Opinio Changelog

What's new in Opinio 7.25

Jan 30, 2024
  • Added: Italian language added.
  • Enhancement: Language code was validated for length before storing.
  • Enhancement: Progress bar on the survey form is updated for better screen reader support (accessibility improvement).
  • Enhancement: In Invitation URLs the character "&" on rare occasions got replaced with "&", which would cause issues with tracking of invitees.

New in Opinio 7.24 (Oct 20, 2023)

  • Fixed bug: Error sub-sequentially creating PDF report after first report was created, if custom report folder was specified and Java 11 or higher was used.
  • Fixed bug: File upload with custom survey ID failed.
  • Fixed bug: File upload caused submit-button to remain disabled if going to next page, then back.
  • Enhancement: JavaMail library now supports TLS 1.2.
  • Added: ReportPortalDeletedEvent added to the plugin framework.

New in Opinio 7.23 (Sep 1, 2023)

  • Added: Manage invitees screen now shows who has completed the survey response in the list (unless full anonymity is enabled).
  • Matrix enhancement: Formulas in the matrix question caused issues if it showed "####" as the result of a calculation (f.example division by 0). It made it impossible to navigate to next/previous page. Now just clears the field.
  • Fixed bug: The privacy/security page did not always show correct level (display issue only).
  • Enhancement: Fixed security vulnerability related to password retrieval.

New in Opinio 7.22 (Jan 27, 2023)

  • Added: Added plugin API support for injecting text into the top of a survey page (below title and the first section heading).
  • Fixed bug: Adding questions to/from a library produced an error. Introduced in 7.21.

New in Opinio 7.21 (Dec 23, 2022)

  • Added: New file upload feature from the survey form. Survey author can select file types, and number of files per question. Files downloaded from the "manage responses" screen.
  • Added: New configuration option (opinio.properties). It is now possible to set the default anonymity level for newly created surveys.
  • Fixed bug: in translations, languages with the #-character caused errors when editing/deleting.
  • Fixed bug: in translations, the label field for freetext did not work properly if the label in the original language was more than 60 characters.
  • Fixed bug: in translations, the copy-button for the label field for freetext did work with HTML tags (tags were removed).
  • Fixed bug: System status screen did not display "most active surveys" if a survey name contained characters beyond the a-z range.

New in Opinio 7.20 (Sep 9, 2022)

  • Enhancement: Improved accessibility support on the survey form; form field tab sequence, form field aria-labels (for screen readers) and other aria-attributes for assistive technologies.
  • Enhancement: Security enhancements related to cross-site scripting (XSS).

New in Opinio 7.19 (Jun 22, 2022)

  • Security update: Apache POI upgrade to 3.17.
  • Fixed bug: A matrix/in-text field max length validator was erroneously required for text fields of type email and date. Bug introduced in v7.16.
  • Fixed bug: A non-numeric value in a matrix/in-text field max length validator resulted in an error.

New in Opinio 7.17 (Dec 14, 2021)

  • Security update: Log4j upgrade to 2.16, to mitigate the JNDI related vulnerability issue. This is an important update, and recommended for all installations.
  • New requirement: New requirement: Java 1.8 or newer.

New in Opinio 7.16 (Nov 6, 2021)

  • Enhancement: Matrix text fields now have required max length validators (DB has a limit of 255).
  • Enhancement: When importing surveys, the creator recorded in DB of the survey was set to "import process", now changed to the logged in user.
  • Enhancement: Report statistics on MySql now using db-native function to calculate Variance (MySql 5.6 or newer only). Now able to calculate variance for greater numerical values.
  • Enhancement: Some report speed enhancements on calculations.
  • Change: Folder description now has the ability to accept html tags again. Was removed in an earlier version, to limit XSS vulnerability issues. Due to popular demands, it was reintroduced. Security concern is limited (Only admins with permissions can view the folder content).
  • Fixed bug: The multiple choice filter type was not included in the export/import of surveys - always reverted back to "disable".
  • Fixed bug: Error in raw data export if report was not specified (used when exporting via API).
  • Fixed bug: "Most active surveys" did not work on the System status screen on Firefox.
  • Fixed bug: Labels in multiple choice and rating questions displayed some characters incorrectly (characters outside a-z range).
  • Fixed bug: Javascript from section text was sometimes shown in the PDF report TOC.
  • Fixed bug: Section title text color lost during adaptation to mobile.
  • Fixed bug: Report popup.

New in Opinio 7.15 (Nov 23, 2020)

  • Change: HTML encoding removed on the multiple choice option labels (choice labels).
  • Enhancement: More security enhancements related to file uploads.
  • Fixed bug: Adding invitee data with header names larger than 30 characters failed. Now increased to 255 characters.

New in Opinio 7.14 (Oct 30, 2020)

  • This is a security update. We recommend Java 1.7.40 or newer, due to security capabilities of newer java versions. Opinio is less secure with older versions of Java 1.7.
  • Added: New password policy features; now possible to configure minimum letters, minimum digits, minimum special characters, and minimum lower/uppercase letters. Configured in the opinio.properties file.
  • Added: Password history (encrypted), preventing users to reuse passwords. Configured in the opinio.properties file.
  • Fixed bug: The content of the matrix cell tooltip help was shown at the bottom of the survey page (in addition to the tooltip) due to changes in behavior in the updated jQuery UI library.
  • Fixed bug: Quick-edit of cell labels in the matrix column/row editor did not work properly in Firefox and Safari. Labels were all listed on the same line.
  • Fixed bug: Matrix cell help text did no longer work with HTML formatting after jQuery UI update due to changes in the jQuery UI tooltip behavior.
  • Fixed bug: HTML report failed to generate after report statistics labels were edited.
  • Enhancement: Updated documentation and invitation messages with a warning on privacy issues and sharing of personal invitation links.
  • Enhancement: Security enhancements related to upload of files.
  • Enhancement: Security enhancements related to JSP expression language.
  • Enhancement: Security enhancements related to cross-site scripting (XSS).

