ActiveAnalysis Changelog

What's new in ActiveAnalysis 2.0.307.18

Nov 16, 2010
  • New Features:
  • 131809 - It is now easier to create calculated measures.
  • 147173 - It is now possible to add a calculated measure to a layout htat uses a local cube.
  • 148147 - It is now possible to customize the toolbar in the silverlight client.
  • 148148 - It is now possible to customize the pivot view toolbar.
  • 148982 - A new property has been added to allow developers to programatically determine a shelf's position.
  • 149199 - Resources for the Norwegian language are now included in the product.
  • 62141 - It is now easier to filter data by a date range.
  • Fixed Issues:
  • 117942 - Fixed several issues that could occur if a database column name contained spaces.
  • 140779 - Fixed an issue where resizing the schema via keyboard would result in incorrect behavior.
  • 148157 - Fixed an issue where the scale axis would be rendered incorrectly in the Silverlight control
  • 148361 - Fixed an issue where a layout was incorrectly displaying in the ASP.NET control
  • 148577 - Fixed an issue in the silverlight designer that could cause it to not work if the size of the pivot view was modified externally.
  • 148582 - The setup now correctly checks to ensure that .NET 3.5 SP1 is installed before continuing.
  • 148800 - The ASP.NET control now works in the Google Chrome browser.
  • 148801 - The Silverlight control now works in the Google Chrome browser.
  • 149002 - Fixed an issue where calculated query fields could be saved incorrectly to a schema.
  • 149009 - Fixed an issue where the color picker window would keep the pivot view in a disabled state.
  • 149134 - Fixed an issue where automatically showing legends would sometimes not work correctly in the Silverlight client.
  • 149176 - Fixed an issue where hovering over a data point in the ASP.NET client would only display a tooltip that said "Loading...".
  • 149241 - Fixed an issue where SQL connections would sometimes not open correctly.
  • 149245 - Fixed an issue with the way selections worked in the Silverlight client.
  • 149257 - Fixed an issue where an exception would be thrown when doing a print preview and the layout consists of only a discrete legend.
  • 149258 - Fixed an issue where filtering would result in totals being calculated incorrectly when connecting to SSAS.
  • 149286 - Fixed an issue where the Silverlight and ASP.NET controls would work with SSAS slowly.
  • 149428 - Fixed an issue with selection behavior in the windows forms control.
  • 149631 - Fixed an issue where Visual Studio 2008 help would not launch properly from the start menu on x64 systems.
  • 23974 - Fixed several errors that could occur if connection to a data source was lost.
  • 35879 - Fixed an issue where hidden members would be shown when a measure was filtered and connected to SSAS.
  • 38663 - Fixed an issue where an exception would be thrown when using the underlying data command on levels that were hidden.