Artifactory Changelog

What's new in Artifactory 7.77.7

Mar 12, 2024
  • Fixed an issue where YAML configuration changes couldn't be applied if the file size exceeded 3 MB.
  • Fixed an issue whereby, when trying to resolve an un-cached artifact from a remote repository pointing to a registry that does not allow content browsing through the Native Browse, Artifactory returned a 404 error.
  • Fixed an issue related to Docker whereby, when trying to resolve an artifact from a repository blocked by Xray remote validation, Artifactory returned a 404 instead of a 403 error.
  • Fixed an issue whereby, when using a dotnet NuGet client with incorrect authentication credentials, Artifactory returned a 500 server error instead of a 401 error.
  • Fixed an issue related to Terraform whereby, Artifactory did not support dereferenced commits for Terraform modules when proxying remote registries.
  • Fixed an issue related to RPM whereby, when adding GPG keys without extension with a file name containing ‘GPG’, Artifactory did not support making the keys expirable.

New in Artifactory 7.63.12 (Aug 13, 2023)

  • Fixed an issue related to Terraform whereby, when resolving external dependencies from a Smart Remote repository pointing to a remote repository, the Smart remote repo attempted to resolve the dependency instead of requesting it from the Remote repository.
  • Fixed an issue related to Terraform whereby, when using a Smart Remote repository pointing to a remote repository, artifactory only supported the repositories if they had the same name.

New in Artifactory 7.63.11 (Aug 10, 2023)

  • Resolved Issues:
  • Fixed an issue whereby, when restoring a Folder with an identical name as an artifact, the artifact was corrupted and became unusable.
  • Fixed an issue related to Sharding Cluster with Eventual Cluster whereby, under some circumstances, users who attempt to modify their
  • binary-store.xml configuration file might experience files being deleted.
  • Fixed an issue related to remote repositories whereby, under certain circumstances, when the Socket Timeout parameter is exceeded, the connection stays open, resulting in a database connection leak.

New in Artifactory 7.64 (Jul 23, 2023)

  • Feature Enhancements:
  • Support for npm Audit Signatures:
  • Artifactory now supports npm audit signatures, so you can ensure the integrity of packages downloaded from the npm Registry. For more information, see npm Audit.
  • Resolved Issues:
  • RTFACT-29705:
  • Fixed an issue related to Docker remote repositories whereby, when setting the Enable Direct Cloud Storage setting to 0, Artifactory did not support pulling images from that repository.
  • RTFACT-29710:
  • Fixed an issue related to npm whereby, when deploying the same package as a scoped package and under root, the api/npm REST API did not work as expected.
  • RTFACT-29547:
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the propagation of a Delete Artifact operation to other Federation members, which resulted in inconsistencies in Federated repositories.
  • RTDEV-32806:
  • Fixed an issue whereby, Artifactory did not support removing the Remote Layout Mapping setting once it has been set.
  • RTDEV-32784:
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the propagation of Copy Artifact and Move Artifact operations to other Federation members.

New in Artifactory 7.59.9 (May 28, 2023)

  • Fixed an issue related to Cargo whereby, when requesting an index that does not exist using an anonymous user with Anonymous Access enabled, Artifactory returned a 400 instead of a 404 error.
  • Fixed an issue related to npm whereby, when resolving packages using an npm client with a version earlier than 5.0.0, an incomplete package.json file was created, which made the package unusable.
  • Fixed an issue related to VCS whereby, the Download File REST API was not supported for Smart Remote repositories.
  • Fixed an issue whereby, the projects' storage quota included the remote cache repository.
  • Fixed an issue whereby, Artifactory did not support updating the value of repository property sets using the Update Repository Configuration REST API.
  • Fixed an issue whereby, when setting up event pull replication with more than one remote repository pointing to the same source repository, Artifactory generated repetitive requests which resulted in performance issues.
  • Fixed an issue whereby, when upgrading Artifactory to version 7.55.9, the v165 converter for Oracle DB failed.
  • Fixed an issue whereby, under certain circumstances, the New Content-Disposition Header caused system failures.
  • Fixed an issue whereby, users without Can Update Profile permissions could not view the Configure tab in the SetMeUp section of the JFrog WebUI.

New in Artifactory 7.55.8 (Mar 16, 2023)

  • Resolved Issues:
  • Reverted the multipart download performance fix stated in Artifactory 7.55.7. For more information, see Known Issues.
  • Fixed an issue whereby, when using an MSSQL server database, Artifactory did not support the Full Garbage Collection service.
  • Fixed an issue whereby, when restoring artifacts from the trashcan by choosing their parent repositories, the properties on the repository level were missing.
  • Fixed an issue whereby, under some circumstances, when using the s3-storage-v3 template with a server-side encryption bucket policy, Artifactory failed to upload the data.
  • Fixed an issue related to Maven whereby, temporary files were not deleted automatically and consumed storage space.

New in Artifactory 7.55.6 (Mar 7, 2023)

  • Fixed an issue whereby, when deleting external plugin dependencies from the $JFROG_HOME/artifactory/var/etc/artifactory/plugins/lib directory and then restarting Artifactory, the .JAR files were recreated as corrupted.
  • Fixed an issue whereby, when downloading an artifact that is marked as a Filtered Resource using an access token, Artifactory populated the Password field in the downloaded file with the value ${INVALID.REF}.
  • Fixed an issue whereby, when replicating artifacts from a Federated repository to a target instance, Artifactory incorrectly displayed a checksum warning message.
  • Fixed an issue whereby, when creating a repository with a repository key containing a space and then restarting Artifactory, Artifactory returned an error.
  • Fixed an issue whereby using the UI to delete an Access Token in an Access Federation was not synced across target JPDs.

New in Artifactory 7.55.3 (Mar 3, 2023)

  • Fixed an issue whereby, the WAPM repository was removed from the Package page in the UI.

New in Artifactory 7.53.4 (Feb 26, 2023)

  • Fixed an issue whereby, when authenticating against NuGet using an access token, Artifactory returned a 403 error.

New in Artifactory 7.49.8 (Feb 22, 2023)

  • Fixed an issue whereby, non-admin users could not deploy Build Info artifacts after migrating the build-info repository to a Federated Repository.
  • Fixed an issue whereby, the artifactory/webapp URL redirection did not work as expected.
  • Fixed an issue whereby, when accessing an artifact that was not cached in a remote repository through the WebUI native browser, Artifactory returned an error.
  • Fixed an issue whereby, when authenticating against NuGet using an access token, Artifactory returned a 403 error.
  • Fixed an issue whereby, when trying to download an artifact with a name containing a comma (,) from the JFrog WebUI using a Chrome browser, Artifactory returned a No response received from server error.
  • Fixed an issue whereby, when trying to upload Docker image layers weighing more than 2.15 GB with the --export cache parameter enabled, Artifactory returned an error.
  • Fixed an issue whereby, when upgrading to JFrog version 7.49.x, the Artifactory WebUI became slow and unresponsive.

New in Artifactory 7.49.6 (Jan 29, 2023)

  • Fixed an issue where indexing a Helm chart with an invalid ".gz" format caused the s3 connection pool to leak.
  • Fixed an issue where UI login was very slow if the environment has a very large number of user groups defined.
  • Fixed an issue related to Docker remote repositories whereby, when the Metadata Retrieval Cache Period setting was set to a value other than zero, the tags/list REST API returned an error.
  • Fixed an issue related to sharding cluster configurations that led to faulty UI indications and sometimes led to storage quota warnings and limitations.
  • Fixed an issue where Maven metadata was not calculated automatically after deleting snapshot versions.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented users from logging in to Artifactory when a proxy server added a port number to IP addresses in the X-Forwarded-For header.
  • Fixed an issue whereby, when configuring repository replication if the enableEventReplication and syncDeletes parameters were both enabled and the syncDeletes parameters was disabled via REST API, both parameters were disabled.
  • Fixed an issue whereby, when resolving artifacts from a Terraform Smart Remote repository with an external dependency provider, Artifactory served a wrong request.
  • Fixed an issue whereby, when the source Artifactory was offline due to a timeout, the cached artifacts on the Artifactory Edge node could not be downloaded.
  • Fixed an issue where GPG keys created without a passphrase do not sign Debian packages as expected.
  • Fixed an issue where JPD names were not displayed in the Attach License window (opened from the License Bucket window).
  • Fixed an issue whereby, under certain circumstances, performing Access Federation changes resulted in sync failure.
  • Fixed an issue related to a bug for newrelic java agent in OpenJDK17.0.3.
  • Fixed an issue whereby, when searching for a NuGet V3 package in a remote repository against, Artifactory did not return any results.

New in Artifactory 7.49.5 (Jan 11, 2023)

  • Fixed an issue whereby, due to MSSQL limit of number of parameters that a parameterized query can have (2100), an Artifactory with more than 300 repositories did not start after upgrading to version 7.49.3.
  • Fixed an issue whereby, under certain circumstances, when uploading a large number of artifacts using JFrog CLI, the PostgreSQL database crashed.
  • Fixed an issue whereby, the User Locking policy could not be disabled via the UI. 
  • Fixed an issue whereby, the maxUniqueSnapshots were not saved when the value was changed in Remote repositories.
  • Fixed an issue whereby, when integrating OpenMetrics with Prometheus, if some of the repository names contained special characters like dots or hyphens, Prometheus returned an invalid metric type error.
  • Fixed an issue whereby, changes made to the security configurations page in the UI overwrote the custom configurations set in the Access YAML Configuration.
  • Fixed an issue whereby, under certain circumstances, when enrolling to Google multi-factor authentication, Artifactory returned an error. 

New in Artifactory 7.47.14 (Dec 19, 2022)

  • Fixed an issue where in rare circumstances internal issues occurred related to Federated repositories.

New in Artifactory 7.46.13 (Nov 16, 2022)

  • Fixed an issue related to the Free Trial UI experience.

New in Artifactory 7.46.11 (Nov 4, 2022)

  • Fixed an issue whereby, the Sumo Logic integration with Artifactory failed.

New in Artifactory 7.46.9 (Oct 27, 2022)

  • Fixed an issue whereby, modifying an OAuth user prevented the user from logging in to the JFrog Platform.

New in Artifactory 7.46.6 (Oct 14, 2022)

  • RTDEV-28125:
  • Fixed the known issue whereby, users performing Google authentication to the JFrog Platform received an error.
  • RTDEV-28001:
  • Fixed an issue whereby, the Terraform Client in version 1.3.0 failed to save the Terraform backend state in the Terraform Backend repository.

New in Artifactory 7.42.1 (Jul 31, 2022)

  • Feature Enhancements:
  • Added a Full Broadcast Function to the Access Federation UI
  • Added the option to trigger a full broadcast from a specific Access Federation source via the Access Federation UI. See Full Broadcast.
  • CRAN Local Repository Improvements:
  • Aligned the CRAN Local repository to follow the CRAN spec when populating the Archive folder by introducing the following enhancements:
  • Added the cran.archiveMover.enabled system property that will allow the storage of the archives in the correct hierarchy.
  • Added a new Move Archives CRAN REST API, which moves the existing archives to the correct location (if the system property is enabled).
  • For more information, see Applying the CRAN Official Spec on Local CRAN Repositories.
  • Cold Storage UI Improvements:
  • Added a new Skip Trash Can checkbox allowing you to skip moving items to the trash can when creating or modifying Cold Storage Archive policies in the WebUI.
  • Property Set /name validation endpoint changed to /propertyName:
  • Changed the property set endpoint from /Name to /propertyName.
  • Projects Enhancements:
  • Modified the Project Key Name length limitation from three to two characters.
  • Resolved Issues:
  • Fixed a Cargo package-related issue, whereby a remote Cargo remote repository could not be created without providing the gitRegistryUrl which prevented Artifactory from starting.
  • Fixed a PyPI-related issue whereby, remote PyPI artifacts yanked from the registry would not be processed by Artifactory if there were no yanked details in the remote repository.
  • Fixed an issue whereby, submitting repository-related REST API requests without a repository key returned a 500 error instead of a 400 status error.
  • Fixed an issue whereby, Crowd users were unable to download artifacts via the URL-to-File requests.
  • Fixed an issue whereby, running the Get LDAP Groups Rest API returned forceAttributeSearch as false even if it was set as true in the config.xml file.
  • Fixed an issue whereby, when running NuGet-related REST APIs, the NuGet HTTP status code returned a 403 status message instead of a 409 status message for users with write and not overwrite access while trying to upload an already-existing package.
  • Fixed an issue whereby, running NPM audit fix on the latest versions of NPM and Node version did not function.
  • Fixed an issue whereby, the contents of a virtual repository could not be listed when there is a broken remote repository.
  • Fixed an issue whereby users with the "Manage Resources" permission granted users access to Admin Settings page.
  • Fixed a Cargo package-related issue, whereby the Cargo search could not find the carte if the carte name contained more than one hyphen. For example, openid-connect-mock.
  • Fixed an issue whereby, Helm virtual repositories that were set as the target of a Smart remote repository, downloaded new artifacts even if the artifactoryRequestCanRetreiveRemoteArtifacts flag was disabled (Default setting).
  • Fixed an issue whereby, running the Create Repository REST API, to create a virtual repository with multiple local repositories with the same name, displayed the local repositories many times in the WebUI.
  • Fixed an issue related to NPM packages whereby, a 404 error message was generated when running NPM Install if the package.json located under the local repo contained an extra slash.
  • Fixed an issue whereby, under certain circumstances, running a Docker Pull generated an "Unknown Blob" error if the remote cache was deleted and the client had a partial cache.

New in Artifactory 7.41.6 (Jul 22, 2022)

  • JA-3455:
  • Fixed an issue whereby, Artifactory failed to verify Reference tokens federated by Access Federation.
  • RTDEV-27284:
  • Fixed an issue related to Debian packages, whereby errors were displayed even though packages were successfully downloaded from a remote Debian repository when redirect was enabled.
  • RTDEV-27263:
  • Fixed an issue whereby, under certain circumstances, Helm repositories added unnecessary quotation marks to the index.yaml file.

New in Artifactory 7.41.4 (Jul 11, 2022)

  • Resolved Issue:
  • RTFACT-18610
  • Fixed the issue, whereby running the Create Virtual repository REST API allowed duplicating the same local repository in the Virtual repository.
  • RTFACT-26704
  • Fixed an issue whereby, attempting to move files to a virtual repository caused files to disappear.
  • RTFACT-26903
  • Fixed an issue whereby, creating permission targets using the REST API was faulty.
  • RTFACT-26430 Fixed an issue whereby, NPM Info did not include all the artifact data collected from the package.json file.
  • RTFACT-27116 Fixed an issue whereby, under certain circumstances, NuGet v3 packages containing a version with upper case characters in the 'Prerelease' parameter were omitted from the registration item results if they were in the lower or upper entry of the list.
  • RTFACT-27056
  • Fixed an issue whereby, converting a local repository to a federated repository removed the repository from the Project.
  • RTFACT-26388
  • Fixed an issue whereby, Helm charts containing annotations with a regex of '[0-9] +e [0-9]' broke the index.yaml.
  • RTFACT-26430
  • Fixed an issue whereby, the Npm Info did not include all the artifact metadata that should have been collected from the package.json file.
  • RTFACT-26709
  • Fixed an issue where beforeDownloadRequest callback is not working with the NPM Virtual repository.
  • RTFACT-26718
  • Fixed an issue whereby, Debian Source packages could not be downloaded if the 'Store Artifacts Locally' option was disabled.
  • RTFACT-26843
  • Fixed an issue whereby, uploading Docker images to Federated repositories did not sync to other federated members if the repository name contained more than 34 characters.
  • RTFACT-26903
  • Fixed an issue whereby, users with the Manage Resources role could not create the permission targets through REST API.
  • RTFACT-27056
  • Fixing an issue whereby, converting local repositories to federated repositories removed the repository from the Project.
  • RTFACT-27090
  • Fixed an issue whereby, the GAVC Search returned artifact versions without the SNAPSHOT.
  • RTFACT-26779
  • Fixed an issue relating to npm packages, whereby the npm client configured opposite a virtual repository and the remote repository within this repository is offline, the npm audit command fails. This audit command should return results as Artifactory is connected to Xray and therefore should return the results from Xray.
  • RTDEV-26681
  • Fixed an issue whereby, under certain circumstances, Go Virtual repositories may have returned a 404 response when the remote repository response was 200.

New in Artifactory 7.39.4 (Jun 14, 2022)

  • Highlights:
  • Swift Registry Support:
  • Artifactory now natively supports a dedicated Swift registry, giving you full control of your deployment and resolution process of your Swift packages and their dependencies. Today Swift is most widely used as the go-to language for iOS and all the other Apple OS-app development. With the introduction of Swift support by Artifactory, you can create secure and private local Swift repositories, remote Swift repositories to proxy remote Swift dependencies and cache downloaded Swift packages. Virtual Swift repositories give you a single URL through which to manage the resolution and deployment of all your Swift packages. To learn more, see Swift Registry.
  • Feature Enhancements:
  • Storage Summary Improvements
  • The default threshold for updating the Storage Summary page update has been modified from 1 hour to 6 hours. This change is done in order to minimize the load. This value continues to be configurable as before by setting '' value.

New in Artifactory 7.38.10 (May 19, 2022)

  • Fixed an issue whereby, tokens expired earlier than expected.

New in Artifactory 7.38.7 (May 8, 2022)

  • Fixes an issue relevant to JFrog Xray users, whereby instances configured with a custom context prefix, could not perform authentication opposite the JFrog Platform using the Xray REST API.

New in Artifactory 7.37.15 (May 6, 2022)

  • Fixed an issue whereby, Conan tokens expired after one hour.
  • You now have the option to configure the TTL by modifying the artifactory.artifactory.tokens.expiration.timeSecs parameter which is set by default for 30 days.

New in Artifactory 7.37.14 (Apr 18, 2022)

  • Resolved issues:
  • Fixed an issue related to NuGet packages, whereby installing a NuGet package via V3 failed due to version upper/lower character issues.

