Math-o-mir Changelog

What's new in Math-o-mir 2.0 / 2.1 Beta 4

Jan 31, 2018
  • This beta includes support for long-time-missing ceiling and floor functions (brackets). These brackets can be selected from popup menu as any other bracket type, or they can be generated by using ceil and floor commands… Only the numerical computation for the floor/ceiling functions is supported so that at least graphs can be plotted.
  • Several bugs are corrected, among them one that was crashing the software (when working with tables – thanks Maximilian), and another other one that was causing GDI resource leakage.
  • I played a little with optimization settings, but the improvement is minuscule. Still the new beta is few kilobytes shorter than the previous one, making me happy.

New in Math-o-mir 2.0 (Jan 3, 2017)

  • The main reason I increased the version number from 1.xx to 2.xx is because there are changes in the .mom file format that might compromise the backward compatibility. The new file format 2.xx is more compact and produces files half the size than the older 1.xx format. It is even much more efficient when storing documents that contain bitmaps – which is the main reason why I decided to change the file format in the first place.
  • However, being concerned about backward compatibility, I decided that the new MoM 2.0 will still store its files into 1.xx format by default (except bitmaps). If you explicitly want to use the new 2.xx format, you should choose “save as…” and then choose the 2.xx format… Maybe I was too much of a coward, I admit. Anyway, in the next version the Math-o-mir will save in 2.xx format by default. And in some even further version, it will loose the ability to save 1.xx format altogether…. The ability to read the 1.xx format will remain ‘forever’.
  • I eradicated some bugs. I also removed several features: the auto-clipboard-semi-transparent menu, snap-to-grid option (it is now always active when the grid is displayed), parentheses-height options… The documentation is updated: the Users Manual, the Brief Guide and the Tutorial. All in English language. (However the German version of the software itself is also released).
  • Other major news are as follows:
  • Toolbox options are rearranged. New symbols are added (corresponds to, D’Alambert, triangle, real part, imaginary part), some symbols are deleted
  • The “very large” toolbox size option is added to support high-resolution monitors
  • New commands: varpi (inserts pi variant); Ups, ups (generates upsilon)
  • Spacebar+Enter keystroke can be used to toggle text/math typing mode (in addition to the Alt+Spacebar keystroke)
  • New variable decorations are available: triple dot, tilde, hacek
  • The function plotter is speed up and improved. Up to 4 functions can now be plotted simultaneously. Numerical integration of the plotted function is implemented.
  • The uppercase delta sign is handled in a special way – no automatic separation from the following variable. The double ‘u’ stroke generates Greek mi letter (not the upsilon)
  • Redesigned the drawing box handy menu
  • 45 degree lines can now be drawn using the section-line drawing tool
  • keyboard arrow key handling improvement

New in Math-o-mir 1.92 (Jan 15, 2016)

  • To enter a measurement unit, start typing it with the period (dot) key. For example, to enter 10.3kg you can type Why? It’s fast and general – the software does not need to have the list of all units. You can, for example, enter .myfreakingunit
  • This is it. The invention that measurement units can be typed by starting them with the period (dot) key is the coolest invention in this release. Related to it, there are some additional keyboard readjustments.
  • To execute the Autocomplete, use the comma key instead of the period (dot) key.
  • To paste from Auto-clipboard, use the Spacebar+period instead of the Spacebar+comma (or you can still use the Insert key).
  • To enter degree-of-arc you can type .deg or .”’ or just type the apostrophe (prime) three times behind a number: 37.3”’
  • To enter degree-of-Celsius you can type .degC or .’C or just type ‘C behind a number: 23.3’C
  • To enter the ohm symbol (resistance unit), type .ohm
  • Of course, there are several other keyboard-related changes. Some of them are dubious so I hope I will hear from you how you like them.
  • Shift+Backspace can be used to splice single-letter variables into a multi-letter variable. If you type a b c and then hit the Shift+Backspace two times, variables a, b and c will join into one variable abc… Much more useful than you might think.
  • If you start typing digits behind an already existing number, these digits will be appended to the existing number
  • After you create a function, you can delete its argument box by hitting the Del key (the Enter key can still be used for the same)
  • The Enter key will not wrap a text line if the line is inside a table cell. Instead, the cursor will jump into the next cell. To wrap the text line, you should use Alt+Enter keystroke. This is the dubious one.
  • Usage of Del and Backspace keys is a bit different in tables/matrices. It is not possible to delete content of neighboring cells any more.
  • Symbols %, $ and ? are always cast in upright font when typing math
  • Say you started a new equation box and toggled the typing mode to plain-text. If you now move the empty box around (using cursor keys) the plain-text mode will persist.
  • Only now, I am revealing another ‘big’ news: by default Math-o-mir will use serif italic font when you type mathematics. I decided to switch from upright sans-serif to italic serif in order to better distinguish between uppercase i and lowercase L. If you are an ‘old’ user you might not see any difference because Math-o-mir will import your current settings instead to force factory defaults.
  • Finally, let me conclude the what’s new list:
  • I reworked the font-handling user interface. The new one is, I hope easier to understand. You can now choose from 8 uniform and one mixed font sets. Here is how the interface looks now:
  • The maximum number of guidelines is increased from 8 to 12
  • The ‘Headline‘ toolbar button now behaves in a different way. By pressing this button repetitively you can choose between three various headline sizes.
  • The watt-hour measurement unit is added
  • You can add line endings to opened lines/curves (ones without branches, vertices and loops). Just right-click at the curve and the pop-up menu will display options:
  • line_endings:
  • Curly brackets and section lines that you can quickly draw with the mouse cursor (without entering the drawing mode) are now thinner a bit
  • Height of parentheses is increased a bit. Integral sign shape is corrected. Round parentheses are thicker in presentation mode.
  • I renamed ‘General variable mode’ into ‘Prefer Multi-Letter variables‘ and I also renamed ‘Simple variable mode’ into ‘Prefer Single-Letter variables‘. I think it is clearer so.
  • In both these modes, Multi-letter and Single-letter, rules when typing indexes are identical now. There is a new menu option: Options->Keyboard->Use complex indexes that you can use to change typing rules when indexes are typed.
  • When the typing mode is inactive, you can quickly select an object by pointing your mouse pointer at it and hitting the Enter key (until now it was Alt+Spacebar keystroke that was used for the same).
  • Last, I removed the feature to automatically store all deleted text/math into the Auto-clipboard (implemented in v1.91). I found it to be annoying.
  • I updated the Users Manual without increasing number of pages – very proud. The size of the User Manual is terrifying already. I also updated the MoM’s ridiculously complex math-typing tutorial with some new examples.
  • The German version of Math-o-mir is also available from the homepage, but the translation suffers. I need to find a nice German gentlemen to help me with translation.

