Ciellem SysInfo Changelog

What's new in Ciellem SysInfo Beta

Aug 20, 2013
  • The Main changes to this are streamlined code for the Easter Egg Executer. I will be continually be adding more features with more streamlined code as I progress in coding.
  • The code box features in Ciellem SysInfo is an Easter Egg executer I created for this program. I love easter egg code and I love when implemented into the program. Clicking around the app will show various codes for various outcomes. The main Easter Egg of Ciellem SysInfo is the Rudeness. Type "The Hidden" or "the hidden" into the Easter Egg Executer and click execute and enjoy a little bit of humor with your system information.

New in Ciellem SysInfo Beta (Aug 20, 2013)

  • the Hidden was renamed to the Rudeness and button and and windows sizes were changed -as with every build some code was streamlined for better performance. -A cheat button directly to the Rudeness without having the code was added to main application for people who may not understand the concept of the Easter Egg Executer.