New in Artifactory 7.37.13 (Apr 18, 2022)

  • Feature Enhancements:
  • Enforce Internal Dynamic Search of Attributes in LDAP Groups:
  • Introducing the new functionality for the LDAP group dynamic strategy which enforces dynamic internal search of attributes in a group by setting the <forceAttributeSearch>true</forceAttributeSearch> in the Config descriptor. For more information, see Enforcing Dynamic Search of Attributes for LDAP Groups.
  • Maven Non-Preemptive Authentication for Local, Remote, and Virtual Repositories:
  • An enhanced Maven Authentication mechanism has been implemented in Artifactory to eliminate the need to perform authentication prior to checking if a package is located in local, remote and virtual repositories. With the new authentication mechanism, when reaching Maven-local-three (which requires authentication), instead of first performing for authentication and next authorization, Artifactory will check if the requested item is located in the repository. If the requested package does exist, it will proceed to perform authentication and authorization. If not, a 404 error message will be triggered.
  • This feature is disabled by default and can be enabled by adding the artifactory.maven.authentication.nonPreemptive parameter to the file. Please note that a reboot of the system is required after adding the flag. For more information, see Forcing Maven Non-Preemptive Authentication for Local, Remote, and Virtual Repositories.
  • Anonymous Users can be routed to Login Page by Default:
  • To provide Anonymous users in the JFrog Platform with an improved navigation experience, you can set all Anonymous users to be routed to the Login page by enabling the new 'Set the Login page as the start page' on the Anon User page.
  • GAVC Search REST API Supported on Virtual and Remote Repositories:
  • Maven users can now search by Maven Coordinates (GAVC: GroupID, ArtifactID, Version, Classifier), on remote and virtual repositories, in addition to the existing support for local repositories. For more information, see the new parameters added to the GAVC Search REST API.
  • Added Support for Custom Ports to be Exposed on the NGINX Pod:
  • As part of the alignment of the JFrog Platform with the conventional Kubernetes YAML syntax for container ports, we have added support for comments in the values.yaml file. It is self-explanatory as it is traditional Kubernetes YAML syntax and allows you to pass additional ports other than HTTP and HTTPS port to Nginx deployment and service in the values.yaml file.
  • New Webhook to Support Pull Replication from Remote Repositories:
  • The newly added 'Cache' webhook event is triggered for Pull Replication events occurring opposite remote repositories. Please note that for push replication, you should use this 'Deployed' event. For more information, see the Domain:Artifact section.
  • Extended the Priority Resolution feature to Support RPM Packages:
  • You can now declare local and remote repositories as ‘safe’ by enabling the ‘Priority Resolution’ field for Local and Remote repositories for RPM packages.
  • Integration Service Logs Added to Support Bundle:
  • The integration-request.log and integration-service.log logs have been added to the Support Bundle.
  • Release Bundle Webhooks: Enhanced the Exclude and Include Pattern Experience in the WebUI:
  • To prevent confusion when creating the Release Bundle Webhook, the Webhooks WebUI has been improved when setting the include and exclude patterns.
  • Updated the Refresh Token Mechanism:
  • To enable refreshing a token without having to provide the old token, a new column has been added to the database that contains the token payload, the token version, and `kid` as a JSON (this is an applicable to refreshable tokens only!). Upon receiving a token request to refresh, the original data is then taken from the new column in the database. See Refresh Token.
  • Resolved issues:
  • Fixed an issue related to downloading NuGet packages in virtual repositories running JFrog Xray whereby, Artifactory blocked downloads due to an Xray policy, and an incorrect error message was displayed. The error was 404 and has now been replaced 403.
  • Fix an issue related to LDAP integration whereby, an increased number of REST calls were sent to the LDAP server during UI browsing.
  • Fixed an issue whereby, retrieving a version of a Go package from a virtual repository using a REST Command, returned a 500 error (Null Pointer Exception) response.
  • ixed an issue whereby, deploying files to a Yum virtual repository failed to merge metadata related to .xz file extensions.
  • Fixed an issue whereby, updating a user group by adding a user or one of the user's groups through the CLI, required adding the credentials to the Conan client.
  • Fixed an issue related to Conda packages whereby, deploying an attachment package to with stored entries to a local repository could not be extracted.
  • Fixed an issue whereby, tree browser artifacts were not sorted in a chronological list.
  • Fixed an issue whereby, the Direct Cloud Storage Download field and CDN redirect field in the UI were not displayed, when creating or editing a federated repository.
  • Fixed an issue related to configuring Artifactory with Access TLS enabled using Helm Charts, resulted in incorrect proxy_pass configurations for /artifactory/ in the default artifactory.conf file.

New in Artifactory 6.16.0 (Dec 2, 2019)

  • Highlights
  • Upgraded the Microsoft Azure Storage SDK version included in Artifactory to V8
  • Artifactory has been upgraded to support Microsoft Azure Storage SDK for Java v8 enabling users to upload files larger than 12GB in the Azure Blob storage.
  • Running ‘go get’ commands from Github are Supported for Go Version 1.13 and Above
  • Artifactory supports serving and caching 'gosumdb' requests from a GoSumDb provider - for example, GoCenter.
  • Updated ‘Set Me Up’ for PyPI
  • The ‘Set Me Up’ function for PyPI remote repositories now includes your user credentials, thus allowing you to resolve packages using the ‘pip install <package>’ request without having to reinsert your Artifactory credentials for each request.
  • Issues Resolved
  • RTFACT-18718
  • Artifactory now supports indexing of npm packages versions, containing build metadata, enabling packages to be resolved by the npm client.
  • RTFACT-19110
  • Running “docker pull” on images with schema 1 download the manifest.json file, using the correct file name of 'list.manifest.json'.
  • RTFACT-19146
  • Improved the copying and processing Conan packages from one repository to another. Under certain circumstances in the past, during the copy/move process, the ‘index.json’ locks error was generated causing the process to take longer than expected and eventually failed.
  • RTFACT-19586
  • Under certain circumstances, Conan packages were copied or promoted, sometimes causing the index file to be overwritten by the package.json from the source with the revision of the destination until the next re-indexing process ran.
  • RTFACT-20380
  • Running the 'go get' command from Github, returns the correct pre-release version names.
  • RTFACT-20031
  • Resolving packages according to properties is now configurable and can be enabled using an Artifactory system property. Artifactory will no longer support resolving packages from an incorrect path by properties alone.
  • RTFACT-20410
  • All ‘Pull’ replications will not run after enabling the ‘Global Replication Blocking’ configuration.
  • RTFACT-20424
  • When working with Go artifacts, any potential connection leaks are prevented when working In FullDB mode, whereby a GO artifact with a 'zip' extension is requested from a remote in Artifactory, and the artifact exists in the remote repository-cache but not in the file-system cache-fs.
  • RTFACT-16926
  • Artifactory indexes Helm packages uploaded with an empty ‘requirements.yaml’ file.
  • RTFACT-20717
  • Docker and Helm repositories are only available for JFrog Container Registry, JFrog Pro licenses and above.
  • RTFACT-15685
  • Using Artifactory Query Language, with several virtual repositories, returns the full list of results based on the query used.
  • Access-related Issues
  • The 'access_federation_log' table does not get overpopulated when using Access Federation.
  • Implemented a “file-system” PATCH mechanism for patching Access’s configuration using an access.config.patch.yml file.

New in Artifactory 6.14.0 (Nov 3, 2019)

  • Significant UI Performance Improvements:
  • Artifactory 6.14 applies server-side pagination in the UI resulting in faster page load performance for the Builds, Permissions and Search pages.
  • Ubuntu 18.04 Support
  • Installing Artifactory on Ubuntu 18.04 is now supported.
  • GoProxy Support:
  • Artifactory now allows you to configure the Golang proxy ( as a remote repository in addition to JFrog GoCenter.
  • Feature Enhancements:
  • Xray Integration Improvements
  • Added an improved Xray indexing mechanism to support a vast amount of repositories, containing larger numbers of binaries. Artifactory saves every Xray event with a unique constraint according to the package type and component path, thereby resolving the indexing-duplication.
  • Issues resolved:
  • Go deployment via the JFrog CLI automatically sets the original checksum.
  • Systemd Related Issues
  • Artifactory supports RPM Installations for Ubuntu 18.04.
  • Pre-Upgrade Fix
  • Prior to upgrading to Artifactory 6.14, run the following systemd fix procedure described in the Debian Installation Upgrade section.
  • Artifactory supports Debian installation for Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.
  • Prior to upgrading to Artifactory 6.14, run the following systemd fix procedure described in the RPM Installation Upgrade section.
  • RTFACT-20399 The “systemctl start artifactory.service” is working for zip installations with Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.7.
  • The Artifactory service successfully starts with Zip installation on Ubuntu 18.04.
  • RTFACT-20382 The systemd interaction with Artifactory works on Red Hat 7.7.

New in Artifactory 6.13.1 (Oct 8, 2019)

  • Fixed an issue in which deploying/deleting artifacts/directories and deleting existing repositories would fail when running Artifactory with Microsoft SQL database.

New in Artifactory 6.13.0 (Oct 7, 2019)

  • UI performance improvements:
  • Artifactory 6.13 includes performance improvements by introducing server-side pagination, allowing faster loading of data in the UI. This will apply to the following pages:
  • Artifact Repository Browser - the tree browser will now load repositories and their content paginated.
  • Note: Due to this change, the Find functionality in the tree browser will now only search repositories loaded from the server (i.e. repositories currently visible in the tree view).
  • Home Screen - the repositories list will now be paginated.
  • Replication Improvements:
  • The replication process of repositories with many files has been enhanced to avoid most unexpected disconnections. This is done by saving a compressed file list of the target repository on the source Artifactory instance. The comparison of the file lists between the source and the target will now be done on the source instance.

New in Artifactory 6.12.2 (Sep 11, 2019)

  • Fixed an issue whereby, under certain environments, Artifactory failed to load after installing Artifactory version 6.12.1.
  • Fixed an issue whereby, Artifactory RPM installation failed using the Red Hat version 7.7.
  • Fixed an issue whereby, under some circumstances, a deadlock occurred when resolving a Docker image manifest.

New in Artifactory 6.12.1 (Aug 28, 2019)

  • Fixed an issue where under certain scenarios, Artifactory remote repositories would send Sync Properties requests to certain upstreams (e.g. even if the upstream was not an Artifactory repository.

New in Artifactory 6.12.0 (Aug 20, 2019)

  • Support for Smart Remote Repositories on Edge Nodes
  • S3 Cloud Storage Provider Using the Official AWS SDK
  • Pull Latest Docker Image from Virtual Repository
  • Tomcat Version Upgrade
  • Feature Enhancements:
  • Concurrent File Download Performance Improvement:
  • Multiple concurrent downloads of the same file will now only be downloaded once from a remote binary provider (for example, S3), improving system performance and decreasing network load.
  • Checksum validation for files downloaded from cloud storage:
  • Artifactory will now complete an additional checksum validation when downloading an artifact from cloud storage, such as S3. This is to prevent any potential corruptions or incomplete streams, for example where the checksum value of the file does not match the checksum name of the file.
  • Garbage collection performance improvement:
  • Improved garbage collection for large scale systems.
  • Artifactory SAML integration for EncryptedAssertion Support:
  • Artifactory SSO SAML integration now supports Encrypted Assertion, using an X509 public key certificate generated by Artifactory. This enables users encrypt their payloads that includes user data such as name and email, providing an added security layer.
  • Anonymous access disabled by default:
  • For new installations, anonymous access will now be disabled by default for hardening security. It can be enabled at any time.

New in Artifactory 6.11.3 (Jul 22, 2019)

  • Fixed Issues:
  • Fixed an issue where in some circumstances, users can take actions that should otherwise be permitted only for an Admin user.
  • Fixed an issue where in some circumstances Gem artifacts failed to resolve from a virtual repository.

New in Artifactory 6.10.4 (Jun 19, 2019)

  • Fixed an issue where in some circumstances, users could gain access to application data that should otherwise be exposed only to administrators.
  • Updated Artifactory Docker base image to fix the following issue.

New in Artifactory 6.10.3 (Jun 11, 2019)

  • Feature Enhancement:
  • Proxying Remote PyPI Repositories Using a Custom Registry Suffix
  • Artifactory now supports proxying remote PyPI repositories whereby the repository content (i.e. the packages) can reside under different paths in addition to /simple (for example, DevPi repositories).
  • Issues Resolved:
  • Fixed an issue where under certain scenarios, downloading a Debian package from a virtual Debian repository could take a long time, as opposed to downloading the same package from a remote Debian repository that would be served faster.

New in Artifactory 6.10.2 (Jun 3, 2019)

  • Fixed an issue in which installing Artifactory as a service on Windows while running with Java 11 would fail upon startup.
  • Fixed an issue in which under specific circumstances, Access Federation would fail to replicate security entities and will not recover automatically.
  • Fixed an issue, where in certain scenarios, creating a remote Maven repository from within the UI created a default value for the Max Unique Snapshots field with the username (e.g. admin). This caused an error when saved.

New in Artifactory 6.10.1 (May 21, 2019)

  • Issues Resolved:
  • Fixed an issue whereby under certain circumstances, users could gain access to security APIs that were otherwise exposed only to administrators.
  • Fixed an issue introduced in Artifactory version 6.10, whereby users trying to download an artifact that did not exist from an Artifactory, configured with Azure as the binary provider in Artifactory, would receive a 200 HTTP error code with an empty stream instead of receiving a 404 error.
  • Fixed an issue related to the new Conan API v2 introduced in Artifactory 6.9, whereby push replication for Conan local repositories was stopped when running replication from Artifactory 6.9 and above, to a target Artifactory running 6.8 or below.
  • Please note that this was intentionally designed to prevent Conan repositories in the target Artifactory from being overwritten if you have not yet upgraded the target to 6.9 or above. After you upgrade the target Artifactory 6.9 or above, the replication process will resume.
  • Fixed an issue whereby promoting a build using the Build Promotion REST API will now only require granting the Deploy permission instead of the Delete+Deploy permission that was the requirement in Artifactory 6.6 to 6.10.0.
  • Note that when promoting a build, you will see an entry in the access.log indicating that the build was deleted by a user named _system_.
  • Fixed an issue whereby changing or adding repositories could take up to a few minutes in some scenarios within certain environments in which Artifactory was set behind a proxy.

New in Artifactory 6.10 (May 6, 2019)

  • Highlights:
  • Support for Conan Remote and Virtual repositories:
  • In addition to local repositories, Artifactory now supports Conan remote and virtual repositories. Remote Conan repositories proxy remote Conan resources and cache downloaded Conan packages to keep you independent of the network and the remote resource. Virtual repositories allow you to aggregate multiple local, remote and virtual Conan repositories under a single endpoint and easily manage the resolution and deployment of all your Conan packages.
  • Support for npm audit:
  • Artifactory now supports npm audit, allowing you to get vulnerabilities on your npm projects’ dependencies tree.
  • Audit reports contain information about security vulnerabilities of dependencies and can help fix a vulnerability by providing npm commands and recommendations for further troubleshooting.
  • This functionality will be enabled by default on npm virtual repositories that aggregate at least one remote repository that supports npm audit. For example, a remote repository that points to or Artifactory Smart Remote repository.
  • JFrog Xray users with Artifactory Pro X / Enterprise / Enterprise+ license, will get an enhanced audit report that includes security vulnerabilities from Xray's database. When Xray is configured to work with Artifactory, an audit report can be generated from scratch even without connecting to any remote repository.
  • Java 11 Compatibility:
  • From this version, Artifactory officially supports running with JDK 11 on all installation types (e.g. Linux, Docker, Debian, RPM, Windows). The Artifactory Docker image is shipped with JDK 11.
  • Java 8 support end of life is coming up, and Artifactory contains components that require Java to run properly and include Java runtime as part of Artifactory.
  • Feature Enhancements:
  • New Artifactory User Plugins hooks:
  • The Artifactory User Plugins now include two new hooks:
  • Upload.beforeUploadRequest, useful for overriding the actual repository path during the Artifactory upload process.
  • Download.altAllResponses, used to provide an alternative response during the Artifactory download process, by setting response headers, status code, error message or inputStream and size context variables.
  • Issues Resolved:
  • Fixed an issue where downloading a Docker image from remote repositories did not cache layers that existed on the local drive of the user trying to download the image, resulting in missing layers in the remote cache repository. Artifactory will now search for any missing layers in all repositories the user has permissions for and copy them to the remote cache repository for full image coverage that contains all layers.
  • GoLang repository fixes and enhancements:
  • Go .mod and .info files can now be viewed from within the Artifactory UI.
  • Added both and to the default whitelisted Go virtual repositories external dependencies.
  • Fixed an issue where a 400 response instead of a 404 response was returned when trying to resolve directly from a remote Go repository REST resource.
  • Fixed an issue where a NullPointerException was printed to Artifactory logs, when setting up a remote repository with Artifactory as the module provider and the url as, and requesting a mod file.
  • Fixed an issue when resolving artifacts from a remote Go repository, the go-get.html file was stored instead of the info module. Unused go-get.html files will now be removed.
  • Fixed an issue where downloading a Go module with a version that contains upper case characters would fail
  • Fixed an issue where virtual Docker repositories composed of aggregated local/remote repositories that had one repository configured with exclude patterns, would return 404 when trying to resolve Docker images. Artifactory will now search for the Docker image in all of the aggregated repositories of the virtual repository.
  • Fixed an issue where using the Gems client to search for packages in a virtual repository did not return any results.
  • Fixed an issue where communication between Artifactory instances in an HA configuration did not work in some cases where the service ID was changed.
  • Fixed an issue in the UI where in Admin > Users > [specific user] > User Permissions table, the same permission target would be listed more than once, based on the number of groups the specific user would be associated with.
  • Fixed an issue in which trying to get the IP address of a user in User Plugins requests would sometimes return null.
  • Fixed an issue in which deploying packages that contain the plus sign character (+) when deploying multiple files would convert the plus sign to spaces.
  • Fixed an issue in the UI > Permissions page when using Internet Explorer, where creating a new permission the scroll bar would not work in the Available/Included Repositories/Builds drag and drop components.
  • Fixed an issue in which if the proxy settings being used for the Sumo Logic integration settings in the Log Analytics page are incorrect, Artifactory would try to reach Sumo Logic directly without going through a proxy, causing potential timeouts.

