CSVFileView Changelog

What's new in CSVFileView 2.64

May 13, 2023
  • Fixed issue: When copying data to the clipboard or exporting to tab-delimited file, every line contained an empty field in the end of the line.

New in CSVFileView 2.63 (Feb 21, 2023)

  • Added 'Sort By' dropdown to the toolbar.
  • Added dropdown button to the toolbar which allows you to easily open the last 10 csv files that you have previously opened.

New in CSVFileView 2.62 (Dec 5, 2022)

  • Fixed the 'Automatic Numeric Sorting' feature to work properly with thousand separator.

New in CSVFileView 2.61 (Aug 10, 2022)

  • Added new quick filter option: 'Find with advanced filter expression'. When you choose this option, you can use the same filter expression like in the 'Edit Display Filter' option.
  • For more information about using filter expression - see the 'Using Filters (For Advanced Users)' section.
  • Fixed the quick-filter text-box to copy to the clipboard when pressing Ctrl+C.

New in CSVFileView 2.58 (Jun 10, 2022)

  • You can now set your own icon to display near every item instead of the default icon, by changing the ItemIcon line in the CSVFileView.cfg file.
  • You can load icon from .ico file, .exe file, or .dll file. for .exe and .dll files, you can specify the icon index (positive number) or the icon ID (negative number)
  • Examples:
  • ItemIcon=shell32.dll,-151
  • ItemIcon=shell32.dll,3
  • ItemIcon=c:windowsregedit.exe
  • You can also set the item icon from command line with /ItemIcon command, for example:
  • CSVFileView.exe /ItemIcon "c:tempmyicon.ico"

New in CSVFileView 2.57 (May 18, 2022)

  • Added 'Remove leading and trailing spaces from all fields' option to the 'Advanced Open' window. By default this option is turned on, but you can turn it off if you don't want to remove the trailing/leading spaces.

New in CSVFileView 2.56 (Mar 24, 2022)

  • Added /Columns command-line option, which allows you to set the columns to display or export when loading a csv file from command-line, for example:
  • CSVFileView.exe /Load "C:tempcports.csv" /Columns "Process Name,Protocol,Local Port,Remote Port,Local Address,Remote Address,State"
  • Fixed the 'Add Thousands Separator' option to work with negative numbers.

New in CSVFileView 2.55 (Feb 24, 2022)

  • Added new quick filter option: Find a string begins with...

New in CSVFileView 2.54 (Aug 28, 2021)

  • Fixed to apply the active filter when the file is automatically refreshed in 'Partial Refresh' mode.
  • Added NoItemIcon entry to the .cfg file. You can set it to 1 (NoItemIcon=1) if you want to remove the icon displayed in the first column of every line.
  • When the window of CSVFileView is restored from minimized state and the 'Automatic Column Size' option is turned on, CSVFileView now activates the automatic column size immediately after the window is restored to normal state, because this feature doesn't work properly while the window is minimized.

New in CSVFileView 2.53 (Jul 3, 2021)

  • Updated the 'Partial Refresh' mode to automatically set the columns size on every refresh if the 'Automatic Column Size' option is set to 'By Column Values Only' or 'By Column Values+Headers'.
  • The full refresh mode is now smoother, keeping the selected items and scroll position.

New in CSVFileView 2.52 (Jun 17, 2021)

  • Added option to change the sorting column from the menu (View -> Sort By). Like the column header click sorting, if you click again the same sorting menu item, it'll switch between ascending and descending order. Also, if you hold down the shift key while choosing the sort menu item, you'll get a secondary sorting.

New in CSVFileView 2.51 (Apr 20, 2021)

  • Fixed CSVFileView to set the focus on the csv viewer when a file is loaded.
  • Fixed the font size of the properties window in high DPI mode.

New in CSVFileView 2.50 (Feb 18, 2021)

  • Updated to work properly in high DPI mode.
  • Added 'Put Icon On Tray' option.

New in CSVFileView 2.48 (Nov 30, 2020)

  • Fixed the 'Automatic Numeric Sorting' feature to work according to the Decimal separator.
  • Fixed CSVFileView to open properly a file that has only one column and without any delimiter.