New in Math-o-mir 1.91 Build 2 (May 18, 2015)

  • There are few bugs corrected in this version, like following:
  • digits that are part of a variable (like in ‘X1′ or ‘n8′) are now cast in the same font style as letters in that variable. Of course, when you write a pure number (like ’34’ or ‘34.23’) then digits are still cast in straight, non-bold font.
  • the symbolic calculator will now only suggest converting a number into scientific form if the number is larger than 9999 or smaller than 0.001. I found it annoying when it was suggesting to replace, say, number ’22’ with ‘2.2*10^1′.
  • Also the symbolic calculator will now decompose a number into factors if you just type, say, ‘126??’. Until now you either had to hit the space-bar key between ‘126’ and ‘??’ or you had to enter the equal sign in between.
  • I also implemented a simple experimental feature: You can now use the Shift+Backspace as an alternative way to build multi-letter variables (supposing that the default, Simple-variable-mode is what you use when are typing your math). Normally, a multi-letter variable is written by starting it with the apostrophe key. However if you forgot to type the apostrophe key, then instead of one milti-letter variable, you will end up with several single-letter variables that are visibly spaced. Now you can hit the Shift+Backspace several times to squeeze (splice) these separate letters into one word.
  • The above feature was actually motivated by the fact that it was not easy to write multi-letter variables that contain both, Greek and Latin symbols (for example, deltaX). Now this is doable by typing the Greek delta character first (‘DD’), then ‘x’, and then using Shift+Backspace splice the two together.
  • I dropped the ReadMe file from this version and the ReadMe file will not be shown after installation. I suppose nobody reads it anyway. So I added a short legal stuff into the about box.

New in Math-o-mir 1.91 Beta 6 (Mar 30, 2015)

  • Experiment with an “auto-clipboard” feature:
  • expressions you ‘placed-down’ either from the toolbox or from some other source. This way you don’t need to access the toolbox every time you want to place the same symbol that you placed just a moment ago. This feature is not completely new, but is now more elaborate.
  • expressions you deleted using the backspace key or the delete key. This way you can just delete something (without using ctrl+x to cut it) and then paste it to some other place.
  • Note that this private auto-clipboard is a completely separate thing from the standard windows clipboard (Ctrl+X,C,V). To paste from the auto-clipboard, instead of the ‘Ctrl-V’ you need to use ‘Spacebar+comma’ (or alternatively the ‘Insert’ key) while the typing mode is active. When you hit the Spacebar+comma, the freshest expression from the auto-clipboard will be pasted – but if there is more than one expression stored in the clipboard, a semi-transparent menu will be also displayed where you can choose an alternative option (using a mouse, or using the keyboard down-arrow key).
  • The menu is made semi-transparent not to distract you too much, and if you just continue to type it will go away. If you access the menu with the mouse or the ‘down-arrow’ key, it will become opaque.
  • In general, this is what I am trying to do:
  • say that you want to type something like: sin(x+y)=0.5
  • however you forgot to hit the enter key after the ‘y’ and so you typed something like: sin(x+y=0.5)
  • so you hit the backspace key 4 times to delete the ‘=0.5′ part (the MoM stores this into the auto-clipboard)
  • now you hit the enter key to exit the ‘sin(x+y)’ expression
  • finally, you hit the Spacebar+comma to paste the ‘=0.5′ part from the auto-clipboard

New in Math-o-mir 1.91 Beta 4 (Feb 2, 2015)

  • A block of text (or even a multi-line block of math) can now be appended with a new line by a simple mouse-click. Just point your mouse pointer slightly below object’s lower-left edge – a guideline will appear. However, if you point close to the object, the guideline will not be yellow-colored but might be green-colored or blue-colored. If so, just click at the guideline and a new line will be added to the existing object… (Until now you had to click after the last word and then hit the enter key to start the new line)… This feature only works if guidelines are enabled and if the object is left-aligned.
  • Simple page numbering is implemented. You will find page-numbering options under ‘View->Page->Page numbering’. Only several options are available. The major disadvantage is that you cannot control margins yet.