New in Artifactory 6.9.1 (Apr 8, 2019)

  • Feature Enhancements:
  • npm virtual repository performance improvements:
  • Performance improvements when installing an npm package from npm virtual repositories + reducing memory consumption.
  • Access and Request log improvements:
  • The request.log and access.log files now include the source user ID and the IP address. This applies to users accessing Artifactory via UI, REST API, ‘docker login’ command regardless of whether the authentication was successful (i.e. good credentials) or not (i.e. bad credentials).
  • Issues Resolved:
  • Fixed an issue in Ruby Gems repositories where in some cases, cached dependency requests from a remote repository would not return the latest version.
  • Fixed an issue in Docker repositories where pulling a Docker image from a remote repository pointing to Microsoft/Azure container registry (e.g. would fail with “error pulling image configuration: unknown blob”.
  • Fixed an issue in Docker repositories where pushing a Docker image with properties on the layers to one repository and then pushing another image with some shared layers to another repository, the layers in the second new repository would be cloned from the existing layers along with all properties. Only the "sha256" property will be cloned, the other properties will not be cloned.
  • Fixed an issue, relevant to version 6.4.0 and above, in which replicating Maven artifacts from a generic repository to another generic repository would not replicate the metadata, resulting in missing metadata on the target.
  • Fixed an issue in Maven repositories in which, when a client would ask for a snapshot and the snapshot version behaviour was ‘unique’, Artifactory would keep searching for the artifact in all the remote repositories even after the artifact was found.
  • Fixed an issue in which the Debian indexer would try to get artifact properties even in case non-Debian packages would be uploaded, deleted or moved from Artifactory.
  • Fixed an issue in RPM repositories where in some cases Artifactory would fail to parse XML metadata files on certain remote RPM repositories.

New in Artifactory 6.8.7 (Mar 14, 2019)

  • Issues Resolved:
  • Fixed an issue whereby performance was degraded when processing a massive Access Control List (ACL).
  • Fixed an issue that applies from Artifactory 6.6 and above, whereby starting Artifactory takes minutes due to index validation in the Oracle database.

New in Artifactory 6.8.6 (Mar 13, 2019)

  • Fixed an issue whereby under certain circumstances, users could gain access to security APIs that are otherwise exposed only to administrators.

New in Artifactory 6.8.4 (Mar 4, 2019)

  • Fixed an issue, applicable to Artifactory versions 6.8.0 to 6.8.3, where a user that is associated with a group that is configured with admin privileges and additional non-admin group(s), did not have admin privileges.

New in Artifactory 6.8.3 (Feb 26, 2019)

  • Fixed an issue whereby when pulling a Docker image from a Docker repository, Artifactory would try to fetch the manifest list (i.e. fat manifest) file even if the image did not have a manifest list. This prevented users with Read-only permissions from pulling Docker images that did not have a manifest list.
  • Fixed an issue regarding Mission Control Disaster Recovery, whereby permission targets were not replicated from source to target instances.

New in Artifactory 6.8.2 (Feb 19, 2019)

  • Highlights:
  • Support Bundle Repository:
  • The Support Zone has been enhanced with a simplified UI flow, which includes the ability to create a support bundle that contains the relevant data (such as system and log files) for a single Artifactory instance or multiple nodes in an HA cluster. Once a support bundle is created, it will be saved to the new default jfrog-support-bundle system repository for any future reference.
  • Feature Enhancements:
  • Artifactory Pro Nginx Docker Image Upgrade with TLS v1.3 Support:
  • As part of the Artifactory Pro Docker distribution, the Nginx Docker Image ( is now upgraded to Nginx version 1.15.5, running on top of Ubuntu 18.10 and provides full support for TLS v1.3.
  • Tomcat Extra Connectors for Artifactory Docker Images Support:
  • You can now add extra Connectors to Artifactory Docker images Tomcat's server.xml, using the SERVER_XML_EXTRA_CONNECTOR environment variable
  • Improved Performance for Users Managed within a Group:
  • The performance for authentication of users during login that are associated with groups has been enhanced.
  • Issues Resolved:
  • Fixed an issue where in some scenarios of Artifactory HA scenarios, terminating the deploy of an artifact to a repository before the deploy was completed would result in a "Failed to move file from _pre folder to filestore" error in the log.
  • Fixed an issue in which Artifactory would allow creating users and groups using the REST API even if the username or group name included illegal characters (/:|?*"<>). Artifactory now validates that the username and group name only include legal characters as is done when creating a user or a group through the UI.
  • Replication fixes
  • Fixed an issue where a source Artifactory configured to replicate more than one target would only replicate to one of the targets, after restarting the source Artifactory instance.
  • Fixed an issue in which pull event replication in a full-mesh topology would fail in some scenarios, after restarting one of the instances in the topology.
  • Fixed an issue when replicating an artifact that had properties on it while there was an artifact with the same name on the target (but different content), the properties from the source would not be replicated to the target.
  • Fixed 2 issue in Property Sets:
  • In some scenarios adding new properties to a Property Set would not work.
  • In some scenarios changing the value of single-value property would not work.
  • Fixed an issue where the Access config yaml was encrypted when using the JFrog Access encrypt API, causing an issue when trying to restart an Artifactory instance after an Access encrypt was completed.
  • Fixed an issue where using a custom user ID to run Artifactory and Nginx Docker containers custom configurations, caused Nginx to not start and Artifactory to fail setting the custom configurations.
  • Fixed an issue in Opkg repositories, where in some cases the repository indexing caused performance issues.
  • Fixed an issue in which in some scenarios, concurrent requests to a remote Docker repository would hang connections and threads.
  • Fixed an issue where the ListDockerRepositories rest API would return an empty list and the ListDockerTags rest API would return an error rather than what is stored in cache, while the remote endpoint is unavailable. This fix requires setting the artifactory.docker.catalogs.tags.fallback.fetch.remote.cache system property to true (default false).
  • Fixed an issue in which when deploying a Gem to a local Ruby Gems package, the ‘Deployed By’ field would show _system_ instead of the actual username who deployed the package.
  • Fixed an issue in which retrieving the Effective Permissions for a repository or a build would not show the users who have permissions for the resource if the user got the permissions from a Group.
  • Fixed an issue where remote PHP repositories did not support last modified headers, which caused the client to download the same files remotely and not use the client cache.
  • Fixed an issue when deleting/deploying files to Helm or Cran remote repositories, a metadata calculation was unnecessarily triggered.

New in Artifactory 6.8.1 (Feb 18, 2019)

  • Issues Resolved:
  • Fixed an issue where manually starting Artifactory version 6.8 on Windows using the artifactory.bat file or the on RPM and Debian would fail with an 'Application could not be initialized: Timed out waiting for join.key file to be made available aty' error.
  • Fixed an issue where setting the loginBlockDelay system property to 0, caused Artifactory to fail to start with the following error: 'Application could not be initialized: / by zero'.
  • Fixed an issue where access tokens created before Artifactory version 5.4 could not be used for authentication and returned a 401 error.
  • Significantly reduced the memory footprint of the global permissions cache held by Artifactory at runtime.

New in Artifactory 6.7.3 (Feb 6, 2019)

  • Fixed an issue in which installing a package from a remote RubyGems repository would fail when using Bundler.
  • For a complete list of changes, please refer to our JIRA Release Notes.
  • For an Artifactory Pro or Artifactory Enterprise installation, click to download this latest version of JFrog Artifactory Pro.
  • For Artifactory OSS, click to download this latest version of JFrog Artifactory OSS.
  • For Artifactory Enterprise+, click to download the latest version of JFrog Enterprise+.

New in Artifactory 6.7.2 (Feb 3, 2019)

  • Issues Resolved
  • Fixed an issue where installing a package from a remote Ruby Gems repository would fail when using Bundler.
  • Fixed an issue in which an Artifactory Smart Remote Go repository (i.e. one that points to another Artifactory repository as its module provider) got a 404 response to get version list requests, instead of the version numbers.
  • Fixed an issue which occurred when using the synchronizeLdapGroups user plugin together with PostgreSQL as the Artifactory database. With this combination, certain circumstances would cause multiple concurrent requests to the JFrog Access REST API resulting in a "duplicate index" error.

New in Artifactory 6.7.1 (Jan 30, 2019)

  • Issues Resolved:
  • Fixed an issue with npm in which proxying with an npm remote repository would fail.
  • Fixed an issue in which editing a Permission Target from the Artifactory UI when running on Internet Explorer would result in a blank screen.
  • Fixed an issue with Go remote repositories in which proxying a Go remote repository in another Artifactory instance and clicking Test Connection in the UI would fail with a 405 error.
  • Fixed an issue in which upgrading from an Artifactory version 5.6 or below to version 6.6.5 or above when Artifactory had MSSQL configured as its database would fail in certain scenarios.
  • For a complete list of changes, please refer to our JIRA Release Notes.
  • For an Artifactory Pro or Artifactory Enterprise installation, click to download this latest version of JFrog Artifactory Pro.
  • For Artifactory OSS, click to download this latest version of JFrog Artifactory OSS.
  • For Artifactory Enterprise+, click to download the latest version of JFrog Enterprise+.

New in Artifactory 6.7 (Jan 23, 2019)

  • Issues Resolved:
  • Fixed an issue relevant from Artifactory 6.6.3 / 6.6.5 in which with Artifactory running on a Windows machine, it was not possible to work with RubyGems repositories.
  • Fixed an issue in which for Artifactory instances that were upgraded to version 5.5 (in which SHA-256 checksums were introduced) and above, but whose database was not migrated to SHA-256 checksums, reindexing an entire Debian repository could take a long time.
  • Fixed an issue in which indexing of a Debian virtual repository that aggregates a local Debian repository would fail in one of the following scenarios:
  • A user triggers indexing of the local Debian repository using the REST API
  • A user with limited permissions deploys a Debian package into the local Debian repository
  • Fixed an issue in which Artifactory would not clean up temporary metadata files that were created during the Debian metadata calculation.
  • Fixed an issue in which under certain circumstances, an Artifactory remote Go repository would cache a goget.html file instead of the corresponding Go module.
  • Fixed an issue whereby an Artifactory remote Go repository pointed to an Artifactory as a module provider (smart remote repository) resulting in the following:
  • Failure to fetch the real zip content by returning an empty zip file.
  • Failure to fetch info, MOD or Zip files if the remote URL contained a trailing slash.
  • Fixed an issue whereby an Artifactory remote Go repository pointed to an Artifactory as the module provider (smart remote repository) resulting in failure to fetch info, mod and zip files if the remote URL had trailing slash.
  • Fixed an issue in which when proxying in a remote Go repository, Artifactory would not pass credentials to
  • Fixed an issue in which parsing the go-import from the go-get metadata for a Go package would fail if that metadata was spread out over multiple lines.
  • Fixed an issue in which when importing LDAP groups, Artifactory would not display results if a search for existing LDAP groups yielded more than 1000 results.
  • Fixed an issue in which after setting a custom SERVER_XML environment variable as part of a Docker execution command, the Docker container would succeed starting up the first time, but fail starting up from then on.
  • Fixed an issue in which Artifactory would allow creating a repository with a repository key that is longer than 64 characters using the REST API. While creating the repository succeeded, deploying to the repository would fail and the log would display the following error messages:
  • Could not acquire lock within 120 seconds
  • Couldn't acquire lock for: 120000 milliseconds
  • When creating a repository using the REST API, Artifactory will now validate that the repository key is no longer than 64 characters (as is enforced when creating a repository through the UI).
  • Fixed an issue in which when deploying the same artifact under two different paths to a NuGet repository, and then deleting it from the first upload path, the NuGet repository would not get reindexed and the artifact would also not be available from its second upload path.
  • Fixed an issue in which Artifactory would allow creating a repository through the REST API even if the repository key included illegal characters (/:|?*"<>). Artifactory now validates that the repository key only includes legal characters as is done when creating a repository through the UI.
  • For a complete list of changes, please refer to our JIRA Release Notes.
  • For an Artifactory Pro or Artifactory Enterprise installation, click to download this latest version of JFrog Artifactory Pro.
  • For Artifactory OSS, click to download this latest version of JFrog Artifactory OSS.
  • For Artifactory Enterprise+, click to download the latest version of JFrog Enterprise+.

New in Artifactory 6.6.5 (Jan 8, 2019)

  • Fixed an issue relevant for version 6.6.0 and above in which in some cases, migration to the artifactory-build-info repository would fail with errors in the log.

New in Artifactory 6.6.3 (Dec 31, 2018)

  • Fixed an issue whereby selecting the 'Remember Me' option to log in to the Artifactory UI did not work as expected. Logging in with 'Remember Me' is now valid for 14 days.
  • Fixed an issue whereby the NuGet API v3 feed for remote NuGet repositories did not get updated with the latest index.json of a package. This resulted in Artifactory not retrieving the metadata from the NuGet feed.
  • Fixed an issue whereby Artifactory instances installed on Windows-based systems would fail to proxy NuGet API v3 feeds.
  • Fixed an issue when searching from a NuGet client (e.g. Visual Studio) for a certain package that had more than 100 versions in a remote NuGet repository, returned only the first 100 versions in the search.
  • Fixed an issue whereby memory consumption was high when calculating the index for the Gems virtual repository.
  • Fixed an issue whereby tagging npm packages did not work properly.

New in Artifactory 6.6.1 (Dec 26, 2018)

  • Fixed an issue that occurred only in Artifactory 6.6, in which if more than one Artifactory schema/catalog combination exists on the same database instance, and the user with which Artifactory connects to the database has permissions to see all of them, the Build Info Migration from the database to the artifactory-build-info-repository would sometimes be completed with an error or a log entry indicating that the migration had failed with no specified reason.
  • Fixed an issue in which when using JFrog CLI to upload a Go module containing upper case characters in the module name, those characters would be converted to lower case characters pre-pended with an exclamation mark.
  • Fixed an issue with HTTP SSO where users working under a proxy would fail to access the Update Profile page.

New in Artifactory 6.6.0 (Dec 19, 2018)

  • Build Info Repository & Permissions Management
  • This version introduces a new local Build Info repository. This default artifactory-build-info repository will store all build info files uploaded to Artifactory by the different CI server plugins, such as the Artifactory Jenkins Plugin, CLI, and directly through the Build Upload REST API or Artifactory UI.
  • The same build information will continue to be available through the REST API and the Builds page in the Artifactory UI.
  • Also, it is now possible to define access to the different build info files with user and group permissions such as read/deploy/delete. This is equivalent to managing permissions on repositories with include/exclude patterns on build info json paths, in the build info repository.
  • Additional benefits include:
  • Improved accessibility to the build info json files and overall performance of the Builds module
  • Build info replication to other instances, since they are stored as artifacts in a repository
  • (Available using REST API only. Configuring replication for this repository will be added in future releases.)

New in Artifactory 6.5.8 (Nov 27, 2018)

  • Fixed an issue whereby LDAP authentication required sending up to three requests to retrieve all groups. This was resolved by adding a cache for all imported LDAP groups, using default TTL of 1 minute, configurable in under [secs].
  • Fixed an issue whereby resolving a Go module failed if the module name did not include a slash.

New in Artifactory 6.5.6 (Nov 26, 2018)

  • Fixed an issue whereby a security vulnerability may have allowed unauthorized users to log in to Artifactory.
  • JFrog would like to thank Gilbert Clark of Symantec for reporting this issue and for working with JFrog to help protect our customers.
  • Fixed an issue starting from Artifactory 6.5.1, whereby is some cases users received the following error stating they did not have permissions to push a Docker image to the repository:
  • "Unauthorized: The client does not have permission to push to the repository."
  • Fixed an issue whereby resolving a Go module failed if the module name did not include a slash.

New in Artifactory 6.5.3 (Nov 14, 2018)

  • Feature Enhancements:
  • The security entities (users, groups and permissions) migration process from Artifactory to Access has been improved for large scale environments.
  • Improved performance when syncing security entities (users, groups and permissions andaccess tokens) in Access Federation.
  • Issues Resolved:
  • Fixed an issue whereby upgrading Artifactory would fail if a remote repository's Bypass HEAD Requests were set to true.
  • Fixed an issue whereby the System Import could fail if import included a large number of users, groups, or permissions.
  • Fixed an issue whereby if the configured database was PostgreSQL, then during the upgrade to Artifactory 6.5.x, the index for the ‘node_props’ DB table was deleted causing degradation in Artifactory performance.

New in Artifactory 6.5.2 (Oct 22, 2018)

  • Fixed an issue where download requests to a remote RubyGems repository, marked as offline, would respond with a 500 error and the download request would fail.
  • Fixed an issue where in some cases, list browsing in the UI for artifacts path with very long name (For example: /central/org/springframework/boot/spring-boot-starter-cloud-connectors/1.2.0.RELEASE/) would fail with a 404 error.
  • Fixed an issue where new users created by REST API, would not automatically get added to default groups marked with ‘Automatically Join New Users to this Group’.
  • Fixed an issue where downloading an artifact with a name that contains an exclamation mark (i.e. !) would fail.
  • Note: due to this fix, when downloading an artifact from an archive requires the resource path within the archive to start with a ‘/’
  • For example: GET http://localhost:8081/artifactory/repo1/folder/a.jar!/META-INF/LICENSE
  • Fixed an issue where deploying a Go build info to Artifactory, the artifacts’ path would not be displayed in the Builds page in the UI. This would happen only when Artifactory was configured behind NGINX.
  • Available with JFrog CLI V1.20.2.
  • Fixed an issue in which the ‘Last Login’ field would be updated for REST API calls. The field will now only be updated when logging through the UI.

New in Artifactory 6.5.1 (Oct 19, 2018)

  • Feature Enhancements:
  • Support for Docker Manifest List (Fat Manifests)
  • Artifactory now supports hosting and proxying Docker images with a Manifest List.
  • Issues Resolved:
  • Fixed a UI issue with Xray data in the Package Viewer in which if the same Docker tag existed in different repositories, the Xray graph would not be displayed.
  • Fixed an issue in which pulling a Docker image from a remote Docker registry, for which "Block Unscanned Artifacts" was checked in Xray, would generate an "Unknown: Forbidden" error.

