Adobe RoboHelp Changelog

What's new in Adobe RoboHelp 2022.0.0

Oct 2, 2022
  • Fixed issues:
  • RH-10923
  • A search used to take longer than expected in a Responsive HTML5 output, upon entering a query. In this release, we’ve improved the search performance by pre-loading the search database.
  • RH-10922
  • Added version number (<major>.<minor>.<build>) in generated output for Frameless and Responsive HTML5 outputs.
  • RH-10894
  • The thumbnail for the close button appears blank for Studio skin. In addition, you're unable to close the thumbnail in a Responsive HTML5 output.
  • RH-10833 A shared review task does not open on a Safari browser as expected. On browsers, a task opens as usual.
  • RH-10819
  • In some cases, in RoboHelp 2020 Update 7, the PDF output produces blank pages.
  • RH-10774
  • After upgrading a project to RoboHelp 2020, the Drop-Down title values appear as duplicate in the output.
  • RH-10686
  • In a multi-level index, the indentation of keywords and sub-keywords do not appear as expected in a Word output.
  • RH-10564
  • When creating a Salesforce Knowledge Base preset, sometimes, an error message appears.
  • RH-10561
  • Conditional columns in a table that need to be excluded do not get excluded as expected in any output.
  • RH-10556
  • If a search finds more than 10 results, then the panel gets paged. When skipping backwards, the content does not get updated. The content is always from the last page that was entered.
  • RH-10543
  • After creating reviews, sometimes, you are unable to receive comments for the reviews. An error message appears.
  • RH-10539
  • When entering a link in the skin editor Layout > Header Links, an absolute path is required. Add a browse button to create a relative path.
  • RH-10533
  • A line break is added before and after all variables, hyperlinks, and cross-references in a table row in a Word output.
  • RH-10519
  • There’s duplicate text in a cross-reference link in a Word output. For example, the cross-reference "See point 5 point 5", where the first instance of "point 5" is text, and the second is a link.
  • RH-10431
  • Add Chapter names or titles in a Word document like the way in RoboHelp Classic.
  • RH-10402
  • In a responsive HTML5 and Frameless output, a mini TOC does not honor conditional tags used in topic sub-headings and displays all heading text. In addition, the captions remain the same when the TOC collapses.
  • RH-10370
  • When outputting to PDF, RoboHelp places each H1 on a new page. In the case of smaller topics, a large amount of whitespace gets added to the PDF. The content must continue on the same page instead of forcing a page break.
  • RH-10362
  • In a Word output, the links that are in tables are not formatted correctly and are placed in a separate line.
  • RH-10361
  • Import a Word document that creates several new topics. If you import another Word document right after the first Word document, the title of the new topics is inherited from the first Word document.
  • RH-10344
  • When you click an index item, the text collapses each time.
  • RH-10308
  • In RoboHelp 2020, after importing the map files, you are unable to import an updated version later to add new entries.
  • RH-10307
  • In RoboHelp 2020, you are unable to import map IDs that have length of 31 characters or more. The line on which the ID is defined will be split. A backslash is added after the Map ID name, and the Map ID number will be on the line below.
  • RH-10303
  • In RoboHelp 2020, you are unable to import map files that contain comments.
  • RH-10142
  • A CSS that contains @media styles does not get parsed as expected. If the line is commented out, the CSS parses as expected.
  • RH-10029
  • Add Expand All and Collapse All buttons for text on devices for HTML5 output.
  • RH-10021
  • When you add a second SFTP publish profile to a project, the system defaults "http://" into the Address field. The SFTP publishing fails.
  • RH-10017
  • In some cases, when performing a search, the browser becomes unresponsive, and requires that the page be closed.
  • RH-9946
  • In RoboHelp, if you import a Word topic with blank paragraphs, the lines show as paragraphs. However, those lines are lost when you generate any output.
  • RH-9901
  • You are unable to set the depth of the TOC for a Word output.
  • RH-9878
  • The 'inherit' value on padding causes an MS Word output to fail.
  • RH-9859
  • In RoboHelp, add an option to insert a paragraph space inside list items, for example, bullet list, numbered list, or a multi-level list.
  • RH-9827
  • There are intermittent issues with RoboHelp reviews, for example:
  • Delete a review.
  • A topic added to a review appears blank.
  • When you attempt to open a topic in a reciew, an error message appears.
  • After creating a review, you or other added users are unable to add any remarks.
  • RH-9821
  • In the authoring view, introduce a button to add a generic <div>...</div> section in a topic.
  • RH-9732
  • In some cases, a merged table in the author mode does not appear correctly in an MS Word output.
  • RH-9710
  • In RoboHelp 2020, you are unable to generate chapter-wise output in a PDF output.
  • RH-9217
  • In RoboHelp 2020, you're unable to apply styles on a Text Box, for example, the height/width, margins or border width or colors. The default design of .text-box is defined in the output in /template/styles/topic.min.css. You can override it with a custom CSS, however removing attributes (for example, height) doesn’t allow the custom CSS to override the styles, and falls back to the default CSS, topic.min.css.
  • RH-8760
  • After generating a PDF output from a RoboHelp project, the bookmarks do not always maintain the hierarchy of sections and topics under it, and the hierarchy does not appear as expected.
  • RH-8553
  • If you have a two-column style with some text, and you click the left column, you cannot see the cursor. If you click the other column, you can see the cursor.
  • RH-7115
  • In RoboHelp 2020, in Topic Properties, the keywords appear in the order they are added in the Index section. In RoboHelp 2022, the keywords are sorted alphabetically after insertion in a topic.
  • RH-6789
  • Cross-reference links in a Word document are not recognized as being links, when linking or importing a Word document.

