Email Parser Changelog

What's new in Email Parser 5.2

Feb 16, 2019
  • Email sources, Parsers and Actions can now be grouped in tabs at the left panel. This is specially useful if you have a very complex set up with a large amount of items
  • Items in the left panel can now be moved with the mouse (drag and drop). Easier and faster than clicking to the button “up” or “down” multiple times.
  • Support for Zapier.
  • Support for IFTTT.
  • Capturing HTML tags from the email body with XPATH expressions.
  • Capturing HTML tags from the email body with CSS selectors.
  • The email sources that take files from a folder in your computer now are named using the name of the folder instead of requiring a ‘fake’ email address.
  • New payment gateway for EmailParser online: Paddle.
  • Completely reworked license key panel at Settings->License. Much easier to understand and less nonsense.
  • Added many key shortcuts, mostly the Enter and Esc keys in many panels and lists
  • Added a context menu to the Output tab and the list of emails.
  • Many other small bug fixes and tweaks

New in Email Parser 4.2 (Jun 30, 2014)

  • Faster email processing for emails with big attachments.
  • Lower memory footprint. Filter email messages by date before downloading the full message.
  • Automated processes are now separated by type: Excel, Email, Databse, Miscellaneous and Extensibility.
  • Easier email parsing and a new examples

New in Email Parser 4.1 (Mar 7, 2014)

  • This new release is mostly focused on bug fixing and performance improvements. Particularly for the users that process a big number of emails will notice an improvement on the response of the email history window.
  • The only feature added in this new version is being able to choose the process priority of Email & Parser from the preferences window. This is useful if you run the program in the background and do not want Email & Parser to take only the spare processor time.

New in Email Parser 4.0 (Mar 7, 2014)

  • New - Completely redesigned parsing. Setting up the text capturing is now much easier. Five different text capture methods that can be combined.
  • New - Email&Parser service. Run the program in the background as a Windows service.
  • New - Email&Parser cloud. We host your Email&parser configuration.
  • New - Now you can define field values to store common settings for the rest of the items such as database address, SMTP user etc.
  • New - Ignore older emails directly from the email source. Useful for inboxes full of old emails you do not want to process.
  • New - Autocheck email sources period can be set down to 1 second.
  • New - Choose what do you want to process first: newer or older messages
  • New - Regular expressions also available for email filtering.
  • New - Redesigned email filtering view. The different UI elements are now arranged in two tabs
  • New - HTML log files. A more convenient view of what Email&Parser did.
  • New - View individual field values for each email in the email history window.
  • New - Left panel arrows are now highlighted when an item is selected to quickly view the flow of data.
  • New - Individual field testing. Check if your text capture method works without testing the full email parser.
  • New - Now you can save your settings with or without saving also the email history.
  • Fix - Faster email listings under the email history. Much improved memory management.
  • Fix - Faster email processing thanks to separate processes for the UI and email processing.
  • Fix - Lower memory footprint. Process thousands of emails without taking too much RAM.
  • Fix - and many minor tweaks and adjustments.

New in Email Parser 3.4 (Mar 7, 2014)

  • This new version is mostly a bug fixing release that addresses some minor errors you may have found in the previous release. It also includes some new features:
  • A much improved email history window. It now supports filtering emails by the received date, sender address, processing result and email subject.
  • Faster email history window when many (thousands) of emails are listed.
  • Flow arrows on the left panel that start on bifurcation conditions now are red or green depending on the condition.

New in Email Parser 3.3 (Mar 7, 2014)

  • It is mainly a bug fixing release that solves some minor errors and details of the user interface.

New in Email Parser 3.2 (Mar 7, 2014)