New in Artifactory 6.5.0 (Oct 11, 2018)

  • Highlights:
  • Release Bundle Repository:
  • As part of the Distribution flow that was introduced with Enterprise+, Artifactory now supports release bundle repositories.
  • The Release bundle repository protects the artifacts created in the Artifactory source instance, by copying them into a separate repository where their contents cannot be edited or removed.
  • Whenever a new release bundle is created and signed, it is copied and saved into an immutable release-bundles repository in Artifactory. This ensures consistency in the artifacts being distributed among target instances.
  • This feature is available when upgrading to both Artifactory 6.5 and Distribution 1.3
  • Xray Data in Package Native UI:
  • This version adds data from JFrog Xray to the Package Viewer, enriching the information on major package types in Artifactory. Once a specific package is selected in the package viewer, Artifactory will expose data about license and security violations detected by Xray for all of the versions of the selected package.
  • Direct Cloud Storage Download:
  • This feature adds an optimization when storing your binaries on AWS S3 (S3 Binary Provider) by allowing Artifactory to redirect requests from clients that support HTTP 302 responses to download large binaries directly from the cloud storage rather than through Artifactory. By redirecting download requests, requirements for Artifactory's local storage cache is reduced since large artifacts are downloaded directly from the cloud, and in the case of multiple simultaneous download requests, Artifactory doesn't need to allocate threads and compute power to download multiple large artifacts at the same time. This feature requires an Enterprise+ license, and is currently only available on JFrog Artifactory Cloud.
  • Access Tokens Lifecycle Management:
  • This version adds more capabilities for administrators to exercise greater
  • control over the lifecycle of access tokens:
  • Previously, expirable tokens could not be revoked. This version moderates this feature in that now, all tokens can be revoked, but with the minimum-revocable-expiry flag used in the Create Token REST API endpoint, you can specify a minimal period of time during which a token cannot be revoked.
  • Previously, non-admin users could only create an access token with an maximal expiry of one hour. This version adds a non-admin-max-duration flag to the Access YAML configuration file allowing an administrator to change the default maximal expiry period
  • JFrog Access User Guide:
  • JFrog Access is the service that manages all aspects of authentication and authorization for all JFrog services under the hood. Run as a separate service that is installed under the same Tomcat with Artifactory, it stores all Users, Groups, Permissions and Access Tokens generated by any connected JFrog service. The features and capabilities of JFrog Access were previously concentrated around the Access Tokens and Access Federation pages in the JFrog Artifactory User Guide. As the service’s capabilities were extended, and its scope widened to include all JFrog products, its documentation has been moved to a separate space to provide better visibility for its features and easier access to relevant information which now available in the JFrog Access User Guide, and will continue to be maintained and updated there.
  • Issues Resolved:
  • Fixed an issue where download requests to a remote RubyGems repository, marked as offline, would respond with a 500 error and the download request would fail.
  • Fixed an issue where in some cases, list browsing in the UI for artifacts path with very long name (For example: /central/org/springframework/boot/spring-boot-starter-cloud-connectors/1.2.0.RELEASE/) would fail with a 404 error.
  • Fixed an issue where new users created by REST API, would not automatically get added to default groups marked with ‘Automatically Join New Users to this Group’.
  • Fixed an issue where downloading an artifact with a name that contains an exclamation mark (i.e. !) would fail.
  • Note: due to this fix, when downloading an artifact from an archive requires the resource path within the archive to start with a ‘/’
  • For example: GET http://localhost:8081/artifactory/repo1/folder/a.jar!/META-INF/LICENSE
  • Fixed an issue where deploying a Go build info to Artifactory, the artifacts’ path would not be displayed in the Builds page in the UI. This would happen only when Artifactory was configured behind NGINX.
  • Available with JFrog CLI V1.20.2.

New in Artifactory 6.4.1 (Oct 2, 2018)

  • Fixed in an issue introduced in Artifactory 6.4 in which when configured with AWS S3 as the binary provider, Artifactory would not start up.

New in Artifactory 6.4.0 (Sep 28, 2018)

  • Feature Enhancements
  • Artifactory can now download Docker foreign layers, from a whitelist defined by an Artifactory administrator, to an Artifactory Docker Remote Repository. This makes them available from Artifactory for future Docker pulls.
  • This functionality is disabled by default, and can be enabled from the UI or using REST API.
  • During replication, metadata files will be calculated by the target instance repository rather than replicated from the source repository, saving time and bandwidth.
  • Properties being created as a result actions such as replication, restore from trashcan and add, will now trigger the create and delete user plugin execution points that can be used for catching the property event on the target Artifactory instance.
  • For example: afterPropertyCreate, beforePropertyCreate, afterPropertyDelete and beforePropertyDelete
  • Artifactory now supports Conda client versions 4.3.0 and above which requires metadata files in bz2 format.
  • Issues Resolved
  • Fixed an issue where HA system import failed and caused Artifactory to disconnect from Access. HA import will now work properly without requiring a restart to migrate users/groups/permissions and an additional system import to get the full import working.
  • Fixed an issue where Artifactory became unavailable when running Garbage Collection and the Artifactory Trashcan contained an extreme amount of artifacts.
  • Fixed an issue where Artifactory was sometimes unable to connect to Xray if the system default proxy was on.
  • Fixed an issue where REST API requests that resolved Maven jar files, did not contain the Cache-Control header in the response.

New in Artifactory 6.3.3 (Sep 3, 2018)

  • Fixed an issue in which unlocking the User Profile page in the UI would fail if the user's password contained any special characters.
  • Fixed an issue in which when configuring a smart remote repository in the UI and testing the connection, a the login credentials to the remote resource would be deployed in plain text in the smart remote repository cache.

New in Artifactory 6.3.2 (Aug 29, 2018)

  • Issues Resolved:
  • Fixed an issue introduced in Artifactory 6.2 in which due to the upgrade of Tomcat to version 8.5.32 in Artifactory 6.2.0, requests to Artifactory that contained square brackets would fail.
  • Fixed an issue relevant for Artifactory 6.2 and above running in an HA environment, in which when browsing through artifacts in the UI, transactions would be left open when the http request would complete. This could lead to contention on rows in the database resulting in outstanding database locks and duplicate key violation errors.

New in Artifactory 6.3 (Aug 23, 2018)

  • Highlights:
  • Support for Conda Repositories:
  • Artifactory now offers native supports for Conda Repositories, giving you full control over deploying and resolving Conda packages.
  • You can create secure and private local Conda repositories with fine-grained access control. Remote Conda repositories proxy remote Conda resources and cache downloaded Conda packages to keep you independent of the network and the remote resource, and virtual Conda repositories give you a single URL through which to manage the resolution and deployment of all your Conda packages.
  • Issues Resolved:
  • Fixed an issue in which encryption or decryption of the file in one node of an HA cluster would not get propagated to the other nodes.
  • Fixed an issue in which an npm artifact resolved from a local npm registry would have a different package.json file compared to the one it had in its default public registry at
  • Fixed an issue in which if a remote Docker registry was marked by JFrog Xray to block the download of unscanned artifacts, Artifactory would not be able to cache remote Docker images in that repository for scanning.

New in Artifactory 6.2 (Aug 8, 2018)

  • Enhancements:
  • Session Management for HA:
  • This version enhances the internal session management between nodes in an Artifactory HA cluster to provide more stability. In previous versions, an HA cluster used a third-party library, Hazelcast, to manage sessions between the cluster nodes. From this version, Artifactory introduces a new mechanism that uses the database which makes session management more robust.
  • Artifactory Docker Container:
  • The Artifactory Docker container now starts and runs under an artifactory user and no longer requires root access. Similarly, the Artifactory NGINX Docker container now starts and runs as user nginx.
  • Issues Resolved:
  • Fixed an issue which prevented updating propertySets in the YAML configuration file.
  • Fixed an issue in which when Xray Integration was enabled, for all artifacts scanned by Xray, the download counter would increase by one and the "Last Downloaded By" would indicate being downloaded by Xray.
  • Fixed an issue in which upgrading from Artifactory 5.x to Artifactory 6.x would fail if an SSL/TLS certificate was configured on one or more of the remote repositories.
  • Fixed an issue in which when promoting a Docker tag with the REST API using an existing dockerRepository:<tag> tag, the call would deploy a new tag rather than overwrite the existing one resulting in orphaned layers.
  • Fixed an issue in which using the UI to deploy a single artifact from a folder in a repository would sometimes fail with a constantorg.artifactory.descriptor.repo.RepoType.undefined error.
  • Fixed an issue in which when reloading user plugins, whether through a scheduled task or on-demand via the REST API, new JARS would be loaded, but existing JARS would not, even if they had been modified.
  • Fixed an issue in which installation of npm packages would fail because parsing the npm repository's package.json file would fail when the value of its version field contained a leading "v" or "=" character.
  • Fixed an issue in which downloading an individual file from within a ZIP file, the file would not be cached. This resulted in long resolution times every time you needed to resolve the file (because the file was never cached).
  • Artifactory has been enhanced to correctly manage the new character encoding that the Go client uses for capital letters.

New in Artifactory 6.1 (Jul 2, 2018)

  • CRAN Repository Support
  • Artifactory now natively supports CRAN repositories for the R language, giving you full control of your deployment and resolve process of CRAN packages.
  • You can create secure and private local CRAN repositories with fine-grained access control. Remote CRAN repositories proxy remote CRAN resources and cache downloaded CRAN packages to keep you independent of the network and the remote resource, and virtual CRAN repositories give you a single URL through which to manage the resolution and deployment of all your CRAN packages.
  • Cross-Zone Sharding Enhancements
  • Sharding across multiple zones allows you to create zones or regions of sharded data to provide additional redundancy in case one of your zones becomes unavailable. From 6.1, you can determine the order in which the data is written between the zones and can set the method for establishing the free space when writing to the mounts in the neighboring zones.
  • Enhancements
  • Direct Access to Xray from the Xray Info tab
  • Added a link to the Xray tab giving you direct access to Xray from within the Artifactory Artifact tree browser.
  • Force Authentication on Virtual Maven Repositories
  • You can force the Maven client to send credentials in order to authenticate against the virtual repository. This means that even if anonymous access is enabled for the Artifactory instance, a virtual repository configured using this field or directly in the Repository Configuration JSON, will require the Maven client to send its credentials. This will be enforced even if some of the aggregated local repositories under the virtual repository allow anonymous access.
  • NuGet Search is Now Case-insensitive
  • Previously searching for NuGet packages using the ID and version via the NuGet CLI was case-sensitive causing search results to be narrowed down to an accurate result. This was very limiting, especially if you were looking for a specific version. So for example, if I was searching for junit version 1.0.2, and the repository package name was JUnit, I would not get any result. We now have improved the search to be case-insensitive, allowing for both junit or JUnit to be displayed in the search.
  • Build Promotion Timestamp Added to Release History Tab
  • When promoting a build, under the Builds > Release History tab, you can now see the timestamp of the build promotion.
  • Issues Resolved
  • Fixed an issue in PyPI repositories in which PyPI packages set with metadata version 2.1 in the METADATA or PKG-INFO files were not indexed by Artifactory and were not available for download.
  • Fixed an issue with npm repositories resulting in improved performance. Deploying a new version of an npm package that already exists in the repository caused Artifactory to calculate the metadata for all the package versions instead of calculating the metadata for the specific deployed package.
  • Fixed an issue with npm repositories. This issue relates to tagging the version of a specific package that is not the ‘highest’ in terms of SemVer. When an npm client was trying to install the ‘latest’ package he would receive the ‘highest’ version instead of the package that was tagged as the "latest'. An example: if I have MyApp-1.0.0, MyApp-1.0.1, MyApp-1.0.2 and I tag 1.0.1 as the latest one (with npm tag command) when trying to install the latest package (e.g. npm install MyApp), MyApp-1.0.2 would be returned.
  • Fixed an issue whereby users with special characters in their password (e.g. colon), tried to access their profile page by entering their password and would be redirected to a page with the following message:
  • "You are already logged in. You can go to the home page or log out."
  • Fixed an issue whereby pulling a Docker image caused the "Number of Downloads" counter for the image to be increased by two.
  • Fixed an issue whereby setting the Password Encryption to ‘Required’, prevented anonymous users from performing authentication opposite the Docker repositories. A 401 error was generated.
  • Fixed an issue regarding PyPI repositories whereby an Artifactory behind a proxy no longer ignores the "X-Artifactory-Override-Base-Url" header which overrides Artifactory base URL.
  • Fixed an issue in Debian repositories. Artifactory could not extract metadata in Debian packages that contained a control metadata file archived as a ‘control.tar’ or a ‘control.tar.xz.

New in Artifactory 6.0.3 (Jun 25, 2018)

  • Removed a remote code execution vulnerability that may have been exploited when a user with Admin permissions used one of the import capabilities in Artifactory

New in Artifactory 6.0.2 (Jun 8, 2018)

  • Issues Resolved
  • Fixed an issue in PyPI repositories in which PyPI packages set with metadata version 2.1 in the METADATA or PKG-INFO files would not be indexed by Artifactory and were therefore not available for download.
  • Fixed an issue related to the JFrog Xray integration in which artifacts could still be downloaded from a remote repository even though it was configured to Block Unscanned Artifacts.
  • Fixed UI issues in the Builds module.
  • For a complete list of changes please refer to our JIRA Release Notes.
  • For an Artifactory Pro or Artifactory Enterprise installation, click to download this latest version of JFrog Artifactory Pro.
  • For Artifactory OSS, click to download this latest version of JFrog Artifactory OSS.
  • For Artifactory Enterprise+, click to download the latest version of JFrog Enterprise+.

New in Artifactory 6.0.0 (May 21, 2018)

  • Announcing the new Enterprise+ Platform, that provides a complete solution for covering all the steps involved in creating a secure, trustworthy, and traceable software release in a multi-site development environment.
  • The solution works in conjunction with source version control, continuous integration, and deployment tools.
  • The JFrog Enterprise+ platform bundle includes:
  • JFrog Artifactory: all features available with an Enterprise license as well as Access Federation and the ability to work with Artifactory Edge.
  • JFrog Distribution: an on-premise, centralized platform that lets you provision software release distribution.
  • JFrog Xray: universal analysis of binary software components at any stage of the application lifecycle providing unprecedented visibility into issues lurking in components anywhere in your organization.
  • JFrog Mission Control: all features available in Mission Control with the addition of:
  • the ability to add instances of Jenkins-CI, JFrog Distribution and JFrog Artifactory Edge as services in the system and monitor them
  • Insight and analytics on build processes through as set of metrics on the end to end build process

New in Artifactory 5.11.0 (May 17, 2018)

  • Highlights:
  • Go Registries:
  • Artifactory now provides native support for Go registries, giving you full control over deployment and resolution of Go source control packages. You can create secure and private local Go registries with fine-grained access control, remote repositories to proxy remote Go resources and cache downloaded Go packages to keep you independent of the network and remote resources. Virtual repositories let you set up a Go registry with a single URL through which to manage the resolution and deployment of all your Go packages.
  • Support for Go repositories is currently integrated with the vgo client which can be downloaded from the vgo GitHub Repository.
  • CSRF Protection:
  • Artifactory can now prevent CSRF attacks by using a new custom header, X-Requested-With, for internal UI calls. This feature is disabled by default because it may require a change in your proxy server (if you are using one) to ensure it does not filter out this header. The feature can be enabled by modifying a system property and restarting Artifactory. For details, please refer to CSRF Protection under Configuring Security.
  • Allow Crowd Users to Access Their Profile Page
  • Artifactory users who are created by logging in via Crowd can now be given access to their profile page through a configuration in Artifactory. These users can now access a set of functions such as setting their SSH public key, configuring their JFrog Bintray credentials, and updating their password.
  • Issues Resolved:
  • Fixed an issue with RPM repositories which sometimes caused download requests to fail in. The issue occurred when in some cases, uploading an RPM package would result in deletion of the newly generated metadata files (primary, other, filelists) instead of the old ones. This, in turn, would cause download requests for certain RPM packages to fail.
  • Fixed an issue with NPM repositories in which presence of a corrupt package or metadata file caused indexing to be aborted rather than just skipping the corrupt file and continuing.
  • Fixed an issue which caused a memory leak in some cases when working with HTTP SSO.
  • Fixed an issue that caused initialization of replication to fail on systems with many event-based push replications configured.
  • Fixed an issue in which it would take Artifactory a long time to generate the information displayed in the Admin module under Advanced | Storage Summary, or the response for the Get Storage Summary Info REST API endpoint.
  • Fixed an issue which would sometimes cause deployment of artifacts to fail when the Storage Quota Control feature was enabled.
  • Fixed an issue in which an Artifactory instance trying to resolve packages from a remote repository in another Artifactory instance, which itself was proxying a remote repository in another Artifactory instance, would sometimes fail.

New in Artifactory 5.10.4 (Apr 27, 2018)

  • Issues Resolved:
  • Fixed an issue in which user login would sometimes fail when there was more than one LDAP configuration set up (e.g. different OUs)
  • Fixed an issue in which downloading artifacts from a remote repository would fail when the repository was configured to work with a proxy, and the proxy server was configured in Artifactory with a username and password.
  • Fixed an issue that caused a degradation in PyPI API performance when a Derby database has node_props table containing many entries.
  • Fixed an issue in which LDAP users would be removed from the LDAP groups they were associated with when trying to authenticate against Artifactory with bad credentials or while experiencing connection issues

New in Artifactory 5.10.3 (Apr 19, 2018)

  • Issues Resolved:
  • PyPI is undergoing changes and the PyPI administrators have announced that by April 30th, the current URL at which the index is available will be deprecated, and the PyPI public repository will only be available at
  • In addition, the internal structure of the PyPI index is changing.
  • These are breaking changes if you are using Artifactory remote PyPI repositories that proxy the PyPI index at its current URL of
  • This patch addresses these changes and allows you to continue working with remote PyPI repositories.
  • Important notes:
  • We strongly recommend upgrading to this patch only if you are using remote PyPI repositories that proxy the public PyPI index at
  • As part of the change PyPI have introduced, the index is now located under and the binaries (packages) are stored under a different URL: (
  • In this patch, Artifactory aligns with the changes introduced on PyPI, both new index structure and the new URL, by adding the Registry URL field, which specifies the location where the repository index file resides, to the remote PyPI repository configuration.
  • To continue working with PyPI remote repositories, follow these instructions:
  • Upgrade to Artifactory 5.10.3 or above.
  • For all Artifactory PyPI remote repositories that are configured with the URL of
  • Change the URL field to
  • Change the the Registry URL field to

New in Artifactory 5.10.2 (Apr 13, 2018)

  • Fixed an issue in which after upgrading to Artifactory 5.10.x, in some cases, installing and searching for packages in NuGet repositories would fail.

