Jarcomp Changelog

What's new in Jarcomp 0.3

Feb 12, 2023
  • Version 3 is an even smaller update, I just came across some jar files in which not just files were included but also directories. It seems a bit useless to consider these in the comparison, so version 3 just ignores all the directories. Apart from that the only thing you might notice is that the jar is a tiny bit smaller, thanks to java 11 features.

New in Jarcomp 0.2 (Jan 5, 2023)

  • Version 1 remained stable and unchanged for many many years, but an alert user noticed a bug in the file selection dialogs (thanks, Greg!). And so while fixing that, the opportunity was taken to revisit the old code, add some yellow row highlighting for the changed files, and finally fix the sorting for the third column. There are also now tooltips added to the "Path" labels, in case the paths are too long to fit on the screen, and a few extra pixels around the summary labels to space them away from the window border.
  • It's a bit of a shame that all the GUI elements are still only available in English, but as long as there's not a burning desire to have it in other languages then I guess it'll stay like that.