GamutLogViewer Changelog

What's new in GamutLogViewer 3.4.001

May 29, 2018
  • Enhancements:
  • The selected row color is now the inverse of the row when it is not selected. For example if a rows color is a yellow background with black text (because of highlight or a preference) when selected the row will now have a black background with yellow text.
  • This allows the highlight information to be displayed while making the selected row appear differently than the non-selected rows.
  • Go To Line now has an option to go to the closest line if the line entered isn't displayed.
  • The positional information and size of most windows are not saved and restored.
  • When editing the Date/Time filter, in the standard filter form, text in the date/time fields is selected when clicking via the mouse or tabbing in. This makes changing the values easier to do.
  • Bug Fixes:
  • Line Properties window now acts as expected for ctrl-c (copy), ctrl-a (select all), and mouse wheel scrolling.
  • Sometimes the properties window was not closing correctly. This now works as expected.
  • When enabling Grid Tooltips you no longer have to restart the application for the change to take affect.
  • The GoTo form now defaults to line 0 if there isn't a selected row.

New in GamutLogViewer 3.4.000 (Dec 28, 2017)

  • Enhancements:
  • Using a signing certificate so you no longer get an unknown publisher warning when downloading and installing.
  • Delta times now display in a more consistent easy to read format.
  • Bugs:
  • Fixed a crash when applying a filter to a column when there wasn't a parser definition defined.

New in GamutLogViewer 3.3.000 (Nov 6, 2017)

  • Enhancements:
  • Removed the popups when a feature is not available. Now just disable the feature.
  • Go To Line Number - allows you to enter a line number and have the log file positioned on that line
  • Open File in Notepad - open the current file in Notepad (Notepad++ if it is installed) or an editor of your choosing as specified in application preferences.
  • Open Containing Folder - open an Explorer window to the location of the log file.
  • Close all files except for the current file - close all of the open files except the current file.
  • Restore the size and location of GamutLogViewer Professional the next time it is opened.
  • Allow Pinning and Unpinning of Line Properties and Find Window
  • Auto resize of columns while scrolling - while scrolling through a log file the columns will automatically increase in size if the text doesn't fit in the column
  • Made delta times column easier to read. The text is now right aligned and millisecond only times now have a 0. in front of the times.
  • Highlights - added two new popup menu option that will automatically popup the highlight form after adding a highlight.
  • This provides a convenient way to modify the highlight textafter adding them.
  • New Preference - you can now hide the grid lines in the Preferences Form if you want a look more like notepad.
  • New Preference - you can now hide the delta column if your parser contains a date/time column
  • New Preference - allows disabling of row height resizing.
  • Bugs:
  • When using the preference "Show Whitespace" columns now size correctly
  • Fixed an intermittent crash when renaming a filter
  • Now show the error if a clipboard copy operation fails
  • Fixed sizing issues with DPI scaling of greater than 100%.
  • Fixed a crash/performance problem when copying large numbers of rows to the clipboard.
  • Fixed a crash caused by intermittent network connections while loading a file.
  • Fixed a crash when applying a filter to a column when there wasn't a parser definition defined.
  • Fixed an intermittent bug where the application would crash on startup.

New in GamutLogViewer 3.2.006 (Feb 28, 2017)

  • Bug fixes:
  • Sometimes when clicking on the grid keyboard navigation wasn't working correctly, now it does.
  • When clicking on the comboboxes in the Find window(s) the keyboard input wasn't always working properly, now it is.
  • Fixed an intermittent crash when completing Parser definition wizard.
  • Fixed an intermittent crash when closing a log file before it had been completely opened.
  • Now prevent out of memory exceptions by showing a maximum of 1000 invalid lines when using mutliple line filters.
  • Now have a maximum column width on the grid to prevent crashes with exceptionally long strings.
  • Find - now keeps a most recently used list of search strings.
  • Column widths now resize correctly.
  • Column widths now default the label width if the text length is shorter than the label length.
  • Copy multiple lines now copies the lines in the order they appear in the file even if they were selected in a
  • different order.

