Help & Manual Changelog

What's new in Help & Manual 9.4.2 Build 6657

Mar 11, 2024
  • Picture Toggles: right-click context menu offers a “Picture >” entry with the commands Edit with external editor, Show in Explorer and Reload.
  • HTML Export: role and scope attributes for table headers added. Single-cell tables such as toggle tables include the attribute role=”cell”. Table headers <th> tags include the attribute scope=”col” or scope=”colgroup” for multiple columns.
  • HTML Export: compilation of .SNIPX prefers the local xplainCmd.exe over any installed version of HelpXplain.
  • Screen Capture: SNIPX added as native save format for screenshots.
  • Windows 10/11 long path names (> 260 characters) enabled in manifest file. Updated Webhelp export and updated HM2Go to support long path names.

New in Help & Manual 9.4.1 Build 6617 (Feb 4, 2024)

  • Confluence import has been updated. The Confluence import now recognizes more macros and skips older versions of the same page.
  • Topic Editor: support for horizontal scrolling implemented: works with 4-directional mouse and with SHIFT + mouse wheel and support for trackpad gestures (in particular left/right swipe) implemented
  • Paste function: understands the SnipSVG share format
  • Help context numbers: if a topic contains multiple help context numbers, they are now sorted automatically when the topic is saved. The background for this sort is not just convenience, but we want them to appear sorted in the XML project file as well. When a version control system compares XML source lines, it is very likely to sort them alphabetically. The sorted XML structure should prevent a VCS from mixing up two sources.
  • Insert Link dialog: checkbox added to replace the link caption with the variable <%TARGETTITLE%>
  • HTML Export: right-aligned and centered images with a fixed size and without a caption and with hotspots were exported without alignment.
  • HTML Export: if a PDF snippet was enclosed by <IF> tags, one page of the PDF was missing in the output (this affected the HTML output only, PDF export did properly include all selected pages).
  • EPUB export: if an IPP image was used for the EPUB cover picture and the IPP contained a callout object, the IPP image could not be converted.
  • General: improved support for the SNIPX image format, which belongs to SnipSVG. When creating HTML (Webhelp/eWriter/Ziphelp), it exports SNIPX images as SVG.

New in Help & Manual 9.4.0 Build 6617 (Dec 8, 2023)

  • Confluence import implemented:
  • SnipX file format for images enabled (.snipx is the format of our new image editor, coming soon):
  • Topic Editor: when rescaling images, the image displays the new size while the resizer is being moved::
  • Topic status: when using darker colors for status indication, the text foreground color automatically changes to white

New in Help & Manual 9.3.0 Build 6582 (Oct 26, 2023)

  • The Ziphelp option for HTML5/Webhelp output was “on” by default and could not be changed. This build update changes the default for Ziphelp to “off”.

New in Help & Manual 9.3.0 Build 6580 (Oct 19, 2023)

  • HTML5/Webhelp output with Ziphelp support
  • eWriter Viewer 4.0 included
  • HelpXplain command line compiler: before exporting an Xplain, the compiler checks if source file and output have the same time stamp and skips compiliation if they are equal. This speeds up compilation of projects that contain several Xplains.
  • Import Word/RTF: new import option added Use topic heading as ID (ignores the typical “refXXXXX” references from Word and replaces them with auto-generated IDs from the topic heading).
  • Import HTML Help/CHM: new import option added Import text-popups as standard topics.
  • OLE MathType objects were (no longer) transparent when exported to HTML. This bug was introduced with version 9.2 in August.

New in Help & Manual 9.1.0 Build 6440 (Apr 9, 2023)

  • Insert Link Dialog: New checkbox implemented that indicates whether the link points to the current topic. Ticking the checkbox (if unchecked) changes to the current topic.
  • Insert Table dialog: Checkbox added to tick all border sides of selected cells at once.
  • Save Picture Dialog: The automatic unique file name suggestion (save as “clipXXXX.png”) includes the username and computer name into the suggested file name, if a project is under version control. With version control, it is otherwise very likely to generate identical file names on different computers
  • Publishing tasks: In the Variables tab, import/export buttons for publishing variables have been re-implemented
  • SVG images: Colors defined with an RGBA() color definition are now correctly rendered.
  • Export dialog: The number of recently used skins is now limited to 15. The list was (unintentionally) not limited.
  • Import: Improved memory management when importing large chunks of HTML files
  • HTML Export: If an image contained one or more hotspots, had a caption, a flexible width and was centered on the page and did not use an image style with a border, the HTML written for the image contained one </div> tag too many and was invalid.
  • eWriter Export: The udpated eViewer.exe version 3.4 is included. When creating an .EXE file, the output file is created in the Windows temp folder first, then customized, then copied to the destination, to avoid interference with Dropbox, OneDrive, AV programs interuptions.
  • PDF Export: If the table of figures was printed before topics and the TOF spanned more than 1 page, the TOF entries after the first page did not contain page numbers.
  • PDF Export: Some special characters such as the Ohm symbol (O) where rendered with a replacement character in certain cases.

New in Help & Manual 9.0.3 Build 6380 (Feb 9, 2023)

  • French User Interface: several bug fixes in the French UI translation.
  • eWriter Viewer 3.3: the udpated eViewer.exe version 3.3 is included for creating eWriter e-books. Note that eWriter Viewer 3.3 is available as a stand-alone installer as well. See below for details.
  • DeepL Plugin: bug fix for protected word lists.
  • Word/DOCX export: second-level keywords from snippets were not correctly indexed.
  • Image Styles: images with rounded corners – if the picture had round corners and no spacing between image and border, the border radius was wrong in PDF export.
  • Insert Picture Toggles: picture selection dialog now offers custom image formats as well.

New in Help & Manual 9.0.2 Build 6342 (Dec 16, 2022)

  • User Interface: in addition to the default English and German UI, Help+Manual comes with an optional French user interface. Please consider the French version as a beta test. You can switch back to English any time.
  • Word Export: image styles have been implemented for DOCX/Word export. These were missing in 9.0.
  • PDF Export: if a topic anchor was placed on an empty line, this line became zero height in print.
  • HTML Help (.chm) Export: the new scripts in version 9 caused an error on older Windows versions prior Windows 7.
  • Topic Editor: improved mouse hints for images formatted with an image style
  • DeepL Plugin: critical bug fix, the texts < > and & were shortened to their unescaped value (< > &) and therefore lost in the translation process.
  • PDF Snippets: PDF files with special non-ASCII characters could not be loaded
  • Publishing tasks: in the variables overwrite tab, some optical glitches have been fixed. When one or more of the variables in the list was overwritten, after a reload of the variable list, the very last variable in this list was also flagged as “overwrite” no matter if the value was different or not.

New in Help & Manual 9.0.0 Build 6302 (Nov 20, 2022)

  • Version Control with GIT Support
  • Image Styles
  • Figure Tables and Figure Links
  • PDF Merging
  • Premium Pack 5

New in Help & Manual 8.5.0 Build 5980 (Aug 22, 2022)

  • eWriter Export Format: we recently released the redistributable eWriter Viewer 3.0 for Windows and MacOS.
  • Help+Manual v8.5 includes the new eWriter Viewer 3.0 (32 bit) to create stand-alone EXE e-books and the configuration page for eWriter export has new export options: a product logo (shown on MacOS and Windows) and menu options for MacOS.
  • Please note that some export options for the eWriter format are depricated with the updated viewer and have been moved to the new command line options.
  • Snagit: we have added direct support for TechSmith Snagit® 2022 cross-platform file format “.snagx”. The .snagX format is the (editable) compound image format containing the original screenshot, annotations and modifications. Help+Manual can load a .snagX picture directly and treats it like a PNG file.
  • Please note: the new compound .snagX format is available with Snagit 2022 only. This file format is different to the old .snag file format.
  • Publish dialog: the publishing tasks frame now responds to the mouse wheel
  • Screen Capture tool (bugfix): when doing a screen capture on a different monitor than the primary monitor, the cursor icon was not included.
  • Bulk Find & Replace: the “replace all” function (internally using an XML scanner) has unintentionally removed non-breaking spaces (#160) from the source.

New in Help & Manual 8.4.4 Build 5960 (May 30, 2022)

  • Configuration > Misc: when changing the option for Translation-friendly XML, topic time stamps and last edited by are kept by default (option to keep it is included in the dialog). This function is particularly important for the Help+Manual Translation Assistant.
  • Project Report: extended, long and full project report now includes topic comments
  • Equation objects: vertical alignment for “top”, “middle” and “bottom” added.
  • Word/RTF import: keywords that contain a “: ” (colon + space) are separated into 2-level keywords.
  • SVG Images: improved display of SVG images created by PowerPoint
  • Screen Capture: the screen capture tool has additional functionality for stand-alone use.
  • Bug fixes:
  • DeepL Plugin: internal bug fix when encoding UTF8 payload for translation, which may have caused DeepL to return distorted XML in some cases.
  • Figure labels: if the text line following a figure label object contained a topic-specific variable, this variable was not replaced with the current variable in the PDF table-of-figures (global variables worked). Bug fix for figure labels not included in the figure list (could have caused an endless loop and H&M crashing)
  • HelpXplain in Webhelp: on computers with system locale Chinese (simplified and traditional), the loader script for HelpXplain presentations had the wrong encoding. HTML topic pages that hosted an Xplain contained damaged HTML code.

New in Help & Manual 8.4.3 Build 5940 (Feb 5, 2022)

  • Changes in 8.4.3 Build 5940:
  • SVG images: loading of SVG images with embedded base64-encoded image data is now faster. Bugfix for images with base64-encoded embedded data that was split into junks.
  • Screen Capture tool: optical glitches fixed in screen capture UI, when Windows UI style was set to “classic” Win2000 style (this causes Windows to switch off Aero and transparent drawing, which parts of the UI have relied on).
  • The color dialogs for table color and font/background color were changed to a new dialog that supports an entry box for HTML-style color codes.
  • Bug fixes:
  • Copy topics/TOC entries: when topics copied from another project were tagged with build tags not present in the target project, H&M asked to extend the list of build tags. This extension went wrong and the custom build list got damaged.
  • eWriter Export: icon file could not be updated when the output file was an executable (.exe).

New in Help & Manual 8.4.2 Build 5920 (Dec 17, 2021)

  • Sandcastle Import Revised:
  • To write source code documentation for Visual Studio, Help+Manual can import VS libraries and build a documentation skeleton for all the classes and units found. The import tool is called Microsoft Sandcastle.
  • This update includes a revised Sandcastle import with better style support, larger default fonts and optional table styles.
  • Miscellaneous Changes:
  • Windows Meta Files (.WMF) on high-resolution monitors: WMF images have a face value of their regular size, which is actually coined for a 96 dpi system. On high-res systems, WMF files will appear larger than they originally appeared. We have to compensate for the difference in Help+Manual, which we do with version 8.4.2. This behavior is on by default, but can be deactivated with an option switch in the Editor tab of the Program Options dialog.
  • Note that the sizing issue affects old-style .wmf files only. The more modern enhanced metafiles (.emf) are not concerned.
  • Table of Contents: when copying items within the TOC, topics were always automatically created or duplicated, respectively. There is a new paste option in the drop-down menu of the Paste button, to paste TOC entries only, without duplicating topics.
  • EWriter eBooks: the default width and height of the viewer window (like 800 x 600 px) depended on the resolution of the monitor where H&M was being run. It is now treated independent from that resolution.
  • Furthermore we fixed a very rare problem that could have sometimes cause the eWriter export to fail.
  • Image toggles in HTML export: the magnifier SVG symbol shown on image toggles was slightly clipped on the top and left side.
  • Project Language: “Norwegian Nynorsk” was listed twice in the language list (two times NO-NO instead of NO plus NO-NO)
  • Publishing Tasks: optical glitch fixed – the last task entry was hidden by the horizontal scrollbar if the main window was too narrow.
  • Hard page breaks with a change of print orientation at the beginning of a topic caused a parasite blank paragraph in HTML export.
  • Word/DOCX export: bugfix with Word styles
  • Batch publishing: if there is no license at all (demo version) the batch export warns about no license and exits with ExitCode 99.

New in Help & Manual 8.4.1 Build 5881 (Sep 29, 2021)

  • Version 8.4 introduced a updated XML parser that properly reads 4-byte unicode characters. This update had an unwanted side effect: it doesn’t write Asian characters properly. A project with content in Japanese language might load correctly, but when saved and re-opened, the Japanese characters in the TOC can be missing.
  • We are still working on a fix of this problem, but for the time being, the XML parser has been revered to the previous version (without support for 4-byte unicode chars).