New in Opinio 7.13 (Jul 3, 2020)

  • Added: Suppressed browser autocomplete on the survey form, for those browsers that support it (most modern browsers do). Added by including the autocomplete=off attribute to HTML input and form tags.
  • Enhancement: Increased upload limit for files in resources: 8 MB
  • Enhancement: Possible XSS vulnerability removed from ajax-calls (related to the jQuery library).
  • Enhancement: The jQuery library was updated to 3.5.1 (was 1.12). Internet Explorer 8 and older is no longer supported. This fixes some XSS vulnerabilities.
  • Enhancement: The CKEditor library was updated to 4.12.1 (was 4.4.3). This fixes some XSS vulnerabilities and other issues. See https://github.com/ckeditor/ckeditor4-releases/blob/master/CHANGES.md
  • Fixed bug: Responses with multiple drop-down values having delimiter characters were not enclosed by double quotes (raw data report).
  • Update: Spanish translation now up to date.

New in Opinio 7.12 (Sep 5, 2019)

  • Update: Swedish translation now up to date.
  • Added: Ability to replace the [NAME] placeholder with the invitee name in the subject.
  • Change: Added seconds to StartDate and CompletedDate in raw data report.
  • Fixed bug: Multiple choice filtering did not work properly if the filtered question had multiple columns.
  • Fixed bug: Editing previously saved multiple choice filtering did not work properly on some newer versions of Chrome. Checkboxes were not checked properly.

New in Opinio 7.11 (Jan 17, 2019)

  • Fixed bug: Data copy between surveys did not work. Introduced in Opinio 7.10.
  • Fixed bug: Error if data variable existed, and one tried to re-save a question with the same data variable value.

New in Opinio 7.10 (Nov 16, 2018)

  • Added: Optional MISSING values in the CSV data export (raw data), indicating form fields seen by the respondent, but not responded to.
  • Change: Raw data export is no longer producing zeros for non-selected checkboxes (checked=1, unchecked=0) on the survey form if the question was not seen by the respondent.
  • Fixed bug: For admins: Some logging statements relating to clustering were written to standard out. These statements did not react to the log level set for the module, resulting in a lot of debug-level statements.
  • Fixed bug: in-text field names allowed characters that should not be used, because it caused issues with import/export of surveys. Characters disallowed changed from [<>"] to [#%<>+&";'], not including the square brackets.
  • Fixed bug: Survey locks not released on user deletion.
  • Fixed bug: Branching filters were not updated correctly when the respondent was using back button and changing responses for questions with branching conditions. Only happened when questions affected by filter also had conditions attached.
  • Enhancement: The jQuery library was updated to 1.12.4 (was 1.8.2). An upgrade to the 2.x or 3.x versions has been postponed to allow continued support for older IE versions. We will soon drop support for IE8 and older, for security and maintainability reasons.
  • Enhancement: Possible vulnerability removed from the file upload function.

New in Opinio 7.9.1 (May 29, 2018)

  • Fixed bug: Encrypted database password (from the database.properties file ) did not work. Introduced in Opinio 7.8.
  • Fixed bug: Translations could in some cases become "out of sync" with surveys having questions with in-text fields.
  • Fixed bug: Fixed error when moving surveys/folders, due to an upgrade of a 3rd party library (BeanUtils).
  • Fixed bug: Too much logging when in clustered mode and multiple clusters on the same network. Caused by upgrade of the logging API in 7.8.

New in Opinio 7.9 (Apr 11, 2018)

  • Added: Ability to include choices based on conditions in multiple choice type questions (previously it was only possible to filter away choices).
  • Enhancement: Vulnerability removed that enabled attackers to "manipulate" the ClassLoader and execute arbitrary code via the class parameter.
  • Enhancement: Added the ability to style disabled ranking cells in the matrix (by editing the survey CSS), to make it possible to more easily see the difference between disabled and enabled cells.
  • Enhancement: When creating/editing invitations, the invitation could not be saved with invalid/missing survey id. Now you can, but needs to be confirmed by user.
  • Improved: Imported invitee data can now hold up to 65535 characters per entry.
  • Fixed bug: Branching with redirect to a URL did not work with multiple branches/URLs.
  • Fixed bug: Prepopulation error with numeric fields in combination with in-text fields. If an in-text field was prepopulated, the numeric field had to be prepopulated also, otherwise an error would occur.
  • Fixed bug: Value of a respondent attribute would cause DB error if the string length exceeded 255 characters. The value is now cut automatically to 255 if the max length is exceeded.

New in Opinio 7.8 (Jan 29, 2018)

  • New requirement: Java 1.7 or newer.
  • Added: Ability to disable table of contents in the reports.
  • Added: Ability to show average if detailed statistics in a report is disabled.
  • Added: Ability to show section texts in the report.
  • Added: Ability in the reports to hide some columns in the detailed statistics frequency table: adjusted relative frequency, cumulative adjusted relative frequency.
  • Added: Ability to disable table of contents in the reports.
  • Added: Ability to collapse listing of texts in summary report (HTML report only).
  • Added: Ability to specify alternate background color in the bar charts on the reports. Was always gray.
  • Enhancement: Some look/feel improvements to the HTML report. More padding throughout, some font size updates, minor background color updates on some elements. All to make the report more visually pleasing.
  • Enhancement: Improved performance with an upgraded DB connection pool library.
  • Enhancement: Vulnerability removed that enabled attacker to access some sensitive files.
  • Enhancement: Fixed some cross-site scripting vulnerabilities.
  • Enhancement: Upgraded the logging subsystem (log4j). Offers vast performance improvement on logging and cleaner shutdown (there was a lingering thread that did not stop on system shutdown).
  • Change: For admins: log4j.properties is discontinued. It is replaced by log4j2.json and is using a different format (JSON). Some of the advanced settings were not supported by the old properties format.
  • Bug fixed: Error when viewing single responses if a survey with responses was imported, and originally had invitees. Introduced in 7.6.2.
  • Bug fixed: Error when saving on the "data variables" screen. Related to matrix questions and cell group validators.
  • Bug fixed: In-text fields of type text allowed values longer than 255 causing database errors.
  • Bug fixed: Possible db connection leak if copying respondent data between surveys failed.