New in Artifactory 5.10.1 (Mar 30, 2018)

  • Fixed an issue in which an Artifactory configured with MariaDB as the database did not start.
  • Fixed an issue whereby enabling the Auto Redirect Login Link To SAML Login setting in the SAML configuration, did not redirect to the SAML login URL, and the Login button in Artifactory became unresponsive.
  • Fixed an issue whereby Xray users failed to be authenticated using SAML authentication.
  • Fixed an issue whereby under certain circumstances, authentication between Artifactory and Xray failed, leading to failure between Artifactory and Xray. This caused certain operations to fail such as scanning an artifact or a build.

New in Artifactory 5.10.0 (Mar 28, 2018)

  • Package Native UI:
  • To complement Artifactory's universal support for all major package types, version 5.10 offers a new Package Viewer that provides a native experience with the a look and feel that is customized for a specific package type. Once you select a package type, Package Viewer will only search for packages of the selected type using the search term entered. More significantly, the details provided in the search results are also specific to the package type. For example, when searching for Docker images, the Package Viewer will search for Docker tags, and you can drill down into each search result to see details of the layers comprising the tag. Currently, the Package Viewer supports Docker with additional formats to be added in forthcoming releases.
  • MariaDB:
  • In addition to the set of databases currently supported, from version 5.10, Artifactory also supports MariaDB.
  • Xray Integration:
  • Artifactory 5.10, jointly released with JFrog Xray 1.12, presents significant changes in how these two complementary applications are integrated to improve usability and stability including:
  • a new mechanism for reporting scan status
  • configuring download blocking through Xray
  • Scan Status - Breaking Change:
  • Previously, Artifactory displayed the scan status (e.g., last scan time, highest severity of any vulnerabilities found etc.) of an artifact as a set of properties that Xray attached to each artifact it scanned. Upon upgrading to version 5.10, these properties will be removed, and instead, Artifactory will display an artifact's scan status by querying Xray and displaying the results on-demand when the artifact is selected in the Tree Browser. To support this behavior, the artifact's scan status is now displayed in a separate Xray information tab.
  • Download Blocking:
  • From this version, configuration of Download Blocking is moved from Artifactory to Xray. For details, please refer to Download Blocking in the JFrog Xray User Guide. In addition, when trying to download a complete folder, if any of the artifacts in the folder are blocked for download, then downloading the folder will fail.
  • NuGet Performance Improvements:
  • Performance of indexing Nuget repositories has been improved.
  • Retrying Database Connections:
  • From this version, if Artifactory fails to connect to the database, it will retry several times before dropping the connection.
  • Pagination for Docker:
  • Artifactory now supports pagination when calling the List Docker Repositories and List Docker Tags REST API endpoints on virtual repositories.
  • Issues Resolved:
  • Fixed an issue with the native browser in which Artifactory would encode space characters to a ‘+’ character resulting in incorrect URLs for paths that included spaces.
  • Fixed an issue in which for users with a realm that is LDAP, SAML, HTTP SSO and OAuth, their Last Logged In field would remain empty after logging in to Artifactory.
  • Fixed an issue in which LDAP users who were trying to authenticate against Artifactory with bad credentials would be removed from the LDAP groups they were associated with.
  • Fixed an issue with Bower repositories in which registering a package from GitHub using SSH would fail with an "Unable to determine coordinates from url" error. The following is an example that would cause this error:
  • Fixed an issue in which when uploading multiple files from the UI to a virtual repository, non-admin users would fail with a "Forbidden UI REST call from user <x>" error.
  • Fixed an issue in which the custom expires_in field of refreshable access tokens created by non-admin users would be erased, and upon refreshing a token, the expires_in field would be set with the default value of 3600 seconds.
  • Fixed an issue with Docker registries in which when promoting a Docker tag properties annotating the tag would not be promoted with it.
  • Fixed an issue with npm repositories in which resolving an npm package using npm install would fail if the package was present in both a local and remote-cache repository, but have a different checksum in each.
  • Fixed an issue in which the ‘Test Connection’ button in remote repositories would not work when the URL to which the connection was being tested was a private npm repository.
  • Fixed an issue in which user plugin event deletion would not be detected so the user plugin would not be deleted from the database and would be reloaded again.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented users from certain organizations authenticated via Crowd SSO from logging in to Artifactory.

New in Artifactory 5.9.3 (Mar 21, 2018)

  • Issues Resolved:
  • Fixed an issue with Artifactory instances running versions 5.9.0 and above which displayed the following behavior: in some cases certain users would not be able to login to Artifactory, retrieving the list of users through the UI or the REST API would fail with an exception, and Backups and System Exports would fail.

New in Artifactory 5.9.1 (Mar 7, 2018)

  • Issues Resolved:
  • The search functionality for npm packages, through the npm client using the "npm search" command, has been fixed for both remote and virtual repositories. And now works for all repository types.

New in Artifactory 5.9.0 (Feb 20, 2018)

  • Audit trail Log:
  • Artifactory will maintain an audit trail log that records all actions related to permissions, users, groups and access tokens. This enables auditing and tracking of all security related actions allowing you to enforce different security policies in your organization. Some examples of actions that will be recorded in the audit trail log are: creating a new user, adding a user to a group, changing a user password, adding a user to a Permission Target. The audit trail log is enabled by default and can be disabled.
  • Improved UI Performance:
  • Artifactory has undergone significant changes in the UI implementation to improve performance in the Tree Browser.
  • Enhanced Password Encryption Security:
  • Artifactory will now use 128-Bit AES for password encryption which is a more secure algorithm than the previously used PBEwithSHA1AndDESede. New installations will use the new encryption algorithms, however, if you are upgrading to this version, the encryption algorithm does not automatically change. Following an upgrade, to change the encryption algorithm from PBEwithSHA1AndDESede to the new A128-bit AES, simply deactivate key encryption using the Deactivate Artifactory Key Encryption REST API endpoint, and then re-enable it using the Activate Artifactory Key Encryption REST API.
  • Respecting Cache-Control Headers:
  • Artifactory will now return a “Cache-Control: no-store” header for all expirable metadata files.
  • This means that if you have a proxy cache (e.g. Nginx) between Artifactory and the client, the proxy will always go to Artifactory to fetch these metadata files and will not cache them.
  • Publishing to an npm repository with a tag.
  • When publishing a new version with a tag to an npm repository, the version would also automatically be assigned the "latest" tag. This meant that running npm install package would install the "tagged" version even though it was explicitly given a different tag and should, therefore, not have been identified as the "latest". For example, when using npm publish --tag=beta , the published version would incorrectly get the "latest" tag. This is now fixed and Artifactory will only assign a published version with the "latest" tag if no other tag is explicitly specified in npm publish command. For example
  • Fixed an issue in which when distributing a Docker image to JFrog Bintray through a distribution repository in Artifactory, the operation would succeed the first time, however would fail if you tried to redistribute the same image through the distribution repository.
  • Fixed an issue in which Helm charts whose representation did not comply with the SemVer 2 specification would not be served. For example, the Helm client would not be able to resolve a chart named myPackage-0.1, however, a chart named myPackage-0.1.0 would work.
  • Fixed an issue in which resolving an npm package from an npm remote repository in Artifactory that proxied an npm repository in JFrog Bintray, would fail.
  • Fixed an issue in which when pushing several Docker images with common layers in high concurrency, some of the push requests would fail.
  • Fixed an issue in which the Storage Summary for a cache-fs filestore would show the maximum available and used values incorrectly. Instead of displaying values for the cache, the values for the whole file system were displayed instead. This has now been fixed and the Storage Summary for a cache-fs filestore correctly displays the actual and maximum available cache size.
  • Fixed an issue with the use of filestore sharding in an HA cluster. When an HA cluster with two or more nodes used the sharding-cluster binary provider, if you deployed an artifact to one of the secondary nodes while the primary node was down, the artifact would not get copied over to the primary node, even if the redundancy was set to 2 or more.
  • Fixed an issue with metadata calculation for npm repositories. When triggering a metadata calculation using the REST API or through the UI, if the repository contained an npm package with faulty or corrupt metadata that Artifactory couldn't parse, the whole process of metadata calculation would stop without calculating metadata for packages that came after the faulty package.
  • Fixed an issue in which, for Maven repositories, when LDAP users would try to download the settings.xml from the Set Me Up page, the password field would not be populated and remain blank.
  • Fixed an issue in which when using the Distribute Artifact REST API endpoint with an unauthorized user, Artifactory returned a 500 error. Artifactory will now return error 403, as expected.

New in Artifactory 5.8.4 (Feb 7, 2018)

  • Fixed an issue with Artifactory Docker registries in which in some cases, file descriptors created following a HEAD request for a Docker manifest, would not be closed at the end of the request, but only when garbage collection was run.

New in Artifactory 5.8.3 (Jan 10, 2018)

  • Fixed an issue in which pushing or pulling from an Artifactory Docker registry would fail when using Docker client version 1.12 or below and while the reverse proxy is configured to listen on ports 443/80.

New in Artifactory 5.8.1 (Jan 5, 2018)

  • Issues Resolved:
  • Fixed an issue in which an upgrade from versions below 5.7, to versions 5.7 and above with the Artifactory Key Encryption activated, failed with the following error:
  • Couldn't convert configs encryption: javax.crypto.BadPaddingException: Given final block not properly padded : Couldn't convert configs encryption
  • Fixed an issue, for HA setups, in which an upgrade process with the following steps failed with the following error:
  • Encrypted password found and no Master Key file exists at /clusterhome/ha-etc/security/artifactory.key
  • Steps:
  • 1. upgrade to version 5.x (below 5.7), from version 4.x with NFS and the Artifactory Key Encryption deactivated
  • 2. upgrade to version 5.7 and above, with the Artifactory Key Encryption activated

New in Artifactory 5.8.0 (Jan 3, 2018)

  • Helm Chart Repositories:
  • Artifactory now natively supports Helm Chart repositories, giving you full control of your deployment process to Kubernetes. You can create secure and private local Helm chart repositories with fine-grained access control. Remotse Helm chart repositories proxy remote Helm chart resources and cache downloaded Helm charts to keep you independent of the network and the remote resource, and virtual Helm chart repositories give you a single URL through which to manage the resolution and deployment of all your Helm charts.
  • YAML Configuration File:
  • Applying configuration changes to Artifactory can now be done using an easy to use YAML configuration file. Run a single or multiple configuration changes as needed, to create, update and delete any elements in the your Artifactory instance. For example, creating new repositories, setting up replication, and modifying any specific configuration changes.
  • Multiple Secure Private Docker Registries Without a Reverse Proxy:
  • Artifactory has supported multiple secure private Docker registries since the early days of Docker, however that support required the use of a reverse proxy. From version 5.8, the need for a reverse proxy is removed, and you can create and use multiple Docker registries out-of-the-box without the need for any reverse proxy configuration. All you need to do is select the Repository Path
  • Feature Enhancements:
  • Automatically associate a HTTP SSO user to an LDAP Group:
  • Artifactory will now accept users logging in through HTTP SSO to be associated with existing LDAP groups. HTTP SSO users will now inherit the permissions specified in the corresponding LDAP group in Artifactory. This is supported for both HTTP SSO users that are internally created in Artifactory and also for transient users.
  • Issues Resolved:
  • Fixed an issue where overwriting an existing artifact would permanently delete it. These artifacts will now be sent to the trash can, available to be recovered if needed.
  • Fixed an issue in which enabling the External Dependency Rewrite configuration in npm virtual repositories, caused some npm packages, such as "equals", to not be resolved with an npm 500 error displayed in the logs. This occurred only for packages where dependencies were declared in the following format:
  • Fixed an issue where adding a keypair in the Signing Keys UI admin component, caused the remote repo admin page in the UI to appear as empty without any fields.
  • Fixed an issue with an incorrect response for cached Chef cookbooks.
  • Fixed an issue where the metadata for some PyPI packages, such as nose 1.3.3 and above, would not be extracted correctly and incorrect information would be displayed in the UI for the package. This would happen only for packages that had multiple PKG-INFO file, causing Artifactory to identify the wrong PKG-INFO package metadata file.
  • Fixed an issue in which adding more than 1,000 users to a group using Oracle DB would fail with an ‘error updating groups’ or a ‘maximum number of expressions in a list is 1000’ SQLSyntaxErrorException.
  • Fixed an issue where some Debian packages were not added to the Debian repository index.
  • Fixed an issue where running an npm search against an npm repository failed to return packages that contained the maintainers field in the package.json in the following structure:
  • “maintainers” : { "name": "john", "email": "[email protected]" }

New in Artifactory 5.7.2 (Dec 28, 2017)

  • Issues Resolved:
  • Fixed an issue that prevented upgrading to version 5.7.x with an MS SQL database (version 2014 and below) when you have an artifact with a property and value whose combined length is greater than 900 characters.

New in Artifactory 5.7.1 (Dec 28, 2017)

  • Issues Resolved:
  • Fixed an issue in which, when upgrading to version 5.7.0, if you have more than 2 Docker repositories that are configured using the ports method, an exception is generated during the upgrade process. Artifactory does start up, but you are unable to save the configuration descriptor unless you remove the configuration.

New in Artifactory 5.7 (Dec 28, 2017)

  • Highlights:
  • Improved HA Installation and Upgrade Process:
  • The HA installation and setup process has been redesigned to create a simple and even more secure infrastructure for your Artifactory HA clusters. Through the use of a Master Key, Artifactory adds a new security layer that replaces the previously used Bootstrap bundle mechanism, which is now deprecated.
  • With this release, Artifactory will handle all configuration and encrypted security related files. To create new Artifactory nodes in a cluster, administrators will only need to supply a single Master Key and file, used by all nodes in the cluster.
  • Existing Artifactory installations will be upgraded to this new infrastructure automatically when updating from version 5.x and up.
  • Sort, Filter and Add Favorite Repositories in the UI Tree:
  • View only the repositories you need by customizing the Artifact Repository Browser with your favorite repositories, and applying sort and filter options. Use as many different favorite, sort and filter combinations to narrow down the Artifact tree to display exactly what you need.
  • Feature Enhancements:
  • Promote Build to Virtual Repository REST API:
  • Promoting builds to a virtual repository is now supported, in addition to the previously supported local repositories, using the Build Promotion REST API. Upon build promotion to a virtual repository, the files will be promoted (copied/moved) to the Default Deployment Repository that is configured as part of the virtual repository.
  • Support for AWS SSE-KMS:
  • Added support for AWS SSE-KMS (Key Management Service) for your S3 Object Storage. This allows you to set an AWS KMS encryption key on the S3 bucket that your Artifactory uses as an object store.
  • Support for LZMA and XZ Index Compression Formats in Debian Repositories:
  • Artifactory now lets you create LZMA (.lzma) and XZ (.xz) compression Debian indices, in addition to the already supported Gzip (.gzip) and Bzip2 (.bz2) extensions. The Bzip2 index file can be disabled if it's not needed.
  • Improved AQL Performance:
  • Significant performance improvement for AQL queries when searching artifacts according to build name and number.
  • Improved Concurrent Configuration Changes Performance:
  • Performance improvement when concurrently applying configuration changes to the Config Descriptor file.
  • Issues Resolved:
  • Fixed an issue in which users, associated with groups that are configured with admin privileges, could not perform admin-only actions through REST API when using an API key for authentication.
  • Fixed an issue in which deploying a large NuGet package (larger than 2GB) would fail with an OutOfMemory exception.
  • Fixed an issue in which TCP connections were not being closed when push replication was configured with an incorrect target URL or bad credentials, causing unresponsiveness. The TCP connections were not being closed on the source Artifactory (the instance where artifacts were replicated from).
  • Fixed an issue where when clients (such as Yum clients) tried to fetch sqlite.bz2 files from Yum virtual repositories, it took longer than expected since it triggered a synchronous calculation, even though Artifactory does not aggregate sqlite files. Artifactory responses to YUM clients in returning sqlite.bz2 files will now be faster.
  • Fixed an issue where the email address of users imported into Artifactory from a Crowd server was not updated in Artifactory when it was updated on the Crowd server.
  • Fixed an issue in which resolving artifacts from a remote repository with a URL that contained spaces in it did not work.
  • Fixed an issue when aborted upload processes, to an Artifactory with a filestore configuration on the cloud (S3/GCP/Azure), would leave a partial file in the Eventual folder that would not get cleaned up.
  • Fixed an issue in which an API key created by exernally authenticated users (eg. OAuth) would not get inserted correctly into code snippets generated by the Set Me Up page.
  • Fixed an issue with the indexing rpm metadata files which caused clients (such as Yum clients) to fetch the src.rpm file instead of the rpm package file. This would happen when the RPM repository contained both source and corresponding package.
  • Fixed an issue where "NA" was recorded in the access log instead of the user id for denied login attempts. The user id will now be displayed.
  • For example: [DENIED LOGIN] for john/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1
  • Fixed an issue in which include and exclude patterns would be ignored on local NuGet repositories.
  • Fixed an issue in which deploying files that contained a colon in the artifact name, ‘:’ or %3a (encoded or decoded), would fail with an 409 error.

