JDiskReport Changelog

What's new in JDiskReport 1.4.1

Feb 27, 2014
  • This version fixes a bug in the options dialog where directories that should be excluded from the scan could not be removed.
  • The program bundle now provides the security information required by the recent Java versions (Java 7 update >= 51).
  • The Mac OS X bundle now supports and requires Java 7.

New in JDiskReport 1.4.0 (Feb 27, 2014)

  • This maintenance update fixes minor issues in the user interface and comes with updated support for recent Mac OS X versions.

New in JDiskReport 1.3.2 (Feb 27, 2014)

  • This maintenance update fixes duplicate progress controls and the user interface on Windows 7 looks slightly better.
  • Fixed a bug on Windows with an unbound %APPDATA% variable.
  • Also, the menu item names and accelerators now better follow the style guide conventions for Mac and Windows.

New in JDiskReport 1.3.1 (Feb 27, 2014)

  • This maintenance update fixes a bug with recent Java 6 versions, looks slightly better on Vista, and comes with improved support for the Windows application data directory (%APPDATA%).
  • On the Mac the "/Volumes" directory is not excluded by default. Hence, external drives can be scanned without changing the filter. On the other hand, external drives will be scanned and listed, if you scan the root directory "/".
  • Slightly improved dialog design. Fixed duplicate mnemonics, fixed broken radio menu item mnemonics, style guide compliant mnemonics, added a few menu accelerators.

New in JDiskReport 1.3.0a (Feb 27, 2014)

  • This maintenance update comes with an improved Windows installer that fixes a bug with the %APPDATA% handling on popup menu launch.