JDecisiontableLib Changelog

What's new in JDecisiontableLib 1.2.2

Jan 30, 2013
  • Change: Enhanced two of three constructors of class Decisiontable. They can throw an IllegalArgumentException now. These are:
  • Decisiontable(int numberOfRules, int numberOfNodes) to ensure that neither number of rules nor number of nodes are less than one
  • Decisiontable(ArrayList rules, ArrayList nodes) to ensure that neither list of rules nor list of nodes are empty
  • Added a facility to create a new decision table using a list of node descriptions (= Node.name) as input. This needed to add a facility to create a new node using a given description and default values for all other fields. Thus there are new constructors to class Node and Decisiontable added:
  • Node (String name)
  • Decisiontable(int numberOfRules, ArrayList nodeNames)
  • Added text to description part of javadoc so that we see a short description of each method in the method overview in the generated html.

New in JDecisiontableLib 1.1.1 (Nov 6, 2012)

  • BUGFIX: Decisiontable.getRulesNotDisjunct() did not report - as expected the first two rules which are not unique (if such rules were found by Decisiontable.checkRulesForBeingDisjunct() - but the first two rules being disjunct! Was were no testcases to cover this usecase? - Of course there was (and still are)! But this bug would not discovered by this testcases because they was wrong. ThThe author apologize for any inconvienance!is happened around inverting the meaning of the flag which is handled by Rule.getDisjunctCheckFailed() / Rule.setDisjunctCheckFailed().

New in JDecisiontableLib 1.1 (Nov 1, 2012)

  • when checking a decision table for rules which are not disjunct and finding such rules there will be a method which tells the first couple of rule which are not disjunct