New in Help & Manual 8.4.0 Build 5872 (Aug 9, 2021)

  • DeepL Translation Plugin:
  • This update comes with a revised version of the DeepL Translation Plugin. DeepL has recently started to offer free API keys, that you can use to auto-translate a certain amount of text per month (the free contingent is a generous 500.000 characters). The free API keys, however, require a different API address and Help+Manual 8.4 now works with both, the paid and the free translation API.
  • If you always wondered about the semi-automatic translation but could not wrap your head around purchasing a DeepL subscription, take a look at this upgrade and sign up at DeepL for a free API key to give it a try.
  • Another modification concerns the translation glossary terms. This sorted list is now applied in reverse order. Before, multiple terms like “MyFace” and “MyFace Player App” would exclude one another. By applying reverse order, “MyFace Player App” takes precedence over “MyFace”.
  • And lest we forget: the updated DeepL plugin has added 13 new languages.
  • Equation Editor:
  • The LaTeX-based equation editor introduced with Help+Manual 8.0 has been updated and now supports a much wider range of LaTeX commands.
  • The biggest improvement about equations, however, is the SVG export of equations in HTML. Version 8.4 exports all equations as scalable vector graphics, which significantly improves the display quality on high resolution display. Before, Help+Manual exported equations as enlarged transparent PNG files. So for all HTML-based outputs we use embedded SVG instead of PNG, for MS Word/DOCX output we write SVG with a PNG fallback for older Word versions.
  • Link Lists:
  • The link list object has a new option to display the topic description of the target topic below the link. You can activate the topic description in the link list dialog box. In HTML, all links produced by a link list object, have an additional title tag sporting either the description or the title of the target topic as mouse hint. Internally, that is in the HTML code, link lists are marked with the class name “hmlinklistitem”.
  • PDF Problem Fixes:
  • We have changed the automatic hyphenation rules for PDF and print manuals. Automatic hyphenation is no longer applied to styles which are excluded from spell checking, according to your styles skip-list. So the auto-hyphenation is similar to the spell checker and the excluded project-depended styles.
  • Furthermore, automatic hyphenation is not applied to Internet links, if the link caption (partly) matches the target address. For weblinks, the caption is tested against the string “.//” and for email links the caption is tested against “@”. If found, the caption is assumed to represent a web address or an email, respectively, and not hyphenated.
  • To summarize it, auto-hyphenation in PDF/Print is not applied if:
  • A) Word wrap is turned off for this paragraph style (this has always been the case)
  • B) The text style matches a style from the spell-exclude-list
  • C) The text item is an Internet link and the caption matches the address
  • Bugfix 1: Text with math symbols from upper Unicode ranges was printed as glyph. The problem here was that the entire text containing the symbol was printed as glyph, not just the math symbol. Now the text is split by words and only words that contain a math symbol are printed as glyphs.
  • Bugfix 2: Links in tables with a vertical text orientation were misplaced – the click hotspot was in the wrong place as if the text was horizontal. Page referrer page numbers were also misplaced in this case.
  • Bugfix 3: Figure tables – if the figure number was made up from a prefix + .figurenum, the figure number wasn’t properly removed from the text that is displayed in the figure table.
  • Miscellaneous Changes and Bug Fixes:
  • EWriter eBooks: updated viewer application with memory optimizations while compiling e-books to avoid out-of-memory issues on very large e-books.
  • Baggage files: the images preview pane adds support for SVG, WEBP and XPLAIN images.
  • SVG images: better error handling for invalid SVG images (often created by MS Visio) implemented.
  • Project Overview: chart legend includes absolute values (numbers of topics changed in that particular time frame)
  • Webhelp: List items were exported to HTML without a final CRLF in the HTML code. This is merely a cosmetic change to improve the readability of the HTML source.
  • Webhelp: bugfix in lightbox script, lightbox now closes with ESC.
  • Webhelp: Extended HTML5 named entities for Greek letters and mathematical operators (replacements for “Symbol” font symbols) have been replaced by their Unicode decimal character values. The theoretical benefit of named entities is that old browsers not capable of Unicode might be able to display them though. The theoretical disadvantage of named entities is that some browsers might not recognize them. This change is merely cosmetical, though the popular Calibre eBook editor issued a warning for these entities in ePUB ebooks.
  • Webhelp: font names that start with a digit are now put in quotes (as well as font names with spaces)
  • Webhelp: in DEFAULT.CSS, the CSS for image maps was changed and the string “filter:alpha(opacity=1)” has been removed. This was an old MSIE-specific setting.
  • Webhelp: Internet links with type “button” – if the link specified to open a new window when clicked, this option was ignored.
  • Webhelp: YouTube and Vimeo videos did not play automatically (after click) in the current version of Google Chrome. This worked in other browsers.
  • Equation editor: the selection dropdown for symbols displayed lowercase Greek symbols in the uppercase Greek symbols group.
  • Topic Editor: when sorting tables or moving rows within tables, the operation could not be reversed with the undo function.
  • Topic Editor: clicks on topic links with anchor now scroll the anchor to the top of the editor instead to the bottom.
  • Topic Editor: mouse hints for inline snippets restricted to 300 characters to avoid excessive mouse hint sizes.
  • Topic Editor: when editing a figure caption, the editor selected all text until the end of the paragraph as caption part. If the paragraph ended with an IFDEF, for instance, that IFDEF got deleted after editing the caption. This behavior has been changed: it treats all text following a figure caption object as caption, but stops at non-text elements.
  • Spell Check / Automatic Hyphenation: if a project used a project-dependent spell checker setting and the automatic hyphenation was turned off for the project, the hyphenation setting reverted to the global value instead instead of using the project-dependent “off” value.
  • Publishing tasks: build events with a relative path to the executable did not work in some cases.
  • License dialog: maintenance for floating licenses could have been wrong if floating licenses were added via license manager.

New in Help & Manual 8.3.1 Build 5793 (Mar 22, 2021)

  • PDF Export: in the manual designer, the Tables section had a “new page” break option only. All Table sections now support “new odd page” and “new even page” as well.
  • PDF Export: some Unicode characters were not recognized as “unprintable” (which means that these characters are automatically exported as glyphs). Depending on the font (e.g. Calibri), some characters from the upper Unicode range were exported as text though and ended up being displayed as question marks in the PDF.
  • Robohelp Import: Help+Manual now supports multiple Robohelp-TOCs and multiple keyword files.
  • XML Code: the LastEditedBy attribute in topic files was empty if the Windows user name was too long.
  • DeepL Translation Plugin: the <list> and <li> tags were defined as DeepL-non-splitting-tags. This may have caused translation errors with lists.
  • Workspaces: when opening a workspace with multiple projects, the projects no longer open with a fully expanded TOC, but are just expanded on project level. You can rearrange the order of multiple projects within a workspace by drag & drop and the Save All button (available on the quick-access toolbar at the top of the main window) now saves the workspace configuration as well, if it has changed.
  • Equations: if the font color for an equation was set to “auto”, it was converted to black (#000000). Now, the “auto” font color is preserved and picks up the font color of the current text style.
  • Insert Picture Gallery: if an image in the picture gallery was also included in the baggage list of the project, Help+Manual unnecessarily asked to add the search path every time.
  • Impict (.ipp) Images: we added a global option in the Program Options dialog to treat IPP images as transparent by default. This will re-render IPP images against a transparent background during the export and save them as transparent PNGs.
  • Publishing Tasks Editor: optical glitches fixed when scrolling through very long task lists, duplicate task names are now tested for and not permitted.
  • ePUB Export: the HTML page templates for ePUB received a “lang” attribute by default.
  • Webhelp full-text search: we fixed an XSS vulnerability in the “zoom_search.js” script. This vulnerability occurred when date range search was enabled. Which wasn’t an issue in Help+Manual directly, but was a potential issue when using the full version of the Zoom search engine with Help+Manual.
  • History foward/backward: this is the least obvious change but perhaps the best addition in this update – when using the back/next buttons to page through topics in your project you had just accessed, Help+Manual saves the text editor position with the history. In other words: when you go back to the topic you just came from, it remembers the vertical scroll position.

New in Help & Manual 8.3.0 Build 5750 (Jan 22, 2021)

  • Asian Font Names:
  • This update significantly improves handling of Asian fonts. If you do not translate your documentation into Asian languages, you might never notice. Asian fonts have dual font names in Windows: their native name and an English equivalent. For instance, your Windows may support the font Microsoft YaHei, which is known to be a Chinese font. On a Chinese Windows, however, there is no Microsoft YaHei anywhere, you have 微软雅黑 instead, which means the same, just in Chinese. As long as the project stays on an English computer (or Chinese, for that matter), everything is fine. Problems may arise when the project is being edited on one PC and published on another, because despite it’s the very same font, the name strings don’t match.
  • Version 8.3 has a new global option to automatically translate Asian font names when a project or topic is loaded. In other words: no matter if the XML sources specify Microsoft YaHei or 微软雅黑, you will always see ‘Microsoft YaHei’, and vice versa on a Chinese system.
  • ePUB and HelpXplain:
  • The ePUB export got several changes for embedded Xplains. Before, Xplains were exported to ePUB as simple images, now they adhere to the export settings (as defined per Xplain) for DOCX/PDF/Print.
  • What’s more, the ePUB configuration page has a new setting to export Xplains natively, that is embedded, scripted. We do not recommend to use this, because most ePUB readers won’t be able to display interactive Xplains in an eBook. However, some browsers do and here you go. The ePUB manifest has been updated to integrate those scripted pages properly and mark them as ‘scripted’.
  • Miscellaneous Changes and Bug Fixes:
  • eWriter eBooks: updated viewer application, now supports <track> tags for video subtitles.
  • Screen Capture: error fixed when the hotkey stop screen capture was already globally reserved by another program.
  • DeepL Translation Plugin: the Translate and Apply button now have optional keyboard shortcuts. The internal XML code sent to DeepL has been updated to improve spacing issues in the DeepL translation process.
  • Inline Text Toggles support optional icons.
  • Synchronize Tool: the topic status in the target topic was applied with a lowercase “needs review” instead of a camel-case “Needs Review”. This might have triggered unintended updates of version control systems.
  • DeepL Translation Plugin: the translation glossary is now applied to plain text as well (topic captions and keywords). Bugfix: when a partial table was selected, the translation was not applied.
  • Spell Check: the suggestions list of the spelling checker did use MS Sans Serif as its default font, which is not fully capable of Unicode. As a result, some special characters may not have been displayed correctly.
  • Image Shortcuts Gallery: the load method of the drop-down image gallery has been modified to better distribute the load time when accessing remote drives.
  • Equations in HTML: equations are exported to HTML as transparent PNG images at twice their display size, to improve the appearance on high-resolution displays.
  • Symbol Fonts in HTML: Help+Manual can export certain user-defined fonts as inline SVG. The fill-rule for those inline SVG has been changed to “nonzero” to improve the appearance of overlapping characters such as script fonts.
  • Email links in Webhelp: all email links (mailto://) now have an explicit target attribute. While this attribute is usually ignored by the web browser, it might apply if the default email app is GMail or a similar web service. The target attribute ensures that the email app opens in a new tab or window.
  • Table Text Rotation: error fix when applying table text rotation to an entire table.

New in Help & Manual 8.2.1 Build 5670 (Oct 17, 2020)

  • WEBP Image Format:
  • Help+Manual natively supports the WEBP image format. You can use WEBP as regular images or toggle images. When creating Webhelp, WEBP images are exported native. For all other output formats, Help+Manual converts WEBP to 32-bit PNG images, to ensure compatibility. Please be aware that WEBP images are yet not supported by all web browsers. If you use the WEBP format, these pictures might not be visible in Webhelp in older browsers.
  • Copy & Paste Operations:
  • When pasting images from the clipboard into a topic and saving it in PNG format, the alpha-transparency of the clipboard image is preserved. In addition to this, you can copy & paste image files from Windows Explorer into a topic.
  • One particular change has been applied for the SnagIt screen capture tool: SnagIt is capable of creating transparent images, but does not place a transparent picture on the clipboard. However, it places a piece of HTML code on the clipboard, which links to a transparent PNG image. You can now copy & paste transparent images from SnagIt by using the “Paste HTML” function.
  • SVG in Word:
  • Version 8.2.1 exports SVG images to Word in native format, including a PNG fallback for older Word versions. This will increase the size of the Word document, but offers a much improved print quality for SVG images. Also updated: export of a Table of Figures and a Table of Tables.
  • Miscellaneous Changes and Bug Fixes:
  • Weblinks: the Insert Link dialog now supports the extended rel-attribute. The encoding of Weblinks in HTML has changed to support both, non-escaped special characters as well as escaped special characters.
  • Error on start fixed (in rare cases, an Index-out-of-bounds error occurred right after the start of Help+Manual).
  • Convert to plain text: when selecting multiple table cells, this could have triggered an error.
  • XML Code: the internal list IDs are now consequently numbered from 1 to XX. Before this change, they had more or less random internal IDs that have changed with every topic modification. This update makes it easier to compare topic files for changes.
  • AuthorIT Import: the import of AuthorIT projects has received a major update. We implemented a new option to keep or discard the AIT folder structure during the import and have fixed several formatting bugs where styles were not imported correctly (table styles, paragraph styles, tabbed text, list numbering).
  • DeepL Translation Plugin: the translation glossary is now applied to plain text as well (topic captions and keywords).
  • PDF Export: linked external PDF files that were supposed to be embedded were not automatically embedded anymore, starting with v8.2.0.
  • eWriter Viewer: the viewer did not remember the position, if the viewer window was maximized on a secondary monitor.
  • Webhelp Export: the default CSS file was generally ANSI-encoded, but should be UTF-8 encoded.

New in Help & Manual 8.2.0 Build 5520 (Sep 3, 2020)

  • DeepL Translation Plugin:
  • The DeepL translation plugin includes more languages: the target language can distinct between American and British English and between Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese.
  • The biggest change, however, is the support of protected text. In Help+Manual, you can mark text as “protected“, which means that it shouldn’t be translated. This text flag is now supported by the translation plugin. But there’s more to protected text!
  • We have implemented a glossary feature to list words and phrases that you want to protect from translation in general. This is extremely practical to protect product names or trademarks, that would otherwise be translated by DeepL.
  • DeepL Translation Glossary
  • Floating Licenses with Proxy Settings:
  • For companies that use a mandatory corporate proxy server to manage Internet access for all employees, floating licenses did not work, because Help+Manual could not access the license server to book a floating license.
  • Now you can tell Help+Manual to use a dedicated proxy server for logon and logoff.
  • Miscellaneous Changes and Bug Fixes:
  • Project Statistics (overview page): the option to disable automatic calculation is back.
  • Insert HTML Code dialog: the dialog now has dedicated support for static HTML code, merge of external HTML files and web urls.
  • Support for custom Web font alternatives implemented: in Configuration > Publishing > Webhelp there is a new page to specify font family alternatives for the Webhelp output. Help+Manual included and used a list of standard fonts already, now this list has been made customizable.
  • eWriter Viewer 2.3.6 is shipped with this version (also available in the Microsoft store). When two instances were opened with the same eBook, the second instance showed no data.
  • Recent files and pinned files: the lists are now faster and fix a problem, that Help+Manual sometimes forgot the last edited topic, when re-opening an recent file.
  • Edit table dialog: when activating the radio button “Size table manually” and changing the unit from “Percent” to “Pixel” the value “width” remained at 100 instead of displaying the correct (fixed) with in pixels
  • When changing the name of a merged project (instead of deleting and re-inserting it), an error occurred.
  • Project Synchronize: user defined variables, topic status and custom builds are now synchronized.
  • PDF: Table of Figures and Table of Tables now support page breaks.
  • PDF: external file links to other PDF files are generally opened in a new window/tab
  • PDF export with double-run (required if the “total pages” variable is used in the manual template): <HMFIGCOUNTER+> references were wrong.
  • PDF: a new option to print links with a specified color but optionally no underline has been implemented in Configuration > Publishing > PDF Layout
  • PDF Manual Designer: display glitch fixed – when zoom was > 100%, images were not correctly scaled.
  • PDF export with IFDEFs and manual page breaks: if the page break was right before an IF tag, the page break was unintentionally removed.
  • PDF: when exporting selected TOC items only, snippets placed on manual pages were not found if not included as topic.
  • PDF and Print: bug fix for Xplains printed as grid, when the presentation was inserted on a new line as part of a bullet point.
  • Link lists: if a link list object was the very first item in a topic, this could have triggered a publishing error in some cases.
  • SVG problem fixed: if an SVG image defined no text color, the color “null” was used and therefore produced invisible text. The color now defaults to black.
  • Error with undo fixed: when inserting a new table, entering text and performing multiple undo operations with ALT+BACKSPACE, the editor triggered an error when the newly inserted table got removed.

