Correct-O-Chem Changelog

What's new in Correct-O-Chem 2.10

Sep 5, 2013
  • Format_any_Formula - Enables the user to format any formula. This should ideally be used if "Correct-O-Chem" doesn't recognise and automatically format your formula (or if you enter a formula that isn't correct!) as it takes several seconds to run. The cursor must be placed directly at the end of the formula for it to run. It can be triggered with ctrl+' or by right-clicking on the tray icon and selecting "Format_any_Formula". This will not capitalise any letters, only subscript/superscript numbers
  • AminoAcid - Inputs the linear formula for the essential amino acids. An input box can be opened by pressing ctrl+; or by right-clicking on the tray icon and selecting "AminoAcid". You can then enter either the name, formula, 3 letter identifier or 1 letter identifier. Please don't use spaces (i.e. Glutamicacid and Phenylalanine)
  • Codon_Calculator - Provides an input box (in any window) that enables you to enter either a codon or amino acid (name, 3 letter identifier or 1 letter identifier - NO SPACES) and displays the corresponding amino acid/codons. ctrl+` (the button to the left of the "1" - not apostrophe) or right-clicking on the tool tray icon and selecting Codon Calculator will activate the pop-up box.