What's new in Infraluation Globalizer (Developer Edition)

Oct 10, 2020
  • Fixed issue with certain cultures, eg English (Malta), giving error E308 when re-opening Workspaces and not being displayed
  • Fixed issue with Globalizer potentially crashing and exiting without an error message when selecting targets in the target pane, if types associated with previewing the target cannot be loaded for some reason (for instance the wrong framework version is selected).

New in Infraluation Globalizer (Developer Edition) (Jul 13, 2019)

  • Fixed issue in HTML targets where list elements without closing tags are not handled correctly.

New in Infraluation Globalizer (Developer Edition) (Jan 14, 2019)

  • Fixed issue with Deploy Files not being saved on the translators system when the workspace is first opened.

New in Infraluation Globalizer (Developer Edition) (Nov 19, 2018)

  • Added option to include Deploy Files (Base 64 encoded) for targets in the exported workspace file. This allows you to send all the files needed to preview and build an application embedded within a single workspace file. The Deploy Files are automatically unpacked when the translator loads the Workspace. Added Preview Image option to Target Properties. This allows you to specify an image that should be displayed in the Preview Window when a target is selected to provide context to the translator when translating. The image can be selected from existing images or created using the Windows Snipping tool. The image file is added automatically to the Deploy Files for the target.
  • Added Preview options for translations in the Attributes Window. These allow you to specify what is displayed in the Preview Window when the translation is selected. The options allow you to select an image to display or alternatively to display the translation text inside a Windows message box or other system dialog.
  • Added Format Parameters to Attributes Window. This allows you to provide a set of comma separated parameters that when formatting the translation text to display in the Preview Window. Added Preview Parameter Validation Rule to check that translations with format placeholders I have Preview Format Parameters defined and the number of type of parameters is consistent with the placeholders.
  • Added support for localizing Innovasys Help Studios projects. Added support for scanning resources from Visual Studio projects using the new "SDK" format Fixed issue with localised menus/resources not being displayed for non-English languages with .NET 2/3 Framework option selected Fixed issue with the order that translations are saved in the workspace potentially changing when the Globalizer display language changes. Note that this fix will change the order that translations are saved in existing workspaces the next time they are saved.
  • Fixed nnhandled exception when setting ResGen path in Tools > Options

New in Infraluation Globalizer (Developer Edition) (Jul 7, 2018)

  • Fixed issue where Translation Consistency Validation Rule would incorrectly flag errors where there are two or more translations where the invariant differs only in case (ie upper or lower case).
  • Changed Property File targets so that a Byte Order Mark (BOM) is not written when using UTF8 encoding to ensure compatibility with Java which does not handle the BOM correctly.
  • Changed licensing code so that RDP is only blocked by default when Globalizer is run on server operating systems. This enables Globalizer to be used from a VM via RDP for non-server operating systems.
  • Fixed potential issue where pinned and scrollable translation columns become out of sync when using Find.
  • Fixed issue with using Alt-A to enter the special character "ą" with Polish keyboard

New in Infraluation Globalizer (Developer Edition) (Dec 20, 2017)

  • Added Translation Statistics. These can be calculated for selected translations, an individual target or the whole workspace. The statistics are include the number of changes (inserts and deletes) since the last translation by language as well as calculating the percentage complete.
  • Added Validate on Edit option. This allows applies validation rules as you edit and shows you and your translator any possible issues immediately to improve the quality of translations.
  • Added translation Attributes Window to allow you to specify the size available for a translation. The size can be either a fixed number of characters or a size (in Pixels, Points or Ems) calculated using a specified font.
  • Added support for scanning translation attributes (sizes and fonts) for Windows Forms/Controls and Property Files targets.
  • Added Absolute Length Validation Rule which allows you to validate that translations fit in the space specified for them in the Attributes Window.
  • Added Translation Consistency Validation Rule which checks for translation items which have the same invariant text but differing translations.
  • Added new Culture File Naming options to enable the use of an underscore as the Language/Region separator.
  • Added ability to filter translations by comments.
  • Added ability to filter translations to show only those with validation errors.
  • Changed order when writing translations to workspace (gxl) files to be alphabetical. This makes it easier to locate differences when using a version control system to save workspace files.
  • Fixed Form/Control preview to handle scaling of translated sizes and locations when the display scaling is different to that when the control was designed.
  • Improved Globalizer user interface when running on high DPI displays with scaling greater than 100%
  • The Default Font setting has been moved from .NET Forms and WPF Settings to General Settings and now supports setting different default fonts for different cultures.