New in CSVFileView 2.47 (Sep 30, 2020)

  • Fixed the automatic date sorting to work with the following format: 01-01-2020T10:20:30
  • Fixed bug: In some files, CSVFileView detected non-English character as the delimiter.

New in CSVFileView 2.46 (Jul 16, 2020)

  • Added 'Copy Clicked Cell' option to the right-click context menu, which copies to the clipboard the text of cell that you right-clicked with the mouse.

New in CSVFileView 2.45 (Feb 12, 2020)

  • In filter expressions - you can now specify the column name without spaces, for example - instead of 'Device Name' CONTAINS 'USB', you can use this expression: DeviceName CONTAINS 'USB'
  • Added 'Save All Items' option (Shift+Ctrl+S).

New in CSVFileView 2.43 (Nov 15, 2019)

  • Fixed the stdin feature so you can open CSVFileView with the stdout from another another program (Including many NirSoft tools).
  • For example, the following command opens CSVFileView with USB devices table sent to stdout by USBDeview tool: (You have to run it from command-prompt window)
  • USBDeview.exe /scomma "" | CSVFileView.exe /Load stdin:

New in CSVFileView 2.41 (Apr 11, 2019)

  • The Explorer Context Menu item is now displayed with icon of CSVFileView (Only when the .exe is on local drive).
  • Fixed CSVFileView to display an error message in the status bar when it fails to open a file (This feature was added on version 2.16, but it didn't work properly...)

New in CSVFileView 2.40 (Jun 19, 2018)

  • When exporting items with multiline field to tab-delimited file (Including the 'Copy Selected Items' option), CSVFileView now put the multiline field in quotes to ensure that the exported data will be displayed properly in Excel and other programs.

New in CSVFileView 2.39 (Feb 23, 2018)

  • Added .tsv extension (Tab Separated Values) to the open dialog-box.

New in CSVFileView 2.38 (Jan 16, 2018)

  • Replaced the font on the properties window to ensure it can display all characters.

New in CSVFileView 2.37 (Nov 24, 2017)

  • Fixed bug: CSVFileView failed to display properly csv lines with very long field.

New in CSVFileView 2.36 (Sep 28, 2017)

  • Added 'Always Use Advanced Open Settings' option (Under the Options menu). When it's turned on, CSVFileView will open all files according to the last settings you choose in the 'Advanced Open' window.

New in CSVFileView 2.35 (Jun 30, 2017)

  • Added new quick filter options: 'Find records with all words (space-delimited list)' and 'Find records with all strings (comma-delimited list)'
  • Added new quick filter combo-box: 'Show only items match the filter' and 'Hide items that match the filter'.

New in CSVFileView 2.32 (May 10, 2017)

  • Added 'Add Thousands Separator' option (Under the Options menu). When it's turned on, CSVFileView automatically adds thousands separator to numeric values (Be aware that this feature only works with whole numbers)
  • Fixed bug: 'Copy Selected Items' worked improperly when setting the 'Unicode/Ascii Save Mode' to 'Always UTF-8'.

New in CSVFileView 2.31 (Apr 17, 2017)

  • Added 'Align Numeric Columns To Right' option (Under the Options menu).

New in CSVFileView 2.30 (Dec 20, 2016)

  • Added 'Quick Filter' feature (View -> Use Quick Filter or Ctrl+Q). When it's turned on, you can type a string in the text-box added under the toolbar and CSVFileView will instantly filter the csv table, showing only lines that contain the string you typed.

New in CSVFileView 2.29 (Aug 23, 2016)

  • Fixed bug: CSVFileView crashed when using the find option while the last item was selected

New in CSVFileView 2.28 (May 16, 2016)

  • Fixed the filter text-box to handle Ctrl+A (Select All)

New in CSVFileView 2.27 (May 16, 2016)

  • Added 'Auto Detect Remark Lines' option. When it's turned on, CSVFileView tries to detect and skip the first remark lines in a file

New in CSVFileView 2.26 (Feb 26, 2016)

  • Added 'New CSVFileView Instance' under the File menu, for opening a new window of CSVFileView

New in CSVFileView 2.25 (Jan 21, 2016)

  • Fixed bug: CSVFileView displayed wrong items when opening a file with a filter turned on.
  • Fixed bug: CSVFileView failed to load properly a filter string from the .cfg file that had single quote in the first and last characters.
  • Fixed bug: 'Auto Size Columns' option was disabled immediately after loading a file.