New in Help & Manual 8.1.0 Build 5536 (May 24, 2020)

  • The focus for this update was on speed issues and on floating licenses.
  • Saving Screenshots Took to Long:
  • Did you ever experience a delay when taking a screenshot with Help+Manual? The delay occurred after the screenshot had been taken and before the save dialog appeared. If yes, this is an important update for you!
  • When taking a screenshot, Help+Manual prompts you to save the screenshot as picture file and suggests a file name, something like clip0019.png. To make sure this suggested file name is unique and not already used by another image, Help+Manual has to test whether such a file exists anywhere in the project search path. This function was not fast enough and that became even more obvious during the covid19 pandemic, where many users were working from home offices, connected via VPN. The connection lag multiplied those delays.
  • What’s new is, that the save dialog for screenshots should come up 10 to 50 times faster than before – depending on the folder structure of your help project.
  • Optional Password for Floating Licenses:
  • This is important news for admins: the Floating License Manager has been updated with a password/PIN code function. This is an additional security layer, which can be applied to a pool of floating licenses by the administrator. When a password/PIN code is set in place, Help+Manual will prompt the user to enter the password/PIN code. This code is stored locally, so that the end user is not required to enter it every time.
  • Admins can set or change the password/PIN code to effectively exclude users who are no longer authorized to use a license from the floating license pool.
  • Miscellaneous Changes and Bug Fixes:
  • Faster loading and memory optimized printing for large JPEG images: if a single topic contained several very large JPEG images, the time to load this topic – and decode the JPEG images – has been improved. This also affects printing of such a topic.
  • Print Topic: the function to print a single topic has been improved and fixes an optical glitch during printing.
  • Project Full Report: the list of unused images also reported files without an extension
  • Drag & drop of TOC items: when a TOC item was dragged to another node, the arrow buttons to shift TOC items up/down and left/right where not initialized correctly.
  • Table Insert Row: inserting a table row with keyboard commands only (SHIFT+F10 > Table > Rows > Insert) has triggered an error.
  • Improved dialog to pin a floating license for offline use: Help+Manual allows you to check out (pin) a floating license for offline use. A pinned floating license is exclusively assigned to that computer and blocked for everybody else. Though this function is not required to normally use a floating license, some users always activated it. A new “pin” dialog explains this function better.

New in Help & Manual 8.0.3 Build 5500 (Apr 22, 2020)

  • Link lists with Inline Option:
  • The new link lists in version 8 are a highly appreciated feature by most users and we quickly received suggestions how to improve them further. While we are still collection user suggestions for this new object, one of these has been implemented with the 8.0.3 update: an inline option to publish a list of links as comma-separated text, instead of a classic list.
  • Admin Tool: Change File Associations:
  • The View tab has a button to start a new tool, that sets, changes or removes file associations in Windows. A file association tells Windows which program to start when you double click, for instance, a file with the extension .HMXZ. These file associations are automatically set by the installer. For admins who administer floating licenses, however, this can be a big help.
  • PDF Layout Configuration:
  • If you create PDF manuals with numbered outlines (outlines are the interactive TOC in a PDF file), the outline numbering was not reflected by the links that point to those topics. The PDF Layout configuration setting now features a configuration option whether to apply numberings to links as well or not:
  • Miscellaneous New Features and Bug Fixes:
  • eWriter eBooks: the eBook viewer has been updated to v2.3.5 and now supports external file links to other ebook files, with deep linking. This means you can open another eWriter ebook and jump a specific topic.
  • Equations (math objects) were not exported to DOCX
  • Insert Table dialog: when changing the table style, the number of heading rows is automatically changed as well.
  • XML read bug: if a <snippet> tag is placed on a separate line in the XML source code, an extra blank line was inserted before the snippet in Help+Manual.
  • Copy & paste of topics in TOC: topic title does no longer get an enumeration extension like “_2”
  • List update bug: #150 and #151 in non-symbol fonts (dash and long dash) were sometimes displayed with a symbol charset
  • Updated SubVersion comparison dialog / conflict editing dialog
  • Three new HTML variables have been introduced – these variables can be used in the topic HTML template (more on this in a separate blog post later):
  • <%HM_LINKLIST_SIBLINGS%> Generates an <ul> list of all topics that are on the same level as the current topic, excluding the current topic.
  • <%HM_LINKLIST_CHILDREN%> Generates an <ul> list of child topics of the current topic.
  • <%HM_LINKLIST_ANCHORS%> Generates an <ul> list of all anchors in the current topic.

New in Help & Manual 8.0.2 Build 5475 (Mar 29, 2020)

  • New Features and bug fixes:
  • EWriter eBooks: several small fixes to the eBook viewer – initial browser zoom on high-dpi monitors, viewer app button was sometimes too large, app button color highlight did not always revert to normal.
  • Images in nested tables: were displayed at the wrong size if editor zoom was > 100% and the user switched between editing the outer topic and the first table. This bug was a cosmetic issue only.
  • Publishing tasks: after publishing a task, the click to show the compiler log created an error. Wrong caption in publishing tasks dialog (Delete selected item was named Add Task Action).
  • Image toggles inside table cells, with a fixed image size and without caption, did not scale with Premium Pack skins when the text size changed by the user
  • Link lists: when chapters without text and regular topics were mixed in a list, the text-only-chapters did point to the previous topic
  • HelpXplain export: umlauts in tooltips of poster image had wrong encoding
  • DeepL translation plugin: Japanese and Chinese Simplified are now supported
  • Update Build 5475:
  • Design-time comments: when a comment was displayed as an icon only, it could not easily be double-clicked for editing. Double-click editing for icon-only comments has been improved.
  • Bug fix for the customize-bullet-list dialog
  • Error message “Invalid characters in path” fixed

New in Help & Manual 8.0.2 Build 5473 (Mar 23, 2020)

  • New Features and bug fixes:
  • eWriter eBooks: several small fixes to the eBook viewer – initial browser zoom on high-dpi monitors, viewer app button was sometimes too large, app button color highlight did not always revert to normal.
  • Images in nested tables: were displayed at the wrong size if editor zoom was > 100% and the user switched between editing the outer topic and the first table. This bug was a cosmetic issue only.
  • Publishing tasks: after publishing a task, the click to show the compiler log created an error. Wrong caption in publishing tasks dialog (Delete selected item was named Add Task Action).
  • Image toggles inside table cells, with a fixed image size and without caption, did not scale with Premium Pack skins when the text size changed by the user
  • Link lists: when chapters without text and regular topics were mixed in a list, the text-only-chapters did point to the previous topic
  • HelpXplain export: umlauts in tooltips of poster image had wrong encoding
  • DeepL translation plugin: Japanese and Chinese Simplified are now supported

New in Help & Manual 8.0.2 Build 5472 (Mar 21, 2020)

  • Data Loss with Topic Status Change:
  • Version 8.0.2 fixes a bug related to topic-status changes that can cause data lossif the topic status was changed for multiple topics at once, those topics that have been edited before (and were yet not saved) lost their content.
  • This bug also triggered a problem with the table of contents, a warning appeared that the table of contents could not be stored.
  • Please, download and install v8.0.2 over your existing installation of Help+Manual 8.
  • New Features and bug fixes:
  • eWriter eBooksseveral small fixes to the eBook viewer – initial browser zoom on high-dpi monitors, viewer app button was sometimes too large, app button color highlight did not always revert to normal.
  • Images in nested tableswere displayed at the wrong size if editor zoom was > 100% and the user switched between editing the outer topic and the first table. This bug was a cosmetic issue only.
  • Publishing tasksafter publishing a task, the click to show the compiler log created an error. Wrong caption in publishing tasks dialog (Delete selected item was named Add Task Action).
  • Image toggles inside table cells, with a fixed image size and without caption, did not scale with Premium Pack skins when the text size changed by the user
  • Link listswhen chapters without text and regular topics were mixed in a list, the text-only-chapters did point to the previous topic
  • HelpXplain exportumlauts in tooltips of poster image had wrong encoding
  • DeepL translation pluginJapanese and Chinese Simplified are now supported

New in Help & Manual 8.0.1 Build 5462 (Mar 4, 2020)

  • New Features and bug fixes:
  • The eWriter eBook viewer has an additional command line option to put the eBook window on top of other windows (“stay-on-top”). Furthermore, the configuration for the eBook menu has an option to specify the color of the application menu button. Instead of just orange, you can select your own color. An optical viewer glitch on very large monitors has been fixed and the eBook viewer app is no longer signed – this is an intentional change, because the signature of the executable gets invalid anyway, when packed with HTML data.
  • Screen Capture: the automatic window selection did not work on Windows Terminal Server
  • German UI: translation bug in “Online Activation failed” string caused an error
  • Link lists to TOC entries that included merged projects at more than 1 level (e.g. a sub-sub-project) did not work in PDF

New in Help & Manual 8.0.0 Build 5451 (Feb 19, 2020)

  • The eWriter Viewer app is now included in the distribution of Help+Manual, no separate installation required
  • Bugfix toggle images: left/right aligned toggle images without image caption were not correctly positioned in Webhelp
  • Bugfix PDF: some OLE objects could have caused an error during PDF export
  • Optical glitch with text conditions on high-res monitors fixed
  • New setting in Program Options to manually specify the link to HelpXplain
  • Batch compilations: extra message about maintenance removed, task bar button removed
  • Extra task bar button on Windows 7 removed
  • Webhelp export: the full-text indexer did also index HelpXplain presentations, because they are separate HTML pages. Xplains are now excluded from indexing, because they are always hosted by a topic page and should not be displayed as stand-alone pages.
  • When a help project was opened from Windows Explorer (double-click) and the last edited topic (which is automatically displayed, when the project opens) was extremely long, an error prevented Help+Manual from starting.
  • Right-aligned images in table cells sometimes caused a miscalculation of the right cell margin
  • Print/PDF problems with equation objects fixed
  • Link lists: variables in link captions are now resolved
  • Amazon Kindle export did not work

New in Help & Manual 8.0.0 Build 5450 (Feb 18, 2020)

  • The eWriter Viewer app is now included in the distribution of Help+Manual, no separate installation required
  • Bugfix toggle images: left/right aligned toggle images without image caption were not correctly positioned in Webhelp
  • Bugfix PDF: some OLE objects could have caused an error during PDF export
  • Optical glitch with text conditions on high-res monitors fixed
  • New setting in Program Options to manually specify the link to HelpXplain
  • Batch compilations: extra message about maintenance removed, task bar button removed
  • Extra task bar button on Windows 7 removed
  • Webhelp export: the full-text indexer did also index HelpXplain presentations, because they are separate HTML pages. Xplains are now excluded from indexing, because they are always hosted by a topic page and should not be displayed as stand-alone pages.
  • When a help project was opened from Windows Explorer (double-click) and the last edited topic (which is automatically displayed, when the project opens) was extremely long, an error prevented Help+Manual from starting.
  • Right-aligned images in table cells sometimes caused a miscalculation of the right cell margin
  • Print/PDF problems with equation objects fixed
  • Link lists: variables in link captions are now resolved

New in Help & Manual 8.0.0 Build 5448 (Feb 15, 2020)

  • The eWriter Viewer app is now included in the distribution of Help+Manual, no separate installation required
  • Bugfix toggle images: left/right aligned toggle images without image caption were not correctly positioned in Webhelp
  • Bugfix PDF: some OLE objects could have caused an error during PDF export
  • Optical glitch with text conditions on high-res monitors fixed
  • New setting in Program Options to manually specify the link to HelpXplain
  • Batch compilations: extra message about maintenance removed, task bar button removed
  • Extra task bar button on Windows 7 removed
  • Webhelp export: the full-text indexer did also index HelpXplain presentations, because they are separate HTML pages. Xplains are now excluded from indexing, because they are always hosted by a topic page and should not be displayed as stand-alone pages.

