Adobe Version Cue SDK Changelog

What's new in Adobe Version Cue SDK CS3 1.1

May 5, 2010
  • A new sample which shows you how to optimize performance when connecting a external system. It shows you how to work with generation (cache) flags and how to implement a fetcher for retrieving details for multiple assets in a single remote call.
  • A new sample shows how to perform common workflow operations when connecting a external system. It shows how to implement operations like lock/ unlock/ cancel lock for an asset in a custom project, and how to enable check-out/ check-in for custom projects.
  • New and improved documentation including all API changes in Adobe Version Cue CS3 Server 3.1.0.
  • Bug fixes including consistent handling of asset creation dates as well as integration in Adobe Bridge, e.g. improvements in the Filter Panel, Server-driven contextual menus and much more!