Catacomb Changelog

What's new in Catacomb 2.104

Mar 8, 2013
  • New test package in Catacomb, including a path linearizer tester with a demonstration model under the top level test menu as "pathtest".
  • Various bugs fixed with discrete stepper et al (see mantis on

New in Catacomb 2.101 (Mar 8, 2013)

  • New DiscreteStepper component for moving animats around along restricted directions.
  • New set of compoinents for reading, writing and viewing files. They include new basic objects for two and three dimensional tables of data, and components for slicing these tables.

New in Catacomb 2.099 (Mar 8, 2013)

  • Attachment (observation) port removed from center of spike projections.
  • New family of interfaces for object connections including StateSource and DeltaStateSource for recording internal evolution of stated components. This is specifically for recording synaptic weights, but should generalise to many other cases. object.

New in Catacomb 2.098 (Mar 8, 2013)

  • Insertion mechanism overhauled. The Insertable and InsertionPoint interfaces have been extended to make it possible to cascade insertion steps (at present just for multiple insertion switches) but the insertion switch still doesn't support this properly. In the meantime, the insertion switch has more output ports as a substitute for cascading.
  • History mechanism for reopening files seems to be working OK. It uses a .ccws directory in the users home directory, and puts a file history.xml in there. This is just an XML serialization of the env/History object.

New in Catacomb 2.097 (Mar 8, 2013)

  • New parameter in spatial location objects to allow inputs to be specified in degrees or radians (before, inputs were assumed to be in radians).
  • Various new components for tracking and logging text with a new "record" package for recorders of various sorts. These are still under construction but should eventually allow movie-like playthrough of recorded activity.
  • First pass at a "reopen" function to keep track of recently accessed files - untested and probably broken.

New in Catacomb 2.096 (Mar 8, 2013)

  • Bug fix: initialization sequence of ProximityActors was indeterminate with the result that they sometimes returned a vector of targets that grew longer after the first step leading to an array bounds exception. Now there is an intermadiate pase for the initialization of Located items once they have been assembled byut before any data moves around.
  • Bug fix: missiong interface declaration for the VectorSwitchState as a SpikeTarget now corrected.
  • New components: initial pass at restructuring the specie, compound, solution hierarchy via the workbench instead of as quantified lists. Seems to work OK, and is rather more intuitive than before. Still needs quite a few Toucan components for it to do much, and it needs connecting to the channel models.
  • New subclass of SimpleDrawing fro including text in drawings.

New in Catacomb 2.095 (Mar 8, 2013)

  • New subcellular components: SynapseType, TypedSynapsePopulation, and associated computation classes. The behavior extends that of the SynapsePopulation to include depression in response to only pre- or only post- synaptic spikes. That is, depression that is not dependent on relative pre and post spike timing. There is also an option for the weights in population to be normalized.
  • Gui: some rewriting of the field panel so it lays out items in columns first, then rows. For example, the SynapseType object is laid out with two dolumns and the order of fields now goes down the first then down the second, instead of across in rows. This is most important for contingent fields where the contingency is rather uncear with the standard row-first layout.