AnFX Changelog

What's new in AnFX

Dec 16, 2009
  • Fixes problems of some text not displaying properly when there are italic / bold and non italic/bold forms of the same font in a SWF.
  • Fixes problem with bold or italic text not appearing for certain typefaces

New in AnFX (Dec 15, 2009)

  • Fixes problem with bold or italic text not appearing for certain typefaces

New in AnFX (Nov 25, 2009)

  • Text quality settings to specify normal renderer or advanced renderer to make fonts look crisper, PNG image file support, improved quality of image display

New in AnFX (Oct 18, 2009)

  • Added PNG image support!* Now you can take advantage of the alpha transparency of PNG files to create static or moving images that look great no matter what background is behind them.
  • Improved image quality by exporting to Flash format 8 SWF files instead of format 7. Flash formats 6 and earlier had some known issues in regard to rendering images. Flash 7 fixed some of these but was not 100% right and so 'work arounds' needed to be made to make images appear ok. Version 8 format fixes these issues and so the 'work arounds' in the AnFX exporter code have been removed as it now exports SWF files that target version 8, or later, of the Flash player. Images now look a lot better and are placed much more accurately.
  • Fixed problem that could prevent requesting a new key when running on Vista (when not logged in with administrator rights). No longer generates a order.htm on the hard disk and then opens it - just goes straight to the key server website like all other web links in the application.

New in AnFX (May 8, 2009)

  • Studio: Fixed an issue that was causing AnFX to crash when starting up on certain Vista installations. It does not happen on all Vista installations and it might happen on XP as well but we only had reports of it occurring on some Vista installation.

New in AnFX (Oct 24, 2008)

  • Flash: Fixed problem with initial text in multiline text actors that contain special characters (eg., little characters like á, é, ç, ã). The special characters were not being displayed.

New in AnFX (Oct 6, 2008)

  • Flash: Fixed problem with actions and menu wizard that set multiline actor text to text that contains special characters (eg., little characters like á, é, ç, ã). The special characters were not being displayed.

New in AnFX (Oct 6, 2008)

  • Flash: Fixed problem with actions and menu wizard that set multiline actor text to text that contains special characters (eg., little characters like á, é, ç, ã). The special characters were not being displayed.

New in AnFX (Apr 4, 2008)

  • Studio: Generates Flash preview HTML file that is valid according to W3C standards.
  • Studio: The sizing handles on the corner of a selected actor are no longer constrained to maintaining the aspect ratio of the actor except for ellipses, images and image cyclers.
  • Studio: AnFX can now run on 64 bit Windows (as a 32 bit app) as well as on 32 bit Windows.

New in AnFX (Apr 5, 2007)

  • Features
  • Studio: It is now possible to specify a width for menu items in the menu wizard. The Menu Appearance dialog allows the setting of width in addition to the traditional height setting. Setting the width to (auto) causes the menu with to be calculated in the traditional way.

New in AnFX (Mar 20, 2007)

  • Flash: Fixed a problem with multi line text actors when displaying some ANSI characters that have accents, etc., above them

New in AnFX (Nov 17, 2006)

  • Can use Flash vars for URL links (eg., clickTAG required by ad networks),
  • fixed some minor bugs

New in AnFX (Aug 19, 2006)

  • Studio: Added new Edit | Copy menu items to allow copying of the HTML code required to insert a Flash or Java movie into a HTML page via Frontpage and other WYSIWYG HTML editors. Simply open a design, choose Edit | Copy Flash (or Java) as appropriate and then paste into the desired HTML page.
  • Studio: FlashObject.js was recently renamed to SWFObject.js to avoid trade mark infringement as requested by Flash's new owner's, Adobe. AnFX now generates HTML files using this new name and ships with the new swfobject.js file instead of flashobject.js. You should upload swfobject.js to your webserver whenever you have the current flashobject.js file. When you preview in a browser the HTML page will be updated to use SWFObject instead of the old FlashObject.js.
  • Studio: Search engine friendly Flash and Java. Search engines can not yet follow links within Flash or Java applets but AnFX can now generate a list of all links contained within your movie in the "alternate text" section in the HTML code that embeds your movie into the HTML page. This has been made possible by the use of the new SWFObject.js (formerly FlashObject.js) technology that is used to load your Flash movies. In Production Properties choose "SWFObject" as the method of embedding your movies in the HTML page and all internal URL links will be output into the HTML. The list of URL links will only be seen by search engines and not by your site visitors - they will see the movie playing instead. URLs associated with Text actors and menu items will be named according to their captions. URLs associated with all other types of objects will be named according to the actor name which can be assigned in the studio by right clicking on an actor and choosing "Name...".
  • Studio: Generated HTML now provides an easy to click on link when a browser does not have the Flash player installed. The link is called "Install Flash" and when clicked on will allow the user to install Flash to make the Flash animations start playing.
  • Studio: User can now specify "Alternate Text" in the Product Properties dialog. This specifies the text that will appear in a browser when the Flash player is not installed.

New in AnFX (Jun 21, 2006)

  • Studio Flash Exporter: AnFX now supports a fully functional 15 day trial period. Movies can be exported to Flash (.swf) and executed in a browser.

New in AnFX (May 15, 2006)

  • Studio: AnFX is now integrated with a new key management service on our website. Key requests will now be responded to with much greater speed as the process is now completely automatic.
  • Flash Exporter: Fixed problem with actor groups not being positioned properly if they had a waypoint that scaled up or down applied to them.
  • Flash Exporter: More continuous mouse actions. Whatever state an actor was left in after a mouse clicked action was the state from which any mouse enter actions would start from. This could cause discontinuous changes if the mouse clicked left the actor in anything but its default state (the default state is typically the state an actor is left in after the start of scene action has completed its "intro" actions). Now the mouse enter actions are rendered from the state the actor was in after the start of scene actions. ie., the default state.

New in AnFX (Apr 22, 2006)

  • Studio: AnFX now implements the Microsoft suggestion of working around the Eolas patent/IE modification that causes a gray "activation" border to appear around ALL active content (including Flash).

New in AnFX (Apr 3, 2006)

  • Studio: Deleting a waypoint whose target actor was different to the owner actor (the one on which the event occurs) did not delete the waypoint correctly.