New in CSVFileView 2.22 (Dec 18, 2015)

  • Reduced the memory footprint while loading UTF8 or ASCII file

New in CSVFileView 2.21 (Nov 10, 2015)

  • The properties window is now resizable.
  • Added closing tags to the HTML files.

New in CSVFileView 2.20 (Sep 23, 2015)

  • Added 'Display Filter' option (F2). The display filter is somewhat similar to the SQL WHERE clause, for example... The following filter will instruct CSVFileView to display only lines with 'Yes' value in the Connected column and the 'Device Name' column contains a 'USB' string:
  • Connected = 'Yes' AND 'Device Name' CONTAINS 'USB'
  • Added 'Load Filter' option to the 'Advanced Open' window. It's similar to the 'Display Filter' feature, but instead of filtering the file after it's already loaded , the load filter skip items during the loading process, so the file will be loaded faster and CSVFileView will consume less memory.
  • Added 'First line contains column names' and 'Automatically detect the delimiter and quotes characters' options to the 'Advanced Open' window.
  • Added /aload command-line option, for loading a file according to the 'Advanced Open' settings.
  • You can now specify any variable inside the CSVFileView.cfg file as a command-line parameter, for example... In order to turn off the 'First Line Contains Column Names' option:
  • CSVFileView.exe /FirstLineColumnNames 0

New in CSVFileView 2.16 (Aug 27, 2015)

  • CSVFileView now displays an error message in the status bar when it fails to open a file

New in CSVFileView 2.15 (Aug 10, 2015)

  • Added option to save the text/xml/csv/html files in UTF-8 (Options -> Unicode/Ascii Save Mode -> Always UTF-8 )

New in CSVFileView 2.10 (Jun 29, 2015)

  • Added 'Enable String Interning' option. When it's turned on, CSVFileView tries to detect repeating column values, and store them in memory only once, instead of multiple times. This option can be useful if you load a large file with many repeating strings, because the memory consumption of CSVFileView will decrease dramatically. However, the loading process will be slower than normal.
  • Fixed issue: When loading a large file, some actions, like selecting items and copying selected items to the clipboard were very slow.
  • When the 'After Loading File - Sort By' option is set to 'Original File Order', the loading process will be faster. (In previous versions, CSVFileView called the sort function when it's not really needed...)
  • Added 64-bit version.

New in CSVFileView 2.06 (Jun 29, 2015)

  • Added /sort command-line option (For using with the save command-line options - /stab, /scomma, /shtml ...)

New in CSVFileView 2.05 (Apr 9, 2015)

  • Added option to export to JSON file.

New in CSVFileView 2.02 (Mar 24, 2015)

  • Added 'Add Byte Order Mark To Unicode Files' option. If you turn it off, CSVFileView won't add Byte Order Mark (BOM) when saving to Unicode file.

New in CSVFileView 2.01 (Jan 3, 2015)

  • Fixed bug: CSVFileView failed to remember the last size/position of the main window if it was not located in the primary monitor.

New in CSVFileView 2.00 (Oct 16, 2014)

  • Added new file type in 'Save Selected Items' option: Custom Delimited File. You can set the desired delimiter and quote characters of this file type using 'Custom Delimited File Settings' (Ctrl+F9)
  • Added 'Always On Top' option.

New in CSVFileView 1.96 (May 30, 2014)

  • Added secondary sorting support: You can now get a secondary sorting, by holding down the shift key while clicking the column header. Be aware that you only have to hold down the shift key when clicking the second/third/fourth column. To sort the first column you should not hold down the Shirt key

New in CSVFileView 1.95 (May 6, 2014)

  • Fixed to find the correct item when typing the string you want to search into the main List View.