New in Help & Manual 8.0.0 Build 5446 (Feb 12, 2020)

  • New plugin system (PDF Review, Machine Translation)
  • Floating server licenses with checkout
  • Animated screencasts and new screen capture tool
  • Native formula editor and new symbol dialog
  • PDF: Rotated print, table of figures, HelpXplain print options
  • User interface, editing and formatting
  • Premium Pack v4 Update
  • Explore the new features in detail

New in Help & Manual 8.0.0 Build 5445 (Feb 11, 2020)

  • New plugin system (PDF Review, Machine Translation)
  • Floating server licenses with checkout
  • Animated screencasts and new screen capture tool
  • Native formula editor and new symbol dialog
  • PDF: Rotated print, table of figures, HelpXplain print options
  • User interface, editing and formatting
  • Premium Pack v4 Update

New in Help & Manual 8.0.0 Build 5444 (Feb 11, 2020)

  • New plugin system (PDF Review, Machine Translation)
  • Floating server licenses with checkout
  • Animated screencasts and new screen capture tool
  • Native formula editor and new symbol dialog
  • PDF: Rotated print, table of figures, HelpXplain print options
  • User interface, editing and formatting
  • Premium Pack v4 Update

New in Help & Manual 8.0.0 Build 5443 (Feb 10, 2020)

  • New features at a glance:
  • New plugin system (PDF Review, Machine Translation)
  • Floating server licenses with checkout
  • Animated screencasts and new screen capture tool
  • Native formula editor and new symbol dialog
  • PDF: Rotated print, table of figures, HelpXplain print options
  • User interface, editing and formatting
  • Premium Pack v4 Update
  • Explore the new features in detail

New in Help & Manual 8.0.0 Build 5442 (Feb 9, 2020)

  • New plugin system (PDF Review, Machine Translation)
  • Floating server licenses with checkout
  • Animated screencasts and new screen capture tool
  • Native formula editor and new symbol dialog
  • PDF: Rotated print, table of figures, HelpXplain print options
  • User interface, editing and formatting
  • Premium Pack v4 Update
  • Explore the new features in detail

New in Help & Manual 7.5.3 Build 4740 (Sep 7, 2019)

  • Insert HelpXplain dialog: defaults for Xplains changed to lightbox mode (this is really important for Xplains with audio support)
  • All CHM skins have been changed to elevate the internal rendering engine to Internet Explorer 11 instead of 10 (this is important for Xplains with audio support to make the audio work inside CHM files)
  • Publishing tasks: include comments in PDF was not working

New in Help & Manual 7.5.2 Build 4716 (Jul 27, 2019)

  • Bugfix in table selection: copy/paste was sometimes confused and when converting selected text (e.g. a link) in a table cell to plain text, the entire table cell was converted.
  • Word/RTF Import: in some rare cases, an image was considered a duplicate when in fact it was not duplicate

New in Help & Manual 7.5.1 Build 4713 (Jul 1, 2019)

  • We are glad to anncounce the immediate availability of Help+Manual 7.5.1. This is a free update for all 7.xx user and ships with a few improvements – mostly concerning HelpXplain – including:
  • Editing tables and table cell properties could generate an index-out-of-bounds error
  • Setting column width by dialog window did not immediately refresh table
  • Undo after table change could cause strange effects
  • PDF manuals with double-rendering loops: snippets placed directly in the print manual template (MNL) had duplicate page referrers
  • Open picture dialog: HelpXplain files can as well be used as static images – similar to Impict pictures
  • Update Build 4713 (June 28, 2019)
  • Problem fix for style preview in tables
  • PDF export: in some case, page referrers of links in tables were missing
  • Error when converting a table to plain text
  • RTF/Word import: a special bullet character was not read correctly

New in Help & Manual 7.5.1 Build 4712 (Jun 26, 2019)

  • Editing tables and table cell properties could generate an index-out-of-bounds error
  • Setting column width by dialog window did not immediately refresh table
  • Undo after table change could cause strange effects
  • PDF manuals with double-rendering loops: snippets placed directly in the print manual template (MNL) had duplicate page referrers
  • Open picture dialog: HelpXplain files can as well be used as static images – similar to Impict pictures
  • Update Build 4712 (June 26, 2019):
  • Problem fix for style preview in tables
  • PDF export: in some case, page referrers of links in tables were missing

New in Help & Manual 7.5.1 Build 4710 (Jun 23, 2019)

  • Editing tables and table cell properties could generate an index-out-of-bounds error
  • Setting column width by dialog window did not immediately refresh table
  • Undo after table change could cause strange effects
  • PDF manuals with double-rendering loops: snippets placed directly in the print manual template (MNL) had duplicate page referrers
  • Open picture dialog: HelpXplain files can as well be used as static images – similar to Impict pictures

New in Help & Manual 7.5.0 Build 4691 (Apr 23, 2019)

  • Text-to-table function updated: several users asked to simplify the text-to-table function and to not apply explicit column widths. The function is now much more transparent ans simply splits text by tab stops.
  • When using the right-click text-to-table function, the default table style class is applied automatically and the inserted table reflects the table style.
  • Clipboard paste from OneNote implemented
  • Improved topic header synchronization: when duplicating a topic in the TOC with copy and paste, and subsequently changing the duplicated TOC heading, the automatic synchronization with the topic header did not work, because of the added “_2” text that marks the topic copy.
  • Bugfixes and minor changes:
  • Nested snippets from repositories did not work, PDF print styles were not applied to snippets.
  • PDF/Print: If a dropdown toggle had a page break right before the toggle icon, and the icon was removed for print and the left margin of this paragraph was zero, the page break was removed and not re-applied.
  • After saving a project, a topic reload sometimes occurred, causing the cursor to jump to the beginning of a topic and losing the current selection.
  • Font preview in main window: in some rare situations, an access violation ocurred
  • Windows EXE e-books: updated viewer application, the initial ClearCache command has been removed to avoid initiation problems on some systems.
  • Webhelp export: the standard bullets have a slightly different font definition to improve the bullet display and make it larger. Table heading row background color was sometimes wrong for nested tables, if the heading row background was defined the in the table style only.

New in Help & Manual 7.4.2 Build 4650 (Jan 25, 2019)

  • This update ships with several small improvements including:
  • Text-to-table function implemented: if you select existing tabbed text in a topic and click Insert Table, it will convert the tabbed text into a table.
  • Conditional text: if IFDEF statements were used in text, in particular in tables, a long list of IFDEF options resulted in relatively wide condition tags. The display size of the condition tags has been restricted, a mouse-over hint shows the full list of conditions.
  • Images hotspots dialog: entry field for topic ID permits editing (copy and paste)
  • Topic editor context menu: when the context menu was opened with the keyboard (e.g. SHIFT+F10), it had some glitches with tables and with the spell checker.
  • Topic editor: the scaling message for small images has been improved, it displays % only, no text.
  • High resolution displays: problems fixed for OLE objects and embedded images (PDF/HTML/DOC export)
  • Double quotation marks could be entered in topic IDs, though they are not valid for file names.
  • Task publishing: when creating eWriter eBooks with a publishing task, the specified skin was not used.
  • Insert horizontal line: when specifying a custom style, the line not use the specified line height, but rather used the default.
  • Spelling checker: support for the latest update of the Spanish OXT dictionary implemented

New in Help & Manual 7.4.1 Build 4615 (Nov 27, 2018)

  • Style preview in tables did not work on some machines with Win7/64
  • Issues with Russian date values in genitive form (<%DATELONG%> must return the month name in genitive form)
  • Word/DOCX export: warnings about invalid characters have been reduced
  • Topic editor: header height was not updated automatically for multi-line topic headers
  • Webhelp: updated Google Analytics tracker script

New in Help & Manual 7.4.0 Build 4600 (Nov 7, 2018)

  • PDF Output:
  • TrueType fonts located in TrueType collection packages can now be embedded. Package disassembly and embedding works automatically when you opt to embed TrueType fonts.
  • Before version 7.4, TrueType collection fonts were embedded as Type3 fonts, which generated a slightly blurry typeface. The Type3 fallback option is still present, but is used only, if a TrueType font fails to embed.
  • Italic simulation has been improved. Some fonts (example: Tahoma Italic) do not exist. The italic version is simulated in Windows and to achieve the same effect in PDF, Help+Manual simulates the italic version in PDF as well. However, characters were often too dense. The simulation has been improved.
  • Font Awesome: this is a popular custom symbol font, that uses mostly Unicode characters. However, it is not a “symbol” font per se, but declares itself as a regular font. Symbol characters written with Font Awesome could not be embedded in PDF. Now, Font Awesome is treated as a “symbol font” and if you enable the option “Export Symbol text as glyphs“, you should get the symbols in PDF.
  • Miscellaneous Changes and Bugfixes:
  • Performance optimization (program options switch) now affects the animation of context menus: the menus are no longer faded in, when this option is set. A recent Windows 10 update has caused menu animations to slow down considerably.
  • Webhelp: the Zoom Search script has been modified, the Zoom search entry field now contains an autofocus attribute.
  • HTML Styles: Nested tables sometimes inherited the style from the outer table, if the inner table did not define a table class, but the outer table did.
  • Synchronize tool: bugs in synchronizing the folder structure are fixed
  • AuthorIT import: images had the wrong title text
  • Month names in genitive form did not work. This value can be retrieved by the DATELONG variable and DATE(format).
  • eWriter eBooks (menu editor): custom page link addresses were not displayed.
  • Word/DOCX export: Images with multi-line captions are now supported and images in tables now shrink (like in PDF), if the table is too wide for the document. In some rare cases, images with captions were clipped in Word. Bugfix: images with captions that started with a blank line, caused the Word document to be invalid, it could not be opened.

New in Help & Manual 7.3.6 Build 4521 (Jul 3, 2018)

  • Small bugfix for XML browser preview of project source files
  • Table header colors were not exported for tables without style

New in Help & Manual 7.3.6 Build 4520 (Jul 2, 2018)

  • General / User Interface:
  • Project report with unused images: toggle icons for expanded view were reported as “unused”, although they were in fact used by the project.
  • Dropdown toggles: if a dedicated “Print” icon was specified for the toggle object, the icon file was not automatically copied to the project folder.
  • Publishing Tasks Dialog: The More menu has an additional entry to directly open the specified output folder of the selected task. Bug fix: task options were not saved for EXE eBooks.
  • Insert Image Hotspots dialog: DEL key did not work in edit fields
  • HTML Publishing:
  • YouTube videos did no longer work in CHM files: Because of changes on the YouTube servers, that dropped support for MS Internet Explorer 9. When viewing a CHM file, the display engine in the HTML Help viewer is MSIE. The internal MSIE viewer is now by default elevated to run as IE10, which fixes the problem with YouTube videos in CHM files.
  • Inline CSS in HTML-based export formats: We have removed most of the (remaining) inline CSS for bullet lists, numbered lists and tables. Help+Manual now exports lists as text with classes, referring to the paragraph classes they belong to. When exporting “lists as lists” (not recommended), Help+Manual does not apply any inline CSS anymore, to make it easier to format list with custom global CSS.
  • Tables are exported with style classes: tables refer to global table styles instead of using inline CSS.
  • Date and Time variables: The variable <%DATELONG%> now returns month names in the genitive form, instead of the nominative form. In English and many other Roman languages, there is no difference between the genitive and the nominative form, so you might not notice any change. In some languages like Russian, however, the months are spelled and pronounced differently in genitive form.
  • Furthermore, we have implemented a new formatted variable: <%DATE(formatstring)%>
  • Webhelp export: Topic IDs that start with an underscore (“_”) are now excluded from the sitemap. These topics are generally excluded from the full-text search and should not occur in the sitemap, either.
  • Wingdings bullet #158 was internally saved as #382 and was exported wrong in HTML
  • HTML export (all formats): The list of baggage files was exported too early. It was not possible to overwrite the default CSS file (default.css) with a custom version, because that CSS was created after the baggage files export.
  • EPUB and Kindle eBooks: In the page template and TOC template defaults, the white background color “#FFFFFF” has been removed. In the default CSS style sheet, the black text color for base styles has been removed. Both changes should enable the ePUB reader to switch the colors in night mode.
  • PDF Publishing:
  • Better integration of Type3 font encoding. Vertical offset for the Segoe UI font in Type3 embedding mode fixed.
  • Some rare character spacing problems fixed
  • If the specified print manual template does not exist, Help+Manual stops with an error instead of gracefully using the default template.
  • Bug with multiple IFDEFs in single-column tables fixed: if the first item was an IFDEF and the last item was an END and there were multiple IF-END but not nested, the row was removed.

New in Help & Manual 7.3.5 Build 4431 (Mar 19, 2018)

  • About Goalfish:
  • Goalfish is a new software to create web presentations and interactive tutorials. Think of Goalfish as a graphics and animation editor to create interactive presentations for websites, technical documentation and eBooks.
  • Known Issues and Bug Fixes in 7.3.5:
  • PDF: a few minor problems fixed – keyword references sometimes not clickable, font embedding problem with TrueType fonts, page referrers not aligned properly when using the PDF/A option. Two minor glitches in the manual designer have been solved as well.
  • HTML Help/CHM: internal script has been updated to fix the problem that full-text search words contained in text toggles did not expand the toggle objects automatically.
  • Find & Replace: when searching for images, the found and selected image was sometimes not visible, but outside the viewport.
  • Topic Editor: Copy & paste of multiple table cells had slowed down the topic editor after mulitple paste operations. Protected text was difficult to read if the protected text span multiple words on a justified paragraph.
  • Custom topic status: when changing the text of a custom status, the change is now propagated to topics as well.
  • Feature images: when a feature image was missing, the publishing report did not report an error and the reference for the missing image was still included
  • Project Report: to function to move unused images to a backup folder did not work if the list of images was very long

New in Help & Manual 7.3.4 Build 4372 (Jan 4, 2018)

  • New Features and Bug Fixes:
  • Insert Image Hotspots: the hotspot editor now supports a zoom function to make it easier to work on hotspots on high-resolution monitors.
  • PDF/Print Manuals: the manual template designer has an extra option for keyword index separators (normally, those A – Z sections in the keyword index). Keyword sections can be created automatically from the actual keyword index. This improves the compatibiltity of PDF templates with projects in multiple languages.
  • Conditional Text: the Insert Condition dialog box remembers the last option used.
  • Topic Editor: optical glitch removed when zoom was > 150%
  • Project Report: moving unused images to a backup folder did not work if the folder path contained an ampersand character.
  • Publishing Windows eBooks: additional check implemented whether the output file can be replaced/overwritten. Publishing an eBook could have triggered an error, if the target file was opened before the publishing task completed.