New in Opinio 7.7.2 (Oct 19, 2017)

  • Bug fixed: Permissions added by admin for a user could be lost if user was logged in and performed an action that would modify his/her permissions. Was resolved by logging the user out when changing permissions for the user.
  • Bug fixed: Error generating drilldown reports. Introduced in 7.7.

New in Opinio 7.7.1 (Oct 19, 2017)

  • Added: For admins: Added a configuration option to set if folder move should be available to super-user only (opinio.properties).
  • Bug fixed: Fix related to context guide, causing the menu to be generated when viewing details in popup (which had no menu). Insufficient information was then sent to plugins.

New in Opinio 7.7 (Oct 9, 2017)

  • Added: Ability to move folders. Allows for reorganizing your folder structure.
  • Added: For admins: Ability to configure folder for reports (opinio.properties file).
  • Improved: Now showing action-icons in folder-view on mouse hover only. Before all icons were rendered on page load which could take too long with a big folder content.
  • Improved: added check for shutdown signal during startup. Could be necessary with a slow database connection. Opinio would refuse to shut down until resources were loaded into cache.
  • Improved: Logs the progress of indexing search to log file (every 10 sec) instead of all folders, which would fill up the logfile if the number of folders is large.
  • Improved: Increased the default size of cache for folders to 20mb (was 5mb).
  • Improved: First login after restart could take a long time due to loading of survey/folder lists into cache. Now done in a background thread.
  • Improved: Improved email address validation on the survey export and user profile screens.
  • Improved: Increased stability of response data export. It could fail on rare occasions if a respondent flag incorrectly indicated that additional attributes existed.
  • Improved: For admins: Made Opinio's temp folder configurable in the opinio.properties file.
  • Improved: Reduced the size of the report cache - this would potentially take too much memory, especially for reports containing information for a lot of questions/responses. Should reduce memory usage with minimal impact on performance.
  • Bug fixed: Error during startup - got error when retrieving DB version on DB2.
  • Bug fixed: On rare occasions, reports files were generated in multiple threads simultaneously for the same report (and same report type). Could cause memory/CPU spike.

New in Opinio 7.6.5 (Jun 2, 2017)

  • Added: User account password expiration. Number of days to expiration is configurable (feature is disabled by default).
  • Bug fixed: Width of one-line free-text fields on mobile devices was beyond screen limits.
  • Bug fixed: Raw data export error if invitee-info selected in export settings, and the invitation for survey was deleted.
  • Improved: Submitting survey responses was slow if the number of reports was large for a survey, or the number of actively accessed reports were large system-wide (in excess of 100). Improvements in caching were implemented.

New in Opinio 7.6.4 (Apr 20, 2017)

  • Improved: Survey form title tag (H1) was generated on the server even for surveys without title, causing unnecessary vertical space.
  • Improved: Fixed some cross-site scripting vulnerabilities.
  • Bug fixed: Some Oracle instances produced "value too large for column" on tables with varchar2 data type.

New in Opinio 7.6.3 (Apr 20, 2017)

  • Added: For admins: Ability to configure folder for failed mobile interviewer data.
  • Added: For admins: Ability to configure folder for survey XML cache for the mobile interviewer app.

New in Opinio 7.4.3 (Nov 11, 2016)

  • Added: Added a system-wide option (properties file) to disable IP check for multiple survey responses.
  • Improved: Reusable dropdown lists are now sorted by name in question design screens.
  • Bug fixed: Sometimes an error displayed when navigating away from survey status and setup screens.
  • Bug fixed: Problem saving the survey behavior screen (JavaScript error), if certain language files were used. Introduced in Opinio 7.3.
  • Bug fixed: Text on branching condition save button reverted to English after saving, if other languages were used.
  • Bug fixed: Some question edit features did not work on Safari on Mac.
  • Bug fixed: Unable to select any prevention methods after "Allow multiple submissions" setting was changed (Chrome for Mac only).
  • Bug fixed: Some minor JavaScript errors on the "Print survey" screen.

New in Opinio 7.4.2 (Sep 8, 2016)

  • Improved: fixed some cross-site scripting vulnerabilities.
  • Bug fixed: Added two missing cluster cache resources to the cluster.properties file, which could cause errors if non-default cluster configuration was used.
  • Bug fixed: Piping did not work properly for URL parameters for URLs pointing directly to a translated version of the survey.
  • Bug fixed: Uploaded files with spaces in the file name were not correctly replicated in clustered environments.
  • Bug fixed: PDF report did not properly show images if image tag src was single quoted.
  • Bug fixed: Redundant greater-than sign shown in reports for in-text elements.
  • Bug fixed: Search indexing did not work for non-superusers with admin-access to main folder.
  • Bug fixed: Surveys inside iframes did not work, if referenced from different server. Introduced in Opinio 7.4.1.
  • Bug fixed: Empty lines were sometimes added when using advanced editor. This adds to and completes the fixes started in 7.4
  • Bug fixed: Generation of PDF report failed if there were references to images with spaces in the file name, and no width/height was defined.

New in Opinio 7.4.1 (Jun 27, 2016)

  • Added: Ability to filter on response start/completed date ranges in the plugin API.
  • Bug fixed: When adding reports to report portals, with non-superuser access, subfolders were not shown in the popup selector.
  • Bug fixed: When sending manual reminders on a completed invitation, the screen did not switch properly between advanced/simple editor when setting email content type.
  • Bug fixed: When using "auto create reports", report names could in some instances get too long, and the reports would not be created.
  • Bug fixed: Footer on survey was not visible.
  • Bug fixed: Error when generating SPSS data report if matrix questions without data variables were defined.
  • Bug fixed: OK button on the copy data confirm screen did not work.
  • Bug fixed: Header-row in raw data export added a separator and a quote too many.
  • Bug fixed: Matrix cell font or background color sometimes had "null" value (as a string). The system tried to interpret this as a color and resulted in incorrect font/bg colors.
  • Bug fixed: "null" value was default value instead of empty string, for data variable on open ended questions.
  • Improved: Some security vulnerabilities fixed.