New in Artifactory 5.5.2 (Oct 29, 2017)

  • Support for Acquire-By-Hash flag in Debian Repositories:
  • Hash sum mismatch errors may sometimes cause apt-get update requests to Debian repositories to fail due to rotation of Debian metadata files. Artifactory now overcomes this issue by storing historical versions of the metadata files by their checksum and supporting the Acquire-By-Hash flag for Debian repositories. This allows Debian clients to download package metadata files by their checksum.
  • This is very useful when Debian metadata is updated very frequently. If a client working with an Artifactory Debian repository downloads the metadata files, and they expire in the meantime, the expired version of these files will still be available allowing the client to complete the required download.
  • Bypassing HEAD requests for remote repositories:
  • Artifactory remote repositories normally send a HEAD request to a remote resource before downloading an artifact that should be cached. In some cases, the remote resource rejects the HEAD request even though downloading artifacts is allowed. Through the remote repository configuration, Artifactory now lets you specify that remote repositories should skip sending HEAD requests before downloading artifacts to cache.
  • Automatically Rewriting External Dependencies in NPM Registries:
  • Artifactory now supports rewriting external dependencies for various Git and GiHub URLs. For a full list of supported URLs, please refer to Automatically Rewriting External Dependencies
  • Bitbucket Server version 5.1.0 deprecated the Bitbucket Archive Plugin which Bower remote repositories in Artifactory relied on. As a result, when upgrading to Bitbucket 5.1.0, Bower remote repositories stopped working. This has now been fixed by adding an option to choose “Stash / Private Bitbucket (Prior to 5.1.0)” as the Git provider in the Bower remote repository configuration while the “Stash/Private Bitbucket” option covers Bitbucket Server version 5.1.0 and above.
  • Fixed an issue in which when executing the /api/search/latestVersion REST API endpoint, Artifactory would erroneously query remote repositories. This has now fixed, so Artifactory will only search in remote repositories (in addition to local and remote repository caches) when remote = 1 is added as query param.
  • Fixed an issue in which authenticating against Artifactory Docker registries while HTTP SSO is set would fail. This has now been fixed so you can work with Artifactory Docker registries while HTTP SSO is enabled.
  • Fixed an issue in which when granting admin privileges for Groups imported from SAML SSO, users belonging to the corresponding groups would not be granted the admin privileges.
  • Fixed an issue in which when a REST API call included a “Range” header, the ETag returned would incorrectly include the Range provided in the header as a suffix. In turn, different clients would interpret this as a file modification. Artifactory now returns the correct ETag.
  • Fixed an issue in which system import or replication of an artifact that includes a “:” (colon) character would fail. For example, before this fix, replicating a Docker image with a LABEL that included a colon would fail.
  • Fixed an issue in which running npm search against an npm registry would fail if one of the packages in the results would be in the following structure: “maintainers” : “<user name> <user email>”, because Artifactory was expecting the structure to be:
  • "maintainers": [ {"name": "<user name>", "email": "<user email" } ]
  • Fixed an issue in which a 500 error with be returned when running one of the following REST API endpoints on Docker registries while and using an API key for authentication:

New in Artifactory 5.5 (Sep 25, 2017)

  • Highlights:
  • Event-based Pull Replication
  • Native Support for SHA-256 Checksums
  • Feature Enhancements:
  • Improve Performance on RPM Repositories
  • Improve Performance of NuGet Repositories
  • Keep Multiple Versions of Metadata Files on RPM Repositories
  • Retrieve Plugin Source Code by Name
  • Allow LDAP Users to Access Profile Page
  • Support Additional MIME types in the UI
  • Enable Password Encryption by Default
  • Configurable Web Session Timeout
  • Checksum-Based Storage with S3 Object Store
  • Issues Resolved:
  • Fixed an issue in which Artifactory would return an error when trying to resolve an npm package because it would fail to parse an npm dependency declaration that was presented in an unexpected format.
  • Fixed an issue in which the Set Me Up screen for virtual repositories that aggregated only remote repositories would be blank.
  • Fixed an issue that caused batch download from a virtual Git LFS repository, that aggregated more than one repository, to fail.
  • Fixed an issue in which the Build Artifacts Search REST API endpoint would not return Artifacts that had been promoted to it from a different repository correctly.
  • Fixed an issue in which resolving private Docker images from a Docker remote repository that points to Docker hub failed when passwords in Artifactory were encrypted.
  • Fixed an issue in which NuGet virtual repositories that aggregated several repositories would omit results when searching for a package.
  • Fixed an issue that would sometimes cause a NullPointerException to be thrown when there were many deployments on a Maven repository that had a watch configured on it. The NullPointerException would cause metadata calculation to stop and was due to the multiple deployments causing a race condition.

New in Artifactory 5.4.6 (Aug 7, 2017)

  • Feature Enhancements:
  • Support Pagination for Docker v2 APIs:
  • Artifactory now supports pagination when listing Docker image tags and retrieving a registry's catalog using the REST API.
  • This can be useful for automation purposes and Docker clients that use pagination parameters.
  • Issues Resolved:
  • Fixed an issue in which when resolving a package from an npm repository, Artifactory would throw a deserialize error to the log file if one of the package's dependencies in the corresponding package.json file was declared using the following format:“<dependency_name>” : { “version” : “<version_number>” }. For example: the "deep-diff" package uses this format. As a result, the npm client would fail to resolve the package.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented using Git LFS client v1.x with Git LFS repositories in Artifactory when using SSH.
  • Fixed an issue in which NuGet virtual repositories that aggregated several repositories would omit search results when searching for a package.

New in Artifactory 5.4.5 (Aug 7, 2017)

  • Puppet Repositories Support librarian-puppet and r10k:
  • Artifactory's support for Puppet repositories has been significantly upgraded by introducing support for librarian-puppet and r10k allowing extended configuration management with these popular Puppet clients. In addition, Artifactory also exposes new REST API endpoints to retrieve Puppet modules and releases to facilitate automated configuration management using Puppet.

New in Artifactory 5.4.4 (Jul 7, 2017)

  • Issues Resolved:
  • Fixed an issue in which after upgrading an Artifactory HA cluster from version 5.x to 5.4.x, new nodes that were added to the Artifactory HA cluster would not start up.

New in Artifactory 5.4.3 (Jul 4, 2017)

  • Issues Resolved:
  • Fixed an issue in which uploading or downloading files to Artifactory using access tokens may have failed with error 500. This happened when running Artifactory 5.4.2 and using access tokens with a subject that was longer than 64 characters.
  • Fixed an issue in which upgrading an RPM or Debian installation of Artifactory that use the systemd init system would have fail with a “The currently installed Artifactory version does not have the same layout as this DEB!” error.

New in Artifactory 5.4.2 (Jun 30, 2017)

  • Issues Resolved:
  • Fixed an issue in which Artifactory failed to start up when Tomcat was configured to only serve HTTPS content, or was configured to serve both HTTP and HTTPS, but on different ports.
  • Fixed an issue in which when an Artifactory HA installation's filestore configuration used the eventual-cluster binary provider (for example, when using one of the cloud storage providers), in rare cases, when uploading files involving a large number of transactions, Artifactory would indicate that files were successfully uploaded to storage, when in fact, the uploads failed.
  • Fixed an issue in which Artifactory was unable to connect to the Access Service (and as a result failed to start) when Tomcat was configured with a self signed chain certificate.

New in Artifactory 5.3.2 (Jun 7, 2017)

  • Issues Resolved:
  • Fixed an issue in which, when upgrading an Artifactory HA cluster with 2 or more nodes, from version 5.x to version 5.3.x, Artifactory would throw a HazelcastSerializationException when displaying the UI. In the process of upgrading the cluster, you will still encounter this issue from nodes that have not yet been upgraded

New in Artifactory 5.2.1 (Apr 14, 2017)

  • Access Tokens:
  • Authentication using access tokens has undergone two significant enhancements.
  • Any valid user in Artifactory can now create access tokens for personal use whereas previously only an Artifactory admin could create access tokens. This removes the burden of creating and managing access tokens for all users from the admin's shoulder, and gives non-admin users more freedom to operate within their ecosystem.
  • An Artifactory administrator can now create access tokens with admin privileges whereas previously, access privileges were specified by inclusion in different groups. This enhances the integration of external applications which may need admin privileges to work seamlessly with Artifactory.
  • Feature Enhancements:
  • When upgrading an Artifactory HA installation from version 4.x to version 5.x, managing the bootstrap bundle has been improved to become an automatic and seamless process. Artifactory will now create the bootstrap bundle on the primary node automatically, and extract it to the secondary nodes, so there is no longer any need to create and copy the bootstrap bundle manually.
  • Control Build Retention : A new REST endpoint that lets you specify parameters for build retention has been added. Previously build retention could only be specified when uploading new build info. This enhancement provides an easy way to configure cleanup procedures for different jobs, and reduces the risk of timing out when deploying heavy build info.
  • By default, the "latest" version of an NPM package is the one with the highest SemVer version number. NPM repositories have now been enhanced so you can override the default behavior by setting a system property to assign a "latest" tag to the package that was most recently uploaded.
  • The Artifactory Docker image now comes with the PostgreSQL driver built in, so there is no need to mount it separately or build it into a separate Docker image.
  • Issues Resolved:
  • Artifactory is now aligned with the Docker spec and returns an authentication challenge for each Docker endpoint (even when anonymous access is enabled). This means that when using internal Artifactory Docker endpoints, you must first retrieve an authentication token which must then be used for all subsequent calls by your Docker client.
  • Fixed an issue in which NuGet virtual repositories that aggregated more than one local or remote repository may have omitted results when searching for a package.
  • When an Artifactory user with no "Delete" permissions was trying to deploy a build while specifying build retention, Artifactory would try and delete old builds and return a 500 error. This has now been fixed, and Artifactory will, instead, return a 403 error.
  • Fixed an issue in which Artifactory failed to pull a Docker image according to the digest of the manifest file from a remote Docker registry.
  • Fixed an issue in which aborting a download of a folder as an archive could leave open connections that were not closed which in turn would prevent further download of folders.
  • This has now been fixed so download slots are freed and the connection is closed properly.

New in Artifactory 5.2 (Apr 14, 2017)

  • Main Updates:
  • Improved the performance of property search when using PostgreSQL.
  • This will significantly improve Docker operations on Artifactory Docker registries as the property search mechanism is used upon searching for Docker layers.
  • Improved the performance of Docker layers search mechanism on Artifactory Docker registries. This will be mostly significant when working with Docker layers that are being used by thousands of Docker images.
  • The Tomcat bundled with Artifactory has been upgraded to version 8.0.41.
  • Artifactory now regards the content.xml.xz and the artifacts.xml.xz files on a remote P2 repository as expirable resources, so whenever there is a metadata change in one of these files, Artifactory will use the updated file instead of the expired one.
  • When working with Conan repositories, Artifactory now supports variables with multiple values in the conanfile.txt file. This enables Artifactory to fully extract [env] variables with multiple values and assign all those values to the corresponding property annotating the package in Artifactory.
  • Fixed an issue in which deploying multiple files to a virtual repository through the UI would fail.
  • Fixed a bug related to remote Docker registries in Artifactory that left connections and input streams open following docker pull operations.
  • Fixed an issue related to Debian repositories. Artifactory now adds an empty line at the end of the Packages file to fully support Debian tools such as debootstrap.
  • Fixed an issue related to Debian repositories in which the Components section in the generated Release file was named "Component" when there was indeed only one component. This has been fixed by naming the section "Components", regardless of the number of components. Following the fix, Artifactory now fully support tools such as debootstrap.
  • Fixed an issue occurring in Artifactory HA clusters. When a node was stopped for any reason, its state as reported by the UI remained as Running. This has now been fixed so the state for a stopped node is displayed as Unavailable.

New in Artifactory 5.1.4 (Mar 22, 2017)

  • Main Updates:
  • Fixed an issue preventing Artifactory from starting up following an upgrade to version 5.x on Windows when Artifactory is configured with a Keystore.

New in Artifactory 5.1.0 (Feb 21, 2017)

  • Configuration Management with Chef:
  • Artifactory meets the heart of DevOps adding full support for configuration management with Chef. Share and distribute proprietary Cookbooks in local Chef Cookbook repositories, and proxy remote Chef supermarkets and cache remote cookbooks locally with remote repositories. Virtual Cookbook repositories let you access multiple Cookbook repositories through a single URL overcoming the limitation of the Knife client that can only access one repository at a time.
  • Configuration Management with Puppet:
  • Artifactory now also fully supports configuration management with Puppet. Use local Puppet repositories to share and distribute proprietary Puppet modules, and use remote Puppet repositories to proxy and cache Puppet Forge and other remote Puppet resources. Use a virtual Puppet repository so the Puppet client can access multiple repositories from a single URL.
  • Main Updates:
  • Support configuration management with Chef through Chef Cookbook repositories Artifactory fully supports the knife client for authenticated access, and also supports Berkshelf for anonymous access Authenticated access for Berkshelf will be added in a forthcoming release
  • Support configuration management with Puppet through Puppet repositories Full support for Puppet command line along with local, remote and virtual repositories for hosting and provisioning Puppet modules
  • For Artifactory administrators, a list of common actions is available from the top ribbon in the Artifactory UI for quick and easy access This makes it easy to do things like creating repositories, adding users, adding groups and more
  • Artifactory can now be run as a standalone instance in a Kubernetes cluster For details, please refer to JFrog's examples using Docker on GitHub
  • Artifactory now supports disabling UI access (ie the user may only access Artifactory through the REST API) through the addition of the disableUIAccess element in the Security Configuration JSON
  • The default order of repository types in the tree browser has been changed to show virtual and distribution repositories first, as these are accessed more frequently, and then local and remote repositories
  • Modified NGINX reverse proxy configuration generated by Artifactory to enable using NPM scoped packages
  • A performance issue with the login and logout procedure has been fixed, so the time to login or logout is now significantly reduced
  • A bug in which duplicate files simultaneously uploaded to a sharded filestore occasionally caused deletion of the files, was fixed
  • A bug in permissions management that disabled the Admin module after removing the default "Anything" and "Anonymous" permissions, was fixed
  • Fixed an issue when upgrading Artifactory 4x to 5x in which the IAM role settings for S3 object storage in the binarystorexml were not correctly migrated to the upgrade has been fixed

New in Artifactory 5.0.1 (Feb 7, 2017)

  • Main Updates:
  • A memory leak that was discovered in the new cluster license manager implementation has been fixed. This issue may have caused Artifactory to stop responding and is now resolved.
  • A limitation in Artifactory HA, that potentially prevented you from accessing large support bundles, and prevented Artifactory from starting up, has been removed. Now, you can access the support bundle for any node in an HA cluster regardless of its size.
  • An issue preventing Artifactory from starting up when using IBM JDK 8 has been fixed.

New in Artifactory 4.16.0 (Jan 16, 2017)

  • Main Updates:
  • Add support for JFrog Xray CI/CD integration allowing you to fail build jobs if the build scan triggered an alert.
  • Fix a bug that caused a memory leak related to JFrog Mission Control DR configuration.
  • Fix an issue in which createdBy and modifiedBy fields were missing after running an import.
  • When a build is deleted, whether through the UI, via REST API or due to a build retention policy, Artifactory now sends a corresponding event to Xray so it can remove that build from its database and avoid triggering alerts for deleted builds

New in Artifactory 4.15.0 (Dec 13, 2016)

  • Add support for Conan repositories.
  • Significantly improved performance in Artifactory installations serving thousands of users related to the intensive permission validation process. For example, this should solve slow NuGet search issues in these Artifactory installations.
  • Fixed an issue in which changing the severity specified for download blocking for a repository, or removing it altogether, did not update Xray correctly and the change was not registered.
  • Fixed an issue in which the JSON returned from Get Repository Replication Configuration was not always compatible with REST API endpoints used to set repository replication configuration.

New in Artifactory 4.14.3 (Dec 7, 2016)

  • Enable Artifactory to use previous Master Keys keys to decrypt data.

New in Artifactory 4.14.2 (Nov 28, 2016)

  • Main Updates:
  • LDAP login performance improved:
  • Login performance has now been improved by only searching attributes that have been configured in the LDAP Group setting rather than for the entire set of attributes. This is especially noticeable when user belongs to many groups
  • Npm search issue fix:
  • Due to breaking changes in npm client behavior, from version 4.0 of the Npm client, searching through Artifactory was failing. This was because the client could not parse the response with the "_updated" field of searches that used "since" . This has now been fixed by removing the field from the response for partial searches
  • NuGet search issue fix:
  • When the results of NuGet package search required pagination, several results were omitted. This was due to a mismatch between how Artifactory returned each page of the results (using a "$skip" parameter), and how the NuGet client expected the result (based on the "$top" parameter. This has now been fixed by aligning Artifactory with the NuGet client so no results are omitted

New in Artifactory 4.14.1 (Nov 2, 2016)

  • Fixed an issue related to clean up of YUM metadata index files.
  • 2.Fixed a distribution issue related to packages with special characters (e.g. ':') in the package or version name.

New in Artifactory 4.13 (Sep 22, 2016)

  • Enhancements to the Xray integration including globally enabling or disabling the integration, download blocking and specific artifact/path scanning.
  • JMX MBeans that monitor appenders that send log data to Sumo Logic for log analytics.

New in Artifactory 4.12.2 (Sep 22, 2016)

  • Fix an issue causing DB to behave unexpectedly when using /api/gem/dependencies query on RubyGems repositories with a very large set of artifacts.
  • Fix an internal server error on "Artifacts Not Downloaded Since" REST api.

New in Artifactory 4.12.1 (Sep 22, 2016)

  • Fix an issue that caused existing Docker layers to be uploaded to the wrong path when deploying to a virtual repository.
  • This patch will also include a conversion to move layers from the wrong path to the correct path.
  • Fix "AWS EC2 IAM SessionCredentials" refresh token process, when using IAM role and time is set to any time zone other than GMT.

New in Artifactory (Sep 22, 2016)

  • Support YUM Virtual Repositories.
  • JMX MBeans support has been expanded to allow monitoring HTTP connections.
  • A remote repository and its corresponding cache are now collated in the Artifact Repository Browser and displayed together rather than in separate sections.
  • As a convenience feature, you can now filter users to be removed from a group or repositories to be removed from a permission target.
  • Hazelcast interface matching has been disabled, allowing you to run Artifactory HA cluster nodes under different Docker hosts.
  • A targetInfo variable has been added to the Replication User Plugin context allowing you to specify the target Artifactory URL and repository.
  • Performance of RubyGems api/dependencies queries has been improved.
  • Push replication now supports synchronizing download stats (for local repositories). To avoid inadvertent deletion artifacts, this is recommended when setting up replication for disaster recovery.