New in Help & Manual 7.3.3 Build 4342 (Dec 1, 2017)

  • Delayed Execution on Windows 10 FCU:
  • If you have installed the latest Windows 10 Fall Creators Update (FCU), you might notice a general slowdown in some situations, not just with Help+Manual, but with a large range of Windows software including Microsoft’s own tools and utilities. One particular situation, where this can be observed is the publish options configuration page for MS Word export. Opening this page on Win 10 FCU might have taken several seconds, it looked as if Help+Manual had frozen. Version 7.3.3 fixes this problem and should revert to normal speed.
  • New Features and Changes:
  • Keyword Idex Tool: improved display when searching for a particular keyword
  • Insert Snippet Dialog: remembers the option to insert a snippet inline or on a new line
  • Webhelp full-text search: the default word length limit of 35 characters has been extended
  • Code Editor for Baggage files: support for .PHP and .ASP implemented
  • AuthorIT Import: context numbers were missing in some cases
  • Inline text toggles: when printed expanded, it was possible that the hidden text was inserted twice, depending on certain conditional-text options.
  • MS Word / DOCX Export: small bug with invalid characters in text fixed
  • XML keyword index: when the XML data contained whitespace in second-level keywords, the whitespace was interpreted as a blank keyword

New in Help & Manual 7.3.2 Build 4260 (Sep 14, 2017)

  • Help+Manual New Features and Changes:
  • Automatic recovery: Help+Manual 7.3.2 includes a new feature to automatically recover unsaved changes after a crash or a power failure.
  • SVG images in HTML Help (.chm): the HTML export options dialog has a new option to optionally convert SVG images to PNG.
  • HTML Help (.chm) and YouTube videos: the standard skins have been modified to avoid Javascript errors with YouTube and Vimeo web videos in CHM files.
  • Webhelp standard skins have been updated.
  • EWriter eBooks: The Premium Pack update now includes a new set of V3 skins for the EWriter format, which can also be used as an alternative to CHM.
  • TidyXML option is now enabled for repositories
  • PDF: anchor hotspots have been moved a little bit higher along the y position to improve deep jumps to topic anchors.
  • Improved Insert Link dialog: the drop-down width for the anchor combobox now has a dynamic width to accommodate even very long anchors
  • Improved list dialog
  • Known Issues and Bug Fixes:
  • TidyXML: if TidyXML was off, protected text was not saved as protected.
  • TidyXML: bug in white-space filter (at XML read) fixed
  • Table editing: splitting a table into 2 separate tables could have led to an error
  • PDF/Print: text with character spacing <> 0 was wrong positioned., strike-through text had strike-through line slightly shorter than the text
  • Multi-user refresh: refreshing secondary TOCs did not work in multiuser-mode
  • Topic editor: topic status combo was not updated after adding a custom topic status in Config > Common, also fixed: a rare word break bug with Russian texts
  • SVG images in Word/DOCX export: image quality has been improved, the converted PNG will have the actually displayed size of the SVG (or the original SVG size, whichever is larger)

New in Help & Manual 7.3.1 Build 4180 (Jun 2, 2017)

  • This maintenance update fixes a few bugs that were still present in the 7.3.0 release.

New in Help & Manual 7.3.0 Build 4170 (May 23, 2017)

  • New Features:
  • TidyXML implemented (see above).
  • Project Report: Remove Unused Images option implemented. When running the “Full Project Report”, it displays a list of apparently unused images. There is a new button per image folder to move these images to a backup folder.
  • AuthorIT Import: embedded images are now supported.
  • PDF: new option implemented to embed TrueType collectios as Type3 fonts. TrueType collections are multiple fonts in one font file and cannot be embedded as TrueType (example: “MS Gothic”).
  • Syntax highlighter configuration dialog: option to save/load a configuration added.
  • Insert Link dialog box: when editing Internet Links, the dialog behaves more intelligently.
  • The function Rescue Copy has been moved from backstage view to the “Save As” function.
  • Style combo, Font and Font Size combobox: dropdown lists have been made longer.

New in Help & Manual 7.2.0 Build 4033 (Dec 2, 2016)

  • This build-update fixes a problem with the project report and with the table of contents.
  • Selection of multiple topics in the table of contents with CTRL + mouse click did not work. Several users also reported that the project report did not work in the local browser and generated just an empty page. This bug was new with 7.2.0 that has not been detected during the beta phase, unfortunately. We are sorry for the inconvenience!

New in Help & Manual 7.2.0 Build 4025 (Nov 22, 2016)

  • XSS vulnerability in Webhelp fixed:
  • Version 7.2 fixes an XSS vulnerability in Help+Manual’s Webhelp output (standard skins only). It was possible to inject arbitrary Javascript commands by creating a fake url that pointed to a Webhelp system. Premium Pack skins were not affected by this problem. We strongly recommend to update your version and re-publish any Webhelp output that is placed on a public web server.
  • New features and modifications:
  • The Keyword Index Tool (available in Pro/Server only) has an XML export and import function.
  • PDF/manual designer: the options page for the PDF keyword index contains a new setting “Avoid duplicate page numbers in Index”. This option is on by default and will avoid printing the same page number multiple times if the same keyword occurs in two or more consecutive topics that happen to start on the same PDF page.
  • Program Options: configuration setting for temporary compiler files (CHM, eBooks) implemented. This can improve compilation speed when the help project is located on a server share with a slow connection.
  • Projects saved in Dropbox are now permitted (uncompressed HMXP projects are opened read-only, compressed HMXZ projects are editable with warning).
  • Webhelp/CHM/eBooks: when doing a HTML-based export, H&M checks for duplicate IDs (anchors, image, table, toggle, videos) and reports a duplicate ID in the compiler log. Also implemented: tags with “Normal” style now have a dedicated class name.
  • Project Report / Styles Report: this report always reported code examples as individually formatted text (they of course are). Now, the “Code Example” style is reported as individual formatting only if there are more changes than font color and font style (bold/italic/underline). Other styles are reported as individual formatting if there are more changes than just the font style (bold/italic/underline).
  • Improved multí-monitor handling: Dialog windows are positioned relative to the main window – this improves multiple instances on different monitors. Please note that after the switch to version 7.2, the initial dialog window positions might be wrong on your computer because of this change. This automatically fixes itself when the dialog windows are repositioned.
  • Replace images with copy & paste: when the editor selection marks exactly 1 image or toggle image and you hit CTRL+V or click Paste, H&M asks to replace the picture and saves it under the original file name. This makes it easier to update screenshots with copy & paste, for all properties of the image (caption, zoom, tags, hotspots, etc) are kept intact.
  • Spelling check: updated format of OpenOffice 4 spell checker dictionaries is supported.
  • Topic options: the drop-down field for the topic anchor (available for TOC items) can now be manually edited, it is possible to enter a non-existing anchor. If a TOC entry points to a non-existing anchor, the topic anchor field shows a red background to indicate the missing anchor.
  • PDF/print: word break options for slashes and backslashes / were changed – the slash and backslash does no longer permit a break after. Example: this line does/not break after “does/”.
  • ePUB cover images: IPP images are now supported as ePUB cover images. If an IPP image contains text objects (text, callouts, buttons) with variables, the variables are replaced and the image is repainted before it gets exported.
  • TidyXML: the XML topic parser is prepared for reading a more compact and more translation-friendly XML format that we are going to implement in the next update after 7.2. More on this new feature in a later post on this blog!
  • Windows EXE eBooks: plenty of new features!
  • New features in EWriter eBooks:
  • H&M’s output format “EWriter eBooks” (self-executable eBooks for Windows) is getting more and more popular as a replacement format for CHM files. We have implemented new features to make it more flexible:
  • Separate viewer and data files: Help+Manual can optionally output the eBook data and the executable viewer separately. If a help system consists of several books, this saves space and makes it easier to update the data.
  • The eBook viewer has larger menu button and larger icons for systems with 120, 144 and 192 dpi. The buttons switch automatically on high-resolution monitors.
  • New shortcut: CTRL+0 changes zoom back to 100%.
  • The default extension for topic file names was always “.htm”. Now the eBooks take the default extension from the Webhelp configuration.
  • eBook menu configuration: when entering a new entry and changing it to “Menu Divider”, the entry kept its previous caption, which resulted in a menu text in the final EXE eBook, not a divider.
  • Bug fixes:
  • Webhelp standard skins: XXS vulnerability fixed
  • Find & Replace: partial replacement of images names could run into an endless loop.
  • PDF: page referrer icons were too large on Windows systems > 96 dpi. Furthermore, the page icon is now tied to the preceeding text link and cannot accidentially break to a new line.
  • PDF: when a nested snippet was used inside a snippet that was placed on a hard-coded manual page, the nested snippet used style mode “Screen” and not style mode “Print”.
  • PDF, table printing: if a table with visible borders was nested within another table, the last cell border at the bottom of inner table was not painted correctly.
  • HTML (all HTML-based publishing formats): if an image with hotspots was placed on a paragraph with hanging indent, the hotspots were set off by the indent.
  • Help context numbers > 2147483647 were not exported to Webhelp and EXE eBooks.
  • Dropdown toggles: if the toggle text/heading was made up of multiple styles, parts of the toggle did not work.
  • Variables in the field were not resolved.
  • Team Foundation Server: H&M now saves the password.
  • Webhelp, full-text search: when compiling Webhelp from the command line with multiple instances of Help+Manual, all running at the same time, it was possible that the full-text seach index was not created.
  • SVG images: text drawing problem with overlapping text fixed.
  • Bugfix in Winhelp (.hlp) import for damaged images, that could crash the import.
  • AuthorIT import: help context numbers were wrong.

New in Help & Manual 7.1.0 Build 3920 (May 23, 2016)

  • This update is classified as a maintenance update (free for all 7.xx users) and looks like a minor point-update. However, it is in fact a rather big one, with plenty of new stuff! Buzzwords: Team Foundation Server, Sandcastle, Author-it, PDF, Windows eBooks.
  • Author-it import officially included:
  • Version 7.1 can read and import Author-it project files directly. This makes the transition from Author-It to Help+Manual much easier than before, because the new import feature retains the internal structure of an Author-It project.
  • Team Foundation Server and Microsoft Sandcastle:
  • We have implemented support for Team Foundation Server 2015 (version control) and for the last Microsoft Sandcastle version 2.7.2. Visual Studio source code documentation with Sandcastle has been made much easier now.
  • PDF improved:
  • A lot of work went into the updated PDF export. Version 7.1 comes with an updated PDF engine and automatically applies proper widow/orphan control to the text. Dedicated page breaks inside table cells have been implemented and a rare problem with distorted math formulas in PDF has been fixed.
  • Windows EXE eBooks:
  • Our proprietary eBook format keeps becoming more popular as a replacement for compiled HTML Help files on Windows and we have updated the eBook viewer with several new features. Now you can separate the eBook viewer (the executable) from the data file and use one viewer with multiple data files. This creates a smaller package if you deploy your help in the eBook format. Execution of external files, in particular additional PDF files has been improved.
  • Miscancellous improvements and fixes:
  • Multiple TOCs: we have implemented separate default topics for each TOC. The default topic can now be specified separately for each TOC by right-clicking on a topic and selecting “Set as default topic”.
  • PDF: named destinations bug fix, tables always repeated their first row when a page break occurred in a table
  • Variables are no longer sorted automatically and support multiple selections. The variables dialog window has move buttons to move variables up and down and an additional button to sort them manually.
  • Impict: minor modifications
  • Print Manual designer: optical glitches on 150% screen dpi fixed, undo order was mixed up in some cases
  • Snippets: preview in snippet dialog calculated margins with screen pixels instead of device-independent units, resulting in a somewhat distorted snippet preview
  • Insert Web Video: when the “custom web content” pointed a local HTML helper file (e.g. a video helper page in the baggage list), the video was automatically considered a “local video” and not custom web content.
  • HTML Help (.chm) import: extended import options to split header and topic body, the importer now supports the CSS rule “@import url(xxxxx.css);” and parses the additional CSS files.
  • Version control: Checking out a versionized repository failed (VSS, SVN, TFS). A project was not saved on close, when a topic of a merged project was selected. Visual Source Safe – the manual checkout and checkin where disabled.
  • Windows eBooks: the configuration page for Windows eBooks includes an option to switch on the debug function.
  • Windows eBooks: the publish dialog and publish task dialog enable output file extensions “.exe”. When the extension is not “.exe”, H&M creates a data package only, without the viewer.
  • Windows eBooks: the eBook viewer has been updated to support the multi-data-file command line interface and extended hotkeys for runtime zoom.
  • Word (DOCX) export: wrong indents in bullet lists and wrong numbering fixed, page width calculation did not take the page gutter into account (this could result in oversized graphics not exactly fitting the available space)
  • Winhelp (.hlp) import: keyword index and TOC were not properly encoded when the source was a Russian Winhelp file.
  • Possible error in Publishing tasks: it was possible to specify an MNL file as the template for DOCX output, causing an error when the publishing task was executed.
  • HTML Help (.chm) export: standard CHM skins (black, blue, grey) triggered a Javascrip error when the print function from the toolbar was used to print the complete chapter.
  • Tables with alternating row colors: when a table with alternating row colors was placed in a snippet and an uneven amount of rows got removed by conditional tags during the export, the alternating row colors were wrong.
  • Search & replace find result list: copy & print buttons were unintentionally disabled.

New in Help & Manual 7.0.9 Build 3790 (Jan 29, 2016)

  • This update fixes an issue with indents of bulleted and numbered lists in the recent 7.0.8 release and is recommended for all 7.0 users.
  • Most importantly, however, the installer and all executable files are signed with a new code signing certificate the uses the more secure SHA256 algorithm, for old signatures signed with SHA1 are no longer considered valid on recent Windows versions.