New in Opinio 7.4 (Apr 29, 2016)

  • Added: Ability to add data variables to each question, option, cell, etc. to be used in the raw data and SPSS reports.
  • Added: Ability to create a report filter for last N days responses.
  • Added: If errors occur during startup and initialization, it will be displayed in the UI (previously logged to log file only).
  • Added: Detailed summary report with comments added as a standard report when a new survey is created.
  • Improved: Added support for headers on mobile and tablet devices.
  • Improved: Resources are now sorted by name by default.
  • Improved: Improved database error handling when editing surveys. Reduced likelihood of surveys in the cache being out of synch with the database.
  • Improved: Updated survey status screen so that icon/status was updated along with response counts automatically.
  • Improved: Search index is updated every 10 sec by default (was every 3 minute). Interval is now configurable in opinio.properties.
  • Improved: Some security vulnerabilities fixed.
  • Update: Added French update to new texts introduced in 7.3.
  • Bug fixed: When copying a report, data export settings were connected to original until restart (when changing the copy, the changes were seen in the original and vice versa).
  • Bug fixed: embedded JavaScript in the question text was visible in the branching overview screen.
  • Bug fixed: Matrix cell field size was reset to default when using row/column edit.
  • Bug fixed: No line breaks between matrix cell values in the PDF report.
  • Bug fixed: survey remained locked by background process when copying data from one survey to another after an error.
  • Bug fixed: redirect/notification URL opdata-parameter did not get the correct value if a parameter name were used for both incoming/outgoing value.
  • Bug fixed: Problems upgrading DB2 databases. Introduced in Opinio 6.7.
  • Bug fixed: Branching redirect param names did not update properly when editing existing branch.
  • Bug fixed: Images in report portals were not displayed if other templates than "default" were used.
  • Bug fixed: Error message when a user attempted to copy a survey locked by another user.
  • Bug fixed: Data copy between surveys did not include some responses if include-type branching was used.
  • Bug fixed: Data copy between surveys did not recalculate report filters.
  • Bug fixed: Some spacing issues with the advanced text editor (added additional lines, especially in bulleted/ordered lists).
  • Bug fixed: Bug fixed: report filters were not applied after data copy on target survey.

New in Opinio 7.3 (Dec 31, 2015)

  • Improved: Export of data on MS SQL Server now takes about 90% less time (SQL Server 2005 and newer).
  • Added: Possibility to notify an URL instead of redirecting to it. Works for both survey completion and conditional branching.
  • Added: Possibility to include both built-in and 'opdata_' parameters into redirect and notification URL.
  • Bug fixed: Responses were not saved after branching redirect when "Save responses on completion" were used.
  • Improvement: Much faster rendering of survey action buttons in the folder view (slow with a large number of surveys).

New in Opinio 7.2.1 (Nov 27, 2015)

  • Added: Ability to download log files from the setup screen.
  • Bug fixed: User interface allowed longer labels than 255 characters when editing rows and columns in matrix questions. Caused errors when saving.
  • Bug fixed: Branching redirect could not be used with complex URLs.

New in Opinio 7.2 (Nov 21, 2015)

  • Added: Possibility to redirect respondent based on conditional branching.
  • Added: Plugin API call: SurveyManager exportCSV method added.
  • Improved: Added possibility to set a limit on number of invitees per survey. Specified in the opinio.properties file.
  • Improved: Added underline button on the advanced editor.
  • Improved: Added hints to IE to use latest rendering engine by avoiding compatibility view, if possible (which caused rendering issues on some pages).
  • Bug fixed: Errors in the logfile related to the search index. Did not cause any problems, but added unnecessary logging.
  • Bug fixed: Removed warning in the logfile saying questions were out of sequence when deleting respondents in a survey.
  • Bug fixed: Search field expand icon was incorrectly positioned if page expanded beyond normal width.
  • Bug fixed: Debug mode did not work for a few loggers defined in the log4j.properties file.
  • Bug fixed: Plugin API upload did not work properly with Java 1.8.
  • Bug fixed: Error when deleting a reusable resource.
  • Bug fixed: Search subsystem may cause file descriptor leakage.

New in Opinio 7.1.2 (Sep 17, 2015)

  • Update: Spanish, German and Dutch translations now up to date.
  • Improved: Added support for absolute URLs in Matrix image cells.
  • Bug fixed: Comma in numerical keypads did not work in matrix cells of type decimal.
  • Bug fixed: Errors in the logfile related to search index after adding question library or updating panel profile form.
  • Bug fixed: Survey could not be imported or copied due to invalid characters in XML file.
  • Bug fixed: Multiple choice filtering behavior was not completely correct.
  • Bug fixed: Numeric Matrix cell formula with references to non-existing questions caused errors.
  • Bug fixed: Euro sign and some other characters did not appear in PDF reports when using ISO-8859-1 encoding in Opinio.
  • Bug fixed: Values piped from question responses always used main language, regardless of translations.
  • Bug fixed: In some cases surveys could not be imported or copied due to invalid characters in XML file.
  • Bug fixed: Error occurred when using pre-population for in-text fields when number of fields was higher than pre-populated values.

New in Opinio 7.1.1 (Jun 3, 2015)

  • Bug fixed: It took long time to load main folder content in the popup window when moving surveys.

New in Opinio 7.1 (May 29, 2015)

  • Added: Search of surveys, folders and users with a search field in the main menu bar.
  • Added: Summary report with detailed statistics now created automatically for new surveys.
  • Added: Possibility to move surveys between folders using drag'n'drop and "move" buttons.
  • Added: Delete all filtering button in the choice filter editor, which deletes all filtering for current question.
  • Improved: Better handling of threads during shutdown, to avoid lingering java processes.
  • Improved: allowed iframe HTML tags in the advanced text editor.
  • Bug fixed: Matrix ranking did not work properly if checkboxes were selected by clicking on surrounding cell instead of directly on the checkboxes.
  • Bug fixed: Selecting reports for the report portals did not work properly in some cases for non super-users. Some surveys were not listed in subfolders.
  • Bug fixed: Plugin api-call Survey.setSurveySections() did not save sections properly.
  • Bug fixed: Fixed piping name issue, where some characters were incorrectly allowed (#, \, %, , +, ", &)
  • Bug fixed: Table creation script for Oracle used varchar2(byte) instead of varchar2(char), which could possibly result in loss of some characters when storing unicode strings.
  • Bug fixed: Problem with e-mails not sent if system was upgraded to Opinio 7 and credentials were used for authenticating to SMTP server.
  • Bug fixed: javascript were visible in the PDF version of the survey.
  • Bug fixed: HTML entities were not converted from codes to symbols in PDF, Raw data and SPSS reports.
  • Bug fixed: Could not save translations for matrix group headings.