New in Adobe RoboHelp 2020.7.0 Update 7 (Jan 20, 2022)

  • Authoring:
  • When any additional space between text is removed, it gets saved as a non-breaking space ( ). This non-breaking space causes unnecessary line breaks in the output, interrupting the workflow.
  • When adding a glossary term, if there is any hyperlink existing with the same glossary term name, then the hyperlink is removed, and the phrase gets converted to a glossary term.
  • When a project is upgraded/imported from RoboHelp Classic (2019 release) to RoboHelp 2020, formatting styles applied to nested tables are lost.
  • When applying the Advanced Formatting option to list styles, it does not apply to previous levels of number formatting (such as 1.1) unless all levels are re-enabled.
  • Unchecking the Advanced Formatting option in Update 7, removes Number/Bullet Format, Indent, Prefix Width, Spacing, and any applied style across all levels, reverting to the default.
  • Frameless
  • Using the print icon in a Frameless output, displays a print preview with inconsistent CSS styles and blank pages.
  • Translation:
  • Topics with the “See Also” data have missing captions for the related information in the generated XLIFF files.
  • During manual translation, language servers processing the generated XLIFF files report errors.
  • Empty tags, such as <br>, <img>, <link>, gets removed during XLIFF file generation process. This led to formatting loss during translation.
  • Output:
  • The generated PDF output of a TOC book contains missing chapter titles and page numbers for root level topics. (Bug ID: 10272)
  • Although a PDF/Word output preset is set to Include Expanding Text content, glossary terms appear without the expanded definition. (Bug ID: 10283)
  • CSS styles applied to table cells are not correctly rendered in Word output, despite being visible in Author/Preview mode. (Bug ID: 10295)
  • Styles applied to inline and nested block level <p> tags are not getting applied in Word output. (Bug ID: 10296)
  • The Numbering format appears incorrectly for nested level bulleted and numbered list styles in Word output. (Bug ID: 10297)
  • Any project that contains straight quotes in the heading and title sections does not generate Word output. (Bug ID: 10339)
  • Any space that exists between two consecutive spans within a block element <p> appears in Word output without a space for the span text.
  • In a responsive output, the ShowTopicInContext label is a mouse-clickable link only. This makes it inaccessible via the keyboard, failing to utilize the accessibility support.
  • Search terms enclosed within quotes yields no result in a merged output. This happens even if the search term had an exact match.
  • When multiple topics are selected, the map numbers assigned for calling context-sensitive help gets duplicated.
  • Bookmarks in a browse sequence are skipped during browse sequence navigation. Clicking previous or next buttons does not navigate to the bookmarks present in a topic. (Bug ID: 10148)
  • Access to online context-sensitive help redirects to the first help page, which then loads the TOC before proceeding to the actual help topic.

New in Adobe RoboHelp 2020.4.0 Update 4 (Apr 24, 2021)

