to AWS::EC2::Instance.
  • AWS::ElastiCache::Client - Updated AWS::ElastiCache::Client to the 2012-11-15 API version.
  • Resolved Issues:
  • AWS::DynamoDB#batch_get - Fixed a bug in AWS::DynamoDB#batch_get that would raise a NoMethodError.
  • AWS::EC2::Instance#block_device_mappings - Resolved an issue with Instance#block_device_mappings that would raise an error for instances with ephemeral volumes. These are now filtered from #block_device_mappings. This method has also been renamed to #attributes (aliased for backwards compatability).
  • AWS::Core::Options::Validator - Added support for validating map inputs via AWS::Core::Options::Validator.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 1.8.2 (Feb 16, 2013)

  • New Features:
  • Amazon Redshift - Added support for Amazon Redshift (AWS::Redshift).
  • Resolved Issues:
  • AWS::S3::Client#head_object - Now grabbing the restore expiry date header from the HEAD Object response.
  • AWS::S3::Client#get_object - Merged pull request #164 from YesVideo/master that resolved an issue when getting metadata for objects pending restore from Amazon Glacier.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 1.8.1 (Feb 15, 2013)

  • New Features:
  • Amazon Elastic Transcoder - Added support for Amazon Elastic Transcoder (AWS::ElasticTranscoder).
  • Gemfile - Removed gem dependency on HTTParty and removed the legacy HTTParty based handler.
  • Network Errors - Increased the number of Errors retried by the NetHttpHandler.
  • AWS::Record - Added #create and #create! methods.
  • Amazon S3 - Added support for Amazon S3 website configuration to AWS::S3::Bucket.
  • Resolved Issues:
  • Credential Providers - Resolved an issue where the default credential provider failed to refresh credentials from the EC2 instance metadata service.
  • AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup - Resolved an issue where ingress and egress permissions munged the port range under certain circumstances.
  • AWS::Glacier - Resolved an issue generating the tree-hash for Glacier requests.
  • AWS::EC2::Region - Resolved an issue that prevented AWS::EC2::Region#client from returning a client with the correct endpoint.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 1.8.0 (Feb 15, 2013)

  • This release adds support for Amazon Glacier, Amazon CloudFront, AWS Storage Gateway, AWS Import/Export, AWS Data Pipeline, and resolves a few issues.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 1.7.0 (Feb 15, 2013)

  • This release adds support for four additional services, adds support for Amazon DynamoDB consistent reads with BatchGet and resolves some Amazon S3 signature issues.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 1.6.7 (Feb 15, 2013)

  • This release adds MFA delete options to Amazon S3 bucket versioning operations and resolves a few issues.

New in AWS SDK for Ruby 1.6.6 (Feb 15, 2013)

  • Added CORS and tagging support to AWS::S3. Also resolved a number of issues.