New in Opinio 7.0 (May 29, 2015)

  • Added: Ability to set cell backgrounds and field sizes within the matrix row/column editor.
  • Added: Ability to multi-cell copy within the matrix row/column editor. Makes working with matrices quicker.
  • Added: Ability to single-operation edit all label cells in a row or column. Makes working with matrix labels very easy because you can copy/paste items from other sources.
  • Added: Ability to view survey design for tablets and mobile in survey preview.
  • Added: New and updated survey themes. Cleaner design, bigger fonts, bigger/better buttons, more padding etc. Improves readability and gives a better overall impression.
  • Added: Ability to set custom font for the entire survey under "look and feel". It is also possible to specify custom font CSS, like Google fonts.
  • Added: Ability to filter out choices in multiple choice questions.
  • Improved: upgraded color selector.
  • Improved: Better device detection, to more accurately determine if device is desktop/laptop, mobile or tablet for the survey form.
  • Improved: Default form width is now 800 pixels (was 600).
  • Improved: Some enhancements to mobile look/feel.
  • Improved: Multiple choice "other field" radio/checkbox is now automatically checked when a value is entered into the field.
  • Improved: Mouse hover color for multiple choice on the survey form (desktop).
  • Improved: Mouse hover color for matrix radio/checkbox cells on the survey form (desktop).
  • Improved: Click on label in multiple choice now changes the radio/checkbox.
  • Improved: Click within a cell in a matrix now changes the radio/checkbox.
  • Improved: Active left-menu item highlighted with background instead of green dot.
  • Improved: Added paddings throughout on question-list screen to improve readability/design.
  • Improved: Added rounded corners on the tabs for question type (supported by some browsers only).
  • Improved: Window size increased for question preview. Look and feel is also adapted to current survey look/feel.
  • Improved: Moved recent items above context guide, based on usage patterns (recent items more often used).
  • Improved: Added an overview description about invitations to the documentation.
  • Improved: Adding, moving and deleting choices in multiple choice questions made easier.
  • Bug fixed: Switching to image-cell within the matrix row/column editor did not work properly.
  • Bug fixed: Ongoing respondent count was not updated correctly on all nodes in clustered mode.
  • Bug fixed: Disabling of mobile look/feel in preview did not work properly beyond the first page.
  • Bug fixed: Editing entire rows/columns in matrix questions did not retain previously set values for dropdown lists.
  • Bug fixed: Respondent counts were not reset to 0 across cluster if all responses were deleted (if in clustering mode).
  • Bug fixed: Minutes shown for StartDate/CompletedDate in raw data report was formatted like 1, 2 etc. instead of 01, 02 etc.
  • Bug fixed: Port number specified for SMTP server was under certain circumstances not used.

New in Opinio 6.9.1 (Oct 24, 2014)

  • Added: Ability to specify encryption method and port number for SMTP servers.
  • Improved: Ability to specify a separate report label for last choice text input.
  • Improved: Reduced the chance of e-mails being detected as spam. Some e-mail clients detected invitation e-mails as having attachments.
  • Improved: Added version-param in the survey.js file to force reloading of javascript for the survey form after upgrades.
  • Bug fixed: Images in PDF survey introduction section were behind the text.
  • Bug fixed: Headers/footers defined for reports were not shown in PDF report.
  • Bug fixed: Email subject, message and email address validation text for survey save/return feature did not use translated texts if translations existed for the survey.
  • Bug fixed: Fixed jQuery script dependency in polls.
  • Bug fixed: Conclusion text was displayed in the HTML report table of contents.
  • Bug fixed: Removed adaptation to mobile look/feel if in preview mode. Some desktops have touch support, and mobile look/feel is not desired in preview for now.
  • Bug fixed: Fixed error when accessing translate-page if a matrix cell of type label had no value.
  • Bug fixed: Left menu boxes were sometimes pushed out horizontally if items texts were too long and without spaces. Excess text is now hidden.

New in Opinio 6.9 (Sep 18, 2014)

  • Added: Support for inserting JavaScript code in textarea fields on multiple lines.
  • Added: Get HTML code for generic files (click on filename in the uploaded files list).
  • Improved: Updates in the user interface: bigger fonts, bigger buttons, bigger textfields and more padding throughout. This improves readability and makes the application look more clean and up to date.
  • Improved: The "advanced editor" component is upgraded for all text fields supporting formatted editing. This new update fixes a few bugs, especially on older IE browsers.
  • Improved: Survey link on the survey status-screen is auto-selected on click.
  • Improved: Branching out-of-date messages were sometimes displayed when it shouldn't.
  • Bug fixed: Translations were sometimes out of sync with the main language in the survey. This is an important fix for translations. Upgrade recommended.
  • Bug fixed: Removed HTML tags in the list of questions when selecting excluded questions when using include-type branching.
  • Bug fixed: Image upload window for respondents failed to display unicode text.
  • Bug fixed: Error viewing the "Cluster info" page if no cluster members were defined (clustered licenses only).
  • Bug fixed: Problems logging out if a cluster license was present, but no cluster members existing yet.

New in Opinio 6.8.2 (Jun 11, 2014)

  • Improved: Better look and feel of the matrix cell tool tip in all Opinio templates.
  • Added: New API event: PreSendCustomInvitationMessageEvent. Triggered before sending of invitations that are of "custom" type (sending triggered by some other method than regular invitation/reminder scheduling).
  • Bug fixed: Upgrade failed due to wrong size of the PanelAttributeLabel column on SqlServer and Oracle (can be max 4000).
  • Bug fixed: Matrix tooltips were transparent if other templates than "default" was used.
  • Bug fixed: Response values for multiple choice questions not shown in raw data report if choice was mapped with image and had no label.
  • Bug fixed: Problems marking/copying text from input fields allowing piping elements, using Internet Explorer.
  • Bug fixed: Prepopulation in a Matrix text field did not handle the delimiter escape character (single quote + dash).