  • Application interface:
  • Accessibility (Section 508 compliance)
  • Application / User Interface Improvements
  • Authoring:
  • Multi-level Autonumbering
  • Support for condition expressions in the topic preview
  • Translation:
  • Machine translation profile
  • Publishing:
  • Frameless and Responsive HTML5 output enhancements
  • Knowledge Base publishing
  • Word Output enhancements
  • Search enhancements
  • Accessibility (Section 508 compliance):
  • We’ve enhanced features that are related to accessibility. Most of the features are a part of the new improved, more Section 508-compliant User Interface. Some of them are:
  • Navigation using Tab, Shift + Tab, Arrow, and Enter keys
  • Keyboard shortcuts for context menu
  • Alt key support for main menu
  • Improved color contrast for highlight colors.
  • Application / User Interface Improvements:
  • Reorganized right panel:
  • In this release, the right panel has been reorganized according to the properties and context. You can expand the panel and access more options to modify styles, topic properties, table properties, spell check, or content properties.
  • Enhanced color experience:
  • Apply a richer repertoire of colors to the text with a redesigned color palette. In addition, you can define the color in HEX, RGB, or HSB format.
  • New tooltip experience:
  • The tooltips are now more intuitive, easy to navigate, and are more prominent throughout the application. Also, the tooltips are Section 508-compliant.
  • List styles by name:
  • On the Styles panel, toggle between listing the available styles by name or preview.
  • New category- Heading Styles:
  • Choose Heading Styles from the All Styles drop-down list. You can then see all headings that have a style applied to them. This is convenient if you only want to see the styles on a heading.
  • Turn off Output and Review tabs:
  • In an organization, if you want authors to not trigger output or review, the Update 4 allows you to disable the Output and Review tabs.
  • Menu enhancements:
  • In the toolbar, a new menu option, Insert, has been added. Using this option, in a topic, you can insert an image, video file, YouTube URL, bookmark, variable, snippet, and many more. Expand the menu to see the element that you can add in a topic.
  • For quick access, press the Alt+I key.
  • Multi-level Autonumbering:
  • Get more control on style on number and content separately using CSS multi-level numbering.
  • For more information, see this article.
  • Use the Tab and Shift + Tab keys to control level in the topic editor and also select multiple paragraphs and apply auto-number class in one go.
  • Support for condition expressions in the topic preview:
  • You can now see the condition expressions in the Preview mode in addition to filtering each individual condition tag.
  • Other authoring enhancements:
  • The following new keyboard shortcuts have been added:
  • Insert a bookmark - CTRL/CMD + SHIFT + B
  • Launch the Styles panel and apply a style while authoring - CTRL/CMD +SHIFT+S
  • Add a hyperlink on an image by dragging a topic onto the image. The image then includes a hyperlink to the topic.
  • Save a topic as a PDF. There is an option to save a topic as PDF in the content menu on the authoring area.
  • In the Link To dialog, to quickly insert a URL, double click any topic from Project Files, Recently used or Searched list.
  • Machine translation profile:
  • Connecting to machine translation vendor APIs usually require passing custom data in the header of the API call.
  • In earlier releases of RoboHelp, there was no support to add custom header. With update 4, Now users can add valid custom headers corresponding to a particular Translation vendor API.
  • For more information, see Translating content to multiple languages.
  • Adding header is as simple as adding key-value pair. For example, Microsoft translation APIs require the following:
  • Key = Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Region
  • Value = One of the following:
  • { australiaeast, brazilsouth, canadacentral, centralindia, centralus, centraluseuap, eastasia, eastus, eastus2, francecentral, japaneast, japanwest, koreacentral, northcentralus, northeurope, southcentralus, southeastasia, uksouth, westcentralus, westeurope, westus, westus2, and southafricanorth }
  • Frameless and Responsive HTML5 output enhancements:
  • For the Frameless and Responsive HTML5 output skins (Orange, Oceanic, Studio, and others), we've added a few options to improve the user experience.
  • Hide right panel
  • In the Frameless skin, the right panel has a mini TOC and other options. Now you can hide and right panel and use that area for the topic content. In this case, the mini TOC is not shown. You can add the other options using the toolbar buttons.
  • Toggle the option Right Panel to control the visibility.
  • Option to use a Topic Url:
  • Now you can use a topic URL in addition to the web URL for topic page buttons.
  • Insert URL in logo:
  • By default, the Logo and Title points to the home page. If you want to point it to a web URL or to a different Topic, then you can do it now from the output preset settings.
  • Customize the search:
  • You can now specify different placeholder text for different search boxes, for example, search boxes in the Index and Glossary tabs.
  • Support for URL in toolbar links and buttons
  • In Skin Editor > Layout > Topic Page Buttons, when you choose any button, you can insert any URL. You can set a URL to a project file, email, and a link to the web.
  • Search enhancements:
  • In Update 4, we've enhanced the search experience in terms of search results and context, so that you have more control of what you want to show.
  • Search results pagination:
  • You can now specify the number of search results that appear on a page. By default, the value is set to 20 and can be configured.
  • Search context:
  • On the search page, for every result you can better control what context that you want to show.
  • Now you can specify whether text around search term is shown or the topic description or starting text of the topic. Alongside, ability to specify the character limit for search context can be specified.
  • Knowledge Base publishing:
  • New preset- Knowledge Base:
  • To publish your content to various knowledge bases, such as, Zoho, Zendesk, and so on, we've included a new output preset- Knowledge Base.
  • Unlike earlier updates, Knowledge base is now a new preset option.
  • Once you choose this preset, you can choose any of Salesforce, ServiceNow, Zendesk, and Zoho Knowledge Bases. The options across all the four knowledge bases / CRM (Customer Relationship Management) portal are similar and details are available here:
  • Publish to Zendesk Help Center
  • Publish to Salesforce Knowledge Base
  • Publish to ServiceNow Knowledge Base
  • Publish to Zoho Knowledge Base
  • Article-based publishing:
  • In certain cases, you may only publish a subset of the articles to the knowledge base. This option enables you to select the articles that you want to publish.
  • Publish to Zoho knowledge base:
  • In this release of RoboHelp 2020, you can publish your help topics to Zoho Knowledge Base.
  • More publish options:
  • Publish as draft:
  • There is a new option, Upload as draft, if enabled, the publish status for all articles on the portals will be in Draft state. By default, this option is disabled.
  • To create a connection with Zoho Help Center, you must set up your account to get started. For more details, see Getting Started with Zoho.
  • Word Output enhancements:
  • When generating a Microsoft Word output, it is important that the various paragraph, character, and table styles are mapped correctly.
  • In this release of RoboHelp, you can map RoboHelp table styles when generating an output in Microsoft Word. In the table sub-section of Word style mapping (Word Output preset), you can either use the RoboHelp table style to Word or default to the Word table style.
  • Bugs fixed in this release:
  • User experience:
  • The default margin and padding added by the editor in the topic body is more than what the browser adds by default.
  • When holding down the Crtl key, rolling the mouse wheel forward zooms out instead of zoom in.
  • The Table of Contents panel does not allow you to drag and drop to reorganize content.
  • The keyboard shortcut to create a new project does not work in machines with assistive technology.
  • Authoring:
  • An application error occurs when inserting Entities in the source code editor.
  • If you change tabs from Review to Author, you are redirected to the start of the topic, not where you were currently.
  • The Styles panel doesn’t scroll to the style which is applied at the cursor location.
  • When a topic is linked from TOC to a bookmark in another topic, after applying the changes, the topic title changes to topic.htm#bookmarktitle.
  • When you use the cross-reference multiple times, RoboHelp displays an application error, and asks you to restart.
  • In the Style Editor, RoboHelp does not add a semi-colon to the last line.
  • Unable to set vertical alignment for a single cell.
  • Project:
  • A multi-level list from classic project doesn't get upgraded as expected.
  • A printed documented SSL with Word output from classic project gets upgraded as PDF preset.
  • An application error occurs on upgrading a large classic project.
  • After upgrading RoboHelp to 2020 release, the snippets are moved to the top of a list. Trying to move the snippets do not work as expected.
  • After a project upgrade, the table and column widths are incorrect.
  • Image map positions change on upgrading from RoboHelp 2019 classic.
  • Output title shows “Blank Project” in any newly created project instead of the specified project name.
  • Searching in the Contents panel uses fuzzy match instead of precise match.
  • When importing a Word doc with nested lists in RoboHelp, the nested lists do not appear as expected.
  • After Word import, if document is split into multiple topics, links to self bookmarks are not converted to other topic links.
  • After Launching Robohelp, clicking Collaborate > Open Connection shows empty at first. However, if you go to Connection profiles, close it, and then go to Collaborate> Open Connection, then it lists the Connection Profiles.
  • SharePoint online API throttling corrupts RoboHelp projects.
  • The Review service does not work as expected for some regions.
  • While adding a project to a GitHub repo, you encounter an application error.
  • In some cases, the GlossaryTermConverter script does not work as expected. As a result, terms do not display in the output.
  • When editing a topic using the WYSIWYG editor, if you click on the </> source button and then switch back to the editor, the screen will load but the content will be indented to the left with a portion of the topic content truncated.
  • Downloading report doesn’t always contain all the rows.
  • Search:
  • Search ignores Add special characters for search settings.
  • In merged projects, Consider all words in search does not work as expected.
  • When the search term contains a special character, the returned search term is not highlighted.
  • PDF:
  • Inline style doesn’t display correctly unless embed fonts option is switched on.
  • A PDF doesn't reflect chosen fonts despite being correct in the topic editor.
  • Number reset for lists, if done in between, does not display correctly in the PDF.
  • PDF output fails if there is a special character ‘%’ in the topic header.
  • Frameless and Responsive:
  • Hover on hide left panel button shows text "Show Left Panel" in mobile view.
  • Glossary term having multiple words are broken after upgrade in output topics.
  • Search engine won't display words even with no defined 'Stop Words’
  • The TOC becomes blank on opening a Microcontent FAQ page.
  • Related Topics and See also not appearing correctly in the output.
  • In some cases, the frameless output is slower than expected and unresponsive.
  • Popup links to images cannot be sized to appear with no white space or scroll bars.
  • A topic is aligned to the right side in the Frameless mobile output.
  • Bookmarks in Frameless do not work.
  • A generated help inserts an extra slash into the download button URL.
  • Other output formats:
  • File names having space or umlaut chars are not going to CHM output.
  • Output generation gets stuck in between when multiple outputs are generated from a batch file.
  • Clicking Shift+Enter in a list produces an extra space in Word output.
  • In a Word output, a table in a list is not indented as expected.
  • Text in a drop-down list in a CHM output doesn’t work as expected.