New in Math-o-mir 1.91 Beta 2 (Jan 19, 2015)

  • ‘Improved’ the way plain text is rendered when the presentation mode is enabled. I hope that the rendered text is now more readable than before. The inter-character spacing is now more uniform (on the expense of varying inter-word spacing). This might create some unwanted rendering effects as it takes some testing time to fine-tune.
  • At the beginning and at the end of a plain-text line I am now displaying insertion points a bit more distanced from the text than before. To make this possible I also had to add some more space (right and left margin) around text in a matrix/table cell. Thus, matrices/tables will be slightly wider than before.
  • The cursor-up keyboard key handling is slightly improved: if you hit it while the keyboard cursor is positioned at the first place under the root sign, the cursor will move into root ‘index’ field (if this field exists). Also, if the cursor is positioned at the first place in a variable index, it will be placed at the end of the variable.
  • When you want to use the quick-type feature to type some plain text you will do this by first hitting the spacebar key. The difference is that when you hit the spacebar key, an empty ‘T’ object (a text placeholder) will not be created any more. Instead, the familiar green ‘T’ symbol will appear for a short time to inform you that you can now type plain text.

New in Math-o-mir 1.91 Beta (Jan 15, 2015)

  • The region at the beginning/end of a line where you can point your mouse and highlight the insertion point is now enlarged. Thus, it should be easier to point-and-click in order to append text/math to existing lines.
  • Insertion points are now visible even in the drawing mode when you move your mouse pointer (pencil) over text/math. This way you should be able to use the quick-typing feature to edit existing text/math directly while still in the drawing mode
  • When rendering multi-line text, the between-line spacing is slightly increased for easier reading. Also, spacing between lines is now more even if lines contain superscripts/subscripts.
  • Double-quotation mark key is handled in a slightly different way now – in the plain-text typing mode it will not produce exponents when used after a multi-letter word.

New in Math-o-mir 1.9 (Sep 8, 2014)

  • News regarding keyboard handling:
  • If you press a letter key and hold it down for about 0.3 seconds, the letter will turn into uppercase. This works for most keys – the long key hold generates a shifted character. This way, for example, instead of using Alt+Shift+R to place an uppercase ‘R’ letter into an exponent, you can use Alt+R (for 0.3 seconds).
  • You can adjust Math-o-mir to use the CapsLock key to toggle between math typing and text typing modes. If you want to use this option check: ‘Options->Keyboard->Use CapsLock to toggle typing mode’. Note that if you decide to use the CapsLock to toggle the typing mode, you can still use Shift+CapsLock to activate/deactivate the CapsLock function.
  • Keystrokes ‘i.’ and ‘j.’ will now typecast ‘i’ and ‘j’ letters into italic-serif font, intended to depict imaginary units. If you need to generate ‘i( )’ and ‘j( )’ functions instead, you should use ‘\i’ and ‘\j’ commands. I believe that imaginary units are typed more often that ‘i( )’ and ‘j( )’ functions and this is why I decided to use the handy ‘i.’ and ‘j.’ keystrokes to generate imaginary units.
  • Greek symbols are still generated by timed double-strokes, but now the timeout time is much longer. You can double-stroke fairly slowly and still obtain Greek symbols.
  • If an exponent box is empty and you hit the Enter key to exit the exponent box, the box will be deleted.
  • The symbolic calculator cannot be activated by the “= =” sequence any more. Instead, you must now use the “??” sequence. This is because the double-equal sequence is now used for another purpose.
  • The ‘= =’ sequence now behaves similar as the ‘++’ or ‘- -‘ sequence. It will exit a box (parentheses, fractions, functions…) and will place the equal sign outside it. If the double-equal sequence is used at the outmost equation level, then it will wrap the line. The line will be wrapped in a smart way: if the former line contains an equal sign, the new equal sign in the next line will be aligned with it (try typing: ‘m=1+2==3’ to see the effect).
  • The tab spacer character now has adjustable length. You can adjust its length using the mouse – click at its arrow tip and drag to the desired length.
  • When you hit the Alt+Enter key to wrap a math line, the lines are now left-aligned by default (until now lines were center-aligned).
  • When you type into index, or when the General Variable mode is selected, the third hit to the same letter will revert the character from Greek back to Latin. I agree, this is somewhat non-intuitive and some other way to revert Greek characters to Latin characters would be nice.
  • News regarding hand-drawing:
  • The colorbox is completely redesigned and is now permanently visible (except when the typing mode is active). Three additional options are added to the colorbox: node edit, crosshair cursor and select-last-drawn-object.
  • By a long right-mouse-click (hold down the right mouse button for about 0.5 seconds until a pale blue box appears, then release the button) you can display the handy hand-drawing toolbox – the same one that shows when you hit the F4 key.
  • It is possible to draw section lines and curly braces even if the typing mode is not active.
  • The way to edit drawing nodes is now different. You can turn on the ‘node edit’ icon in the colorbox and then you will be able to edit nodes for any drawing item you mouse-touch.
  • If you hold down the shift key while you are using the ‘section line’ tool, the tool will draw very thin horizontal and vertical lines – useful to draw helper/guide lines.
  • When a drawing tool is selected, the pencil-shaped mouse pointer will show a spot at its tip of the size and color that matches to the currently selected line thickness and line color.
  • It is now possible to move/stretch/rotate selections while the hand-drawing mode is active (until now you had to exit into the editing mode). You can, for example, draw something, click ALT+Spacebar to select it, and then while still in the drawing mode you can move/stretch/rotate the selected drawing.
  • The crosshair cursor is implemented. You can turn it on by enabling an icon in the colorbox, or by holding down the Ctrl key.
  • It is possible to use the spacing-feature even in the hand-drawing mode. Point your mouse pointer very close to the left border of the document window and wait until the vertical ruler appears. Then you can click-and-drag on the ruler.
  • Other news:
  • The ‘oneshot’ formatting mode is removed. However, the ‘oneshot’ feature can still be used because it is now possible to flag any of the ‘uniform’ formatting as ‘single-shot’ (if you do so, that uniform formatting will have an upside-down arrow displayed). In addition, uniform modes can now have various colors.
  • Two new math symbols are added: the ‘because’ symbol (three dots in a triangle formation) and the ‘per mille’ symbol. To type the ‘per mille’ symbol, hit the ‘%’ key twice.
  • Two new commands are implemented: ‘\because’ to generate the ‘because’ symbol, and ‘\angle’ to generate the angle symbol (the angle symbol is also changed a bit).
  • The ‘very large’ toolbox/toolbar size option is added to support high-resolution monitors.
  • The new section ‘Mouse’ is added into the ‘Options’ menu. Here you can define your preferences about mouse-wheel usage (zoom/scroll selection, right-button + wheel usage, scrolling speed…)
  • It is possible to hold down the right mouse button while you are turning the mouse wheel in order to toggle the mouse wheel functionality (from scroll to zoom or vice versa). The scroll function is now default function for the mouse wheel for all new users (it was zoom until now).
  • Font sizes (small, large, very large) are now a bit different. Sorry if this will cause problems to you when editing old documents.
  • You can now define the default zoom level by choosing from ‘Options->Font Size & Zoom’. The zoom level will be adjusted to the default zoom level any time you click at the ‘1:1’ icon from the toolbar.
  • It is now easier to type formulas directly into the function plotter window because you can now mouse-click anywhere on the formula to change the cursor position.
  • A left-mouse click anywhere outside the context menu box will close the context menu. Until now it was only closed when you right-clicked.
  • The “wide keyboard cursor” option is removed. Also, the “parentheses height” options are removed. The ‘/T/’ option is removed from the toolbox and does not exist any more.