New in GamutLogViewer 3.2.005 (Jan 19, 2017)

  • Removed some unneeded whitespace between rows to increase the number of rows that can be displayed.
  • Zoom minimized the amount of white space when zooming to increase the number of rows that can be displayed.
  • Changed the default font to "Consolas" which is a fixed point font. This is useful when there is no parser defined.
  • Now always show whitespace when there are no columns defined. This is useful when opening log files that don't have a parser and use whitespace to align their data.
  • Changed the foreground color text on the Application Preferences form to be visible when picking dark colors for the odd and even line number color options.
  • Fixed a focus bug with the find window - for easier keyboard navigation.

New in GamutLogViewer 3.2.004 (Jan 19, 2017)

  • Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed a recently introduced crash that could happen when opening or closing tabs.

New in GamutLogViewer 3.2.003 (Jan 19, 2017)

  • Enhancements:
  • Enable/Disable of auto scrolling (tail) is now available from the toolbar.
  • Using the "Blank" Log File Parser is now available from the toolbar.
  • Bug Fixes:
  • Added Previous button in the Find Window.
  • Hiding the Toolbar and Status Bar wasn't resizing correctly.
  • Find F3 and Shift F3 now work when find window is not pinned.
  • Added bitmap to line properties menu item.
  • Clicking on a tab now sets the focus to the grid for easier keyboard navigation.
  • Ctrl-Tab (shift Tab) now sets the focus the grid control for easier keyboard navigation.
  • Now show all buttons and menu items as disabled rather than hidden as appropriate.
  • When displaying the Find window it now sets the focus to the entry field - for easier keyboard navigation.
  • Find now puts the focus back in the grid when an item is found - for easier keyboard navigation.
  • Fixed a crash when a file was deleted before the tab was ever selected.
  • Version 3.2.002 released
  • Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed a stack overflow exception when opening large log files with an invalid parser definition.
  • If the last line of the log file is selected and tail is enabled the file will auto scroll.
  • This makes it easy to turn autoscroll on and off with just the keyboard.

New in GamutLogViewer 3.2.001 (Nov 7, 2016)

  • Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed a bug with restoring setting getting the wrong values.
  • Next and Previous Bookmark used to throw an exception if no lines were displayed.
  • Up and Down arrows and Page Up and Page Down where navigating to the top of the file when auto scroll was on. They now work correctly.
  • The current row is now positioned on the line above the last selected line if applying a filter causes the previously selected line to be hidden.

New in GamutLogViewer 3.2.000 (Sep 19, 2016)

  • Keyboard shortcuts added:
  • Shift F3 -- Find Previous to complement Find Next(F3)
  • Ctrl+Tab, Ctrl+Shift+Tab -- Change tabs
  • Ctrl+W / Ctrl+F4 to close current logfile
  • NLog parser rendering options are now handled and are stripped from the column name. For example a column of ${logger:shortName=True} with be handled and the column header will be 'logger'.
  • The font color of always black was hard to see when with some background colors. The text color now automatically changes to black or white depending based on the highlight or line color.
  • When all lines of the log file are hidden by a filter a message is now displayed.
  • Delta times now show the millisecond precision based on the precision of the format string.
  • A new Application Preference was added to show/hide whitespace in the grid columns.
  • Bookmarks - the bookmark column (the first column) was able to get in a state where the width of the column was much wider than it needs to be. The column is always set to the same size (22 pixels) now.
  • Filter Sets - added a save button to replace the saved name with the current highlights.
  • Reduced the size of the green separators to gain more room for log data.
  • Upgraded to the .Net 4.5.2 framework
  • Updated the installer to a new version
  • Now support underscores in Log4Net definitions to support IIS column names
  • Now support numbers in Log4Net definitions (if preceeded by an alpha character) to support IIS column names like: Win32Status

New in GamutLogViewer 3.1.005 (May 4, 2015)

  • Bug Fixes:
  • Recent changes caused the number of displayed lines to sometimes be limited to 100. This has been fixed.