New in Adobe RoboHelp 2019.0.14 (Jun 23, 2020)

  • Search does not work for Responsive HTML5 output when generated using RH2019 Classic Update 13. (Ref – 7436)
  • Javascript errors when opening the generated .chm file.
  • Bookmark links are not working in Responsive HTML5 output.
  • The security issues fixed for RH Classic in Update 13 have been reverted in Update 14.

New in Adobe RoboHelp 2019.0.11 (Feb 5, 2020)

  • Fixed Output Issues:
  • The Responsive HTML5 and Frameless presets do not generate lower case in the referenced file names. (Ref - 6404)
  • The image size changes in Word output if the image resolution is not set to 96 DPI. (RH-6393)
  • The Decimal separator specified in CSS values is not recognized in Word output for German Projects. (Ref - 6386)
  • RoboHelp fails to generate Word output if a topic contains a table with partly transparent background. (Ref - 6384)
  • The Word output does not handle superscript and subscript styling correctly. (Ref – 6331)
  • In Responsive HTML5 Output, text in the search box cannot be reset without manually removing from URL. (Ref - 6382)
  • In Frameless output, the search by phrase does not return any results if part of the search query in the target topic is formatted text, such as bold or italic. (Ref - 6332)
  • The search results in the Frameless output that uses merged projects do not return relevant results at the top. (Ref - 6330)
  • The search with dynamic content filters doesn't find correct results in merged projects. (Ref - 5724)
  • The small images are stretched out horizontally in Frameless and Responsive HTML5 outputs. (Ref - 6380)
  • The drop-down does not open when creating and outputting a drop-down in a snippet. (Ref - 6374)
  • The <script> tags are not copied from Master Page into the Topics. (RH - 6359)
  • Mini-TOC in Frameless output does not indent different heading sizes correctly. (RH - 5474)
  • The search container is inside the TOC tiles area in Frameless output home page. (Ref - 6329)
  • Drop-down expanded by default on publish in Frameless output. (Ref - 6288)
  • In Frameless output, the thumbnail image, when expanded, hides the close button fully or partially behind the header or bookmark bar. (Ref - 6256)
  • Only .htm extension can be created for index.htm page. Index.html is not supported in output presets. (Ref - 6407)
  • Creating a new topic using a master page does not patch the relative paths present in the master page topic body. (RH - 6396)
  • The option to map hyperlink styles in Word to styles in RoboHelp is not available. (RH - 6338)
  • In topics imported from Word document, language attribute is not handled properly. (RH - 6297)
  • The hyperlinks containing '#' are imported empty from Word. (RH - 6290)
  • Undo (Ctrl+Z) and Redo (Ctrl+Y) operation for TOC drag-drop is completely disabled. (Ref - 6333)
  • Undo (Ctrl+Z) and Redo (Ctrl+Y) operation are completely broken from the menu. (Ref - 6292)
  • Embedding a video in drop-down text breaks the source when the Author view is displayed. (RH - 6310)
  • Encountering application error in Sharepoint authentication (Ref - 6511)
  • Table of Contents does not work correctly in IE11 in Responsive HTML output. (Ref - 6507)
  • Header and footer do not apply to all the pages in PDF. (Ref - 6521)
  • The variables in the variable set do not display the updated variable value, in spite shows the value as overridden. (Ref - 6502)
  • Performance drop in search and sync in Table of Contents for large projects in Frameless output. (Ref - 6509)
  • Topic filtered message appears even if the filter is not applied at the topic level. (Ref - 6505)
  • The front cover of a PDF is inserted at the start and end of the document resulting in erratic page numbering. (Ref - 6304)
  • In Frameless output, a pair of warning messages are processed for every merged project, causing a significant delay in topic loading time. (Ref - 6301)
  • Stability issues with RoboHelp instance on large projects (~1000 topics) caused by memory leak. (Ref - 6508)
  • PDF download file name is getting renamed in Frameless Output. (Ref - 6533)
  • Missing newer HTML5 tags for example, <mark>, <i> and so on, in the styles panel. (Ref - 6534)
  • Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in "searchMsg" and "rhsearch" parameters in Responsive HTML5 output. (Ref - 6535)
  • Microsoft Compiled HTML Help (CHM) does not output the TOC of 2-byte characters correctly. (Ref - 6538, 6554)
  • Text pop-up boxes are overlapped in Frameless output. (Ref - 6562)
  • Links to large topics with multiple pages do not go to first page of those topics. (Ref - 6568)

