Barnes Ballistics Changelog

What's new in Barnes Ballistics 2.0.8

Jun 11, 2007
  • Barnes Ballistics software offers the capability to calculate information in standard or metric form. The user is given the option of which figures to calculate as standard or metric.
  • Set your point of aim for a given trajectory table you are working with, fire and see where the bullet will impact the target at any given distance to target and wind. A fun, virtually realistic way to gain knowledge on bullet trajectory and shot placement for adults and kids!
  • The database has been expanded to include sections for the user to input and store specific gun, load, powder, bullet and accuracy data.
  • The product listing has been updated to include all of the latest Barnes products for quick reference.
  • Tables can now be calculated out to 50 columns in your choice of measured increments.
  • Installation has been improved.
  • Reporting problems have been fixed and improved.
  • Point blank range can now be calculated without being tied to a specific load.
  • Each Graph now has a print button to print the graph directly on your printer.