New in Math-o-mir 1.84 Beta 8 (Aug 4, 2014)

  • FileOpen and FileSave dialogs misbehaved on some systems causing application to semi-hang when one of these dialogs opened.

New in Math-o-mir 1.84 Beta 7 (Aug 4, 2014)

  • I added an option to choose for ‘Very Large’ toolbox/toolbar/context menus. This is to support small-size-high-resolution displays. See under “View->Toolbox and context menu”.
  • It is now possible to select the default zoom level (80%, 100%, 120% or 150%). Until now the default zoom level was always fixed to 100%. See under “Options->Font sizes & Zoom”… This is also made to support various display resolutions.
  • You can still select from small, medium, large and very large default font sizes. However instead of 80%, 100%, 150% and 185% these options will now map to 85%, 100%, 120% and 150% relative font sizes, respectively. Obviously anyone who used the ‘large’ font size in previous version will now have to use the ‘very large’ font size to obtain the same effect… I decided to make this change to allow for finer gradation among possible font sizes.
  • I moved two options from the “View->Zoom” menu into the new “Options->Mouse” menu. These two options are “Mouse wheel zooms only if CTRL is held” and “Zooming with mouse wheel adjusts pointer”. I also added one new option “Reverse direction for mouse wheel scrolling”… I hope somehow that these options can help users that use a touchpad instead of a real mouse.
  • You can now close a popup context menu by simple left-click anywhere outside of it (until now left-clicking outside of an opened context menu produced an annoying beep sound).

New in Math-o-mir 1.84 Beta 6 (Jul 28, 2014)

  • In comparison to the last beta, there are several news:
  • A new symbol is added into the toolbox – the ‘because’ symbol (three dots in a triangle formation). Also the new command is enable (\because) that can generate this symbol.
  • The CapsLock key can now be used to toggle between Math Typing Mode and Text Typing Mode. This will only work if you enable the following options: Keyboard->Options->Use CapsLock to toggle typing mode. Of course, once you enable this option, the CapsLock will not toggle the uppercase/lowercase letters any more. Instead, to toggle uppercase/lowercase letters then, you will have to use Shift+CapsLock or Ctrl+CapsLock.
  • Handling of Formatting modes is changed in order to simplify it. The ‘O’ (oneshot) mode is removed and now you will only find two Formatting mode icons in the toolbox (the ‘U’ and the ‘M’). However, you can still create oneshot-style fonts by checking the ‘use as singleshot’ option while defining a uniform font….. If you already created many personalized oneshot formatting styles, you will not have them any more. Sorry.
  • While defining fonts for uniform ‘U’ formatting styles, you can now also choose font color.
  • A nasty special handling is introduced when typing indices (indexes). If you now hit the same letter three times in a row, a Greek symbol (that is going to be created after the second key hit) will be reverted back into two Latin letters… This special handling was needed to enable easier typing for variables with double-Latin letters in indices (like ‘Vcc’ or ‘Vpp’).
  • The Handy Help is updated

New in Math-o-mir 1.84 Beta 5 (Jul 7, 2014)