  • Fix - Emails with an empty field such as the subject, body etc will be shown with a message “this field is empty” or “no subject for this email” instead of just showing a blank space.
  • Fix - Email history database size now can store up to 4GB of data per email source. If the database reaches this limit Email&Parser will delete the information from the very old messages to save up space. This means that, under the email history window, the very old messages will show only basic info.
  • Fix - Some bug fixes in the email history window user interface. Elements were sometimes arranged incorrectly after doing scroll
  • Fix - Email&Parser will only process the first 50 new messages of the inbox, leaving the rest for the next time the inbox is checked. This prevents Email&Parser to use a huge amount of system memory when there is a ton of new messages available (for example, thousands).
  • Fix - The action “delete emails from source” now shows “Deleting emails in Outlook email sources is not supported” when trying to delete an email from an Outlook email source as it is not supported.
  • Fix - The Email&Parser installer now updates from version 3.1 to 3.2 without wrongly telling that the version 3.2 was already installed.
  • Fix - The left panel now shows a scroll bar when the contents exceed its vertical size.
  • Feature - A new default field called “body_HTML” that stores the HTML version of the email body is now available for the users that need to parse directly the HTML version of the message.
  • Feature - Email attachment saver action now can filter attachmens wuth different extensions. For example “*.jpg;*.png” for saving jpg and png attachments only.
  • Feature - Simple email parsers can now select if you want to extract test from the subject, the html version of the email body or the plain text version of the body. Previously only plain text version of the email body was available for parsing.
  • Feature - Expression match email parsers can now select if you want to extract test from the subject, the html version of the email body or the plain text version of the body. Previously only plain text version of the email body and subject was available for parsing.

New in Email Parser 3.0.0 (Mar 7, 2014)

  • This new version comes with a completely redesigned way to handle emails and how the automated processes are taken to process them. Because of that this version is not backwards compatible with the configuration files of the previous versions. The list of changes is the following
  • Feature - Creation of multiple email filters for the same email source
  • Feature - Email filters can be combined to produce a more complex email filter logic
  • Feature - History tab (under the email source settings window) shows every processed email and gives detailed information about the different Email&Parser items that have used that email and their results
  • Change - Email Parsers can take emails from filters or directly from the email source (unfiltered)
  • Change - Automated processes can take emails from Email Parsers, Filters or directly from the email source
  • Change - Automated processes can be attached to another Automated processes to build a flow of Automated processes that process the same email
  • Change - Automated processes can be set to be run once (regardless of the number of emails received)
  • Change - An Automated processes can be run based on a given condition chaining it to the output of a “Bifurcate based on condition”
  • Change - An automated process can be run multiple times for the same email chaining it to the output of a “Iterate through fields with same name” automated process
  • Feature - New type of automated process: Send email
  • Feature - New type of automated process: Forward email
  • Feature - New type of automated process: Delete email from source
  • Feature - New type of automated process: Save email attachments
  • Feature - New type of automated process: Bifurcate based on condition
  • Feature - New type of automated process: Iterate through fields with same name

New in Email Parser 2.0.4 (Mar 7, 2014)

  • Fixed] The check box “Use secure login” in the kind of automated process that send emails does not update the SMTP port
  • Fixed] The button “Insert field from parser” into the body does not work
  • Fixed] Already processed emails are proceseed again under some configurations
  • Fixed] automated processes window does not properly close after clicking “Save”
  • Fixed] Left panel width is now fixed and automatically calculated
  • Feature] The flow of data between the email sources, parser and automated processes are shown with arrows on the left panel
  • Feature] Version and licensing information is shown on Preferences->About

New in Email Parser 2.0.3 (Mar 7, 2014)

  • This new release fixes minor bugs reported by the users since the last release:
  • [Fixed] Some emails are processed again even if they are already processed.
  • [Fixed] Button position on the left pane of the main window is wrong under some main window sizes.

New in Email Parser 2.0.2 (Mar 7, 2014)

  • This is mainly a bug fixing release that solves some reported problems. The fixes are the following:
  • [Fixed] Emails that only contain a HTML body (no plain-text version) are not correctly converted to plain text for parsing.
  • [Fixed] Script-based automated processes make the Email&Parser configuration file under some circumstances.

New in Email Parser 2.0.1 (Jul 28, 2011)

  • Support for Outlook folders as email source
  • Email sources no have a history tab that shows every processed email
  • Settings can now be easily backuped up and restored from the preferences dialog
  • An email message that has been already processed can be set to be reprocessed

New in Email Parser 1.3 (Aug 2, 2010)

  • Improved stability, many bug fixes.
  • The output detail can now be increased or decreased by user choice.
  • Added support for email filters.
  • New policy for keep or delete emails based on the filter.
  • Added the support for fields in fixed positions.
  • Improved documentation.

New in Email Parser 1.1 (Oct 28, 2009)

  • Improved stability, many bug fixes.
  • New left bar.
  • Email sources, Field extractors and Database actions are now easier to manage.
  • Emails sources can be checked automatically on the program startup or every a set amount of minutes.
  • New icon set.