Fresh IDE Portable Changelog

What's new in Fresh IDE Portable 2.7.0

Jul 9, 2019
  • The main change in this release is the final transition of the FreshLib to the new GUI architecture. Some of the old interfaces are different now.
  • FlatAssembler compiler has been updated to the version 1.73.12.
  • The syntax highlighting of the editor is improved to support user defined keywords for coloring.
  • Two builtin fonts, especially suitable for assembly programming has been added to the editor themes.
  • More extended tests has been provided on Windows 10. As a result, the editor rendering and the overall stability has been improved.
  • The included examples has been revised and fixed to compile with the latest FreshLib libraries.
  • Of course the usual bug fixing and new bug introduction has been made as well.

New in Fresh IDE Portable 2.6.2 (Dec 30, 2017)

  • This release is mainly because of a fixed bug, causing crashes in Windows 10
  • In addition, the FASM compiler has been updated to v1.73.02 together with the FASM reference manual

New in Fresh IDE Portable 2.6.1 (Oct 30, 2017)

  • The download links are updated. Download again and update your installation, if you downloaded v2.6.0

New in Fresh IDE Portable 2.6.0 (Oct 30, 2017)

  • Brand new design of the GUI with two themes (for dark and for light OS theme) and adjustable icon sizes for the menus and toolbars.
  • The latest, milestone FASM version: v1.72
  • Updated the FASM manual to the latest version.
  • Updated FreshLib to the latest FreshLibDev, bugfixed and improved.
  • Added a new reference for the assembly instructions with detailed explanation and useful information.
  • Improved code completion search algorithm in order to hit the proper name with less typing.
  • Wide use of PNG images for all icons that make the icons better quality and the size of the executable smaller.
  • And of course bugfixes.

New in Fresh IDE Portable 2.5.1 (Dec 26, 2016)

  • The changes in this release in brief:
  • The dependency on google for web search has been resolved. Now the web search engine is user definable. The default is DuckDuckGo.
  • FASM compiler has been updated to v1.71.58
  • New example added.
  • Fixed regression in "Goto interface" function.

New in Fresh IDE Portable 2.5.0 (Oct 17, 2016)

  • Small fixes here and there improving the user experience.
  • Fixed all reported bugs from v2.5.0RC and also many found in the process of testing.

New in Fresh IDE Portable 2.5.0 RC (Oct 10, 2016)

  • Single window interface is finished and working.
  • Improved compiler speed by more aggressive memory allocation and avoiding the reallocations.
  • Improved visual form editor with the hidden source displayed in the editor in read-only mode.
  • The options dialogs are joined in one dialog: Options|IDE options
  • The GUI design has been renewed a little.
  • FASM compiler has been updated to v1.71.57
  • A large number of bugs has been discovered and fixed. (and probably even more new introduced).

New in Fresh IDE Portable 2.4.0 RC (Sep 20, 2016)

  • I was though to not support Unicode in Fresh IDE until v3
  • But provoked by @idle post here, I decided to fix the Unicode filenames support
  • As usual, this process rapidly got out of control and as a result the whole IDE now supports not only Unicode filenames, but Unicode source files as well
  • The changes in the source base are HUGE. The good is that in the process of refactoring and testing, several old bugs has been found and fixed
  • But it is very likely that big amount of new bugs are introduced

New in Fresh IDE Portable 2.3.0 (Sep 6, 2016)

  • FASM compiler has been updated to v1.71.54
  • A lot of work on FreshLib. The GUI part is now OOP based (but still not finished)
  • Some bugs, both in FreshLib and the IDE, have been fixed

New in Fresh IDE Portable 2.2.5 (Nov 30, 2015)

  • Pretty serious changes in AsmEdit code in order to make it more WINE friendly. Some graphical bugs has been fixed and the rendering speed significantly improved.
  • The template and example projects have been fixed to compile flawlessly.
  • Several minor bugs have been fixed as well.

New in Fresh IDE Portable 2.2.4 (Sep 9, 2015)

  • Improved the system that builds the labels list when the source can not be compiled because of some errors.
  • After some bug fixes, now Fresh should work properly on Windows 8 and Windows 10.
  • Fixed bugs related to multi-monitor work.

New in Fresh IDE Portable 2.2.3 (May 22, 2015)

  • FASM compiler has been updated to v1.71.39
  • New feature - "Open Linux terminal" has been implemented.
  • New option "Ignore WinApi suffix on search" is added to the help engine. It helps with searching of WinApi functions in the search engine documents and on Internet.
  • The "Help file" dialog (Ctrl+F1) now displays files titles instead of names.

New in Fresh IDE Portable 2.2.2 (Oct 17, 2014)

  • FASM compiler has been updated to v1.71.22
  • Merged with the latest development version of FreshLib.
  • Fixed an old bug, causing wrong positioning in the editor for the .frm files (the hidden rows not counted).
  • Fixed focusing behavior of the IDE.
  • Fixed bug in the help server code.
  • Fixed bug in the windows auto-arrange feature, placing the IDE windows under the task bar.