  • The double-stroke timeout time for typing Greek symbols is extended considerably. It is now set to about 1s, while it was set to 250ms in earlier versions. I hope that this will make it easier to stroke Greek symbols… (To type the same Latin-script variable twice, one after the other, you should hit the spacebar in between to speed up your typing.)
  • If an exponent-box is empty and you hit the enter key to exit from it, the exponent-box will be deleted.
  • The handy popup-drawing-toolbox that gets displayed when you hold down the right mouse button for about 1sec now behaves less intrusive. The toolbox is not fully shown until you release the right-mouse button. This way the toolbox does not interfere that severely with the right-click-and-drag screen scrolling feature.
  • Typing the ‘==’ (double equal sign) sequence now has the revised behavior! Instead of activating the symbolic calculator, the ‘==’ sequence now behaves similarly as the ‘++’ and ‘—‘ sequences (wraps the line, or exits from a child box).
  • To activate the symbolic calculator, instead of the ‘==’ sequence use the ‘??’ sequence (double question mark)… I am aware that using ‘??’ is less convenient than using ‘==’.
  • You can now modify the length of the tab spacers using your mouse.
  • In this beta I tried to make it easier to type multi-line equations. You can now use the ‘==’ sequence in three possible ways (the picture below shows these three methods side-by-side)
  • Type the ‘==’ sequence at the end of a line. The line will be wrapped, and the generated equal sign will be aligned with the first occurrence of an equal sign in the previous line.
  • Type the ‘==’ sequence at the beginning of a line. First wrap a line using Alt+Enter and then use the ‘==’ sequence to align the equal sign with the first occurrence of an equal sign in the previous line. The difference compared to the first point is that in this case there will be no equal sign at the end of the previous line.
  • Type the ‘==’ sequence at the beginning of a new object. This is similar as in the previous point, but instead of Alt+Enter you would simply use the Enter key at the end of a line. The result is that each line is a separate object.

New in Math-o-mir 1.84 Beta 4 (Jun 26, 2014)

  • The last beta3 had an evident bug that prevented entering Greek symbols into exponents when the faster Alt+key method was used. The bug was caused by interference with the newly-added code that generates uppercase letters if a letter key is pressed and held for some time (cca 0.5 seconds). This is now corrected in the new beta4.
  • There are several new features that are also implemented in the new beta4 (and of course, new bugs might be introduced as well):
  • The single-finger-shift-key feature is expanded to work with symbol keys and number keys as well (until now, it was only used on letter keys). As I sad already in my last post, when you press and hold a key for about 0.5 seconds, it will generate a character that is normally produced by using shift+that_key combination. This feature is intended as a way to avoid three-key combinations when typing some characters into exponents (Alt+Shift+Key) or into indexes (Spacebar+Shift+Key)… This feature uses some programing tricks and I am not sure it will work perfectly on all computers – let me know if you experience problems. I already know that it will not work good when user switches keyboard layout during his/her work – something that is routinely done in non-Latin script languages.
  • I added several new options into the colorbox: “Node-Edit mode”, “Crosshair cursor” and “Select last element”. Consequently, I removed the “Node-Edit mode” option from the toolbar and from the context menu . The “Select last element” option does the same as the Alt+Spacebar key-press combination: it selects document elements beginning from the most freshly-created one. The reason I added the “Select last element” option as a button into the colorbox is educational – I wanted that users learn that this useful option exists (users never read user manuals).
  • Crosshair cursor is implemented. I am not sure this option is that useful as hoped it will be. I will wait and see. If the crosshair cursor option does not prove its usefulness, I will remove it.
  • The ‘\e’, ‘\i’ and ‘\j’ commands are not going to generate italicized ‘e‘, ‘i‘ and ‘j‘ letters any more. Instead, these command are going to generate ‘e( )’, ‘i( )’ and ‘j( )’ functions. To generate italicized letters (often used to represent the natural number and imaginary units) you can use ‘e.’, ‘i.’ and ‘j.’ keystrokes (that is, the mighty-dot conversion method)… By the way, any single-letter function generated by the ‘\’ command casting method is now going to generated functions that already have visible parentheses around its argument.

New in Math-o-mir 1.84 Beta 3 (Jun 19, 2014)

  • You can generate uppercase letters by holding down a key for about 0.5 seconds. This actually only works if your keyboard has auto-repeating option enabled (and maybe I should change the implementation not to depend on this setting). The reason why I implemented this is because it is difficult to produce 3-key combinations when typing uppercase letters into exponents or indexes - for example, to type uppercase letter ‘R’ into a variable index, you had to use Spacebar+Shift+R combination; now you can just use Spacebar+R and hold it for about 0.5 second
  • When typing formulas directly into the function plotter, it is now possible to aim-and-click with mouse to change the keyboard cursor position.

New in Math-o-mir 1.84 Beta 2 (May 19, 2014)

  • The color-box is much smaller now and, therefore, it can be almost permanently present on the screen. This, hopefully, will result in its handier and more natural usage. To make it smaller I had to separate line-thickness options from line-color options. Although clickable regions inside the color-box may look small and hard to aim using the mouse, these regions are actually a bit larger than in the previous color-box design.
  • Unfortunately, users that do not use the hand-drawing capabilities might find the permanent appearance of the new color-box somewhat annoying. Let me know how do you like it… This beta version also implements different handling of selections while the hand-drawing mode is active – as soon as you move your pencil-shaped mouse pointer over a selected item, the mouse pointer will revert into the standard arrow shape and you will be able to handle the selection the usual way. In addition, this version uses somewhat brighter red, green and blue colors.

