Taurus JavaVM Changelog

What's new in Taurus JavaVM 1.10

Oct 26, 2010
  • Loading and execution of Java applications - the VM should be able to load and begin executing any Java application.
  • Dynamic loading - classes are loaded as needed, exceptions or errors are reported when a class cannot be found
  • Complete virtual instruction set implementation - 100% of the virtual instructions have been implemented (one or two are dummy implementations as they relate to threading). This means that the VM can interpret large programs like the javac and javadoc.
  • Can read and write files on disk.
  • Support for exceptions - most exceptions generated by the VM can be caught, all exceptions generated by user code can be caught. All Java exceptions support the stack trace facility.
  • Runs with standard JDK classes - there are no modified class files used by the VM. This version can run with either JDK 1.1 or J2SDK 1.4.
  • Debug at method, instruction and exception level is supported. Any serious VM problems (e.g. access violations) should generate a Java stack trace.