New in GamutLogViewer 3.1.004 (Apr 30, 2015)

  • Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed a stack overflow exception that was happening in Microsoft's data grid view.

New in GamutLogViewer 3.1.003 (Apr 30, 2015)

  • Bug Fixes:
  • When a log file rolled over the filters were being cleared. This no longer happens.
  • Removed the limit of 100 lines of multiple line filtered lines from the Line Properties window. The tooltip text is now limited to 50 additional lines for performance reasons.
  • Column widths and display order are no longer cleared when tailing a log file and it rolls over.

New in GamutLogViewer 3.1.002 (Feb 11, 2015)

  • Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed a timing bug that caused the GamutLogViewer to enter a "Not Responding" state.
  • No longer allow you to define a column name with a space in it. This was casuing parser to parse incorrectly.
  • The initial state of the "Tooltip Properties" option always showed enabled even when it was not.
  • Added support for large files on 64 bit operating systems.

New in GamutLogViewer 3.1.001 (Feb 11, 2015)

  • Enhancements:
  • The Parser wizard now requires the user to select a sample row in the file to make sure a proper sample row is selected.
  • Improved Find status results messages.

New in GamutLogViewer 3.1.000 (Feb 11, 2015)

  • Enhancements:
  • Major changes to the "Log File Parser" wizard (previously Configuration wizard).
  • Improved the work flow to make it easier to create/edit a Parser.
  • Added several new options for creating a Parser.
  • Improved error handling to better inform the user what might be wrong with their Pattern.
  • Bug Fixes:
  • For Separator Parsers fixed a bug where a Date only value wasn't working with a Time Only value. This affected filtering and sorting on date/times.

New in GamutLogViewer 3.0.003 (Dec 15, 2014)

  • Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed a bug where invalid lines weren't always displayed correctly when switching configurations.
  • Increased support for quoted column formats like CSV and ColdFusion log files, including:
  • Quotes are removed for the column data if the "Column values wrapped in Quotes" option is used.
  • Added suport for individual Date and Time columns. Date/Time, Date, and Time fields are now displayed is the same format as they appear in the log file.
  • The Severity/Level column text is now shown along with the icon.
  • Find Text now supports wrapping around to the top or bottom when searching past the end of file.

New in GamutLogViewer 3.0.002 (Dec 15, 2014)

  • Bug Fixes:
  • Increased support for quoted column formats like CSV and ColdFusion log files, including:
  • Quotes are removed for the column data if the "Column values wrapped in Quotes" option is used.
  • Added suport for individual Date and Time columns.
  • Date/Time, Date, and Time fields are now displayed is the same format as they appear in the log file.
  • The Severity/Level column text is now shown along with the icon.
  • Find Text now supports wrapping around to the top or bottom when searching past the end of file.

New in GamutLogViewer 3.0.001 (Dec 15, 2014)

  • Bug Fixes:
  • Added support for quoted column formats like CSV and Cold Fusion log files.

New in GamutLogViewer 3.0.000 (Dec 15, 2014)

  • Updated the user interface to be the same as the Professional version including:
  • Added tabbed interface to show log files.
  • Updated the icons to give the application a more modern look.
  • Line Properties, and the Find window are now enabled as tabs at the bottom of the window. This allow these features to remain open as a split screen along with the log file. The line properties tab can be useful when viewing log lines that have a lot of text or lines with stack traces in them since all of this data isn't always visible when viewing the line as a row in the grid.
  • Added support for large files on 64 bit operating systems. Now run as a 64 bit application on a 64 bit operating system which allows for much larger files to be opened. In the 64 bit world you are only limited by the amount of memory you have on your machine.
  • Windows Codepage Character Encoding
  • Support for any windows codepage character encoding. Prior to this change the only supported code page was ISO-8859-1.
  • Added the ability to pick a character encoding from application preferences. The auto-detect mode didn't work for all character sets.
  • Added support for Culture when defining a configuration. This only needs to set if your log file culture is different than your culture setting on you machine.
  • Added a menu item for "Encoding" to allow a more direct way to change the character encoding.
  • Overview - the overview page can now be displayed from the view menu.
  • Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed a random crash when tail was enabled and a file rolled over.
  • Fixed a significant memory leak whenever a file or set of files were closed.
  • Fixed a crash when saving Application Preferences with duplicate severity names.
  • Fixed a random crash when closing the application with bookmarks enabled.
  • File handles are now closed properly when the application is closed.
  • Cleaned up memory leaks.
  • Fixed a performance problem when loading large log files.
  • When the cursor is in the Find text box the enter key will perform the find.