New in Artifactory 4.11.2 (Aug 17, 2016)

  • Fix sending unnecessary delete event to Xray when overriding file with the same checksum.

New in Artifactory 4.11.1 (Aug 17, 2016)

  • In addition to listing files in Amazon S3 storage, Artifactory can now also list files in Google S3 storage.
  • Pull replication has now been enabled for Docker registries for images created with manifest schema v2.
  • When pushing a Docker image that contains layers that already exist, Artifactory will using the existing layers rather than storing an additional copy.
  • Artifactory now supports GPG signing for YUM metadata
  • AQL can now be invoked from user plugins related to search.

New in Artifactory 4.11 (Aug 17, 2016)

  • Performance when making many changes (e.g. Delete all) to an artifact's properties has been greatly improved
  • Performance of the trash can has been greatly improved both when deleting artifacts or restoring them from the trash can
  • Garbage collection and data import performance has been greatly improved by separating these two actions in different threads
  • For artifacts that are indexed by JFrog Xray, the General tab in the tree browser now displays Xray indexing and status information
  • Repository Configuration REST API endpoint has been updated to provide caller with the same information that is available, according to that user's permissions, when querying a repository through the UI
  • A fix has been put in place to prevent a security issue due to "LDAP Attribute Poisoning"

New in Artifactory 4.10 (Aug 17, 2016)

  • Integration with Sumo Logic for Log Analytics
  • Configure Artifactory to automatically cleanup old tags of Docker images by limiting the number of unique tags stored in any Docker registry in Artifactory
  • Performance of Maven metadata calculation has been improved to accommodate many delete operations on a Maven repository
  • A new navigation menu with major improvements in the Admin module allowing you quickly filter and navigate to a specific category. The full menu is displayed on a mouse-over, and you can enter a search term to emphasize the item you are looking for
  • Support retagging a Docker image as part of the Docker promotion REST API, enabling you to easily rename and retag an image without having to pull and push it again. This is very useful when using promotion to manage your CI pipeline

New in Artifactory 4.9.1 (Jul 14, 2016)

  • Significantly improved loading time of "Users" category under Admin module.
  • Significantly improved loading time of "Edit User" page under Admin >> Users category.

New in Artifactory 4.9.0 (Jul 4, 2016)

  • Artifactory JFrog Xray integration
  • You can now restrict a user to accessing Artifactory only through the REST API
  • Deprecated "Force Authentication"configuration field has been removed from Docker repository configuration that was used to enable the docker login command. Currently all Docker repositories support both authenticated and anonymous access according to the permission configuration making this field obsolete.This is especially useful for users representing different tools that interact with Artifactory such as CI servers, build tools, etc
  • Artifactory now supports custom Atlassian Crowd authentication tokens
  • Artifactory OAuth integration now supports passing in query params as part of the authorization URL
  • AQL and Artifactory public API, have been enhanced to support reporting detailed remote download statistics for smart remote repositories
  • When deploying archives to Artifactory using the REST API, you can specify that they should be exploded in an atomic operation through the X-Explode-Archive-Atomic header
  • Removed support for deprecated flag in

New in Artifactory 4.8.2 (Jun 23, 2016)

  • Conversion of the Docker manifest schema from v2 to v1 when pulling an image from a remote repository that proxies DockerHub. This issue caused Docker client below version 1.10.0 to fail pulling images uploaded with client version 1.10.0 and higher.
  • In a High Availability configuration, Artifactory fails to delete a repository if a download from the repository is in progress while the repository is being deleted.
  • Allow disabling maven auto-data calculation upon delete event. This will allow performing massive deletes.

New in Artifactory 4.8.1 (Jun 23, 2016)

  • The Tree Browser has undergone many changes under the hood to significantly improve behavior and performance when heavily populated with many items.
  • Artifactory will now reject repository names that would conflict and create duplicate entries in the Tree Browser.
  • Resolved RubyGems error caused by version comparator method.
  • Improvements to Distribution Repository:
  • Offer enormous flexibility in how you upload files to Bintray by supporting both named and unnamed capture groups.
  • Added dry run option before executing distribution.

New in Artifactory 4.8.0 (May 23, 2016)

  • Distribution Repository
  • Recalculation of metadata for different repository types (Ruby Gems, Npm, Bower, NuGet, Debian, YUM, Pypi, CocoaPods, Opkg) can now be triggered by users with Manage and Read permissions. Previously this required admin permissions. Known limitation: triggering metadata recalculation for virtual repositories through the Artifactory UI still requires admin privileges.
  • When rewriting external dependencies for npm or Bower repositories, shorthand dependencies that are GitHub URLswill be matched by all patterns that contain ""

New in Artifactory 4.7.7 (May 16, 2016)

  • Fixed PyPI compatibility issue. Package names will be normalized as described in PyPI spec (PEP 503). After upgrading an automatic reindex will be triggered for all PyPI repositories

New in Artifactory 4.7.6 (May 9, 2016)

  • Significantly improved performance of Maven metadata calculation on path which contains a large number of versions.
  • Disable /repo repository for Artifactory Online new provisioned instances. NOTE: For existing customers this change will take a fact in the next time the will be re-created, which can happen when an Artifactory server is migrated to another region, or for some maintanance operations.

New in Artifactory 4.7.5 (May 3, 2016)

  • Added support for SHA256 hashing for Debian packages.
  • Maven performance has been significantly improved especially when performing multiple delete operations to use significantly less resources.
  • Conversion of Docker manifest V2 schema to V1 scheme no longer requires deleting the signing key.
  • Fixed an issue with Hazelcast timing out due to file locking in Artifactory HA.
  • Added a new REST API to schedule an immediate pull, push, or multi-push replication. This replaces the old replication REST API which has been deprecated.
  • Fixed a compatibility issue with NuGet V2 requesting framework dependencies.
  • NOTE: You need to invoke a reindexing of your NuGet repositories once, via the UI or using the REST API, for the fix to take effect.
  • Tree browser performance has been significantly improved, especially when browsing heavily annotated repositories.
  • The workflow related to disabling the internal password for externally authenticated users (for example, via LDAP) has been improved.
  • You can now deploy artifacts with multi-value properties. For existing artifacts, you can add multi-value properties or edit them through the UI.

New in Artifactory 4.7.4 (Apr 20, 2016)

  • This release includes the following main updates:
  • Resolution from virtual repository might result in 409 error which can cause unexpected behavior if client doesn't handle error gracefully.

New in Artifactory 4.7.3 (Apr 18, 2016)

  • Improved migration of existing PyPI packages to new PyPI implementation.

New in Artifactory 4.7.2 (Apr 18, 2016)

  • Change PyPI repository behavior to be case insensitive and handle '-' and '_' as the same character when comparing package name. NOTE: you must recalculate index for all existing PyPI repositories that will be triggered when a new package is deployed or manually from the UI.
  • To support disaster recovery in JFrog Mission Control, you can now globally block replication regardless of configuration in specific repositories.
  • Configure login link to automatically redirect users to the SAML login page.
  • AQL supports specifying time intervals relative to when queries are run.
  • Add support for the NuGet --reinstall command.
  • Add support for the Npm --tag command.
  • Add support for AWS version parameter in Advanced Filestore Configuration.
  • Exposed a method to get or set user properties in Artifactory's Public API.

New in Artifactory 4.7.1 (Apr 4, 2016)

  • A fix for compatibility issue with Visual Studio 2015 update 2.

New in Artifactory 4.6.1 (Mar 21, 2016)

  • A fix, to accommodate a change in the Docker client, that enables re-pushing existing layers when working with Docker 1.10.

New in Artifactory 4.6.0 (Mar 14, 2016)

  • This release includes the following main updates:
  • Advanced Filestore Configuration (Documentation is coming soon)
  • Filestore Sharding (Documentation is coming soon)
  • HDFS storage
  • Google Cloud Storage (Documentation will be provided soon)
  • Artifactory now supports server side encryption for AWS S3 object store
  • The bundled Tomcat in which Artifactory runs has been upgraded to version 8.0.32
  • The simple-default repository layout used in generic repositories has been updated
  • Unlimited Docker repositories on AOL
  • Enhanced Docker Info tab showing detailed information on Docker images
  • When searching with the Artifactory UI, Artifactory performs prefix matching for search terms in all the different search modes
  • Artifactory is now a private Bower registry as well as a repository for Bower packages (Documentation is coming soon)
  • The number of characters in MSSQL properties' values is now limited to 900 characters

New in Artifactory 4.5.1 (Feb 19, 2016)

  • OAuth Security Fix:
  • This release fixes a security vulnerability related to OAuth in which users were able to use OAuth to login to the Artifactory UI even though they were not logged in to one of the approved OAuth domains configured in Artifactory.
  • YUM performance:
  • YUM memory management had undergone additional tuning to further improve performance.

New in Artifactory 4.5.0 (Feb 15, 2016)

  • This release includes the following main updates:
  • CocoaPods Repositories.

New in Artifactory 4.4.3 (Feb 9, 2016)

  • This release includes the following main updates:
  • Compatibility with Docker v1.10 and the Docker Manifest v2 schema
  • Major improvements in performance when working with YUM repositories
  • Use your API key for basic authentication
  • API key header changed to X-JFrog-Art-Api
  • REST API to enable or disable replication tasks
  • When authenticated externally, an admin can allow you to access your API key, Bintray credentials and SSH public key without having to unlock your profile
  • REST API to list Docker repositories using /_catalog end point

New in Artifactory 4.4.2 (Jan 18, 2016)

  • In addition to several bug fixes, this minor update fixes an issue with backward compatibility for S3 Object Store when upgrading to Artifactory v4.3 and above
  • This version also presents a significant improvement in download performance

New in Artifactory 4.4.1 (Jan 14, 2016)

  • Password Expiration Policy:
  • An Artifactory administrator can now force all users to change their password periodically by enabling a password expiration policy.
  • Externally Authenticated Users:
  • An Artifactory administrator can now enable users, who are authenticated using external means such as SAML SSO, OAuth or HTTP SSO, to access their profile and generate an API Key or modify their password.
  • Apache Reverse Proxy Configuration:
  • In addition to NGINX, Artifactory now also provides you with the code snippet you need to configure Apache as your reverse proxy. Just feed in your reverse proxy settings, including your handling of Docker repositories, and Artifactory will generate the configuration script you can just plug into your Apache reverse proxy server.

New in Artifactory 4.4.0 (Jan 4, 2016)

  • Authentication:
  • Artifactory 4.4 brings more advancements to authentication capabilities including:
  • Limitation on the number of login attempts and login suspension
  • SSH Authentication for Git LFS and Artifactory CLI
  • OAuth support for Docker client
  • Opkg Repositories:
  • Artifactory is now a fully fledged Opkg repository, and generates index files that are fully compliant with the Opkg client. Create local repositories for your internal ipk packages, or proxy remote Opkg repositories. Provide and GPG signatures for use with the Opkg client, and manage them using the UI or through REST API.
  • Trash Can:
  • Artifactory now provides a trash can that prevents accidental deletion of important artifacts from the system. All items deleted are now stored for a specified period of time configured by the Artifactory administrator, before being permanently removed.
  • Main Updates:
  • This release includes the following main updates:
  • Local and remote Opkg repositories.
  • Deletion protection with a Trash Can.
  • SSH Authentication for Git LFS and Artifactory CLI.
  • OAuth authentication for the Docker Client. In addition, users can be granted access to their profile page using OAuth instead of having to type in their passwords.
  • Scan RubyGems to extract their licenses and display them as properties.
  • To combat unauthorized logins that use brute force, an administrator can configure user locking. In addition, Artifactory also implements temporary login suspension for unauthorized REST API access.
  • Extract Docker labels and create corresponding properties on the image's manifest.json file.
  • Support for Virtual Repositories and Inserting User Credentials in Set Me Up dialogs.

New in Artifactory 4.3.3 (Dec 21, 2015)

  • Main updates:
  • Query params may now be propagated to generic remote repositories
  • Source absence detection for smart remote repositories is now configurable

New in Artifactory 4.3.1 (Dec 6, 2015)

  • Reverse Proxy:
  • Artifactory now provides a UI that guides you on how to configure a reverse proxy for NGNIX. This is very helpful when configuring clients, like Docker, that require a reverse proxy.
  • Support Google Cloud Storage (GCS):
  • Artifactory now supports GCS as an S3 back end.
  • Git LFS Batch API:
  • Artifactory now supports batch calls from the Git LFS client allowing batch multiple file uploads.

New in Artifactory 4.3.0 (Nov 23, 2015)

  • Authentication using API keys.
  • Package search.
  • Convenient Support Zone page for submitting support requests.
  • Improved support for S3 object store with support for S3 version 4.
  • Automatic rewrite of external dependencies for Npm and Bower repositories.
  • HTTP request object is now accessible from Realms closures in user plugins ( RTFACT-8514 ).
  • REST API to download a complete release from VCS repositories.

New in Artifactory 4.2.1 (Nov 2, 2015)

  • Artifactory now supports Cloud Foundry UAA for OAuth authentication.
  • Since Artifactory now fully supports the Bower client, support for older versions of Bower (below v1.5) that were using bower-art-resolver beta version is now deprecated.
  • Internet Explorer compatibility issues have been fixed.
  • Artifactory's HTTP client has been upgraded to version 4.5.
  • Automatic license analysis is now also triggered when deploying RPMs.
  • SHA256 calculation is now available, on demand via the UI or via REST API.
  • Several minor improvements to the UI.

New in Artifactory 4.2.0 (Oct 19, 2015)

  • Deploy artifacts to a virtual repository
  • Authentication using OAuth providers
  • AQL has been extended to include additional domains
  • Improvements to Smart Remote Repositories
  • REST API to retrieve storage information
  • Overwrite NuGet pre-release packages without delete permissions
  • Pushing Docker images to Bintray is now also supported for Docker V2 repositories
  • Several minor improvements to the UI

New in Artifactory 4.1.3 (Sep 28, 2015)

  • Bug:
  • [RTFACT-8043] - Docker login is flaky
  • [RTFACT-8229] - Support for google cloud registry

New in Artifactory 4.1.2 (Sep 21, 2015)

  • Bug: [RTFACT-8220] - Authentication challenge not sent in some cases

New in Artifactory 4.1.0 (Sep 8, 2015)

  • Support for Smart Remote Repositories
  • Docker enhancements with virtual Docker repositories and detailed Docker image info
  • Context sensitive help
  • Custom message
  • Stash search results
  • Enhanced AQL supporting queries in the Build domain
  • Download folder from the UI and REST API
  • Ability to browse the content of tag and tar.gz files
  • Full support for Bower (out of Beta)
  • Several minor improvements to the UI

New in Artifactory 4.0.2 (Aug 13, 2015)

  • This is a minor update that provides support for the latest Docker client 1.8.

New in Artifactory 4.0.1 (Aug 11, 2015)

  • Bug:
  • [RTFACT-7632] - Unable to pull docker image from root
  • [RTFACT-7663] - Docker V2 - lookup for layer (blobSum) is not done globally; layers are pushed repeatedly
  • [RTFACT-7745] - Failed to deploy big files from UI
  • [RTFACT-7759] - After successully creating a new object toaster should show indication of which object was created successfully
  • [RTFACT-7783] - build : published module diff path column show path no found
  • [RTFACT-7796] - Error in creating a user when a REST API request is made with anonymous user under specific scenario
  • [RTFACT-7810] - in OSS delete build doesn't work
  • [RTFACT-7815] - yum upgrade to 4.0 resets group ID and user ID
  • [RTFACT-7849] - Exclude pattern disappears after saving virtual repository
  • [RTFACT-7851] - The tooltip on the grid jumps out every time you hover the cell
  • [RTFACT-7863] - SBT logo - isn't showing in Safari!
  • [RTFACT-7865] - Unable to restore package when package title is set ! NullReferenceException !
  • [RTFACT-7875] - build diff show wrong artifact name
  • [RTFACT-7894] - PSQLException: ERROR: operator does not exist: bigint < character
  • Cosmetic:
  • [RTFACT-7858] - The number of records above the grid appearance
  • Improvement:
  • [RTFACT-7496] - Add a trailing "/" on the end of the URL in the Tree browser --> Info panel -->Repository path
  • [RTFACT-7626] - Support Docker login when anonymous access is enabled
  • [RTFACT-7735] - Footer response should include whether a custom log is used
  • [RTFACT-7762] - When spinner is working side bar should be accessible to enable user to navigate a way
  • [RTFACT-7763] - Add total counter in grids
  • New Feature:
  • [RTFACT-6410] - Show normal users virtual repo information
  • Sub-task:
  • [RTFACT-7807] - pull from docker remote should enforce 'library' namespace only when remote points to docker hub

New in Artifactory 4.0.0 (Aug 3, 2015)

  • New User Interface - JFrog-Artifactory's user interface has been rebuilt from scratch to provide the following benefits:
  • Intuitive: Configuration wizards for easy repository management
  • Fresh and modern: New look and feel providing a rich user experience
  • Set Me Up: Convenient code snippets to support simple copy/paste integration with software clients and CI tools
  • Context-focused repositories: Repositories are optimized to calculate metadata for single package types
  • Easy access control: Easily implement your access policies with intuitive user, group and permission management
  • Smart tables: Group and filter any data that is presented in tables
  • Groovy 2.4 for User Plugins:
  • JFrog Artifactory 4 supports Groovy 2.4 letting you enjoy the latest Groovy language features when writing User Plugins.
  • We strongly recommend you verify that all of your current User Plugins continue to work seamlessly with this version of Groovy.
  • Tomcat 8 as the Container:
  • JFrog Artifactory 4.0 only supports Tomcat 8 as its container for both RPM and standalone versions. If you are currently using a different container (e.g. Websphere, Weblogic or JBoss), please refer to Upgrading When Using External Servlet Containers for instructions on how to migrate to Tomcat 8.
  • Breaking Changes:
  • User Plugins:
  • Some features of Groovy 2.4 are not backward compatible with Groovy 1.8. As a result, plugins based on Groovy 1.8 may need to be upgraded to support Groovy 2.4.
  • Multiple Package Type Repositories:
  • JFrog Artifactory 4.0 requires you to specify a single package type for each repository. For the specified package type, Artifactory will calculate metadata and work seamlessly with the corresponding package format client. For example, a repository specified as Docker will calculate metadata for Docker images and work transparently with the Docker client.
  • Artifactory will not prevent you from uploading packages of a different format to any repository, however, metadata for those packages will not be calculated, and the corresponding client for those packages will not recognize the repository. For example, if you upload a Debian package to a NuGet repository, Debian metadata will not be calculated for that package, and the Debian client will not recognize the NuGet repository.
  • You may specify a repository as Generic and upload packages of any type, however, for this type of repository, Artifactory will not calculate any metadata and will effectively behave as a simple file system. These repositories are not recognized by clients of any packaging format.
  • If your system currently includes repositories that support several package types, please refer Single Package Type Repositories to learn how to migrate them to single package type repositories.