New in CSVFileView 1.93 (Feb 13, 2014)

  • Added 'Keep Columns Size/Order on Refresh' option

New in CSVFileView 1.92 (Oct 30, 2013)

  • Added 'Clear Recent Files List' option

New in CSVFileView 1.91 (Sep 18, 2013)

  • Added /cfg command-line option, which instructs CSVFileView to use a config file in another location instead if the default config file, for example:
  • CSVFileView.exe /cfg "%AppData%\CSVFileView.cfg"

New in CSVFileView 1.90 (Aug 23, 2013)

  • Added 'Copy Sorted Column Data' option, which copies to the clipboard the text of all selected items, but only the column that is currently sorted.
  • Added 'Select All' and 'Deselect All' options in the 'Choose Columns' window.
  • CSVFileView now detects the date/time of Apache Web server log (For example: 29/Jul/2013:10:38:57 -0400)
  • Added option to specify space character ( /s ) as delimiter in the 'Advanced Open' window.

New in CSVFileView 1.87 (Jul 20, 2013)

  • Added 'Original File Order - Descending' and 'First Column - Descending' to the 'After Loading File - Sort By' option

New in CSVFileView 1.86 (Jul 11, 2013)

  • While loading large files, CSVFileView now displays progress information in the status bar.

New in CSVFileView 1.85 (Jun 26, 2013)

  • CSVFileView now loads large files much faster and with less memory usage ( /FastMode command-line option is not needed anymore. If from some reason you want to run it in the previous mode, you can execute CSVFileView with /NoFastMode command-line option).

New in CSVFileView 1.82 (Jun 18, 2013)

  • Fixed bug: When 'Auto Refresh' option was turned on, trying to load a large csv file caused CSVFileView to hang and to consume extreme amount of memory.

New in CSVFileView 1.81 (Jun 12, 2013)

  • Added 'Beep On New Line' option. (Works only on partial refresh)

New in CSVFileView 1.80 (May 10, 2013)

  • When selecting a single line, the line number in the original file is now displayed in the status bar (Be aware that empty lines are not counted by CSVFileView)
  • Added option to display the csv lines with different font (Options -> Select Another Font).

New in CSVFileView 1.76 (Apr 22, 2013)

  • Added 'Scroll To Bottom On New Line' option. If this option is turned on, a parial refresh is made, and new lines were added since the last refresh, then the List-View is scrolled to the bottom in order to show you the added new lines

New in CSVFileView 1.75 (Mar 20, 2013)

  • Added 'Partial Refresh' option (Ctrl+F5), which makes a smooth refresh, without reloading the entire table. However, Partial Refresh will not work properly if you add/remove columns or change their position.
  • Added 'Auto Refresh Mode' which allows you to choose how to refresh when the 'Auto Refresh' option is turned on - Partial Refresh or Full refresh.

New in CSVFileView 1.71 (Dec 27, 2012)

  • Fixed bug: CSVFileView crashed when opening a file with large amount of columns.

New in CSVFileView 1.70 (Dec 12, 2012)

  • The properties window now supports multiple pages, for handling files with large amount of columns

New in CSVFileView 1.67 (Nov 15, 2012)

  • Fixed bug: When opening a file with /load command-line option, CSVFileView sorted the list by the first column, even if the 'Sort by original file order' option was selected

New in CSVFileView 1.66 (Oct 17, 2012)

  • Added 'Load only from line number...' option (In 'Advanced Open' window)
  • Fixed issue: The properties and the other windows opened in the wrong monitor, on multi-monitors system.

New in CSVFileView 1.65 (Oct 4, 2012)

  • Added option to load last xx lines or first xx lines from the file. (In 'Advanced Open' window)
  • Fixed issue: If you open a file with 'Advanced Open' window and then do a refresh (F5) CSVFileView now loads the file with the last 'Advanced Open' settings. In previous versions, it opened the file with the default settings.