New in Help & Manual 7.0.8 Build 3780 (Dec 10, 2015)

  • We are proud to announce the release of the all-new Premium Pack 3 with advanced responsive skins. This is accompanied by Help+Manual 7.0.8 with new features to support the new skins and a set of demo Premium Pack 3 skins. Help & Manual 7.0.7 or higher is required to use the new responsive skins.
  • Premium Pack 3: Responsive. Fast. Embedded. WebHelp:
  • A single WebHelp site now works smoothly on desktop, tablet and smartphone browsers, with an optimized user interface for each device type. Even large TOCs and keyword indexes are handled well on smartphones. And browsing has been optimized for lightning-fast topic loading. These skins represent the first iteration of our new online help format, which we call WebHelp 3. This has been made possible by a number of new technologies that we have been working on for the last eighteen months.
  • Key Features:
  • Fully responsive – create one WebHelp site for desktop, tablet and phone browsers
  • Frameless topics – no more index.html layout page, the topic pages are your pages and their names are your URLs
  • Embedded WebHelp – embed your help in existing web pages with a snippet of code like a YouTube video
  • Field-level popups – display formatted popups from your help in your own web pages with simple links
  • Responsive X-tables – add a single setting to data tables to make them reformat automatically on mobile devices
  • Local WebHelp – deploy WebHelp locally without a web browser, even for Google Chrome and Internet Explorer
  • Fast browsing – highly optimized topic loading for extremely fast browsing
  • Scalable – user-adjustable text size for the best possible user experience.
  • Premium Pack Toolbox Configuration Utility:
  • The Premium Pack now also comes with a configuration utility with direct help for every configuration setting when you select it. This also works with older Premium Pack skins and comes with a large number of additional advanced features for power users. For example, you can add features to skins that are normally only available in your project settings. And you can edit your templates and baggage files directly in your favorite code and graphics editors.
  • Help+Manual 7.0.8:
  • Help+Manual 7.0.8 comes with a set of demo Premium Pack 3 skins that you can try out, plus support for the new features in the Premium Pack 3 skins. Help+Manual 7.0.7 or higher is required for using the responsive skins in Premium Pack 3.

New in Help & Manual 7.0.7 Build 3770 (Dec 1, 2015)

  • PDF: One important change concerns top-level intro pages in PDF. In H+M version 7.0 we introduced a rule that single top-level topics (topics without sub-entries) should not generate a top-level intro page. What initially seemed to be a good idea turned out to be counter-productive for many users, who place single topics in the top level of the TOC to print multi-page introductions or appendixes, which in fact qualify for an “intro” page. We have reversed this printing rule – top-level entries (when used in the PDF template) are again always printed.In the PDF output, on ultra-high resolution displays, fixed-sized tables and the caption height of images was not calulated correctly, resulting in some tables being cut and image captions adding an unwanted gap below the caption. Toggle images that were part of numbered lists were shifted a few pixels to the right when used inside tables. Last, a very small glitch: in a rare case, single keyword index page numbers were printed but not linked.
  • Word/DOCX export: minor bug fix with lists
  • Table properties dialog: the table dialog has been made more intelligent and the message that offers reseting individual cell properties when changing the table in general, is only displayed if really necessary.
  • SVG images: an updated SVG library is now capable of displaying text on a curved path.
  • Topic editor: on ultra-high resolution monitors, conditional text tags were displayed too large. The editor has received an additional zoom state of 300%. The image dropdown gallery painted PNG thumbnail images with the wrong proportions. Line spacing values between 1.01 and 1.09 did not work. File links with execution parameters are now displayed in the project report.
  • Bullet lists: two Wingding bullets were converted to the wrong Unicode character in Webhelp and HTML Help when running on Asian or East-European Windows versions.
  • Batch compilation: a new command line parameter was introduced to use the STDOUT output instead of creating a new console: /stdout (see online help for details)

New in Help & Manual 7.0.6 Build 3731 (Oct 17, 2015)

  • Once more have been the responsive Webhelp skins the focus of our attention. Improvements for display on mobile devices with small screens (iPhones and Android) and extended customization options.
  • The second focus point was on Windows eBooks in executable format. Windows EXE eBooks now fully support context sensitive help calls, properly display Asian book titles in the header and the status bar on non-Asian Windows versions and have improved support for external PDF links. Unlike CHM files, the eBooks can execute external files with a relative path without problems. What has been added, is the ability to open external PDF files at a particular page. With a regular file link, this is actually not possible. The eBooks query the system for the default application to open a PDF file and start this application explicitely. If the application is recognized (the eBook knows the command line syntax of Adobe Reader, Foxit, PDF X-Change and Sumatra PDF), PDF files will at the page that is optionally specified with the file link.
  • Changes, bug-fixes and improvements in 7.0.6:
  • Windows EXE eBooks: several changes and improvments.
  • Word/DOCX export: minor bug fixes
  • PDF export: when using topic snippets in the manual template, variables in the name are now supported. Feature images in PNG format where unintentionally stretched in the PDF file, now the are proportionally resized to fill the print area.
  • Version control glitch with master/child projects: the child projects sometimes created an additional internal topic history, which is switched off, when a project is under version control.
  • Windows 10: after changing the style of an image, the image caption disappeared.
  • User interface: new shortcuts for the ribbon tabs Write, Table, View and Help. An additional (initially empty) “Insert” tab has been added. You can use this additional tab to move tab groups from other tabs to this one, for better grouping of the commands.
  • Image dropdown gallery: Access violation when ribbon group was minimized
  • Reload topic: when there are pending changes that would be discarded, H&M asks before reloading the topic
  • Program options/Customize: new configuration option to define the replacement character for blanks in topic IDs (default is a hyphen)
  • Impict: change of default font in callouts did not work
  • Webhelp with local video files: for the M4V and MP4 format (which is natively recognized by almost any modern browser), the HTML video tag has been modified to prefer native HTML5 playback. The optional plugin is used as fallback solution.
  • YouTube videos: parameter added to avoid the display of “related videos” when the video ends.
  • Import of CHM and HTML files: bugfix for tables with cells spanning multiple columns
  • Import of CHM files: improved keyword index entries

New in Help & Manual 7.0.0 Build 3600 (Jun 22, 2015)

  • Multiple TOCs:
  • Help+Manual has always supported conditional output to generate different versions of your documentation from the same project. It was also possible to use the conditional output tags to generate output with completely different versions of your TOC. This wasn't very easy to implement, however.
  • Multiple TOCs make this a breeze: You just create a new TOC and drag in and rearrange the topics and chapters you want to include in it. You can also add unique topics and chapters as well, if that's what you need.
  • MS Team Foundation Server version control:
  • Help+Manual now also includes active support for Microsoft Team Foundation Server version control, in addition to the existing support for the open-source SubVersion and the older Microsoft Visual SourceSafe.
  • If you are choosing a version control system for Help+Manual we still strongly recommend choosing SubVersion as the best and most flexible option. However, if you are already working in a TFS environment you can now use it to actively manage your Help+Manual projects.
  • Topic History: local version control:
  • If you are not using a full version control system like SubVersion or Team Foundation Server, Help+Manual can now still give you access to all previous versions of your individual topics. And the ability to roll back the content of any topic to an earlier version at any time.
  • Just click on the topic functions menu button in the top left corner of the editor and select Show History. You will then also be able to compare the differences between current and earlier versions.
  • Featured images for title pages in HTML and PDF:
  • You can now associate a "featured image" with any topic in your project, in addition to a text description. You can find the settings for these new options in the Topic Options tab. These images can be used to make attractive title pages for your chapters in both PDF and HTML-based output. It is used for the title images in both the HTML and PDF versions of the documentation of this project, for example.
  • Responsive images and videos:
  • All images, images with hotspots, toggle images and videos now have an additional display option: they can auto-scale with the document window.
  • The new option "Zoom is proportional to document width" in the Insert Image and Insert Video dialogs changes the function of the Zoom setting. A zoom percentage of 50% then defines the image or video as 50% of the available document width. If the browser or viewer window is made wider, the image or video expands with it.
  • If the width is defined as any percentage less than 100% (i.e. up to 99%), the image will only expand up to its native width but will not zoom further to prevent excessive scaling. Setting a width of 100% turns this off and allows unlimited scaling.
  • This is essential for responsive design in websites. But it is also useful in static formats like PDF, because it defines the width of images precisely as a percentage of the page width.
  • Support for vector-based SVG images:
  • Help+Manual now directly supports SVG (scalable vector graphics) images as a regular web image format. You can open and insert SVGs in topics in the same way as any other images, using the Insert Image tool.
  • The display of SVG graphics in the Help+Manual editor may not be 100% identical to the display in web browsers. This is a limitation that applies to editing and printing only. When you publish to HTML-based output formats (WebHelp, HTML Help, ePUB, eWriter, Mobi etc), the SVG display in the browser depends on the SVG capabilities of the web browser.
  • Dedicated support for YouTube, Vimeo and Prezi:
  • The video tool now includes dedicated support for YouTube and Vimeo videos and Prezi web-based presentations. You can embed them directly in your topics in the same way as you would by getting the embed code direct from the original sites.
  • It does this by embedding an iFrame that allows the online media site to deliver the content directly in the most appropriate format for the user's device and browser. This provides much more universal compatibility across all desktop and mobile device types.
  • Web-based video in CHM files:
  • Local video files have always been problematic in CHM files because of limited media support in the Microsoft CHM viewer. Web-based video on sites like Vimeo, YouTube and Prezi are the best way to provide modern video content in CHM with a high level of compatibility.
  • However, you don't want CHM files to establish a connection to the Internet unless it's really necessary. By default, online videos in CHMs will only display a placeholder image when the topic containing them is displayed. The video won't actually connect to the online media site and start streaming until the user explicitly starts it. Then the preview image is replaced by the iFrame which loads the online site and streams the video.
  • Using this two-step mechanism, the CHM file stays "silent" and does not request an Internet connection unless the video has been started by the user.
  • Web-based videos are fully compatible with PDF and the new Microsoft Word output. Help+Manual uses the preview image as placeholder and links it to the target web address.
  • Word DOCX Export:
  • We have replaced the old Word/RTF export with native export to the current Word/DOCX. When exporting to Word, Help+Manual writes a DOCX file that embeds images and is completely formatted with the styles you used in H&M. You no longer have to deal with external images, and you get all the current formatting capabilities of the current versions of MS Word.
  • In addition to this, you now also have fully configurable templates for Word export, similar to those available for PDF. These templates are normal DOCX files that you can edit and configure directly in MS Word.
  • ePUB 3.0 Support:
  • Help+Manual 6 could already produce universal ePUB eBooks. In Help+Manual 7, this has been upgraded to the current ePUB 3.0 standard. The output is also backward-compatible with older ePUB readers, because it automatically includes the necessary fallbacks for features that those readers can't handle.
  • Amazon Kindle/Mobi support:
  • The only thing missing from Help+Manual's support for eBooks was the Amazon Kindle, which is still the most popular eBook reader by a wide margin. This was the elephant in the room, and we've now saddled it up and got it to play nicely with all the other formats in the Help+Manual stable.
  • With Amazon Kindle, ePUB and PDF, Help+Manual now supports all relevant current eBook formats, and this is complemented with the new Windows EWriter eBook format, which broadens the horizons for electronic publishing still further.
  • Replace CHM with EWriter eBooks:
  • In Help+Manual 7 the old Windows EXE eBooks have been replaced by a completely new format we call EWriter eBooks. This is a powerful and very flexible format that has the potential to be a full replacement for CHM files as documentation for Windows applications – in addition to being an outstanding eBook format for Windows devices.
  • EWriter combines the benefits of CHM and WebHelp and eliminates the disadvantages:
  • Like CHM files, they come in a compact, single-file format. There is no need for an entire folder of files as with WebHelp.
  • Like WebHelp they give you the ability to "skin" the entire user interface, and not just the topic page area, using any WebHelp skin. No more archaic Windows CHM viewer that looks like a relic from the Windows 95 era.
  • Unlike CHM files, EWriter can be fully optimized for high-resolution screens.
  • Like CHM files they have full support for context-sensitive help from applications. The context calls are simple and much easier to program than for CHM.
  • Like WebHelp, you can open them directly from network drives on local networks.
  • Like CHM files, repeated calls to the same help open in the same help window – not like WebHelp, where every call opens in a new browser window.
  • We know how important PDF output is for our users and we have given it a major overhaul in Help+Manual 7.
  • New and Improved Features:
  • Chapter title images with "Featured images":
  • You can now associate a different graphic image with each chapter in your project and display it on the chapter title page, along with the description text associated with the chapter. These images are called featured images.
  • Table and table cell border rendering:
  • These now rendered crisply at all PDF zoom settings.
  • Incorrect rendering of underlines in justified text:
  • In some cases some underlines could be offset incorrectly from the rest of the underline in justified text. This has now been corrected.
  • Support for PDF/A (PDF/Archive):
  • For more information on PDF/A please refer to PDF/A
  • New font embedding options:
  • You can now also embed Base 14 Type 1 fonts, Type 3 fonts and CID fonts. This is particularly useful for Asian fonts, and PDFs with mixed Asian and western fonts. If you then select Type 3 font embedding you will generally get much better rendering, even if the fonts used in your project are not actually Type 3 fonts.
  • Include comments from your Help+Manual project in your PDF:
  • For example for proofreading, approvals and team discussion. The comments included can be restricted by date. The option for activating this is in the PDF Publish dialog.
  • New document information fields:
  • Extended copyright and document information fields for PDF output. The setting is in Project Explorer > Configuration > Publishing Options > Adobe PDF > PDF Options.
  • New "Single Page" viewer/reader mode:
  • This new mode sets how the PDF viewer/reader displays document. In this mode the, user switches from page to page, as in an eBook reader, instead of continuously scrolling. The option is in Project Explorer > Configuration > Publishing Options > Adobe PDF > PDF Options: Viewer Layout.
  • PNG images with alpha transparency:
  • PNG images are now drawn natively as PNGs in PDF, including their alpha transparency.
  • Native SVG images:
  • SVG images are included natively in PDF as vector graphics, if possible. More complex SVGs are embedded as PNG images.
  • Improvements in Manual Designer:
  • Individual title images and descriptions for top-level chapters:
  • The new featured images and descriptions that you can define for topics in the Topic Options tab of the editor can be inserted in the title pages of your top-level topics for a really high-quality layout (in Top Level Intro section of the template). See Designing a Template > Top Level Intro Pages in the Manual Designer help for details.
  • New "fill" drawing mode for graphics:
  • This new drawing mode scales the picture to fill the container box you define around it. This makes it possible to create "bleed" images all the way to the edge of the page. It is also essential for using featured images in PDF templates. It is selected with the Draw Mode option in the image object properties dialog box in Manual Designer.
  • New link target: beginning of current chapter:
  • The available link targets for objects in PDF templates has been extended with a new option to jump to the beginning of the current chapter. This is either the beginning of the current top-level chapter or the top level intro page if there is one.
  • Vertical alignment options for text objects:
  • You can now define text objects with top, middle or bottom alignment, in addition to left, right and centered.
  • "Parts" numbering for chapters with continuous 2nd-level chapter numbering:
  • With this numbering style, the top-level chapters are numbered sequentially as parts. The 2nd-level chapters are then numbered sequentially in the same way as top-level chapters in the normal numbering scheme. See Page Management > Page Numbering in the Manual Designer help for details.
  • "Justified labels" with automatic dot leaders:
  • This makes it much easier to create TOC entries with dot leaders connecting to the page number reference – all in a single text object. In addition to this you can also use it to create text objects with automatically-positioned left-aligned and right-aligned components. For example for page headers and footers with one part at the left edge and the other part at the right edge of the page.
  • New page break options improve PDF booklet printing:
  • New page break options make controlled booklet printing easier. In addition to "New page" and "New Odd Page" you can now set page breaks to "New Even Page" and "Last page of 4 pages". "New Even Page" is similar to "New Odd Page" and makes it possible to start new pages on the left, and to ensure that the back cover is always positioned correctly. "Last of 4 Pages" is specifically for booklet-style printing.
  • MS Office 2013 Ribbon with more color schemes:
  • Help+Manual 7 implements the new Office 2013 Ribbon style with a wider range of color schemes and switches to the Blue style by default. You can select different styles and other appearance options in the View tab.
  • Genuine zoom function and 4K display support:
  • We have implemented a real zoom function in the topic editor. Adjust it with the Zoom button in the status bar on the right below the editor window. Zoom works for all content, including tables, graphics and other objects in the editor, not just text.
  • If you are using a high-resolution monitor or a modern laptop with a super hi-resolution display, Help+Manual displays its entire interface crisp and sharp and automatically defaults the editor zoom to the global Windows setting to match text sizes of the system.
  • Templates and Skins tool in the Ribbon:
  • The Manual Designer tool in the Project tab has been replaced by the much more flexible Templates & Skins tool. In addition to opening the Manual Designer for PDF templates it now also provides access to editing skins for HTML-based output and Word templates for the new DOCX output.
  • Copy and paste rows and columns in tables:
  • You can now copy and paste the contents of multiple cells across rows and columns in tables. Just select the cells you want to copy and transfer them to the clipboard. Then click in the cell where you want the paste to begin and paste.
  • Word count:
  • You can now get a very granular count of words, paragraphs and characters in your project. Not only for individual topics or the whole project, but also for project selections based on your build options.
  • Smart date and time variables:
  • When you use date and time variables they are now automatically translated into the language of your help project. The translation depends on Windows support. We use a Windows function to retrieve the strings for the target language and if that language is supported by your Windows installation, Help+Manual will insert the translation provided.
  • Smart table formatting on style change:
  • When you change the style name of a table, the dialog checks if the table has individually formatted cells and asks you whether you want to reset the individual cell formatting to match the selected style.
  • Insert multiple images and HTML classes:
  • You can now insert multiple images with the Insert Image dialog. You can also attach your own HTML classes to individual images, in addition to an image ID.