New in Artifactory 3.9.2 (Jul 11, 2015)

  • This is a minor update that provides a fix for Docker tag REST API and improves P2 virtual repository handling.

New in Artifactory 3.9.1 (Jun 25, 2015)

  • This is a minor update that provides a fix for list remote folder browsing issue.

New in Artifactory 3.9.0 (Jun 22, 2015)

  • Git LFS Repositories:
  • In addition to managing all your binary software artifacts, Artifactory can now be used as your GIt LFS server to manage your large binaries, such as media files, audio samples, videos, datasets, etc.
  • Artifactory's support for Git LFS provides highly performant, reliable and consistent access to media assets and other binary files while exercising security and access control over your LFS repositories.
  • Remote Docker Registries:
  • Artifactory can now proxy and cache remote docker registries providing highly performant, reliable and consistent access to images stored in remote URLs,

New in Artifactory 3.8.0 (Jun 1, 2015)

  • In addition to implementing several bug fixes and minor improvements, this release introduces support for Vagrant boxes.
  • Artifactory's support for Vagrant provides reliable and consistent access to internal boxes, sharing and distribution, smart search, fine-grained access control as a secure private repository and more.
  • This release includes the following main updates:
  • Support for Vagrant boxes
  • Fixed support for NuGet package explorer

New in Artifactory 3.7.0 (May 18, 2015)

  • Docker V2:
  • Artifactory leaps forward supporting the latest changes in Docker
  • Range Requests:
  • Artifactory now supports HTTP Range Requests which enable smart and efficient multi-threaded download of large files by letting you specify a range of bytes that should be downloaded when files are streamed to you
  • Architecture-independent Debian Packages:
  • You can now specify "all" as the architecture of your Debian packages. Artifactory will add the package to the index of all architectures available under the same Distribution and Component

New in Artifactory 3.6.0 (Apr 14, 2015)

  • VCS Repositories
  • S3 Object Storage (requires an enterprise license)
  • Bower Repositories (beta)
  • NuGet license and vulnerabilities information added to the Black Duck Code Center Integration
  • Optimizations to AQL
  • Push Docker Tag to Bintray

New in Artifactory 3.5.3 (Mar 23, 2015)

  • Promoting Docker images
  • AQL supported in Artifactory Open Source version
  • Full support for proxying remote YUM repositories
  • Improved database transaction management when uploading/downloading big binaries
  • Bug fixes and improvements to the License Control

New in Artifactory 3.5.2 (Feb 24, 2015)

  • Improved performance of NuGet local repositories
  • Debian calculation is done in one atomic operation per distribution
  • Binary GC deletes the largest binaries first

New in Artifactory 3.5.1 (Feb 4, 2015)

  • Support for the Oracle Maven Repository
  • Use of AQL REST API is available for regular authenticated users

New in Artifactory 3.5.0 (Feb 2, 2015)

  • AQL
  • Multi-push replication
  • Improved HA cluster upgrade, stability and node recovery
  • Improved Push to Bintray
  • Support for database password encryption

New in Artifactory 3.4.2 (Dec 2, 2014)

  • Support for flexible Npm layouts and Npm 2.0 scoped packages.
  • The default Tomcat container has been upgraded to version 7.0.56
  • Support for adding custom HTTP headers for remote downloads with user plugins.
  • Better handling of concurrent remote file downloads.

New in Artifactory 3.4.1 (Oct 25, 2014)

  • Support the latest Npm client - v2.1.
  • Significant improvements in performance when searching for NuGet artifacts.

New in Artifactory 3.4.0 (Sep 30, 2014)

  • Support for Docker packages
  • Support for PyPI packages
  • NuGet license analysis in conjunction with our new MSBuild Artifactory Plugin
  • Multiple NPM bug fixes and improvements
  • User plugins lib directory

New in Artifactory 3.3.1 (Sep 13, 2014)

  • Improved support for Debian packages including better client support, improved API and automatic generation of default architectures.
  • Fixed a vulnerability that allows an authenticated user to obtain information from the Artifactory database under a specific set of conditions.
  • Fixed a security issue that affects outgoing SSL connections from Artifactory. For more details, please refer to CVE-2014-3577.

New in Artifactory 3.3.0 (Jul 14, 2014)

  • Support for Debian packages
  • Support for NuGet Batch queries
  • REST API for encrypted user password

New in Artifactory 3.2.2 (Jun 23, 2014)

  • Master Key Encryption for configuration passwords
  • Improved CSRF protection
  • Disabled password fields auto-complete
  • Distribution management UI improved to support additional packaging systems (NuGet, npm, RubyGems)

New in Artifactory 3.2.1 (Jun 1, 2014)

  • Upgraded to support the latest HTTP client.
  • Support for NTLMv2 proxy authentication.
  • Allow administrator to disable the Remember Me feature on the user login screen.
  • Remote repository download log entry updated to include the content length and bandwidth.
  • Substantially improved database table cleanup in PostgreSQL.

New in Artifactory 3.2.0 (Mar 31, 2014)

  • Support for NPM packages including publishing and download as well as full support for the npm command-line tool
  • Cleanup of virtual repository caches for improved performance and reduction in storage
  • Option to block downloads from the global virtual repository
  • Option to force authentication for NuGet enabled virtual repositories
  • Improved support for last modified property in various WebDav clients

New in Artifactory 3.1.1 (Feb 10, 2014)

  • New administrator page to Monitor Storage
  • NuGet feed and download now works even if the remote repository is offline
  • New REST API allows you to search for the latest artifact version based on the value assigned to the "version" property
  • New REST API that allows you to Get, Set, Update or Delete a repository configuration for replication
  • Major performance boost with the new connection pool
  • Selected RPM metadata is added as properties
  • Error responses from REST API calls are now returned in JSON format
  • Black Duck Code Center integration improved
  • Property values with up to 4000 characters are now supported
  • Improved the performance of local/cache repository replication
  • Support for the forthcoming JDK 8

New in Artifactory 3.1.0 (Dec 16, 2013)

  • Artifactory 3.1 introduces High Availability, which comes included with Artifactory Enterprise Value Pack. With Artifactory HA, in addition to all the Pro features, you can prevent service disruptions, ensure smooth maintenance and provide the best response times
  • In addition to High Availability, Artifactory 3.1 includes the following main updates:
  • New API for per-file download statistics, available to user plugin and the REST API
  • Improved Black Duck Code Center integration for open source governance

New in Artifactory 3.0.4 (Oct 28, 2013)

  • Improved Crowd integration with support for authentication against JIRA User Server
  • New user plugin interception points for replication content filtering
  • New user plugin interception point for custom content expiry
  • Major performance boost to YUM metadata calculation
  • Fixed cache deployment denial for users without the "Any Remote' permission

New in Artifactory 3.0.3 (Aug 21, 2013)

  • Bug:
  • [RTFACT-4720] - Should enable Nuget calculation on already exists repository with deployed artifacts
  • [RTFACT-5457] - NuGet is missing files
  • [RTFACT-5597] - Nuget packages are not listed in version order
  • [RTFACT-5627] - Artifactory search from 'package manager console' returns more results than it should
  • [RTFACT-5728] - Searches via NuGet appear to now be case sensitive
  • [RTFACT-5736] - Failure in test replication settings should display the error message instead of internal error
  • [RTFACT-5741] - Property value limitation
  • [RTFACT-5774] - afterCreate getProperties method gets wrong properties
  • [RTFACT-5795] - Build diff tables sort doesn't work
  • [RTFACT-5798] - Cross version maven-metadata calculation may override version specific maven-metadata
  • [RTFACT-5806] - Exception during Saml login
  • [RTFACT-5810] - artifactory.bat fails to start when Artifactory is unzipped to path with spaces
  • [RTFACT-5825] - Concurrent read during deletion can deadlock delete operation on statistics table
  • [RTFACT-5826] - Artifactory may write incorrect last modified date
  • [RTFACT-5828] - Wrong metadata on deploy
  • [RTFACT-5835] - Insert binary failure marks PostgreSQL transaction as aborted
  • [RTFACT-5845] - Disabling SSO integration still keeps the user logged in
  • [RTFACT-5846] - SSO integration breaks if user name is not in lowercase
  • [RTFACT-5852] - Exception upon removing "Automatically Join new Users to this group"
  • [RTFACT-5854] - Replication between remote to remote fails on properties sync
  • [RTFACT-5855] - Unable to install from remote NuGet repository
  • [RTFACT-5858] - Properties "Pull replication" from virtual is not supported in 3.0.x
  • [RTFACT-5869] - NuGet Gallery ( is broken
  • [RTFACT-5870] - binary.provider.filesystem.dir doesn't seem to work properly
  • [RTFACT-5887] - Support Nuget Package Explorer
  • [RTFACT-5897] - Replication fails : "Unable to determine the version of the remote server."
  • [RTFACT-5898] - Replication fails if remote server uses gzip content encoding
  • [RTFACT-5912] - NuGet push should support relative path
  • Documentation:
  • [RTFACT-5857] - Tooltips on Permission Target patterns don't mention patterns separator
  • Improvement:
  • [RTFACT-5494] - Support filtering local NuGet packages by the PreRelease status
  • [RTFACT-5711] - Add stop() function to script as in the 'artifactory' service script
  • [RTFACT-5737] - NuGet FindPackagesById() should support the "link" tag
  • [RTFACT-5840] - Expose a user object in realms callback
  • [RTFACT-5896] - Virtual P2 repository can only access internal archive files (content.jar in
  • New Feature:
  • [RTFACT-5160] - Support RubyGems
  • Task:
  • [RTFACT-5503] - Artifactory local NuGet repository should be able to serve as a gallery to a front Artifactory instance
  • [RTFACT-5832] - Upgrade PrettyTime dependency
  • [RTFACT-5839] - Support virtual repositories for RubyGems

New in Artifactory 3.0.2 (Jul 8, 2013)

  • PostgreSQL support
  • YUM repository improvements and bug fixes
  • Users can override the response Content-Type header using a custom property
  • Artifacts count and storage size added to the user plugins public API
  • Simple patterns can be used in latest version search
  • Force maven metadata recalculation REST API
  • Improvements and bug fixes around storage GC

New in Artifactory 3.0.0 (Jun 4, 2013)

  • Major Performance Boost:
  • All the common usage scenarios such as checksum-based storage, binaries promotion, mirroring, repository management and remote proxying have been optimized for speed. Depending on a particular usage scenario Artifactory 3 performs x10 to x100 times faster than Artifactory 2.x! On top of that, Artifactory 3 also has a considerably lower memory footprint.
  • It has been reimplemented from scratch the underlying metadata storage (retiring Jackrabbit, which has served us well for the last 4 years). With this change, Artifactory utilizes SQL and relational databases in a unique way, significantly improving CI build performance over competitors and previous versions of Artifactory.
  • User Interface Changes:
  • The user interface has also undergone a facelift, providing a bright, clean and uncluttered display for users.
  • Black Duck Code Center Integration:
  • In addition, the Artifactory 3 now supports BlackDuck Code-Center integration for open source license governance and vulnerability control.
  • Remote Searches with Bintray Integration
  • Artifactory users can now search for remote artifacts and get information about latest OSS releases from
  • User Tomcat 7 as the Default Container
  • Further, default distribution uses Tomcat 7 with both the RPM and the standalone versions of Artifactory.
  • Supported Databases:
  • Derby (embedded - zero configuration)
  • Oracle version 10g and above
  • MySQL version 5.5 and above with InnoDB
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2008 and above
  • Removed / Obsolete
  • The support for XML Metadata, including related user plugin methods and REST API has been discontinued

New in Artifactory 2.6.6 (Jan 3, 2013)

  • Important features and changes in this version:
  • Per-file License Discovery: You can now manually trigger a license scan per-artifact from the tree browser. This allows you to auto-attach license information to artifacts outside the context of a CI build.
  • SAML SSO Support: Login to the Artifactory UI can now be integrated with any SAML IdP (Identity Provider). Artifactory now acts as a SAML Service Provider.
  • Bintray Integration: Freely distribute your release artifacts and share them with the world via the Bintray service (currently in Beta). You can upload individual binaries or build artifacts to Bintray directly from Artifactory.
  • Build Diff REST: Compare two builds for their published artifacts, used dependencies and environment using the REST API.
  • Running Plugin Code as System: It is now possible to execute selected plugin code blocks under an unrestricted system role, by using the 'asSystem{}' closure.
  • Property Events in Plugins: New storage callbacks are available that allow plugin developers to intercept property change events.
  • Bug fixes and performance improvements

New in Artifactory 2.6.5 (Nov 12, 2012)

  • Build Diffs: Visually compare the differences between two build runs for changes in artifacts, dependencies and environment variables
  • Maven Latest Release Download: Latest release artifact query now works with Maven-layout repositories
  • YUM Improvements: Support for YUM groups and and more efficient calculation of YUM metadata
  • Configurable Request Parameters: Add custom query params to remote repository requests; This is useful, for example, when needing to add an authentication token param, such as the one required by Maven Central SSL access.
  • Bug fixes and performance improvements

New in Artifactory 2.6.4 (Sep 17, 2012)

  • Storage quota management
  • Bug fixes and improvements

New in Artifactory 2.6.3 (Aug 3, 2012)

  • Deploy artifacts from archive - Added REST and UI support for batch-deployment of multiple artifacts contained in an uploaded archive, in a single HTTP transaction. Currently supported archive types: zip; tar; tar.gz; and tgz.
  • NuGet 2.0 packages update is now working in Visual Studio.
  • Minor bug fixes and improvements

New in Artifactory 2.6.2 (Aug 3, 2012)

  • Event based replication - Replication now supports continuous, event-based mirroring that allows you to achieve near real-time push synchronization between repositories. Combined with scheduled replication, repositories are guaranteed to always be consistently in sync even when one of the replication sides becomes unavailable.
  • Improved P2 Integration - P2 support has been extended with more straight-forward hosting of your own P2 repositories, better composite resolution, and and easier aggregation of local and remote P2 repositories under a single virtual repository URL.
  • NuGet 2.0 - Artifactory is now up-to-speed with all the changes introduced by the recently released NuGet 2.0.
  • Consistent path handling - URL and path logic handling has been rewritten to support across-the-board correct handling of special character encoding.
  • Minor bug fixes and improvements

New in Artifactory 2.6.1 (Aug 3, 2012)

  • Faster GAVC search and quick search - GAVC and Quick Search performance and resource consumption have been greatly improved
  • Local replication regression fixed
  • Latest maven snapshot download now resolves much faster
  • Resolution repositories are now correctly returned to Artifactory CI plugins
  • Minor bug fixes and improvements

New in Artifactory 2.6.0 (Aug 3, 2012)

  • Download debugging - solve artifact resolution issues by getting detailed explain plan of the download request handling in your browser.
  • Latest Maven snapshot download - it is now possible to download the latest version of a Maven snapshot via a simple non-unique snapshot URL. (Pro)
  • Latest version REST - Artifactory can return the latest release or integration version of an artifact for any repository layout. (Pro)
  • Artifact versions REST - get all the release and/or integration versions of an artifact for any repository layout. (Pro)
  • Improved replication - replication was optimized in terms of speed and overall resource consumption. Replication now uses streaming and duplicate target checksum elimination (Pro)
  • Auto offline for remote repositories - a remote repository will now be auto put into temporal offline when encountering retrieval errors.
  • Before/After Build callbacks - tend to build publishing events in user plugins, including the ability to modify the build info object (e.g. add new artifacts). (Pro)
  • Cron-based artifact cleanup - auto artifact cleanup can now be triggered by cron instead of using a time interval.
  • Custom artifact promotion - it is now possible to code custom artifact promotion logic, including interacting with builds, directly in user plugins. Promotion logic can be executed via REST or via CI integration. (Pro)
  • AfterDownloadError callback - tend to download errors in user plugins. (Pro)
  • Secure plugin executions - REST execution points in user plugins can be secured by specifying allowed users and/or groups. (Pro)
  • Per repository archive browsing - ability to turn on archive browsing for selected trusted repositories.
  • Many bug fixes and improvements

New in Artifactory 2.5.2 (Apr 27, 2012)

  • This minor release addresses an important security vulnerability that may allow an attacker to run a cross-site scripting attack by uploading malicious content to Artifactory.
  • Other important issues addressed in this release:
  • YUM metadata is now correctly calculated for repositories hosted in subdirectories.
  • RPM installer now works correctly on SUSE.

New in Artifactory (Mar 21, 2012)

  • This minor release affects .Net clients. It addresses a critical bug that caused proxying of the NuGet Gallery to stop working.

New in Artifactory 2.5.1 (Feb 21, 2012)

  • Maven indexer can now be triggered based on a cron expression
  • All zip-compatible archives can now be searched (previously was limited to jars)
  • New tab displaying NuGet package information (extracted from its embedded nuspec file)
  • Replication no longer aborts on failure to replicate a single artifact
  • Fixed empty response when list-browsing repositories with a short name