New in Opinio 6.8.1 (Jun 11, 2014)

  • Improved: Single responses now show item labels in reports (except from raw data report) instead of item values, if item labels were displayed different from item values to the respondent.
  • Improved: Fixed text-value alignment issues in panel sample definition setup page.
  • Bug fixed: Error when adding invitees from sample definitions if panelist was deleted during the process.
  • Bug fixed: Fixed matrix ranking issue after upgrade of jQuery to 1.8 (a third-party library used by Opinio).

New in Opinio 6.8 (Jun 11, 2014)

  • Added: Improved mobile/tablet support for the survey form.
  • Added: Ability to use images with panel attributes.
  • Bug fixed: Matrix formulas did not work if non-digits were entered and next-button clicked. Formula got locked as undefined ("###").
  • Bug fixed: PDF report not generated under certain circumstances, if images in questions were defined without height/width.
  • Bug fixed: Database connections not closed in methods getNextSurveyAttributeId() and getNextRespondentAttributeId() in Plugin API.
  • Bug fixed: All text inputs by respondent are now HTML-encoded in the reports.
  • Bug fixed: Raw data fields shifted if rating label contained a delimiter character.
  • Bug fixed: If multiple choice or dropdown values had delimiter characters, they were replaced by periods or white spaces. Now instead enclosed by double quotes (raw data report).
  • Bug fixed: Piped invitee attributes were not displayed in survey if respondent was re-opened.
  • Bug fixed: Wrong StartDate/CompletedDate in SPSS reports when generated from non-European time zones.
  • Bug fixed: Pre-populating a rating question with value 1 did not work, if rating scale was set to start at 1.
  • Bug fixed: Problems with matrix cell help text tooltips:quick edit, default right alignment, use of quotes, html tags under import.
  • Bug fixed: Change of custom error message on validation plugins was lost after reloading the survey.
  • Bug fixed: Mouse-over did not work in matrix designer for cells containing formulas.

New in Opinio 6.7.2 (Jun 11, 2014)

  • Added: Ability to include the question text in the raw data report heading.
  • Improved: Updated font colors on some input fields in the "midnight" survey template. The font colors were too light, and difficult to read.
  • Improved: Rating data in the Raw Data and SPSS reports are now displayed as labels if the "Multiple choice, multiple selection" is set to "Use value" in the "Data export settings".
  • Improved: Logging setup has changed - see log4j.properties. Old settings file will not work.
  • Bug fixed: Plugin validators were sometimes referencing incorrect question after Move/insert/delete.
  • Bug fixed: Free-text input by respondent is now HTML-encoded in the reports.
  • Bug fixed: Paragraph settings for text and labels did not work in the PDF reports.
  • Bug fixed: Warnings in log when generating SPSS reports.
  • Bug fixed: JavaScript error in IE8 related to the panel attribute drill-down feature.
  • Bug fixed: Reminders were not sent out to invitees if the reminder count for an invitee was higher than the number of automatic reminders sent out.
  • Bug fixed: Method getResponseList(User user, long surveyId, long respondentId, String language) ignored the language parameter (Plugin API).
  • Bug fixed: Debug message "RespondentCleanerThread.cleanInterviewerFailedDataFolder(): start/end" was shown as ERROR instead of DEBUG in the log file, if debug mode was enabled.
  • Bug fixed: User could not be deleted if sample definitions existed for the user.
  • Bug fixed: Survey link from panel portal had invalid URL, if survey had custom id.
  • Bug fixed: Invitation/reminder messages had "&" replaced with "&" if switching from advanced to simple edit mode.

New in Opinio 6.7.1 (Jun 11, 2014)

  • Bug fix: Matrix response sometimes resulted in errors.

New in Opinio 6.7 (Jun 11, 2014)

  • New requirement: Java 1.6 or newer.
  • Added: Auto-scrolling on validation error on survey form.
  • Added: Ability to set panel attributes to read-only for panelists (admin edit only).
  • Added: Ability to hide panel attributes, and display them when clicking on a parent attribute (checkbox).
  • Added: Ability to edit panel attributes (before, users had to delete and add).
  • Added: Ability to insert panel attributes directly into a specified position in a category.
  • Added: Ability to use "least recently pulled" when creating a sample definition.
  • Added: Ability to set panel attribute hidden for panelist.
  • Added: Ability to set panel attribute required for panelist.
  • Added: "Select all" button when adding questions from a question library.
  • Added: QuotasReachedEvent in the plugin API.
  • Added: NewPanelistEvent in the plugin API.
  • Added: PanelistDeletedEvent in the plugin API.
  • Added: PanelistHistoryItemSavedEvent in the plugin API.
  • Added: PanelistUpdatedEvent in the plugin API.
  • Added: PreInvitationTaskEvent in the plugin API.
  • Added: InvitationSentManuallyEvent in the plugin API.
  • Added: Plugin API calls: getNextPanelistAttributeId() and getNextInviteeAttributeId().
  • Improved: Comma is now allowed input for numeric, decimal text fields.
  • Improved: Added HTTP PUT/DELETE constraints to web.xml for improved security.
  • Improved: Rating data in the Raw Data and SPSS reports are now displayed as labels if the "Multiple choice, multiple selection" is set to "Use value" in the "Data export settings".
  • Bug fixed: Report could fail in clustered setup under certain circumstances. Related to out-of-sync report time stamps and file names.
  • Bug fixed: Error when creating a branch condition based on a dropdown question containing &-character in the items.
  • Bug fixed: Database script for Oracle had the column "RemoveDuplicateAddresses" placed in an incorrect table.
  • Bug fixed: Panel profile form did not always display.
  • Bug fixed: Error message when saving branches and quotas sometimes occurred in Chrome.
  • Bug fixed: Error message when saving introduction text sometimes occurred in Chrome.
  • Bug fixed: Invitation reminder could not be sent from "Manage invitees" screen if log mode was set to debug.

