AsfBinMaster Changelog

What's new in AsfBinMaster 1.7

Feb 14, 2007
  • Added Most accurate joining option which enables a single frame accuracy by making new key frames whenever it is necessary.It's not on by default because not all video formats are supported yet (mostly WMV3, MP42 and MP43), so if any thing goes wrong uncheck this option and produce the file again.
  • Double Click in the Start and End fields to go to their time (so you can modify the times easily)

New in AsfBinMaster 1.6 (Jan 18, 2007)

  • Every thing now is multi select: You can add, delete, and analyze multiple files at once.
  • Added Free Display Button: So you can now preview the video in a free window which you can modify the size as you like.
  • Added Keep display at top: To keep free display window always at top.
  • Double click or press Enter on files in the Playlist to add to Segments.
  • Double click or press Enter on files in the Segments to open in Editor.
  • Ability to mute sound in the preview by clicking on the speaker icon.
  • "Ctrl [" to set start of selection and "ctrl ]" to send the end of selection.
  • All time formats changed to HH:MM:SS.sss for easier editing where: HH: Hours MM: Minutes SS: Seconds sss: Milliseconds
  • The ability to remove multiple streams from the video in the Options window by analyzing the file and typing the stream numbers separated by comma ","
  • Some changed in the user interface and some minor bugs fixed

New in AsfBinMaster 1.5 (Aug 14, 2006)

  • Every thing now is multi select: You can add, delete, and analyze multiple files at once.
  • Added Free Display Button: So you can now preview the video in a free window which you can modify the size as you like.
  • Added Keep display at top: To keep free display window always at top.
  • Double click or press Enter on files in the Playlist to add to Segments.
  • Double click or press Enter on files in the Segments to open in Editor.
  • Ability to mute sound in the preview by clicking on the speaker icon.
  • "Ctrl [" to set start of selection and "ctrl ]" to send the end of selection.
  • All time formats changed to HH:MM:SS.sss for easier editing where: HH: Hours MM: Minutes SS: Seconds sss: Milliseconds
  • The ability to remove multiple streams from the video in the Options window by analyzing the file and typing the stream numbers separated by comma ","
  • Some changed in the user interface and some minor bugs fixed