What's new in IBM SPSS Text Analytics for Surveys

Jul 20, 2013
  • Hierarchical categories:
  • Categories can now have a hierarchical structure, meaning they can contain subcategories and those subcategories can also have subcategories of their own and so on. You can import prede?ned category structures, formerly called code frames, with hierarchical categories as well as build these hierarchical categories inside the product. In effect, hierarchical categories enable you to build a tree structure with one or more subcategories to group items such as different concept or topic areas more accurately. A simple example can be related to leisure activities; answering a question such as What activity would you like to do if you had more time? you may have top categories such assports, art and craft,shing, and so on; down a level, below sports, you may have subcategories to see if this is ball games, water-related, and so on.
  • Language Weaver access:
  • The way you access the Language Weaver translation interface has been simplifieed to use a single URL and associated security details.