What's new in Locura Personal Media Server 1.30

Dec 13, 2007
  • Fixed an issue with videos created in new formats displaying invalid charaters in their titles which also corrected an issue with the same video files causing RSS feeds not to work.
  • Fixed an issue with the dates being returned in the header not being in universal time.
  • Fixed an issue with ETags being unquoted.
  • Fixed an issue with includes and base specification (i.e. "/root").
  • Fixed an issue with special characters in URL's not encoding and decoding correctly.
  • Fixed an issue with "JPG" file types being the only file types available for photos.
  • Fixed an issue with playlists, RSS feeds, and zip files truncating their defaulted filename when spaces were present in their name.
  • Defaulted content type to text/html for scripts. This resolved an issue with out-of-the box scripts that didn't explicitly define a content type.
  • Fixed an issue with Content-Length and Content-range headers displaying incorrect values when a range request was made.
  • Fixed an issue with a non-ending range request.