New in GamutLogViewer 2.5.009 (Dec 15, 2014)

  • Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed problems with Delta time calculations. Now calculate form line to line. Previously calculations were based on thread id and process id. Many people reported this as a bug. You can still get thread id and process id Delta's by filtering the file.

New in GamutLogViewer 2.5.008 (Dec 15, 2014)

  • Updated the installer.

New in GamutLogViewer 2.5.007 (Jul 15, 2013)

  • Restored features including Highlights, Bookmarks, and Filter Management.

New in GamutLogViewer 2.5.006 (Jun 25, 2013)

  • Added top level menu to launch training video's.

New in GamutLogViewer 2.5.005 (Jun 17, 2013)

  • Bug Fixes:
  • Incorrect mapping of column to value in the tooltips popup on the grid. The tooltip now shows the proper column values.

New in GamutLogViewer 2.5.004 (Apr 15, 2013)

  • Bug Fixes:
  • 3609869 - LogViewer stops tail mode when file is truncated. Now the file is reloaded when the current file size is smaller than the last read file size.

New in GamutLogViewer 2.5.003 (Mar 29, 2013)

  • Enhancements:
  • Added support for start and end of line separator character strings.
  • Bug Fixes:
  • 3608165, 3608087 Problem with parsing Date/Time field with milliseconds when you are trying to change the date/time field in an *existing* configuration.

New in GamutLogViewer 2.5.002 (Mar 18, 2013)

  • Enhancements:
  • Added help topic support.

New in GamutLogViewer 2.5.001 (Mar 1, 2013)

  • Bugs:
  • ID 3603432 - Date filter does not work on certain log's:
  • When the Date column was the first column the context menu wasn't enabling the date filter popu menu correctly.
  • Selecting date range only selected the start date. It now selects the start and end date.
  • Delta times were not being computed when the configuration did not contain either a thread id or a process id column.

New in GamutLogViewer 2.5.000 (Feb 26, 2013)

  • Enhancements:
  • Added links to the Gamut Software, Incorporated's web site.

New in GamutLogViewer 2.4.000 (Feb 14, 2013)

  • Enhancements:
  • Added upgrade option to licensed version.

New in GamutLogViewer 2.3.000 (Feb 4, 2013)

  • Enhancements:
  • Added option to show the full file path in the title bar.
  • When two line are selected and the configuration file defines a datetime column the delta time between the two selected lines is displayed in the status bar.
  • Added the ability to set GamutLogFileViewer to always be on top.
  • Multiple Spaces for delimiter. Now configuration with user defined separators support any string sequence including multiple spaces as a valid separator.

New in GamutLogViewer 2.2.005 (Jan 28, 2013)

  • Bug fixes:
  • ID 3594482: Crash when Creating Filter whit Tail enabled and a word to lookfor do not exit in your log.
  • ID 3585108: Every time a line is added to the logfile, the logviewer produces a unhandled exception..

New in GamutLogViewer 2.2.004 (Oct 29, 2012)

  • Bug fixes:
  • ID 3535081: Format "(%-40.25c:%4L) %d{yyyy MM dd HH:mm:ss:SSS} [%-60t] %5p - %m %n"doesn't work. Two bugs were fixed for this. Having a min length (40) that is greater than the max length (25) now shortens the min length so the parsing works. The space separtor before the newline is also handled now.
  • NOTE: the "SSS" in the time format is not valid and must be replaced in your config string with "fff".
  • There is now a button on the button bar to enable/disable the tail feature.
  • ID 3536883: when a network connection was lost with tail feature enabled an unhandled exception was thrown.
  • This is now handled gracefully.

