Desktoptopia Changelog

What's new in Desktoptopia Beta

Jan 21, 2009
  • This is another bug fix release. Corrected an issue in the timer routines that was causing the timer interval to be updated whenever the program started up. Depending on how long your change interval was, you may or may not have seen this issue. Generally speaking, if you had it set to change every day or number of days, but you shut down and restart your computer every day, the image would never change on its own. A shorter interval (shorter than the length of time you keep your machine on every day) would hide the issue.
  • Another version of the same bug caused the update interval to be adjusted whenever you hit the Save button on the preferences pane, whether you had changed the time interval or not, meaning that if you went in and checked your change interval, it would automatically postpone the next change when you hit the Save button. Now it only saves a new time if you have adjusted the interval, as it should.
  • Added the next update time to the preferences pane so you can tell when the program is planning to make the next background change.
  • Fixed a bug that would cause an exception if the popup title text was a certain length.
  • Fixed a bug that would cause extra image entries to appear on the context menu.