New in Adobe RoboHelp 2019.0.9 (Sep 16, 2019)

  • Feature enhancements:
  • Use the new Word output feature
  • From RoboHelp, you can now generate output in DOCX format regardless of whether MS Word is installed on your machine. You can also choose a Word template for your output. RoboHelp maps all styles according to the default Word format; however, you can also specify a style sheet for mapping. Additionallly, you can start every topic on a new page.
  • Use the new global find and replace feature
  • You can now use the find and replace feature across these text files in your project—topics, snippets, master pages, TOC, and CSS. You can use regular expressions in both find and replace, and various filtering options. You can also back up your files before replacing.
  • Use the new Oceanic Frameless skin
  • You can now use the new Oceanic skin for Frameless output. You can also edit and preview the skin in the skin editor.
  • Other enhancements
  • You can easily launch the condition tag group editor from the Add Condition Tag or the Edit Condition Tag dialog box.
  • You can now enable search for sub-strings in Frameless and Responsive HTML5 outputs.
  • You can now use your mouse to easily change table and column widths.
  • On renaming a topic, RoboHelp now updates whatever is visible in the Contents panel??—filename or topic title.
  • The Back button on the home page of the Indigo layout no longer appears as a tile. The button is placed below the output logo and title.
  • In Responsive HTML5 output, RoboHelp now displays a message to indicate that the current topic is hidden because the topic is filtered out by the applied dynamic content filters.
  • In Frameless skin, you can now specify search highlight text and background colors.
  • You can now select multiple glossary terms and use the new Select All button in GlossaryTermConverter.js script file.
  • You can now move deleted items to the recycle bin, which is the default behaviour. However, you can change this behaviour in Edit > Preferences > General.
  • You can now remove currently applied fonts by selecting the None option in the Font family style in the Properties panel and the CSS editor.
  • Fixed Issues:
  • Cannot access full help with layout when a topic in Responsive HTML5 output is opened directly or in a new tab.
  • (Ref - 4110)
  • RoboHelp now automatically uses the correct drop-down image when a drop-down text or an expanding text is expanded by a search in Responsive HTML5 and Frameless outputs.
  • (Ref - 4419)
  • RoboHelp fails to generate Responsive HTML5 output when using Favicon.
  • (Ref - 5223)
  • Frameless output does not display UTF-8 characters correctly on the Edge browser.
  • (Ref - 5070)
  • The search in HTML5 output partially returns wrong results.
  • (Ref - 5062)
  • Project does not open if a topics contain hrefs starting with /.
  • (Ref - 5060)
  • Files are missing after upgrading a RoboHelp 2015 project to RoboHelp 2019 project.
  • (Ref - 5058)
  • Homepage content topic in Frameless output is not patched for components such as related topics, mini TOC, See Also, and snippets.
  • (Ref - 5046)
  • After installing RoboHelp 2019 Update 8, command-line output generation stopped working with a Javascript API error.
  • (Ref - 5041)
  • Word import creates a buggy file in case of multiple headers with the same name.
  • (Ref - 5037)
  • If an image is missing in a topic in author or preview mode, the missing image placeholder does not appear.
  • (Ref - 5035)
  • When a drop-down text is created at the end of a sentence, RoboHelp adds a space between the ending period and the drop-down text title.
  • (Ref - 5016)
  • When a topic is opened in a new tab or window of a web browser, the Indigo layout header gets cut.
  • (Ref - 4847)
  • Words added to the dictionary are not retained across sessions for the English (UK) project language.
  • (Ref - 4573)
  • Predictive search terms do not appear when modifying a search term with underscores in the search field.
  • (Ref - 4270)
  • If the Contents page in a child project contains links to websites, after the merging the child project with the parent project, such links do not work in Indigo layout.
  • (Ref - 4151)
  • In a Topic List report, sorting date-based columns by last modified dates returns incorrect results.
  • (Ref - 4034)
  • Thumbnail images do not expand when a topic is open in a new tab in Responsive HTML5 output.
  • (Ref - 3981)
  • The order of dynamic filtering terms is broken in Responsive HTML5 output.
  • (Ref - 3223)
  • Table of contents does not synchronize in merged outputs for Internet Explorer 11.
  • (Ref - 3171)
  • Index does not get sorted correctly in Responsive HTML5 output.
  • (Ref - 2862)
  • Mini TOC does not display when topic contents are filtered by condition expressions.
  • (Ref - 5363)
  • Fixed issues in RoboHelp Classic (2019 release)
  • WebHelp local output does not load in Firefox after updating to 68.0.1.
  • (Ref - 5053)
  • CSH Data Div and iframe are not visible when Help pop-up window is displayed.
  • (Ref - 5338)