New in Math-o-mir 1.84 Beta (May 5, 2014)

  • There are some other minor bugs fixed in this beta. In addition, I was also working a bit to improve hand-drawing capabilities of the software as I noticed that users rarely use the hand-drawing tools.
  • curly brackets and section lines can be painted without entering the hand-drawing mode. This feature already existed in the previous version but only when the typing mode was active. Now it is extended and reimplemented so that it can be used generally
  • The “Edit drawing nodes” icon in the toolbar is reimplemented – the edit-nodes mode can now remain active all the time and I hope that this could be useful to users that use hand-drawing extensively
  • I added a colored ‘hot spot’ just in front of the pencil-shaped pointer in the drawing mode. I hope that this can help users to quickly identify what color and what line thickness is currently selected, just before they start drawing
  • If you hold the mouse steady and hold down the right mouse button for about 1 second, the popup menu with several hand-drawing tools will appear (the same as if you used the F4 key)
  • the section-line drawing tool will now draw hair-thin lines if the shift key is held down. This can be useful to draw help lines
  • I also removed support for wide cursors

New in Math-o-mir 1.83 (Apr 28, 2014)

  • This is a debug release intended to align the distributed Math-o-mir version over various software download sites. The version 1.82 had many after-release builds that were only available at my site.
  • Also corrected a problem with typing differentials of indexed variables. Until now you couldn’t use the fast ‘spacebar+letter’ method to type the index of something like “dx1”. Instead you had to use the underline key to type the index down.

New in Math-o-mir 1.82 (Dec 5, 2013)

  • Improved keyboard handling
  • New math symbols
  • Improved help

New in Math-o-mir 1.81 (Sep 25, 2013)

  • Keyboard-handling news:
  • Representation of exponents (powers) is significantly changed – there is no insertion point in the front of the base expression box any more. As a result, the exponents are much simpler to type and the spacing between equation elements is more regular now. However, it might be harder to edit the exponent base.
  • The method to type differentials is also changed a lot. The differential can now contain only one variable (like dx) unless you type the parentheses first [ like: d(x+y) ]. This way, differentials are much simpler work with.
  • It is now easier to type compound measurement units. Any variable entered after a measurement unit will also be accepted as a measurement unit until you type an operator like ‘+’ or ‘-‘. Therefore, you don’t need to use, for example, \m/\s, but you can now type \m/s.
  • There are two new mighty-dot conversions, int. and sum., that can generate integral and summation signs in a bit faster way than using \int and \sum commands. Also, signs generated by the mighty-dot method will not have upper and lower limit boxes – you can create them if you press the underline key immediately.
  • If a variable has an index, the backspace key now enters into the variable index first (to delete elements from the index) before it deletes the variable
  • Other news:
  • It is possible to enter functions that do not have argument box. After you enter a function, just hit the Enter key while the argument box is still empty and the box will be deleted… Note: if you hit the ‘(‘ key behind a function that does not have an argument box, the argument box will be created again.
  • In the derivation notation (like d/dx) that is created when you cast with the \dd or \parpar commands, it is now possible to generate index to the upper differential sign using the underline key (example: \dd )
  • Support to make cuts with mouse is implemented. You can touch math element(s) with your mouse pointer and then long-click at them (click and hold the mouse button for >0.5sec). Note that copy of math element(s) will be picked-up immediately after you click, but if you continue holding the mouse button down, without moving the mouse, the originals you are touching will be deleted. (Note that this feature is experimental and might be discontinued in future releases.)
  • The new arrow element is implemented – the arrow with an expression box above it… At the moment there is no command that generates this arrow (let me know if you have an idea how to name the command). You can only choose it from the toolbox. If you need to access it often, please, associate a keyboard-accelerator to it.
  • Two new types of parentheses are added | > and < |. You can enter them by using \ket and \bra command or by entering sequences [> and Save settings->Save as default’ option. (Note: This introduction help is experimental and might be discontinued in future releases).

New in Math-o-mir 1.8 (May 22, 2013)

  • Removed features:
  • The ‘Simple Variable Mode’ is removed. The ‘Very Simple Variable Mode’ is renamed the ‘Simple Variable Mode’.
  • All framing modes except the ‘Intelligent framing’ are removed.
  • Optimized font sizes for the Presentation mode are removed. Now both, the edit and the presentation mode, are using the same font sizes.
  • The MathML support, the MathML-P export, is removed
  • News regarding keyboard handling:
  • Greek symbols are now generated by fast double-stroking (Paste), the pasted objects are now moveable with the mouse and you can place them down with the mouse click.
  • You can right-mouse-click at the vertical scroll bar to open the tiles view of your document. By clicking at a tile, you can then quickly move to that location.
  • You can use \h1, \h2 and \h3 commands to generate headlines.
  • It is possible to add hand-drawings into the toolbox (until now it was only possible to add equations into the toolbox)
  • When you hit the Esc key, or the right-mouse key, it will not invariably end the keyboard-entry mode or the hand-drawing mode. Instead, if a selection exists, it will first deselect the selection.
  • Selected objects are now framed with a more pale line. The moving dot is not visible for the hand-drawing objects.
  • There is a label telling you when the presentation mode is turned on. In addition, if you try to edit while the presentation mode is switched on, a warning label is displayed.
  • Several new commands are implemented: \varphi, \leq, \geq, \elm, \owns, \notin, \exists, \forall, \circ, \mapsto, \therefore
  • Rendering of indexes and exponents is changed so that equations are rendered a bit more condensed now.
  • The new operator is added: ‘\’
  • If you copy a text into an equation, the text does not get surrounded with the / / brackets any more.
  • You can hold the Alt key while you are moving your cursor across an equation. In this case only insertion points get touched. This way it is easier to aim an insertion point without accidentally clicking at an object.

