DDD Terrain Editor Changelog

What's new in DDD Terrain Editor 2021.3.0.60 Pre-release

Jun 24, 2021
  • Removing some old versioning in the game data files so this'll be the last one compatible with older ones

New in DDD Terrain Editor 2020.1.10.41 (Mar 16, 2020)

  • Scribble preview tool is included
  • Lights! Lights! Lights!
  • Fixed that bug
  • Mesh autotiles and slopes
  • New solidness system
  • Quite a few changes to the data format, although it should still be mostly compatible with itself

New in DDD Terrain Editor 2020.1.8.38 Pre-release (Feb 27, 2020)

  • Because I seem to believe it's a good idea to lump all of my tools into one program, as if that's never gone wrong for anybody before, apparently.
  • This is a preview tool for scribble, a text renderer for Game Maker which I quite like. (If you want to know more about it, visit the repository.) There are a few small issues I'm probably going to put energy into working on at some point, but other than that I'm just going to wait for Juju's stamp of approval and then do . . . something with it, I guess.
  • The rest of the editor has been disabled for this version of the program, although if you've used an old one in the past it'll load into an existing mode. You can enter Scribble mode through the appropriate entry under the Beta menu.

New in DDD Terrain Editor 2019.4.4.25 (Dec 16, 2019)

  • This one adds a lot of work on the Tiled map import button. It's not done yet but it should be complete enough to pass usable data to the game, and clears up a bunch of edge cases that just used to just go ¯_(?)_/¯ with sub-par results
  • Other than that I fixed a bunch of bugs and filled in a bunch of things that I had yet to implement, or in some cases, had implemented in a less-than-satisfactory way
  • Lastly there's some UI cleanup. A lot of the event editor UI hasn't changed since almost the beginning, before I'd really settled on how it should look. so I spaced things out more nicely and added alphabetize functionality to Middle Click
  • Squashed some graphical bugs, particularly in the event editor
  • My mouse is perpetually half-broken and sometimes thinks the middle button is one of the other buttons for no reason, so I added an option to substitute Control + Space for it

New in DDD Terrain Editor 2019.4.4.24 (Dec 3, 2019)

  • The terrain editor is pretty much done. I still want to add layered / blended textures and expose a bit more control over how the texture coordinates are painted (James I haven't forgotten, really) but I also need to focus on the rest of the stuff I'm making so that's going to wait.
  • I found and squashed some bugs that could crop up when saving and loading ddd* files. Most of them had to do with specific uses of the other parts of the editor and probably wouldn't have caused any issues if you were just using the terrain, but just in case I hope that's all taken care of.
  • Error messages are slightly more graceful and won't coerce you into force-quitting the program if they don't have to.
  • Objects are now saved using per-vertex color instead of per-face color. This makes the MTL files quite a lot cleaner and makes the colors in the output file more accurate to the way they look in the editor, but certain 3D model tools will ignore the color information altogether. And by that I mean Blender and possibly others, since Blender is the only one I have on hand. If you're not sure, you might want to check that your 3D model tool(s) can make use of vertex colors in OBJ, and if you're writing your own parser this is the trick I used. Alpha / transparency values are still store per-face.
  • Cleared up some annoyances in the rest of the game editor, plus added some new stuff.
  • As you can probably assume, I changed the data file format quite a bit this time around. This version should be backwards compatible but if you weren't having any problems before and updating causes any issues there's nothing wrong with keeping with the old(er) versions.
  • The next releases for this thing are going to be much more focused on the rest of the game editor.