New in CSVFileView 1.60 (Sep 19, 2012)

  • Added 'Open Text In Clipboard' option (Ctrl+F7), which allows you to open csv/tab-delimited text that you copied to the clipboard.
  • You can also specify 'Clipboard:' as a filename in the 'Advanced Open' window or from command-line (/Load Clipboard:) , in order to grab the csv/tab-delimited text from the clipboard.
  • The 'Automatic Date Sorting' feature now also works with combination of date and time, for example: 22/03/2011 21:34:25

New in CSVFileView 1.55 (Sep 10, 2012)

  • Added 'After Loading File - Sort By' option, which allows you to choose how to sort the file after loading it into CSVFileView - by original file order or by the first column.
  • Added 'Automatic Column Size' option, which allows you to choose how to set the columns size after loading a file - Fixed Size (Default), By Column Values Only, or By Column Values+Headers.
  • You can now load a file from stdin, by specifying stdin: as a filename, for example: CSVFileView.exe /Load stdin: < c:\temp\myfile.csv

New in CSVFileView 1.51 (Aug 14, 2012)

  • Added 'Auto Size Columns+Headers' option, which allows you to automatically resize the columns according to the row values and column headers.

New in CSVFileView 1.50 (Jun 22, 2012)

  • Added 'Open Recent File' menu (Under the File menu), which allows you to easily open the last 10 csv files that you have previously opened

New in CSVFileView 1.45 (May 8, 2012)

  • Added new mode that allows you load large .csv files much faster and with less memory usage. If you use CSVFileView for loading large files, it's highly recommended that you try this mode and report about any bug/problem you discover. This mode is currently in Beta, so in order to activate it, you have to run CSVFileView with /FastMode command-line option:
  • CSVFileView.exe /FastMode

New in CSVFileView 1.40 (Apr 30, 2012)

  • Added 'Hide Selected Lines' option (Ctrl+H)

New in CSVFileView 1.35 (Apr 11, 2012)

  • Added 'Advanced Open' option, which allows you to specify the delimiter and quotes characters of the file you want to load. This option is useful for files that their delimiter character is not detected correctly by CSVFileView

New in CSVFileView 1.30 (Mar 29, 2012)

  • Added 'Allow MultiLine Fields' option. When it's turned on, CSVFileView will be able to load csv file containing field values with multiple lines.
  • Added option to stop the loading process of csv file, by clicking the 'Stop' menu item, or by pressing the Esc key.

New in CSVFileView 1.25 (Feb 16, 2012)

  • Added 'Auto Refresh' option. When it's turned on, CSVFileView automatically reloads the file when a change in the size/modified time of the file is detected.
  • Added 'Descending Sort By Original Order' option (Ctrl+F8)
  • When using the refresh option (F5), the lines are now sorted according to the last sorting you chose (by clicking the column headers).

New in CSVFileView 1.20 (Dec 13, 2011)

  • Added 'Unicode/Ascii Default Open Mode' option, which instructs CSVFileView how to open a file without a Unicode signature (byte order mark) - as Ascii (the default), as Unicode, or as UTF8

New in CSVFileView 1.15 (Nov 10, 2011)

  • Added 'Automatic Date Sorting' option. Be aware that date sorting doesn't work with all date formats

New in CSVFileView 1.12 (Oct 18, 2011)

  • Fixed the problem with negative numbers sorting.

New in CSVFileView 1.11 (Oct 1, 2011)

  • Fixed bug: CSVFileView didn't display all columns if the first line had one or more empty fields.

New in CSVFileView 1.10 (Sep 30, 2011)

  • Added /load command-line option, which allows you to specify the file to open from command-line.
  • Added support for save command-line options (/shtml , /sxml, and so on), which can be used together with /load command-line option for converting the csv file into xml/html/tab-delimited file.
  • Added 'Explorer Context Menu' option. When this option is enabled, 'Open With CSVFileView' menu item is added when you right click on a text file.
  • Automatic delimiter detection - When CSVFileView cannot find a comma or tab character in the first line, it tries to automatically detect the right delimiter character and parse the file with it.
  • Added support for loading UTF8 files.