New in Math-o-mir 1.71 (Jan 28, 2013)

  • Math boxes and text boxes are united – there is now only one single box type where you can type either math or text. You can toggle the text/math typing by hitting Alt+Spacebar combination. What exactly happens when you hit the Enter key depends on whether you typed mostly text or mostly math into the box (if the box contains math mostly, the new object is created; if the box contains text mostly, the line-wrap is inserted)
  • It is possible to add your own math items or expressions into the toolbox. You can even define accelerators for items you added… To add a math item/expression into the toolbox, create the item/expression somewhere in the document area, pick it up with the mouse, carry it over the toolbox (or subtoolbox) and drop it down using the right-mouse-click.
  • Double-stroke sequences can now be associated to any toolbox math item. For example, you can define ‘rr’ double-stroke sequence to the square root symbol. Then, any time you type the “rr” on the keyboard, the root symbol will be inserted. The dobule stroke sequences are timed, and you should type the sequence quickly.
  • Even more, the Easycast string sequences can be associated to any toolbox math item. You can associate any sequence of characters to any toolbox item – later, when you type that sequence, the item will be inserted. For example you can associate ‘sin’ string to the sine function… Easycast string sequences are not timed.
  • You can now add borderlines to table cells
  • You can define text alignment (left/center/right) separately for any cell in the table
  • You can also type multi-line text into a single table cell.
  • The insertion point and the blinking cursor are now displayed with wider lines for better visibility
  • The Enter key can be used to line-wrap a plain text even when the quick-type feature is used.
  • The Shift+Spacebar does not toggle the text/math typing mode any more. You should use Alt+Spacebar.
  • You can use double-mouse-click on empty document area to start a box with text typing mode enabled
  • The text-control box is implemented. This is a small box displayed below the toolbox when the text entry mode is active. The text-control box will change its color to reflect if math typing mode is active (blue) or text typing mode is active (green). You can also use it to change the math/text typing mode, insert line-wraps or add columns/row to tables/matrices.
  • Now it is possible to enter ‘+’ and ‘-’ signs to the first place of a variable index even in the Simple Variable mode or in the Very Simple Variable mode.
  • When you type the ‘/=’ sequence on your keyboard, it is transformed into the non-equal sign.
  • Several help texts are discretely displayed below the toolbox when you hover your mouse arrow above toolbox items. Defined accelerators are also displayed.
  • CTRL+X keystroke will insert the multiplication ‘x’ sign, if nothing is selected (otherwise it is used for the ‘cut’ function)

New in Math-o-mir 1.7 (Jun 4, 2012)

  • The Math-o-mir can now be translated to non-English languages.
  • Bitmaps are now supported. Bitmaps can be pasted or loaded into MoM document.
  • Hyperlinks are supported. You can convert any text or math into a hyperlink. The hyperlink can point to a web location (URL) or to a local/network file.
  • Document-level vertical guidelines are implemented. You can use the ruler to define guideline positions. There are also text guidelines – click on it will start a text box – and text autowrap guidelines.
  • Simple text find tool is implemented. You can use it to search for text and for very basic math in your documents.
  • It is now possible to save documents as view-only files. A view-only file cannot be edited – when such a file is loaded, the toolbox will be absent.
  • The setup software will now associate .mom files with the Math-o-mir application
  • It is now possible to define font formatting for every Greek symbol separately while the mixed formatting mode (M) is active. Just hold the ALT key while you are defining formatting inside the Virtual Keyboard.
  • It is also easier to mix math and text now because the uniform formatting mode (U) is always forced while a plain text is written. Therefore you can leave the ‘M’ mode always active.
  • If you accidentally start typing some plain text in the math box, the MoM can detect this and will automatically convert the math box into a text box.
  • The right-mouse-click-and-drag will now scroll the window even if you clicked at an object. No need to care where you click anymore.
  • A new math element is added: the vertical bar with its argument on the left side.
  • You can decorate a variable with double dot now (second derivation as proposed by Newton)
  • It is possible to align equations on the equal sign now
  • It is possible to vertically distribute objects – one below another.
  • Cursor navigation inside the integral sign is improved
  • It is possible to edit variable index using the underline key even if you already added an exponent to that variable.
  • In the Very Simple Variable Mode you can now enter variables like x1, y2 (that is, you can enter a number behind a letter and MoM will not separate them)
  • After you type a (German) word longer than 23 characters, MoM automatically starts a new word.
  • You can paste column of numbers in Math-o-mir equation box now.
  • You can calculate the average and the sum of an array now. Just right-click at the array of numbers.
  • It is possible to stretch objects so that the aspect ratio is kept unchanged by holding the Shift key while stretching.
  • You can now multitouch equation elements (holding the Shift and moving the mouse pointer) without fear because the whole equation will not become selected if you accidentally touch the equation edge.
  • The Drawing box is slightly improved – objects created by command line will appear one below another (not one over another)
  • I added some color hue below the cursor so that it is easier to recognize if the cursor is green or blue (that is, if the text typing or math typing mode is active)