New in Infraluation Globalizer (Developer Edition) (Feb 19, 2017)

  • Changed Microsoft Auto Translation to use new Azure API. Note that existing Translator API keys obtained through the Microsoft DataMarket will no longer work with this version.
  • Fixed possible accidental cell edit when using Control-S to save workspace if the Control key does not remain held down while the "S" key is released.
  • Added ability to select Context, Target and Type columns and copy data from them. The whole translation row can still be selected by using the Row header.
  • Fixed issue with Control-A not selecting text in Edit window.

New in Infraluation Globalizer (Developer Edition) (Oct 21, 2016)

  • Fixed the Custom Event $(FilePath) parameter when building deployed satellite binaries. This was previously incorrectly set to the file name not the file path.

New in Infraluation Globalizer (Developer Edition) (Sep 6, 2016)

  • Fixed issues with localizing Universal Windows Platform (UWP) libraries.
  • Fixed E001 "Parent Target must implement GetCulturePath" Error when building ASP.NET Web Site Targets

New in Infraluation Globalizer (Developer Edition) (Jun 27, 2016)

  • Fixed issue with using non-ASCII characters in Custom Event commands
  • Fixed handling of markup and placeholders eg {0} when using pseudo translations

New in Infraluation Globalizer (Developer Edition) (Apr 4, 2016)

  • Fixed possible error while opening Workspace files due to fonts not being read correctly in some locales.

New in Infraluation Globalizer (Developer Edition) (Mar 15, 2016)

  • Improved Undo/Redo so that selection is changed as you undo and redo to show the changes being made
  • Changed Lookup Window to allow copy and paste from Invariant text.
  • Changed Lookup Window to clear previous result before starting a new search
  • Fixed possible hang when editing translations using the Edit Window with a Translation Filter applied and making edits which cause the translation to exit the filtered translation set.

New in Infraluation Globalizer (Developer Edition) (Mar 10, 2016)

  • Changed Workspace Invariant culture to enable a neutral culture (eg en instead of en-US) to be used if desired.
  • This can be useful for Windows App localization where the Workspace Invariant culture must match the project Default language.
  • Fixed issue in Version 3.9.0 which causes an error when undoing edits.
  • Fixed issue with building HTML Help Projects that contain sub-directories
  • Fixed previewing and building of HTML Projects where the target culture uses a different code page to the current system locale.
  • Globalizer can now optionally use the SbAppLocale utility to run the HTML Help compiler with the required code page.
  • Fixed issue with Delete and rebuild non-invariant Resx Files incorrectly rebuilding resw files for the default language in Windows App projects, causing comments in the invariant resw files to be lost.

New in Infraluation Globalizer (Developer Edition) (Mar 5, 2016)

  • Added automatic tracking of changes to the invariant text. When the invariant for an item changes then translations for the item have their status set to Needs Review. If there was an existing translation then the previous invariant text is now automatically saved and displayed to allows the translator to see exactly what has changed since the item was last translated. Previously you could use Compare Changes functionality to do something similar - however this only allowed a single previous value for the Invariant to be displayed for all cultures. The new functionality allows for the possibility that the previous invariant may be different for different cultures if the cultures are translated at different times.
  • Added Default Preview Font property to Form Settings and WPF Settings. This allows you to control the default font that is used when previewing controls and forms that do not have the font explicitly set.
  • Added BindingTargetNullKey property to Resx Extension to support localization of the NullValue for WPF bindings.
  • Changed build to exclude building targets for cultures which have been selected in the Excluded Cultures settings. Previously these settings only affected export.
  • Added support for importing of XLIFF files where the XLIFF target culture is for a specific culture and the workspace contains the parent culture.
  • Fixed Error 301 (XmlException) when importing XLIFF files exported by tools which are badly formatted.
  • Fixed error message when scanning Windows App resw files that are not in the “Strings” sub directory

New in Infraluation Globalizer (Developer Edition) (Nov 19, 2015)

  • Added Selected Items count to the status bar.
  • Fixed issue with 64 bit Globalizer user interface not changing when a non-English language is selected using the Tools > Globalizer Language menu.
  • Fixed issue with 64 bit Globalizer displaying a Virtual Tree license evaluation warning.
  • Fixed issue with Load License button not saving the Globalizer license file if the license cannot be reauthenticated by contacting the authentication server.

