DVdate Changelog

What's new in DVdate 7.2.1

May 19, 2016
  • A command is available to overwrite an existing datecode in a DV video, or to create one in a DV video that had none. This datecode starts at a given date and time, then increases regularly when the video advances
  • The RIFF header is improved and completed
  • The interface is cleaner under Windows 7 and Windows 10

New in DVdate 7.1.1 (Dec 15, 2008)

  • improvement of "hints et captions" in the window to overwrite datecode

New in DVdate 7.0.5 (Apr 17, 2008)

  • The program is now compatible with Unicode characters, and should work with some Asian languages or with Cyrillic characters for instance.
  • The window of the program is no more constraint. One can adjust the size, maximize it, one can display or hide the list of files (and position it at the right or at the left). More buttons are available in the toolbar, that can also be displayed or hidden, and even dragged out of the main window.
  • A command to convert DV videos from 4x3 to 16x9 (widescreen) and reciprocally has been added.
  • A list of all commands with shortcuts and token for scripts is available with F11
  • The video play gives a better experience: it is no more deformed when played in full screen. And the video is deinterlaced, at least if your system is powerful. NB on some less powerful systems, just keep this function off, if the display of video is not smooth enough.
  • You may drag and drop files FROM DVdate to other applications.
  • The functions like fix a time difference, change the codec, change the video frequency are easier to use, with a dialog before execution
  • When you rename, embed text in the video, or put captions in the scenes, you may use simple codes to represent data from the video: for example %D for the datecode, %T for the timecode, or %U for the duration or %C for the codec...So you may highly personalize the text .
  • The list of scenes may be exported (from a scn file that exits or that you can create and edit with DVdate, even for non DV videos ) to Word, Excel, OpenOffice.org Writer or Calc or a txt file. For Word and OpenOffice.org Writer, the exported document contains one thumbnail image for each scene.
  • One can create a scn file not only by content or by datecode, but also by separating scenes in fixed intervals.
  • Making DVdate portable ( that is to say, let it save its preferences to a ini file instead of saving them in the registry) is now very simple with one click in the Settings.
  • When quitting DVdate, if the preferences are not set to be automatically saved, a dialog asks to confirm quitting without saving the preferences.
  • With a right click on the video being played, the current image is copied to the clipboard, and can be pasted to other application
  • Videos can now also be sorted by duration. A command in the menu Files displays the total duration of all listed or selected videos.
  • A powerful editor for embedding text and datecode in the video ("inlay") is featured. All changes are applied in real time and can be assessed.

New in DVdate 6.4.1 (Jul 18, 2007)

  • DVdate features a scenes editor for creating very comfortably a scn file (compatible with Studio from Pinnacle, but also with all softwares of Paul Glagla).. The scenes can be automatically detected by video content or by gaps in the datecode. One can merge scenes, or split them, add captions for each scene.
  • The list of scenes may be saved either as a scn file, or a text file, or a Excel worksheet containing all scenes
  • DV video files can be split into individual clips containing one scene each
  • DVdate features a powerful script language, that can launch scripts as text files, or be used as command-line switches.
  • breaks during a command are better processed, and the partial file is added to the list of files in DVdate. Generally speaking, some bugs affecting the processing of a big number of files at once have been fixed.
  • DV headers and datecode or timecode superposition is now exact in DV type1
  • DVDate can be saved as a portable file on a usb key or an external hard drive, and be launched from there with all its preferences.

New in DVdate 6.3.3 (Jun 18, 2007)

  • the video renderer is better compatible with some graphic board, and color depths of the screen
  • a black border may be put around the inlay in order to improve the contrast with the video frame
  • the DV codec should be better detected for some avi files, for instance those produced by Adobe Premiere Pro 2
  • the audio is better managed in conversions, specially inlay
  • the audio data is updated in real time during play of a DV type 1 video
  • the widescreen format also
  • when opening the parent folder of a video, that video will be selected
  • the datecode and timecode is better recognized for some cameras (many thanks to Bo from UK who has send me a video sample giving a very good clue to get the datecode from some JVC cameras).
  • the command "fix a time difference" works better and makes changes that are recognized by more programs
  • The command Inlay used to hang with some videos that had been captured in DV type 1 with dropped frames. It is now fixed and the video proceeds until the end. Many thanks to bpatel who made tests and has send me a sample of such a "hanging video".
  • The video image is better suited to the video window without black strips.