New in Math-o-mir 1.62 (Dec 10, 2011)

  • Keyboard handling news:
  • You can now use ALT+Space (or SHIFT+Space) to toggle between math-typing and text-typing mode. This way you can easily mix math and a plain text while you are typing your artwork.
  • Toolbox accelerator table is expanded with new shortcuts. It also shows already-used shortcuts now.
  • The comma character can be used as a decimal separator now. To make this possible, check the following option ”Options->Keyboard->Allow comma as a decimal separator”.
  • You can quickly save your document by using CTRL+S keystroke (As a result, the single-shot formatting is renamed to one-shot formatting and is activated by the CTRL+O keystroke)
  • You can now add a ‘hat’ over a variable you just entered by using the double ‘^’ stroke. You can add an arrow by using ALT+comma… (strange, isn’t it?)
  • You can use following keystrokes \{, \[, \(, \|, \}, \], \) to insert a single bracket only.
  • Triple (!!!) ALT+right keystroke inserts the |-> operator. Further, using the ‘=>’ keystroke you can insert double right arrow. Using ‘***’ keystroke you can enter center-dots.
  • The \ep command is implemented as a short form for the \epsilon command. The \mid command is also implemented.
  • When working with keyboard selections you can use following keystrokes now: b (bold), i (italic), u (underline), o (overline), s (strikeout), r (red), g (green), n (formatting normalization)
  • Following parentheses-generating keystrokes are enabled: ‘’ , ‘[)', '(]‘, ‘||’
  • You can add + or – sign to the exponent by using ALT+plus and ALT+minus keystrokes.
  • Other news:
  • analysis button for function plotting – shows local minimum, maximum and intersection points
  • New functions can be plotted now: sec, cosec, arcsin, arccos, arctan, arccot, sh, ch, th, cth
  • You can point at the moving dot now to select the whole object
  • You can copy equation images to other applications by using standard Copy/Paste menu options
  • New operators are added: :=, =:, :, #, |->
  • The F2 key (zoom in) will now follow your mouse pointer if mouse was moved in less than one second prior to the F2 usage.
  • The mouse wheel will scroll the window when mouse pointer hovers over vertical scroll bar
  • I addition, you can now dedicate mouse wheel to window scrolling – in this case you must use CTRL+wheel for zoom in/out. To make this option active check the ”View->Zoom->Use CTRL for wheel zoom” menu option.
  • “Wide keyboard cursor” option makes your blinking cursor fat so you can see it better. Use “Options->Selections->Wide keyboard cursor”
  • Automatic vertical guidelines – when your mouse pointer is nearly aligned with the left side of an equation, a thin green lines will appear. To toggle the guidelines on/off use the F12 key.
  • There is a new HTML help file.

New in Math-o-mir 1.61 Beta (Jun 18, 2011)

  • Fixed:
  • when ‘keyboard implanting’ is used, all selections made by mouse are ignored. Only selections made by keyboard matter. This was the ‘embarrasing’ bug.
  • the command to draw a rectangle in the drawing box ‘rect width,height’ is corrected. Now it works OK even at any zoom level.
  • when an equation is picked up and then placed down (copy – paste), its font size is adjusted according the original equation font size (until now, the font was reset to the default size)
  • New features:
  • new command is added \func[function_name]. For example: \funcmin (this creates function called ‘min’).
  • new command is added \unit[unit_name]. For example: \unitpeso (this creates unit called ‘peso’).
  • when you entering functions or variables, you can type the ‘ character (single quotation mark) at its end. You can even use commands like \gamma’ or \funcmax’ to create variable or function with the ‘ character. BTW, the behaviour of the ‘ character is quite changed in this version, but I hope there will be no problems for long time users.
  • now you can enter functions as greek symbols using command like \funcGamma (You can, of course also use: \funcGamma’).
  • indexes can now be added to functions easily. You can hit the ‘_’ (underscore) key as the first key in the function argument, or just after you typed the command (like \sin and then just hit the underscore key)
  • exponents can now be added to functions easily. Hit the ALT+number (or the ‘^’ key) as the first thing in the function argument, or just after you typed the command
  • the big difference is that you can now hit the ‘(‘ key as the first thing in the function argument, and the function argument will become enclosed by parentheses. Some long-time users will have to get used to it.
  • there are differences in handling ‘integral’ symbols (no automatic parentheses).
  • function names are displayed in dark-green color to differ from variable names
  • new commands are added \e and \i (natural number, imaginary unit)
  • selection by keyboard is improved. You can use SHIFT+home and SHIFT+end keystrokes to select.
  • by hitting the ‘ENTER’ key while anything was selected using keyboard, you will open the context menu
  • using CTRL+V, CTRL+X, CTRL+C you can now copy, cut, paste with keyboard while in keyboard entry mode
  • using CTRL+V you can paste a plain text from windows clipboard (while keyboard entry mode is active)
  • new commands are added \d and \par
  • new commands are added \dx, \dy, \dt
  • the ‘center parentheses content’ option is removed from Math-o-mir

New in Math-o-mir 1.6 (May 28, 2011)

  • Hand-drawing upgraded, improved usability in classroom

New in Math-o-mir 1.1 (Jul 1, 2009)

  • Improved hand-drawing.