New in Infraluation Globalizer (Developer Edition) (Nov 19, 2015)

  • Changed naming of “Metro” projects and settings to “Windows App” to align with latest Microsoft terminology.
  • Fixed issue with localized resw files for Windows App projects being built in the wrong directory if the source file is in sub-directory.
  • Fixed issue with Windows App target scanning changing the Uid for existing elements
  • Fixed issue with DependentUpon attribute added by Globalizer to Windows App projects causing a warning in VS2015
  • Fixed issue with Globalizer settings for Windows App, WPF and Silverlight targets not changing culture dynamically at runtime when the Globalizer culture is changed.
  • Fixed error when spellchecking with x64 version of Globalizer.
  • Fixed issue when adding Files targets where clicking the Files browse (…) button caused the File Type and Culture File Naming properties to revert to their default values.

New in Infraluation Globalizer (Developer Edition) (Nov 19, 2015)

  • Added separate 64 bit version of Globalizer. This can be used for previewing and building satellite assemblies for x64 specific .NET executables and components. It can also be used for AnyCPU assemblies.
  • Added Excluded Cultures settings for Targets. This allows you to select specific cultures for which a target will not be exported and translated.
  • Modified Export to only export targets for which translations are exported. When using the Export only items that are untranslated or need review option this removes targets which are not required because there are no matching translations.
  • Fixed generation of satellite assemblies to include the unmanaged resource properties (Version, Product Name etc - displayed by Windows Explorer in the Details tab) from the base assembly.
  • Fixed issue with using extended keyboard selection (using the Shift key) to select multiple translations.

New in Infraluation Globalizer (Developer Edition) (Nov 19, 2015)

  • Added support for exporting and importing from XLIFF files to support interoperability with other translation tools.
  • Updated the licensing parameters to enable use of latest licensing features. Existing customers will need download and install this version of Globalizer in order to authenticate their existing license keys on new machines.

New in Infraluation Globalizer (Developer Edition) (Nov 19, 2015)

  • Fixed issue with Inherit Parent Scan Filters checkbox not working.
  • Fixed Auto Translation of Norwegian Bokmål culture using Bing to handle issue with Bing using the incorrect culture code.

New in Infraluation Globalizer (Developer Edition) (Nov 19, 2015)

  • Fixed issues which caused the Globalizer workspace file to change and grow each time it was saved.
  • Fixed issues with cancellation of operations not working.

New in Infraluation Globalizer (Developer Edition) (Nov 19, 2015)

  • Fixed error when doing a deployed build of a target (in .NET 4) which has a space in the name.
  • Fixed issue with changing culture at design time for WPF controls/windows (using ResxExtension) not working in VS2012 and 2013
  • Added menu to the ResxExtension Notify Tray icon to allow the VS2012/2013 designer process (XDesProc) to be exited (and restarted) to update the display after resources have changed and been rebuilt.

New in Infraluation Globalizer (Developer Edition) (Nov 19, 2015)

  • Fixed bug introduced in 3.6.0 which caused an error when changing the .NET Framework option if not running as Administrator.
  • Fixed error message when attempting to load a workspace if a given culture (eg “zh”) is not supported by the current .NET Framework version.

New in Infraluation Globalizer (Developer Edition) (Nov 19, 2015)

  • Added /allcultures command line option to support scanning non-invariant cultures from the command line.
  • Changed Globalizer to be DPI aware, to support high DPI displays with text scaling set to 125% or more. Previously Globalizer only supported scaling via DPI Virtualization. This means that text is now much clearer when using text scaling and Globalizer behaves correctly even when the Windows XP Style Scaling option is selected.
  • Added Visual Studio 2013 sample project links.
  • Changed workspace to save the current build options in the workspace. This lessens the likelihood of accidently performing a source build when using Globalizer to build the deployed binaries.
  • Fixed issue where preview fails with a NotSupportedException after a Deploy build is done with .NET 4 framework. Deploy builds are now done in a separate spawned process for .NET 4.
  • Fixed possible crash when previewing some .NET 4 Forms applications.
  • Fixed possible ArgumentNullException when auto translating duplicate entries if the Display Filter is set to untranslated items.
  • Fixed issue in Infralution.Localization.Wpf where exceptions would be thrown (and caught) when attempting to load resources from dynamically generated assemblies. While this did not actually cause an error it did make debugging more difficult.
  • Fixed error (E005) while building if the Globalizer workspace is saved in a sub-directory beneath the target project.
  • Fixed navigation failed error when attempting to preview ASP.NET windows/forms the first time.

New in Infraluation Globalizer (Developer Edition) (Nov 19, 2015)

  • Added tooltip to the Lookup Window to show the source of translations.
  • Changed Target > Start Application to set the working directory of the new process to the directory containing the application executable.
  • Changed MarkupExtensionManager.UpdateAllTargets (in WPF localization library) to avoid possible enumeration error if the registered targets change during the update.