New in Help & Manual 6.5.2 Build 3002 (Nov 13, 2014)

  • Ultra-high resolution (“4K”) monitors: the display on 4K monitors has been improved, UI elements increase their size proportionally. Help & Manual can now take advantage of Windows DPI virtualization (new option in the program options dialog).
  • Copy & paste: improved import of HTML clipboard content (in particular Firefox).
  • Link dialog, UI improvement: the dialog remembers the last selection for file links.
  • Replace styles dialog on systems with ultra-high resolution displays: panels could not be expanded, mouse wheel is now supported in dialog.
  • Numbering bug with multi-level lists fixed.
  • Synchronize dialog: path to language sibling was not saved relative to the current project.
  • Search function in topic editor: search works across multiple items.
  • PDF export: minor font embedding issues fixed.
  • Bug fix for crash in custom code highlighter, when the underscore character (_) was not included in identifier list.
  • Bug fix for HTML export: when an image was centered with a left/right padding, but no image caption, the padding was not set properly in HTML.
  • Rare OLE crash fixed, when creating an OLE object from file.

New in Help & Manual 6.5.1 Build 2970 (May 31, 2014)

  • This update fixes a vulnerability in the Webhelp index page script, that could possibly have been a door to execute malicious javascript code. The vulnerability is fixed in the default templates, in the standard skins included with Help & Manual and in the Premium Pack skins.
  • Premium Pack Update:
  • The Help & Manual Premium Pack download packages for Help & Manual 6 have been updated to versions 2.41 and 1.61. This is generally a maintenance update but it includes a major update for the smartphone skins, which now support Help & Manual’s normal integrated search for WebHelp. This is much easier to use and configure and is generally preferable.
  • These updates apply to the full Premium Pack version 2 package and the separate Premium Pack version 1 package for Help & Manual 6. In addition to this the download package for Help & Manual 5 has been updated to version 1.57 with some minor corrections and adjustment of the iPad skin there for compatibility with the current version of iOS.
  • In addition to this the help has been updated with a reference of the include options you can use when using the Premium Pack skins for command line and batch publishing.
  • V. 2.41 Smartphone skins: Support for integrated WebHelp search
  • You can now use Help & Manual’s own integrated full-text search in the smartphone skins as well. This is activated by default. If you have been using Google Site Search up to now just disable the Google Site Search option in the Publish dialog to get the integrated search instead.
  • V. 2.41 Smartphone skins: Swipe support for Chrome on Android phones
  • It is now possible to use swiping to switch between the TOC and topics in Google Chrome on Android phones.
  • V. 2.41 Desktop WebHelp skins, CHM skins and 1.61 classsic skins: Insert new lines in standard text for email feedback
  • You can now include new lines (new paragraph) in the body text for your email feedback mails with the new $CRLF$ variable.
  • V. 2.41 Desktop WebHelp skins fixes
  • Preview image of new Samurai Red theme was incorrect. Top vertical scroll bar button in the TOC was sometimes disabled. Mouse scroll wheel didn’t work in topics sometimes in Google Chrome.
  • V. 2.41 Desktop WebHelp skins, iPad skin, 1.61classic skins: Cross site scripting hardening
  • Additional hardening against some obscure cross-site scripting attacks that security researchers have informed us about. URLs containing attacks will no longer produce an error message, the help will just open the default topic.
  • V. 2.41 and 1.61 skins: Component updates
  • The embedded versions of jQuery and some other components have been updated to the latest versions.

New in Help & Manual 6.5.0 Build 2961 (May 8, 2014)

  • Google Analytics tracking in Webhelp: the tracking script for Google Analytics now tests if the same page has been tracked before, to prevent multiple consecutive tracks of the same page (e.g. when the page is reloaded). Multiple page tracks could reduce the search ranking in Google.
  • Furthermore, in-site searches are not tracked as help events rather than page tracks.

New in Help & Manual 6.5.0 Build 2960 (Apr 23, 2014)

  • Fix - Small memory leak with PNG images fixed.
  • HxS export (Visual Studio 20xx format): when variables were used in the table of contents, the variables were not resolved.
  • Table styles: when a table style contained spaced, the original name including the spaces was exported to HTML. This did not affect the table CSS, because the CSS is inline, but could have caused validation errors.
  • EXE eBook export: the hanging indent in numbered lists in Windows EXE eBooks was not exact. This affected EXE eBooks only, all other HTML based exports were ok.
  • Program options: when changing the UI language, H&M asks to restart automatically.
  • New - Full-text search in Webhelp: when the user enters a word in double quotation marks, the search function treats this as “exact match” search and returns full matches only.

New in Help & Manual 6.4.1 Build 2923 (Dec 11, 2013)

  • New - Insert topics dialog: detailed and dedicated options to include references to external CHMs added. It is possible to specify the HHC file of the external CHM and a dedicated relative path.
  • Two small bug fixes in XML schema Helpproject.xsd.
  • Styles: it was possible to create a style without a name.
  • PDF: underlines of justified text improved.
  • Print dialog now remembersinclude options.
  • Autobackup timer is reset every time, the project is saved manually
  • Rare error fixed when closing the tab of the main project
  • The variable included comments objects, which could be exported to HTML this way.
  • Help windows: 8-character restriction for help window names removed
  • Bullet points in Webhelp and EPUB: the symbol character #183 was encoded as a large circle, instead of a smaller dot.
  • Customize bullet lists dialog: entering a new format string manually could result in an access violation.
  • HPJ import: if topic footnotes were declared as endnotes, H&M did not import them correctly.
  • Selection in editor: when the project BiDiMode was default, selected text became white.

New in Help & Manual 6.4.0 Build 2883 (Oct 23, 2013)

  • Webhelp: sitemap url can contain user variables.
  • Webhelp: Default for FORCETOCSYNC setting in configuration changed to FALSE.
  • Webhelp: small bug fix, the file that contains HTML popup topics was not released after Webhelp export, effectively locking it until H&M was closed.
  • Webhelp main skin changed, so that TOC is no longer automatically synchronized. TOC link implemented in header with rel=”nofollow” attribute.
  • PDF/Print: wrong page break calculation caused floating images on the first line of a topic to hang off the bottom of the page.
  • Toggles (dropdown texts) in PDF: when “no icon” is specified, H&M removes the indentation before the text heading, toggle images with caption were exported as left aligned.
  • Toggle images: when using the variable in the title or caption of a toggle image (and using the same settings for expanded/collapsed), the counter was incremented twice.
  • Toggle images: using a percent “%” character in the title or caption of a toggle caused a runtime Javascript error (the script in helpman_topicinit.js did a decodeURI for every attribute, not just for the hm.srcX attributes.
  • ePUB: rare TOC export error fixed (chapter heading without text and no sub-entries caused H&M to stop the compilation).
  • Multiple ampersands in text caused Russian text to be not converted in CHMs on a Russian windows system.
  • Bugfixes topic editor: when inserting rows or columns in a table and the context menu was called by pressing the Windows menu button, H&M created an AV (in Richview, actually). Word-break before parantheses was possible such as in function();. Bullets problem on Polish Windows 7 fixed (Wingdings #216 and #217 were not displayed correctly). Inserting new videos: the text style “Image Caption” is now applied by default.
  • When creating a link with drag & drop from the TOC into a topic and the source project was not identical with the target project, the project reference was not assigned.
  • RTF export: small bug fixed, when duplicate chapter headings (non-topics) were not repeated
  • Invalid PNG images could crash H&M
  • CHM import: when a CHM contained ambigious image names (duplicate images in different internal folders), the image names were not correctly resolved in some cases (e.g. with “..\myfolder\image.jpg”)
  • Positioning of dialog windows on secondary monitors improved, positioning of the image padding popup window on secondary monitors was wrong.
  • Full project report: videos and video preview images are reported. Furthermore, when toggle image used a different picture for collapsed view, this picture was missing in the project report.
  • Subversion: updated message when connecting to an SVN repository, plus an OK message when successful. Host address is internally lowercased to avoid crash with SVN, URL protection added to browsing function.

New in Help & Manual 6.4.0 Build 2880 (Oct 14, 2013)

  • Added the functionality to conditionally include/exclude entire table rows and columns.
  • Impict: you can do the re-import and export to another image format in a batch process, folder by folder, not image by image.
  • Webhelp: sitemap url can contain user variables.
  • Webhelp: Default for FORCETOCSYNC setting in configuration changed to FALSE.
  • Webhelp: small bug fix, the file that contains HTML popup topics was not released after Webhelp export, effectively locking it until H&M was closed.
  • Webhelp main skin changed, so that TOC is no longer automatically synchronized. TOC link implemented in header with rel=”nofollow” attribute.
  • PDF/Print: wrong page break calculation caused floating images on the first line of a topic to hang off the bottom of the page.
  • Toggles (dropdown texts) in PDF: when “no icon” is specified, H&M removes the indentation before the text heading, toggle images with caption were exported as left aligned.
  • Toggle images: when using the variable in the title or caption of a toggle image (and using the same settings for expanded/collapsed), the counter was incremented twice.
  • Toggle images: using a percent “%” character in the title or caption of a toggle caused a runtime Javascript error (the script in helpman_topicinit.js did a decodeURI for every attribute, not just for the hm.srcX attributes.
  • ePUB: rare TOC export error fixed (chapter heading without text and no sub-entries caused H&M to stop the compilation).
  • Multiple ampersands in text caused Russian text to be not converted in CHMs on a Russian windows system.
  • Bugfixes topic editor: when inserting rows or columns in a table and the context menu was called by pressing the Windows menu button, H&M created an AV (in Richview, actually). Word-break before parantheses was possible such as in function();. Bullets problem on Polish Windows 7 fixed (Wingdings #216 and #217 were not displayed correctly). Inserting new videos: the text style “Image Caption” is now applied by default.
  • When creating a link with drag & drop from the TOC into a topic and the source project was not identical with the target project, the project reference was not assigned.
  • RTF export: small bug fixed, when duplicate chapter headings (non-topics) were not repeated
  • Invalid PNG images could crash H&M
  • CHM import: when a CHM contained ambigious image names (duplicate images in different internal folders), the image names were not correctly resolved in some cases (e.g. with “..\myfolder\image.jpg”)
  • Positioning of dialog windows on secondary monitors improved, positioning of the image padding popup window on secondary monitors was wrong.
  • Full project report: videos and video preview images are reported. Furthermore, when toggle image used a different picture for collapsed view, this picture was missing in the project report.
  • Subversion: updated message when connecting to an SVN repository, plus an OK message when successful. Host address is internally lowercased to avoid crash with SVN, URL protection added to browsing function.