New in Fresh IDE Portable 2.2.1 (May 17, 2014)

  • This is a mainly bug fix version. A lot of small-to-middle bugs has been fixed, including some old, rarely manifesting bugs.
  • But there is also very important new feature: "Unroll macro". This is a long awaited feature that will significantly accelerate and facilitate the development, analysis and debugging of macros.
  • It probably needs some improvement later, but it is some kind of break-through. ?wink

New in Fresh IDE Portable 2.2.0 (May 2, 2014)

  • It is major release. The whole IDE has been converted to use uConfig library instead of Win32 API for access to the configuration files. This is one more step towards the portability goal
  • Other important changes has been introduced as well. A change in the FreshLib mutex handling libraries, increased the speed of the string functions in multi-threaded programs more than 10 times, especially in WINE
  • This way, now all string intensive features of the IDE are much faster. Code completion, help searching, etc
  • The editor themes are now stored in a text file, so they are easy for human editing
  • Tree new editor themes has been added, based on popular IDE color themes: "Solarized" and "Vibrant ink"
  • A new "scratchpad" editor (try Ctrl+J) can help for faster editing of the source

New in Fresh IDE Portable 2.1.10 (Apr 24, 2014)

  • It is a fix release. Some missing from the packages source files has been added
  • The behavior of the procedure argument hint tool has been improved to handle wider syntax
  • Some bugs has been fixed in the options dialogs

New in Fresh IDE Portable 2.1.9 (Apr 17, 2014)

  • The main new features in this version are in the help system. It now, besides .hlp and .chm files, supports .html in several flavors and .md (markdown formatted) text files in the context help system.
  • Read the description of the new help system in the file "doc/" - Open from inside Fresh IDE by Help|Help file|
  • In the package is now included the great LSCR project documentation, containing an assembly-centric description of Linux system calls.
  • FASM compiler has been updated to the newest version - v1.71.20
  • FreshLibDev has been updated to the recent development version.
  • Several small and not so small bugs has been fixed.

New in Fresh IDE Portable 2.1.8 (Feb 18, 2014)

  • FASM compiler has been updated to the newest version - v1.71.19
  • FreshLibDev has been updated to the recent development version
  • Several small and not so small bugs has been fixed

New in Fresh IDE Portable 2.1.7 (Jul 13, 2013)

  • FASM compiler has been updated to the newest version - v1.71.11
  • FreshLibDev has been updated to the recent development version

New in Fresh IDE Portable 2.1.6 (Mar 13, 2013)

  • A regression, related to the missing structure MONITORINFO in the equates has been fixed. Also, the new internationalization macros have been included in the native Win32 libraries and demos.
  • The update is recommended for those, who wants to compile Win32 only applications, using the legacy libraries (Including some of the example projects).

New in Fresh IDE Portable 2.1.5 (Mar 11, 2013)

  • This release is the first official release distributed under the terms of EUPL 1.1 Now all license issues are completely fixed.
  • There are other changes as well: Improved "goto definition" and "embedded help" functions, new project templates, improved documentation.
  • The FreshLib library has been updated to the latest development version and FASM compiler has been updated to v1.71.08

New in Fresh IDE Portable 2.1.4 (Dec 7, 2012)

  • This release is targeted to improve the performance of Fresh IDE in Linux Wine. The most annoying issues have been fixed - the flickering of the editor window when activated and the poor performance of the code completion window.
  • Additionally, some minor bugs have been fixed and FreshLib has been updated to the latest development version.

New in Fresh IDE Portable 2.1.3 (Nov 30, 2012)

  • This release updates FASM compiler to the version 1.71.06;

New in Fresh IDE Portable 2.1.2 (Nov 30, 2012)

  • This release contains bug fixes, reported on 64bit Windows 7 platforms. As long as the reported bugs caused crashes on 64bit platforms, update to v2.1.2 is highly recommended.

New in Fresh IDE Portable 2.1.1 (Nov 5, 2012)

  • Browse history manager was implemented - When you browse the source code, the history manager remembers your path and then can navigate you back and forward through the explored source files. This feature complement the other code exploration features, such as "goto definition" and "cross reference" in order to make code exploration fast and efficient.
  • Cross reference now works with local labels as well - Especially useful on big and complex procedures, with many local labels and variables.
  • Better keyboard interface of the cross reference window - The key ENTER now opens the selected file and ESCAPE closes the cross reference window.
  • Several bugs has been fixed - including memory leaks bugs, bugs in the cross reference processing code and zombifying bug on exit.

New in Fresh IDE Portable 2.0.9 (Sep 26, 2012)

  • This release introduces some incompatibility with the earlier sources. Read below.
  • New FASM 1.71 compiler with address space labels.
  • Removed GlobalAPI symbol. Now, when Win32 API is used, the user must provide the full function name. This approach makes the syntax more simple, clear and portable.
  • Merged with FreshLibDev - new "uses" macro, more flexible dll import macros.
  • New "text" macro that avoids text constants duplication. Stdcall macros now allows using string constants directly.
  • Examples and project templates adapted to the new style of importing functions.
  • Fixed missing syntax highlighting of the data definition directives.
  • Fixed rare bug - crash when some file is the project, 2.does not exists on disk and 3.the user choose to keep it in the project. Then on compilation, when the compiled file uses this missing file, Fresh crashes.
  • Fixed long waiting bug with editor "indent" and "comment" features, that made one more line to be commented/indented.

New in Fresh IDE Portable 2.0.8 (Aug 31, 2012)

  • Merged with the latest FreshLibDev with sockets library.
  • Fixed buggy behaviour of the background .fas file processing.
  • Fixed wrong working directory of andLinux running applications.