New in GamutLogViewer 2.2.003 (Jun 4, 2012)

  • Bug fixes:
  • When file monitoring (tail) is on, each log file change caused the selection to be lost and the view went to the top of the file.
  • ID: 3525237 - GamutLogViewer wasn't working with with Spanish characters like á,é,í,ó,ú, etc. The ISO-8859-1 is now used when opening log files.

New in GamutLogViewer 2.2.002 (Mar 26, 2012)

  • Bug fixes:
  • App Preferences -> Display Line numbers required you to close the log and
  • reopen it to take affect. This now works on open log files.
  • The wizard now looks at the currently selected line when one tries to configure the app.
  • ID: 3509664 - Config wizard screen is never drawn properly. Now the last
  • column property fills the grid.
  • ID: 3509653 - Find and highlighting now works correctly when you don't have a configuration defined.
  • ID: 3509646 - Exception in filter dialog has been fixed.
  • Delta times are updated properly when File Monitoring (tail) is
  • enabled.
  • Row selection is now properly maintained when applying filters and bookmarks.

New in GamutLogViewer 2.2.000 (Mar 12, 2012)

  • Enahancements:
  • Memory usage cut by more than half
  • Date processing for deltas and filters 100% improvement.
  • Bug fixes:
  • Delta times are now relative to thread/process id.
  • NLog custom date formats are now supported.
  • Crashes caused by mismatched formats no longer occur.

New in GamutLogViewer 2.1.000 (Feb 29, 2012)

  • Enhancements:
  • ID: 3491869 - Added the ability to save and reload filters. The Filter options have been moved to their own top level menu item.
  • You can now manage your filters which allows you to save, save as, select, delete, and rename your filters. There is also a list of 10 most recently used filters.
  • ID: 3463358 - Open last log file has been replaced with a feature to reopen all open log files on startup. Now all of the files you had open will be reopened.
  • ID: 3434577 - adjust the width of the last column to fill the screen if needed. If the width is wider than the screen allows then use the calculated width. This prevents blank space on the right side of the
  • grid for short log lines.
  • ID: 3488538 - Log records containing multiline messages - such as stack trace - are problematic because there is no good way for
  • GamutLogViewer to know when it is processing one of these lines.
  • Now if you start your Log4J, Log4Net, or NLog line with a special character or characters we will look for this series of characters.
  • If they are not found the line will be assumed to be of an unknown format and the lines entire contents will be put in the message column. If you do not have a message column the entire contents will be put in the last column.
  • This is related toID: 3423840, Message field sometimes extend to multiple line - which was fixed by checking if a date column contains a valid date. If it doesn't we do the same thing as mentioned above. The new solution is preferred because it is more efficient and has better performance. Either on will work.
  • Bug fixes:
  • Performance improvement when working with log files that have failures parsing columns that don't pass the date column validation. This is a major improvement if your log files have rows that contain things like stack trace data.

New in GamutLogViewer 2.0.002 (Feb 13, 2012)

  • You can now delete a log file while the file is opened in GamutLogFileViewer. This is useful when using the tail feature to monitor active log files.

New in GamutLogViewer 2.0.001 (Dec 7, 2011)

  • Bug fixes:
  • Exact match filters weren't working correctly when using an Log4J, Log4Net, or NLog configuration.
  • Double clicking on the column header was sometimes displaying a line properties form. This no longer happens.

New in GamutLogViewer 2.0.000 (Nov 26, 2011)

  • Enhancements:
  • Added support for Log4J log files
  • Added support for Log4Net log files
  • Added support for NLog log files
  • Bug fixes:
  • Message field sometimes extend to multiple line - ID: 3423840
  • If a log lines extends multiple lines (like in the case of a stack trace)
  • the entire contents of each subsequent lines will be displayed on its own
  • line in the message column (Log4J/Log4Net and NLog) or in the last text
  • column if the configuration is a sepeartor type. This will happen if the
  • date/time column does NOT evaluate to a valid date/time value. If you do
  • not have a date/time column the row will be treated as a valid row.