New in Opinio 6.6.3 (Jun 11, 2014)

  • Bug fixed: Security issue where logged in users under certain circumstances could access the file system.
  • Bug fixed: Answering NA in a rating question with client-side validation enabled was not accepted as an answer. Introduced in 6.5.
  • Bug fixed: Respondent upload fix. Problem with URL when using proxy and WebLogic.
  • Bug fixed: Questions could not be edited if a matrix contained formulas with references to non-existing questions.
  • Bug fixed: Translation of the matrix cell labels din not always work.
  • Bug fixed: Invitee data could not be updated if invitee attribute values were empty.
  • Bug fixed: Visible matrix size change not applied for translated surveys.
  • Bug fixed: "Missing values" are used in the SPSS reports when there is no response. Previously, a 0 was used which made it difficult to distinguish from 0 as a response value.
  • Bug fixed: Custom question title were displayed twice in the PDF report table of contents.

New in Opinio 6.6.2 (Jun 11, 2014)

  • Bug fixed: Responses were lost under certain circumstances if include-type branching and back/forward buttons were used.
  • Bug fixed: SPSS report system file was corrupt when survey texts contained tabs.
  • Bug fixed: For rating questions, the report displayed the blank set of parenthesis when the minimum and maximum value labels were set to blank.
  • Bug fixed: "The branching is out of date" warning was displayed even though there were no problems with branching.
  • Bug fixed: Response value customized labels for the matrix cells could not be saved when changing them for the reports.
  • Bug fixed: Section title and text could not be set for the translations as well as changed using the "Quick question text edit".
  • Bug fixed: When " " was used in the matrix labels to display spaces, it was still displayed as " " in the reports.
  • Bug fixed: An "&" was displayed in question texts where the "&" should be.
  • Bug fixed: PDF report failed to generate if questions had images with width/height defined with single quotes.

New in Opinio 6.6.1 (Jun 11, 2014)

  • Improved: Invitation import improved so that it strips away non-breaking spaces in email addresses (caused invalid email addresses), and skips blank lines.
  • Bug fixed: Language selector for multilingual surveys sometimes caused part of page not to show.
  • Bug fixed: Free-text max-length validation was enforced at 256 characters for a question, if client-side validation was enabled for the survey.
  • Bug fixed: Invitation sending were sometimes delayed relative to the specified send date.
  • Bug fixed: HTML markups were displayed in the PDF reports.
  • Bug fixed: Rating labels were out of alignment when wrapped on several lines.
  • Bug fixed: External report portal links using HTTPS were incorrect.
  • Bug fixed: PDF reports failed to generate if questions had images with attributes defined.
  • Bug fixed: Fields to enter value labels when creating rating question were not properly adjusted in IE7.
  • Bug fixed: Reports could not be displayed under high response load. They were re-calculated again and again.
  • Bug fixed: Rating labels could not be translated.

New in Opinio 6.6 (Jun 11, 2014)

  • Improved: Performance when importing or copying survey. Performance when deleting all responses.
  • Improved: Performance when saving translations or survey texts in the "Quick question text edit" screen.
  • Improved: Made impossible multiple reload of a survey at the same time.
  • Added: Index on database table OPS_SurveyPageAttribute, to speed up survey page attributes scan during survey loading.
  • Added: Response data copy from one survey to another.
  • Added: Plugin API call: QuotaValueUpdatedEvent was added.
  • Added: Plugin API call: String getBranchLayoutCSV() in the Survey class.
  • Added: Plugin API call: User getUserFromSession(HttpServletRequest request) in the PluginUtil class..
  • Added: Plugin API call: boolean isLockedByAnotherUser(long userId, long surveyId) in the PluginUtil class.
  • Added: A shortcut to select all responses for deletion in the manage single responses screen (checkbox in column header).
  • Bug fixed: Matrix validations lost when importing surveys into 6.5.1, exported from previous versions
  • Bug fixed: SPSS export failed under certain circumstances.
  • Bug fixed: Fixed confirm message when deleting responses (did not work properly on Chrome).
  • Bug fixed: DB2 upgrade failed (6.4.1).
  • Bug fixed: Decimals were omitted in the invitee response rate in the reports.
  • Bug fixed: Fixed error in survey if survey used prepopulation for matrix and the value was empty.

New in Opinio 6.2.2 (Nov 11, 2009)

  • Added: Ability to set an encrypted database password in database.properties.
  • Added: Ability to start each question from a new page in the PDF reports.
  • Improved: Maximum password length for a user has been increased to 50 characters.
  • Bug fixed: Character encoding on System Status screen (most active surveys).
  • Bug fixed: Section text out of position.
  • Bug fixed: Fixed a problem with a few images not shown in the admin module.
  • Bug fixed: The report failed when a non-existing template was set (6.2).
  • Bug fixed: ArrayOutOfBoundsException was thrown by EasyCharts when there were no data in the question (6.2).
  • Bug fixed: Attribute values sometimes shifted in the raw data report (6.2).
  • Bug fixed: Default poll chart was too small and had to small maximum label length.
  • Bug fixed: Report with filters were not correctly updated as respondents completed the survey, the filter had to be re-saved to show correct statistics

New in Opinio 6.2.1 (Nov 11, 2009)

  • Improved: Reports: "auto label spacing on" is not set by default anymore. The chart height is adjusted instead.
  • Improved: Changed system status information screen to get information once, instead of 30 seconds intervals, to reduce server load. This is a very database intensive operation.
  • Bug fixed: respondent attributes are not sorted in the raw data report.
  • Bug fixed: HTML tags from question are displayed in the branching and introduction section.
  • Bug fixed: Class not found error when using piping on matrix questions.
  • Bug fixed: The frequency tables were displayed in the comment reports.
  • Bug fixed: Survey was sometimes locked (by import process) when error occurred during XML import.
  • Bug fixed: The html tags were not stripped in the pdf report
  • Bug fixed: ArrayOutOfBoundsException in the pdf/html report generation
  • Bug fixed: Reintroduced TOC links in PDF reports.
  • Bug fixed: Fixed character encoding in question preview.
  • Bug fixed: Fixed help-link on System Status screen.

