Cntlm Changelog

What's new in Cntlm 0.92.3

Mar 8, 2012
  • Fixes Windows 0.92.2 installer, which was missing new DLL's from Cygwin. Previous 0.92 enhancements include: introduced a plain ZIP release package for manual installation without Admin privileges, fixed race condition in 0.92 which caused crashes on Windows, interactive password input doesn't strip trailing whitespaces anymore, added proper handling of the "Program Files (x86)" hack in Windows, proxy hostname is resolved at run-time not during startup (as requested), ISA A/V scanner (GFI WebMonitor) handler is now bypassed when download size is unknown, fixed a bug in downloading files larger than 2GB, fixed the GIT + HTTPS issue.

New in Cntlm 0.92.2 (Mar 8, 2012)

  • Some fixes.

New in Cntlm 0.92.1 (Mar 2, 2012)

  • One very important bugfix, some tune-ups, SHOUTcast (ICY) internet radio protocol support and more.

New in Cntlm 0.92 (Nov 29, 2011)

  • Several bugfixes and many changes and features since the last stable version.