New in Help & Manual 6.3.0 Build 2807 Beta (Jul 23, 2013)

  • The major focus for this update was on the import functions. We have completely reimplemented the Winhelp (.hpj) import and improved HTML, CHM and RTF/Word import. So when you are testing this beta version, please take a look at the import functions.
  • Import functions
  • Winhelp (.hpj) import was completely reimplemented and should work flawlessly. Because we eliminated and reimplemented the old RTF parser, this function has become at least 10 times faster than before.
  • RTF/Word import: besides a few smaller glitches that concerned font sizes, Help & Manual now properly resolves in-document links and external links. Embedded images are still numbers (because they don’t have names) but are named with a project prefix. Multiple imports of the same RTF document will produce the same images again.
  • HTML and CHM import: the import options have a new selection, to filter the first tag of a HTML page and use it as topic header. Style naming has been improved and in some cases, German umlauts and special characters caused unwanted line breaks (bugfix). Also fixed: HTML pages with colored background are filtered out and imported as white.
  • Webhelp export
  • The Webhelp output now implements help context numbers for easier context sensitive help. For details, please refer to this help topic in the online version of the help
  • User interface improvements and bug fixes
  • Main window UI: menus now use system font size instead of hard-coded font size. The View tab has a new option to adjust the menu font size relatively to the system font (smaller/default/larger).
  • Topic editor, ruler above editor: the ruler got a context menu to quickly access the paragraph options and to customize the topic editor
  • Topic editor and spell checker: the characters « and » are now recognized as quote characters.
  • Topic editor – new option in File > Program Options: Smart selection. If switched off, the topic editor uses a character-only selection, more suitable for Asian languages.
  • Topic editor: checkbox “Topic has separate header” made a bit smaller (not full width)
  • Topic editor: PNG images in editor show alpha transparency
  • Topic editor: When making selected text a keyword, soft hyphens are filtered out
  • Find & Replace: small bugfix when doing a bulk search with “whole word”
  • Mini-glitch in topic spell check changed (referenece viewtopic.php?f=30&t=12419&p=50840 )
  • SubVersion: bug with German umlauts in project names fixed
  • Project report: images that exist in baggage files only, were flagged as “missing” in the full project report
  • Insert link dialog: some accelerator keys changed
  • Insert table dialog: number of rows was limited to 999 rows
  • Projects files: the file list was refreshed too often when expanding the project files section, causing delays with large projects
  • PDF export: strikethrough format was not placed correctly
  • EPUB export: minor glitches fixed

New in Help & Manual 6.2.3 Build 2670 (Jul 23, 2013)

  • Project report: the “long project report” now includes a check for invalid custom builds. Use the long project report to detect broken conditional text tags. Bug fix: dead links in topics were not marked red in the report.
  • Word (RTF) export: color tables were wrong
  • Spell check, customize word list: the dialog did not scale correctly on systems with large fonts
  • Dropdown toggles: the toggle icon now got a class name “dropdown-toggle-icon” and the CSS stylesheet was extended to associate a hand-pointer cursor to all toggle icons.
  • CHM import: small bug fix for TOC entries that were child items of runtime-merge nodes
  • HPJ import: small bugfix for images that were used as links
  • Insert screenshot toggle: image padding is now memorized.
  • Splitting or copying tables which contained bullets, caused subsequent errors in editor and could crash the program
  • When a merged sub-project was deleted right after inserting it, an access violation occurred

New in Help & Manual 6.2.2 Build 2636 (Jul 23, 2013)

  • IME positioning problems for Japanese and Korean fixed
  • In some cases, loading of snippets inside tables failed during export
  • Splitting a table into two tables caused images in the second table to temporary disappear
  • Insert image dialog box: when an image is not in the search path, H&M offered to add the path or to copy the image. A third option has been added to cancel the task.

New in Help & Manual 6.2.1 Build 2616 (Jul 23, 2013)

  • Bugfix for snippets or wide images in numbered lists: loading caused index-out-of-bounds error
  • Snippets now align with the bottom of a text line, instead of “baseline”. This puts them more in line with text around it.
  • Execute links in topic editor: now also jumps to a topic in a child project, if it is merged
  • OLE objects have a vertical alignment property to improve the display of equations.
  • Bugfix in HTML list output when the option “lists as text” was switched off
  • PDF bugfix: bullets didn’t appear in Nitro Reader (Adobe Reader was ok)
  • PDF command line publishing: when two instances attempted to open the same manual template at the same fraction of a second, one instance failed to read the template.
  • Painting of highlighted text (text with background color) in editor did not work if the highlighted text was preceeded by a scaled image.
  • Welcome screen, recent projects list: mouse-over now shows full path
  • Parsing problem with Premium Pack skin variables fixed
  • HTML export of toggle icons in merged child projects did not work in certain constellations
  • XSD schema file did not define publishing tasks

New in Help & Manual 6.0.2 Build 2330 (Dec 14, 2011)

  • XML Export and Import

New in Help & Manual 6.0.0 Build 2305 (Nov 16, 2011)

  • Updated User Interface:
  • We have slightly redesigned the user interface. Most notably, the File menu is back. We have implemented the so-called Backstage view as seen in Microsoft Office 2010, which replaces several dialogs. And we used the additional screen real estate to improve import, publishing and configuration dialogs. Big dropdown menus make it easier to visually select a skin for publishing. Help+Manual 6 is a lot more "visual" throughout.
  • All new Webhelp 2.0:
  • Help+Manual's Webhelp output has undergone the biggest changes. Help+Manual now creates HTML5 strict and while older templates and skins are still supported, the new standard is integrated Webhelp. The layout has become even more flexible and customizable. It is now really easy to integrate documentation into your website.
  • The new Webhelp output fully supports jQuery and uses animations for non-static content such as table of contents, toggle text, etc. Toggle images and videos can optionally play in lightboxes.
  • Increased search engine visibility: sub-headings in topics are now exported as to headings, which increases the relevance of headings for search engines. Additionally, Help+Manual 6 creates an optional sitemap for your Webhelp output.
  • New publishing formats and publishing tasks:
  • Help+Manual not only imports VisualStudio source code, it can publish the VisualStudio 2010 help format as well.
  • Another feature high on the wish list was an integrated editor for batch publishing. Help+Manual let's you create batch jobs that combine several different outputs and/or different output formats. The publishing batch jobs are saved with the project. An additional function saves the publishing task to a command file for automated batch compilation.
  • Improved editor, new spell checker and a long list of new features:
  • Help+Manual 6 has tabbed editing, so you can open multiple topics at once and easily switch between them. Help+Manual remembers which topics were open and re-opens them the next time you open the project. Images, toggle images and videos allow text flow around them (this works in PDF as well).
  • New File Menu replaces the Application Button (Backstage View)
  • Publishing Tasks for automation
  • Floating images, toggles and videos with lightbox option for Webhelp/HTML Help and improved spacing options (see picture below)
  • Automatically return to last topic and open last topics in tabs
  • When switching between editor and XML source tab, the cursor position is retained
  • Fully-configurable line spacing, new paragraph spacing buttons
  • Generate and insert QR codes
  • Baggage files can be edited directly in Help+Manual
  • New spell checker with support for Open Office dictionaries, including dictionaries for automatic hyphenation (see picture below)
  • Light box mode for image toggles and movies
  • Icons for toggle texts have a 3rd state: hide or replace the icon in PDF, RTF, eBooks and printed manuals
  • Improvements formatting for tables: individual cell borders, new functiosn to split and sort tables
  • Popup Formatter for selected text: hovering the mouse over selected text displays the Popup Formatter, with which you can apply formatting and styles quickly
  • Style Preview in topic editor: styles are temporily applied for preview, while you select them
  • Improved List handling
  • All paragraph styles have an additional "Next" style that is automatically applied to the following paragraph
  • A triple-click in the editor selects the entire paragraph
  • The Insert Snippet dialog was equipped with a visual preview of the snippet content
  • Inline snippets: snippets can optionally place inside text
  • Hyperlinks can automatically pick up the title of the link target
  • PDF improvements (gutter between columns, variables in all PDF bookmarks)
  • Publishing: you can publish selected TOC items and apply build options
  • Repositories for snippets and styles:
  • A repository is a special uncompressed Help+Manual project that you use to share styles and snippets between multiple projects. They are quite specialized and you should really only use them if you have multiple projects that must all have exactly the same styles. This is an excellent way to ensure that your styles are standardized for everyone when you are working on a project in a team, for example.
  • Can publish directly to the Apple iPad:
  • Not the iPad only, we've got to add. The iPhone as well. And to the Nook Reader. And Sony e-book readers and dozens of other e-reading devices on the market

New in Help & Manual 5.6.0 Build 1350 (Jul 25, 2011)

  • Improved Robohelp import: some file and topic links in Robohelp were not correctly resolved, keyword index was not read from particular older RH projects.
  • PDF export: high Unicode characters with standard fonts (e.g. Arial) are exported as glyphs to avoid display problems on non-unicode systems.
  • Paragraph dialog: when pressing Enter in numeric entry fields, the last value entered was not applied.

New in Help & Manual 5.6.0 Build 1340 (May 4, 2011)

  • Numbered outlines in PDF – This is a feature that many users have requested: You can now add automatic numbering to the interactive “Outline” table of contents displayed by PDF readers like Adobe Reader. There is a new option in the PDF publishing properties with which you can activate this.
  • Improved snippet handling for lists – Numbered and bulleted lists that contain snippets instead of hard-coded text are now more intelligent, applying the list paragraph format to the snippet when merging it during export.
  • Better support for MathType equations – We have improved both the sizing and display for MathType equations created with the Microsoft equation editor and inserted in Help & Manual projects.
  • Microsoft Sandcastle – We have updated the import functions to support the latest version of Microsoft Sandcastle for source code documentation.
  • Integration of our blog newsfeed – Help & Manual now polls this official news blog when you select News in the program Welcome screen.
  • A few minor bug fixes:
  • Printing of image toggles inside tables: Improvements to the automatic scaling performed when the picture is too big for the table cell.
  • PDF export of enhanced metafile images: The baseline position of embedded text was incorrect in some metafile images.
  • Word/RTF export: The export function now uses the “print” style set instead of the “screen” style set.
  • Webhelp and HTML Help: Left-aligned image captions were too wide.

New in Help & Manual 5.5.1 Build 1295 (Jan 31, 2011)

  • Free maintenance update with changes regarding PDF export and Webhelp:
  • Webhelp comes with improved scaling of embedded metafiles and an alignment bug fix for right-aligned images with captions. PDF export has been improved, embedded files did not work in some cases, a wrong y-position of labels starting with a blank character has been fixed. Topic variables now permit leading and trailing spaces in the variable content.

New in Help & Manual 5.2.0 Build 880 (Jun 24, 2009)

  • XML Export and Import

New in Help & Manual 5.1.1 Build 790 (Mar 20, 2009)

  • A bug in the date calculation routine terminated the calculation of the project statistic when you open a project. This affected certain dates only.
  • Print topic: when you print a single topic, protected text is no longer printed with a background. This caused protected text to be almost unreadable on b/w printers.
  • Index tool: selected keyword keeps focus when reloading the index manually
  • Webhelp: the configuration of the Webhelp publishing format now includes two new options. First, you can export topic pages without the mandatory byte order mark for UTF-8. This solves publishing problems when you run your Webhelp system through a PHP server and have no influence on the PHP options on your server.
  • Second, the Webhelp output optionally modifies the archive bit of topic files by comparing their content. So instead of looking at the timestamp of the topic, you could use the archive bit to ftp-upload only files that have changed.
  • Find & replace: replacing multiple blanks dit not work
  • Version control: On the very first export to VCS the Ok button stayed grayed after selecting the VCS provider.
  • XML parser: the parsing method for bulleted lists caused certain Wingdings bullets to disappear on non-English Windows systems.
  • Small glitch in custom topic status dialog fixed
  • Save-as dialog in Impict truncated file names if the filename had it dot in it.
  • Drag & drop between projects did not work in some cases
  • Compiler report: the command "Open and explore output folder" is now implemented for PDF compiler report as well.
  • PDF export: on the printed table-of-contents page in PDF, chapters without text did not have an active link to the beginning of that chapter. This has been added. Furthermore, the underscores of links in justified text were slightly too low, when exported to PDF.
  • Online help has been updated
  • Additional change in build 750: Navigation script for Webhelp has been updated to fix a small problem with the upcoming MS Internet Explorer 8

New in Help & Manual 5.1.0 Build 730 (Dec 22, 2008)

  • The most important new feature of this new version is the integrated support for version control.
  • The standard format EPUB is now officially supported. Help & Manual creates EPUB e-books directly without external conversion tools and fully supports the EPUB standard including a table of contents.

New in Help & Manual 5.0.5 Build 620 (Sep 23, 2008)

  • XML Export and Import

New in Help & Manual 5.0.0 (Jun 9, 2008)

  • New user interface.
  • WYSIWIG XML editing.
  • Concurrent multi-user authoring.
  • Improved handling of larger projects.
  • Snippets and external sources.
  • New templates and skins.
  • workflow integration for 3rd party tools.

New in Help & Manual 4.5.1 (Apr 30, 2008)

  • Webhelp export: script changes to prevent automatic TOC synchronization
  • User interface: tree view can be locked
  • Print manual designer: new font button
  • XML Export and Import
  • Find & Replace: small fix
  • Copy & paste of entries in the table of contents
  • Miscellaneous fixes and enhancements

New in Help & Manual (Aug 31, 2007)

  • JavaScript error in MS Internet Explorer 7
  • Improved font embedding in PDF for Adobe Type 1 fonts
  • Sorting of non-alpha characters in PDF index
  • Spurious PDF page breaks triggered by paragraph settings
  • PDF printing with topics containing more than 100 pages
  • Incorrect deletion of empty lines after embedded topics
  • White space between paragraph background and border in PDF
  • Errors in table cells spanning more than one row
  • Inline text toggles not expanded in print and PDF output
  • condition implemented for HTML export

New in Help & Manual 4.31 Build 1236 (Jul 23, 2007)

  • Tables now allow page breaks inside rows
  • Updated PDF engine with improved font embedding
  • New options for HTML Help TOCs
  • Improved CHM import and export for Asian and other languages
  • New Delphi Wizards for Delphi 2007 for Win32
  • Project Synchronization leave child modules intact
  • Improved keyword index sorting for many languages
  • New meta tag topic ID variable for Browser-based Help
  • Merge imported variables with the current variable list
  • Minor changes and bug fixes

New in Help & Manual 4.2.0 (Nov 30, 2006)

  • XML Export and Import