New in Opinio 6.2 (Nov 11, 2009)

  • Added: Printable surveys, in PDF format, for paper based publication.
  • Added: HTML report templates. Users can create their own reusable report templates.
  • Added: The possibility to hide questions, but preserving the ability to prepopulate them.
  • Added: SPSS dropdown question support use index, in addition to use value.
  • Improved: PDF/HTML report stability, and a 50% performance improvement.
  • Improved: 75-90% performance improvement on raw data export and XML export with responses (MySQL version 4 or newer).
  • Bug fixed: Large amount of db delete statements when respondents were stored if Survey had reports with filters.
  • Bug fixed: Some java processes were not always properly shut down on server shutdown.
  • Bug fixed: Removed a few cross-site scripting vulnerabilities in the survey pages.
  • Bug fixed: Most active surveys on the System status screen displayed total respondent count, not count last 24 hours.
  • Bug fixed: Report generation progress status stopped at 1% under certain circumstances, if SSL/HTTPS was used.
  • Bug fixed: Users were able to delete their own account if they had admin permissions.
  • Bug fixed: The percentage (progress) sign was only partial visible if template "Blue sky" was used.
  • Bug fixed: SPSS file size zero when respondent choose none of rating choices but add some freetext.

New in Opinio 6.1 (Nov 11, 2009)

  • Added: Native SPSS export
  • Added: Prepopulation of question responses
  • Added: System status screen
  • Added: Feature to allow users to set default folder (entry point at login)
  • Added: Set page breaks after each question in one operation
  • Added: Arrange all questions to be placed on a single page in one operation
  • Added: Current screen menu highlight
  • Added: Cluster response time test was added to the "View cluster info" screen
  • Added: PanelistManager was added to the plugin API. Only removePanelistFromCache method is added so far.
  • Added: DisplaySurveySaveScreenEvent was added to the plugin API, to enable plugins to customize the survey save screen.
  • Added: Added IPluginRequiredValidator interface to the Plugin API, so that these types of plugins may be ignored during question validation if respondents click back or save.
  • Added: Norwegian user's guide
  • Improved: Reduced memory use during invitation sending. Invitee status is now checked immediately before sending, not at the time of invitation send date.
  • Improved: Edit and translation of multiple choice questions does no longer display for "other-fields"
  • Improved: Added underscore (_) to dropdown raw data export column heading. Value should be distinguished from the question number, since there are no spaces.
  • Improved: When viewing all users as super user, the performance is greatly improved.
  • Bug fixed: Incorrect from-address and -name used when sending e-mail to translators. Global settings were used rather than from survey setup or the user profile.
  • Bug fixed: Save/return field was left blank after saving survey texts.
  • Bug fixed: "Users" and "Setup" menu icons were not visible for super users if "Access denied" screen or "Limited edition" screen were shown.
  • Bug fixed: Texts to be translated were not properly HTML encoded, and caused the translation-screen to display incorrect if texts contained certain HTML codes.
  • Bug fixed: A NullPointerException error sometimes occurred when adding a question with validators to a question library.
  • Bug fixed: Javascript error when using client side validation on intext fields.
  • Bug fixed: Translation status on polls were always "needs update" even when all texts were translated.
  • Bug fixed: Duplicate dropdown entries caused incorrect values in the summary report.
  • Bug fixed: Error when trying to export a survey when using Internet Explorer on SSL.
  • Bug fixed: maxConnections parameter was not read from database_conn_pool.properties if pooling was enabled (6.0.8).
  • Bug fixed: Problem with translating a survey with "other"-field in multiple choice.
  • Bug fixed: Sending of duplicate invitation.
  • Bug fixed: Error on cancel of user permissions.
  • Bug fixed: Removed HTML and PDF files for default poll report. It is meant to be displayed in the poll only.
  • Bug fixed: User sessions not preserved on all cluster members after multiple restarts.
  • Bug fixed: Quick question text edit no longer breaks in-text-fields.
  • Bug fixed: Client side JavaScript validation was broken if Validation plugin uses JavaScript validation.
  • Bug fixed: Crumbs got wrapped over 2 lines in IE8.
  • Bug fixed: Select-window for report files in report portals did not have correct character encoding.
  • Bug fixed: When editing a user by clicking on a user list, saving did not return to the same page in the list.
  • Bug fixed: Incorrect sorting in the user list.
  • Bug fixed: Error when moving start of section down (rarely occurs)
  • Bug fixed: Error with one-per-row group definition within matrix questions in Raw data export

New in Opinio 6.0.8 (Nov 7, 2008)

  • Improved: Added two more logger categories in log4j.properties, (database.respondent and database.response).
  • Added: userExists(long userId) was added to the plugin API.
  • Added: getCustomId() was added to the plugin API (Question).
  • Bug fixed: Responses were not saved if incorrect e-mail address was entered on "Save and return" and if "Save on completion" was enabled.
  • Bug fixed: Included branching filters were not reloaded if a respondent timed out by the cleaner thread.
  • Bug fixed: Language selection list on the survey form for translated surveys displayed language code instead of language name.
  • Bug fixed: Reports created by a user that was deleted could not be accessed.
  • Bug fixed: "From" e-mail and "From" name is now first taken from the user profile, then from global settings, when creating a survey.
  • Bug fixed: Invitee attributes not working with Save/Return ticket.
  • Bug fixed: Incorrect respondent ongoing count when saving survey.
  • Bug fixed: Trying to close some database connections already closed.
  • Bug fixed: Introduction text containing HTML code could potentially cause problems in the question list screen, because it was cut off after 500 characters.
  • Bug fixed: JavaScript error when some menu choices in "Survey setup" were clicked.
  • Bug fixed: Incorrect time zone loaded in "User settings", time zone is taken from the user viewing the profile.
  • Bug fixed: Invitee CSV file import failed for large files (>1mb).
  • Bug fixed: Values for multiple dropdown selections were not displayed in raw data export. 1 was shown for selected, 0 for unselected.
  • Bug fixed: Characters " ' & were displayed as html codes in the HTML and PDF reports.
  • Raw data files are now named ".csv" instead of ".txt", which makes it easier open them in Excel for example.