Melodizer Changelog

What's new in Melodizer 1.0.1

Oct 13, 2022
  • I heard from someone on the Youtube demo video that the Windows Standalone was no longer working and so I looked into it. Turns out that when using DirectSound for audio, which is the default, input devices can fail to actually do any reading, which was locking up the audio thread. This also meant that trying to switch to a different audio system (like ASIO) would cause the app to hang completely. So I've released this bug fix version that disables audio input in the Standalone version and sets the input channel count to zero in the VST versions. For the Standalone, this fixed the issue for me. For the VST versions, I don't think it changes behavior at all, but is the more correct channel configuration, since Melodizer is a VST instrument and doesn't do anything with input audio.

New in Melodizer 1.0.0 (Jan 30, 2021)

  • Rather than wait for some forthcoming MIDI Out support, I've decided to release version 1.0.0 as it stands. This means that if you want to use the MIDI Out functionality to drive other soft-synths with the melodies generated by Melodizer, you'll need to use the VST version.