New in Adobe RoboHelp 2017 ( (Feb 24, 2017)

  • Next-generation Responsive HTML5 layouts:
  • Deliver personalized content experiences with new frameless Responsive HTML5 layouts that provide intuitive navigation and best-in-class search. Easily show or hide widgets, such as glossary and TOC.
  • Search faster with autocomplete:
  • Deliver best-in-class search experience to end-users with first-of-its-kind search autocomplete and more contextual search results. Provide users with automatic suggestions as they type, displaying the frequency of occurrence for each alongside.
  • Ability to add thumbnails:
  • Now publish and view images as thumbnails that expand on clicking, making it easier to render and view content on mobile devices.
  • Greater content accessibility:
  • Deliver content to accommodate your users’ special needs. The 508 compliant HTML5 layouts let you create content that is accessible to all users.
  • Add favorites in Responsive HTML5 layouts:
  • Provide users the option to mark topics as favorites in Responsive HTML5 layouts, saving them time and effort to locate frequently used content.
  • Import folders to baggage files:
  • Easily transfer support information with the ability to import entire folders to baggage files
  • Ability to toggle variable views:
  • Quickly toggle between the variable and the value it represents to review content as your end users would see it.

New in Adobe RoboHelp 2015 (Jun 18, 2015)

  • Make content more findable:
  • Dynamic content filters:
  • Empower users to find relevant content faster in the document, TOC, index, and glossary. Leverage existing conditional tags and expressions to enable end users to dynamically filter content in the final HTML5 output, thereby delivering personalized help experiences.
  • Enhanced DUCC output:
  • Use the new dynamic content filters to create enhanced DUCC output that generates only one set of HTML5 files regardless of the number of expressions used. Easily migrate your current DUCC outputs to new, more efficient ones based on dynamic content filters.
  • Dynamic filter support in CSH:
  • Provide more targeted contextual help with URL support in the new dynamically filtered output. Embed the selected filters in the URL and use that URL in the CSH calls.
  • Tagged Output view:
  • Now see how filtered content will look for different combinations of filters by easily testing dynamic content filters using the Tagged Output view. The view also shows the tags that have been applied to the generated HTML5 files.
  • Leverage next-generation mobile publishing:
  • New HTML5 layout:
  • Deliver a personalized content consumption experience. Configure search to appear on the content or topic panes, and show context and breadcrumbs in the results. Easily show or hide widgets, such as glossary and TOC. Convert the layout to right-to-left languages just by changing one property.
  • Enhanced search results in HTML5 layouts:
  • Provide greater context to end users by showing more details in search results. Configure the search results to appear on the content or topic panes, and show breadcrumbs and topic descriptions. By default, the first few sentences of the topic are shown as description, but authors can also write their own.
  • Out-of-the-box support for social widgets:
  • Generate mobile output that is easily shareable on Facebook and Twitter with out-of-the-box support for social widgets provided by the new HTML5 layout.
  • Custom fonts in EPUB files:
  • Embed custom fonts in your EPUB output and ensure that your users see high-quality typography exactly as you intended, whether or not they have the font installed on their device.
  • Note: You must have distribution rights for the embedded font.
  • Optimized HTML5 output:
  • Now experience as much as a 50% reduction in loading time, file size savings of about 20KB per topic, and smoother transitions between pages with faster, more responsive HTML5 output.
  • Maintained TOC state in HTML5 output:
  • Work more conveniently by maintaining the TOC state—as the new responsive HTML5 output remembers the state of the books. Two or more books can be expanded simultaneously.
  • Single-click responsive HTML5 publishing:
  • Generate stunning responsive HTML5 output for multiple devices with just one click, even for your legacy content. Provide a consistent user experience across multiple screen types by simply selecting a single layout from a gallery of responsive HTML5 layouts. Leverage the responsive HTML5 output to create mobile apps easily.
  • Responsive HTML5 layout editor:
  • Easily customize out-of-the-box responsive HTML5 layouts to your website theme without knowledge of HTML5 or CSS3. Add a logo, match your colors to the brand palette, style widget text and icons as required, and decide which widgets are displayed for tablets, smartphones, and desktops.
  • Deliver content-centric apps across major platforms:
  • Mobile app output support:
  • Ensure wider distribution and consumption of content with a simplified mobile app generation workflow and native integration with Adobe PhoneGap Build*. Easily publish your content as mobile apps for iOS and Android with just one click.
  • Work more productively with a modern interface:
  • Ribbon UI:
  • Work more productively with a modern, workflow-centric, ribbon UI. Customize the interface with a theme of your choice and colored or grayscale icons. Work faster with a customizable Quick Access toolbar and contextual tabs.
  • Enhanced search functionality:
  • Work faster with bidirectional and multiline searches in the TOC, files, and index pods. Set the search scope to the current project or window, a specific folder, or all open files. Zip through search results in Design mode, and easily edit topics by double-clicking them.
  • Named conditional expressions:
  • Easily manage a large number of conditional expressions in a project by giving them descriptive, easy-to-remember names. Eliminate the hassle of having to decipher the logic each time you need to use expressions.
  • Enhanced conditional indicators:
  • Maintain readability of content even when multiple tags are applied, using enhanced conditional tag indicators. Easily find which tags have been applied and where the conditions change within a topic.
  • Remembered project state:
  • Enjoy the convenience of having projects opened in exactly the same state in which they were closed. No need to remember which topics and pods were opened last—RoboHelp (2015 release) automatically restores them.
  • Adobe Captivate support:
  • Easily integrate HTML5 and SWF content created with the latest release of Adobe Captivate into your RoboHelp files. Enhance your help content with show-me demos, how-to movies, and interactive quizzes.
  • Colored and grayscale icons:
  • Customize the look of the new ribbon UI using colored or grayscale icons.
  • Out-of-the-box UI themes:
  • Work in your favorite environment. Choose from four out-of-the-box color themes to customize the look of the new ribbon UI.
  • Auto-hide ribbons:
  • Maximize the document viewing area using auto-hide ribbons. The ribbon toolbar stays hidden while you are working, but offers easy access when you hover on the tab.
  • Contextual tabs:
  • Work more productively with Contextual tabs for objects, such as tables. Depending on the object selected, the contextual tab appears with a list of relevant actions.
  • Customizable Quick Access toolbar:
  • Work faster than ever by keeping your most frequently used operations at your fingertips. Customize the Quick Access toolbar with any operation supported in the main toolbar.
  • Find topics in Project Manager:
  • Easily locate topics in the Project Manager. Just click the topic, TOC, or topic list pod to locate and highlight the topic.
  • Easy updation of CSS styles:
  • Now easily edit the styles in a CSS. Style content inline and update the CSS style from the inline style with a single click.
  • Shared topics for real-time collaboration and review:
  • Take single-sourcing and collaborative authoring to a extraordinary level. Share your topics for reuse or review. Keep them synchronized and get real-time updates without having to import comments. Easily merge projects, even when multiple authors are working simultaneously on them.
  • Quick-and-easy Dropbox-powered sharing and collaboration:
  • Work anytime, anywhere, on any machine, and with any collaborator, even if they aren’t on the same corporate network. Configure a Dropbox folder in Resource Manager with one click, and drag resource files and topics to it to share them with subject matter experts, vendors, and others.
  • Automatic management of dependencies in shared topics:
  • Focus on content, not on managing it. Share topics confidently across authors and projects and let RoboHelp take on the task of managing dependencies. Keep dependent files synchronized with the shared topics, or specify different dependent files for different projects.
  • Automatic cross-reference resolution in shared topics:
  • Organize topics and resource files as you like, even when they are shared with other authors or projects. Cross-references are automatically resolved. Keep dependent files synchronized with the shared topics, or specify different dependent files for different projects.