New in GamutLogViewer 1.1.003 (Nov 7, 2011)

  • Enahancements:
  • Auto-scroll to bottom of window - there is now an option that allows the window to auto-scroll to the bottom when a log file is updated. In the "Application Preferences" window there is a new option called "Move to last line on update". This will cause the window scroll to the last line of the log file whenever: a file is loaded; a file is refreshed using the refresh option or by the "File Monitoring" feature. Auto scrolling will also happen if you have the last line of the file selected when a refresh occurs.

New in GamutLogViewer 1.1.002 (Oct 17, 2011)

  • Enahancements:
  • Files with a .log extension are now automatically associated with the application. This causes GamutLogViewer to be opened automatically if a file with a .log extension is double clicked.
  • Bug fixes:
  • The application icon is now displayed from add remove programs.

New in GamutLogViewer 1.1.001 (Sep 26, 2011)

  • Enahancements:
  • One or more file names can now be passed in on the command line and opened when the application starts up. The syntax for this is: GamutLogViewer.exe c:\Dir\FirstFile.log c:\Dir\SecondFile.log
  • F3 key now brings up the search dialog the first time it is pressed. Subsequent presses repeat the search. This is similar how notepad searches work.

New in GamutLogViewer 1.1.000 (Sep 19, 2011)

  • Bug fixes:
  • All bitmaps are now transparent.

New in GamutLogViewer 1.0.9 (Sep 16, 2011)

  • Bug fixes:
  • Right-clicking a column header throws an exception. This action no longer causes an exception to be thrown.
  • Double clicking on a column to auto size it the text displayed is not working properly for very wide columns. This now works up to the maximum size the grid will allow.

New in GamutLogViewer 1.0.8 (Jul 18, 2011)

  • Bug fixes:
  • A "Tab" checkbox was added to the separator selection form to allow a tab to be used as a separator. Previously you could have tried to use a tab character for the Separator field by copying and pasting a tab from another application (tab cannot be entered directly by pressing tab key). However, when you did this the configuration failed to save/load correctly. Any configuration that was created with a tab prior to this version will have to be deleted and recreated.

New in GamutLogViewer 1.0.7 (Jun 29, 2011)

  • Bug fixes:
  • Filter form crashed when there were no columns defined.
  • When applying the first bookmark the selection was lost and the first row in the grid was scrolled into view. Now the selection remains on the current row and no scrolling occurs.

New in GamutLogViewer 1.0.6 (Jun 21, 2011)

  • Bug fixes:
  • Column filters weren't working properly with "not contains" on all columns.
  • Filtering on a column with the same name as another column threw an exception when the filter form was displayed. Now the subsequent columns names are modified in the combobox drop down so they are unique.
  • Double clicking on a row in the grid now brings up the properties form.
  • The properties form now moves all of the buttons when it is resized.
  • Properties form now shows date, time, and delta values properly. It used to show the date/time for all three fields.
  • Now clear all filters when a new configuration file is selected. Depending on the filters the application used to crash.

New in GamutLogViewer 1.0.5 (Jun 11, 2011)

  • Bug fixes:
  • The focus was not set on the grid control when a log file was opened. This
  • required the user to click on the grid before the mouse or the keyboard
  • could be used.
  • Date range issue resolved if the value in a date column had a value that
  • was not a date of the proper format.
  • Other changes:
  • Added menu items links to various support web pages.

New in GamutLogViewer 1.0.4 (May 30, 2011)

  • Bug fixes:
  • Fixed UI flickering (repainting) issues where UI was updated more frequently than was need.

New in GamutLogViewer 1.0.3 (May 28, 2011)

  • Bug fix: If the column width of a given column is extremely large the UI gets in a repeated error loop.