Indigo RT Changelog

What's new in Indigo RT 4.4.15 RC

Oct 23, 2020
  • Made flood fill distance for lightmaps 12 pixels, using black instead of green as unfilled pixel colour.
  • GPU: Fixed incorrect rendering or OpenCL errors when using texturing on a mesh with no UVs.
  • Fixed null blends not casting shadows with GPU rendering.
  • Fixed crash reading truncated igmesh file.
  • CTRL+pgup now selects previous render channel, CTRL+pgdown selects next, CTRL+num selects render channel num.
  • When checking whether to wait for a floating or online licence, wait for a licence without any restrictions (including watermarking).
  • Fixes GUI not waiting when there was node licence that allows full res but applied watermarks.
  • Slave network rendering: Pause before getting an online license, in addition to floating licences.
  • Slave network rendering: Fixed OpenCL context, device / program building, fixes crash also.
  • Scattering: Assign an arbitrary UID so that objectId() will return something useful for scattered objects (and not just the invalid UID value).
  • Flipped baked lightmaps upside down from before, to be consistent with Indigo's and OpenGL's UV scheme.
  • Fixed camera orientation being wrong in OpenGL view and jumping on rotation when it has keyframes.
  • Increased possible UI range for camera tonemapping ISO and camera exposure value.
  • Added map_normals_to_zero_one render setting - maps normal render channels from [-1, 1] to [0, 1].
  • Added checkboxes for trace_through_trans_mats_for_channels and map_normals_to_zero_one in the channels tab in the render settings widget.
  • Added untonemapped_scale render setting, is a scale factor applied when saving out the untonemapped EXR.
  • Instead of giving an error when a model transorm is not invertible, print a warning instead.
  • Benchmark now stops rendering when finished.
  • Made "Starting threads..." message show number of thread accurately in GPU rendering case, changed to "Starting render threads".