New in Adobe RoboHelp (Jun 23, 2014)

  • Single-click responsive HTML5 publishing:
  • Generate stunning responsive HTML5 output for multiple devices with just one click, even for your legacy content. Provide a consistent user experience across multiple screen types by simply selecting a single layout from a gallery of responsive HTML5 layouts. Leverage the responsive HTML5 output to create mobile apps easily.
  • Quick-and-easy Dropbox-powered sharing and collaboration:
  • Work anytime, anywhere, on any machine, and with any collaborator, even if they aren’t on the same corporate network. Configure a Dropbox folder in Resource Manager with one click. Drag and drop resource files and topics to this folder to share them with subject matter experts, vendors, and others.
  • Customized headers and footers in printed documentation:
  • Create branded print documentation with attractive headers and footers added to Word™ and PDF files. Configure different master pages for special pages like covers and odd and even pages. Choose from a gallery of Master Pages, or design your own by including images, system variables, user-defined variables, and text.
  • Shared Topics for real-time collaboration and review:
  • Take single-sourcing and collaborative authoring to an unprecedented level. Share your topics for reuse or review—across authors, subject matter experts and projects. Keep them synchronized and get real-time updates without having to import comments. Easily merge projects, even when multiple authors are working simultaneously on them.
  • Automatic management of dependencies in Shared Topics:
  • Focus on content, not on managing it. Share topics confidently across authors and projects and let RoboHelp take on the task of managing dependencies. Keep the dependent files synchronized with the shared topics, or specify different dependent files for different projects.
  • Automatic cross-reference resolution in Shared Topics:
  • Now organize topics and resource files as you like, even when they are shared with other authors or projects. RoboHelp automatically resolves cross-references, ensuring that they still work. Keep the dependent files synchronized with the shared topics, or specify different dependent files for different projects.
  • Embedded multimedia in downloadable documents:
  • Engage users with rich, interactive printed documentation. Easily include animations and videos created with Adobe Flash Professional and Adobe Captivate in Word™ and PDF documents generated from your RoboHelp projects. Additionally include AVI and MP4 content in generated Word™ files.
  • Windows® 8.1 support:
  • Now leverage the power of Adobe RoboHelp 11 and all its features when using Windows® 8.1.
  • Microsoft® Office 2013 Support:
  • Now leverage the power of Adobe RoboHelp 11 and all its workflows when using Microsoft Office® 2013.
  • Responsive HTML5 layout editor:
  • Easily customize out-of-the-box responsive HTML5 layouts to your website theme without knowledge of HTML5 or CSS3. Add a logo, match your colors to the brand palette, style widget text and icons as required, and decide which widgets are displayed for iPad# and other tablets, smartphones, and desktops.
  • Adobe Captivate 7 compatibility:
  • Easily integrate HTML5 and SWF content created with Adobe Captivate 7. Enhance your help content with show-me demos, how-to movies, and interactive quizzes.
  • Faster Upload to Source Control:
  • Work more productively, reducing upload time by as much as 50% when projects are uploaded to Source Control for the first time.

New in Adobe RoboHelp (Nov 13, 2012)

  • Device-based screen profiles:
  • Leverage the scalable, extensible multiscreen HTML5 format to make output look its best on a range of devices. Create new profiles, specify a range of dimensions or resolutions for each of them, provide screen frame images for better previewing of output screens, and specify the browser agents to use to access the content.
  • Customizable screen layouts:
  • Choose from out-of-the-box layouts for desktop, iPhone#, iPad#, Kindle Fire, and more, or define custom layouts and map them to screen profiles. Edit the topic style, content, and search features in each layout. Conveniently change styles using a toolbar. Preview pages to see how the layouts will appear.
  • EPUB 3 and Kindle Format 8 (KF8) support:
  • Deliver content to smartphones, tablets, and eBook readers in EPUB 3, KF8 and Mobi formats. Publish to devices (such as iOS and Android smartphones and tablets, Amazon Kindle, Barnes and Noble NOOK, Sony Reader) and reader apps (such as Adobe Digital Editions, Calibre, Aldiko, and iBooks)^.
  • Intelligent, searchable content:
  • Create a superior search experience for your users by empowering them with the ability to view the total number of search results, search for all words in a string, and apply Conditional Build Tags (CBTs) on external search content.
  • Out-of-the-box integration with Microsoft SharePoint:
  • Use a SharePoint document library to access source files for your enterprise help projects and share PDF files for review. Publish a single continuous HTML page directly to SharePoint by combining SharePoint GUI features and RoboHelp topics. Teams can check files in or out and maintain history records.
  • Customizable Conditional Build Tags (CBTs):
  • Improve your review and rework experience by defining your own CBTs. Work more efficiently by filtering the content of your review PDF and importing the comments into the relevant topics, snippets, and master pages.
  • Search and Replace:
  • Edit your content more conveniently with the robust Search and Replace pod. Search for text on the basis of multiple parameters, edit your search queries, view search results in a list, use pre-populated search filters, set a default Search path, and look up regular expressions and wildcard characters.
  • Auto-sizing glossary pop-ups:
  • Improve the reading experience for your users by providing WebHelp glossary pop-ups on multiple devices that automatically resize themselves to suit the amount of content written inside them.
  • Event-based script triggers:
  • Enable event-based executions of functions within a script rather than relying on manual interventions. Use the scripting pod to generate custom reports, automate frequently used workflows, and even extend the functionality of Adobe RoboHelp 10.
  • Consolidated multiscreen HTML5 content:
  • Easily merge and publish multiscreen HTML5 help content developed across the enterprise. Efficiently integrate the content developed across the organization, infuse parent-child relationships, and create consolidated help systems.
  • SEO-friendly output:
  • Optimize your multiscreen HTML5 content to render it more search-friendly. Help your users find relevant content faster by assigning a unique URL to each help page, using the metadata menu to define search keywords, linguistic synonyms, and stop lists.
  • Media queries for customizable stylesheets:
  • Change the look and feel of your content depending on the output medium. Use the style pod to define and apply styles. View the media query sent to the CSS file and edit the CSS file as required. Choose the media view in your editor to view content as it will be rendered.

New in Adobe RoboHelp (May 5, 2011)

  • The RoboHelp update addresses the following issues:
  • RoboHelp does not recognize 64-bit Word installation in 64-bit mode
  • Printed Documentation output doesn’t honor a CBT applied on multilevel lists if another Word Template list style overrides it
  • CBT gets applied randomly in topic content on switching between the HTML view and the Design view in certain scenarios
  • CBT gets removed from UDV on inserting another UDV in the same paragraph
  • Language and encoding options are saved only for WebHelp and AIR output
  • While using Dynamic User-Centric Content (DUCC) output, the Use Lowercase File Names setting isn’t honored due to difference in the capitalization of ContentList.xml in whtbar.js
  • RoboHelp crashes on generating output if the project has PDF baggage files with invalid font information
  • RoboHelp crashes on accessing the TOC or Index pod after loading a workspace
  • Non-UTF-8 and high ASCII characters get corrupted in the WebHelp output for topics created or edited outside RoboHelp
  • ePub output does not show the TOC if the RoboHelp project name has spaces
  • Duplicate content appears in the ePub output in case of certain TOC references
  • Duplicate index and glossary entries are shown in AIR Help output for merged projects
  • TOC of child project doesn’t appear in the merged browser-based AIR Help output
  • Some of the list items are not temporarily shown in the Design editor on deleting any line that is not part of the paragraph list
  • List gets duplicated in the source topic on accessing an invalid bookmark link to the same topic during preview
  • Some of the links for resources aren’t properly maintained after importing comments from PDF in the review workflow
  • Search doesn’t find PDF baggage files in output generated through command-line compilation
  • Search highlighting issues in Firefox, Safari, Chrome, and AIR Help if the topic content has hard line break
  • A span tag is introduced in the HTML view of topic content (with style and CBT applied) when you switch from the Design view
  • Style mapping of FrameMaker content containing certain special characters in xrefs not honored in RoboHelp
  • Server settings in the Publish pane of the WebHelp SSL dialog box are cleared when you make changes to other pane and don’t view the server settings after that