OrganiZATOR Changelog

What's new in OrganiZATOR 7.2.2

Mar 21, 2013
  • Now, in each dBase used, Zator includes memory of de most recent concepts used in the account entries, which are conserved among different sessions of the application..
  • Ditto for the historic of movements, so the last items visited in each dBase connected, are now remembered between sessions.
  • We have included four new buttons that maximize the Frame Holder's window; email content's window; the Note/Memo field, and the main Loger. So that with one click, you can get a more extensive view of those contents without needing drag the edges of those windows.
  • We have included a new button -complementary of the former-, which can restore the original layout and size of the windows of dataBase, in the event that has been modified by the action of any of the buttons outlined in the previous section, or by dragging their edges.
  • During the editing process of the Note/Memo fields, has been added in the formatting panel, the option to insert bullets numbered.
  • Includes version 1.1 of the module eWatcher Lite for notification of email arrivals, which fixes a problem that occurred when an error occurred in connecting some of the controlled accounts. For example, a "time out" because the server does not respond within the time specified in the account settings.
  • The database engine jas been updated.
  • The mechanism for connecting with the dataBase engine has been redesigned, so that the operation of several users with the same dataBase, is now more fluid.
  • The email client module has been improved. Now, the email sent in response to an earlier one, includde the "In-Response-To:" field, so that they are interpreted correctly by the mailing lists.
  • The behavior of the incoming email panel, has also been improved, and corrected an error associated with the abort button.
  • Fixed a bug that originated memory leaks when using the application with independent threads.
  • Fixed an issue who in some cases -when using threading-, the application does not terminate gracefully, continuing as a process running in the background, with the consequent loss of system performance due to memory consumption and processor time.

New in OrganiZATOR 7.2.1 (Jan 8, 2013)

  • It has been eliminated the problem of false positives with some antivirus in the previous version 7.2.0, which are caused by the protection system used. In this new version, none of the zator7.exe executables resulting in the installation process (SHA256: 5b292ef82f16daabf8788cc705cab6bb51c47dff6cca248251fbb788702fbe85 for the Spanish version, and SHA256: 3dfcc0ab0abf8d211549f54eb7e5eb726cf1dc10e9c08f513a069aa5af475656 for the English version) present any detection problem with any of the 46 antivirus used in Virustotal (data analyzes conducted on the 01/01/2013).
  • Removed a visibility problem (due of a lack of space in the initial window) of the English version, when running on Windows 8.
  • Removed a problem of earlier versions, who affected the hour shown in appointments, when its value is less than 10 -representable by a digit (0/9)-
  • Removed a problem in the English version, which incorrectly announced that the version of dBase is Spanish. The correction only affects new dBases; the dBases created previously, can continue showing this misinformation, but is a purely aesthetic that in any way affect the proper functioning of the dBase.
  • Removed an error in the English version, in which the message warning that you have reached the limit of the standard (free) version, appears in Spanish.
  • Removed a bug where some users of Windows 8 (desktop version) who have installed certain Microsoft applications, can not properly see the body of the email received, because such applications modify the signature of the operating system used, with parameters not yet documented on MSDN.

New in OrganiZATOR 7.1.1 (Jul 18, 2012)

  • Sometimes an error can occur when closing the application. It is a known issue with certain versions of Windows ( that so far, we could not solve. However, the problem can be avoided including any image (eg a .jpg or .gif file) in the frame holder of the item that appears in first position within the root space of dBase (first item in the first column) note that it is the solution adopted in the demo included in the dBase accompanying the initial installation.
  • Removed a bug that in some cases, prevents properly store the received emails. It is recommended upgrade to all users of versions 7.0.0 and 7.1.0.
  • Fixed some flaws in the user interface (disposition of certain graphic elements) when using the application in small-screen monitors (800x600 pixels) or in sizes larger than 1440x900 pixels. Now, the behavior is correct in screens between 800x600 pixels and 1920x1080 pixels (Full HD).
  • Has been fixed an issue that prevents proper operation of the [now] and [now ss] buttons in the dialog boxes of creation/modification of items in the main windows of dBase.
  • Has been improved the behavior of the application when used on a secondary monitor (on systems with more than one monitor).
  • When using the application on a secondary monitor, can arise some problems that misconfigure the internal arrangement of windows of dBase, when trying to redistribute some of their graphics elements. For example, resize the Frame Holder or Log. Specifically, the problems detected in Windows 7, when using a secondary monitor in the following positions relative to the the primary one:
  • Right: changing Frame holder o email holder.
  • Below: when modifying any resizable window.
  • Left: correct behavior in all cases.
  • Above: when modifying the main windows of dBase; Frame hilder or email holder.
  • The eWatcher module (email alert service), has been renamed eWatcher Lite, to distinguish it from a future version that will coexist with the current, which let you view and delete e-mails directly from the server.

New in OrganiZATOR 7.1.0 (Apr 18, 2012)

  • eWatcher. email alert service who warns about the arrival of emails in any account of the user.

New in OrganiZATOR 7.0.0 (Mar 16, 2012)

  • Email client integrated into the dataBase.
  • Substantially improved the dataBase search engine. Besides increasing the overall speed, it is now possible to use compound searchs.
  • Expanded the ability to move items from binnacles. Now you can select up to 25 items to be moved together to the selected destination.
  • To function correctly the spelling engine in the note/memo fields, you must define the location of the external dictionary through the menu option Utils in dataBase (select the file "en-US.dic" located in the subdirectory "Dict" of the installation directory).

New in OrganiZATOR 6.2.1 (Jan 21, 2011)

  • In some rare cases, transactions involving import the contents of a file. I.e, to include some content in the Frame holder, do not work properly when the file name contains spaces. This malfunction is not consistent -not happen always- and is not exclusive to this release. Probably is also present in earlier versions. In these cases, prior to import, we recommend change the original file name -or a copy of it if you can not rename the original
  • Fixed a bug in the interface who make disappear the Blog's window, when being in a tab other that the first (dBase) and restore after minimizing

New in OrganiZATOR 6.2.0 (Nov 19, 2010)

  • It has been added the possibility to search for items in dBase by date of creation or modification.
  • It has been included the ability to import content from a file in the Note field, in some cases where it was not possible. For example, in the creation of new items of dBase.
  • If Internet connection is available, the application checks whether the user is using the latest version of the executable and alerts if any new (only once a day).
  • The dBase user's interface has been improved, with regard to vision and movement of the main windows (upstairs) and links (downstairs).
  • Included automatic conversion to dBase version 5.4.0 from previous versions 5.3.0 and 5.2.0.
  • The capacity of extended fields of dBase has been expanded. Now everyone has a maximum length of 260 characters.
  • The user interface has been improved; now properly display the dBase Extended Data with some screen resolutions that previously did not display correctly.
  • Fixed a bug that did not update correctly the creation-date when importing items in dBase from an external file or from the Windows's clipboard.
  • Fixed a bug that occurs when quit the application while a search process was running.
  • Removed an annoying flicker that occurs in some screens with Windows 7.

New in OrganiZATOR 6.1.2 (May 21, 2010)

  • Fixes a problem that has been detected in earlier versions, who consumed resources of the Windows graphical device interface (GDI), so that after a certain period of operation and depending on the state of the system, began to work badly the graphical user interface (screens look like, menus, etc.) and either may be affected the functioning of other applications due to the exhaustion of the mentioned Windows resources.
  • Note: The mentioned problem does not affect the logical behavior of the application or its data security. Likewise, the resources consumed in excess by the application, was returned to the System when the former was ended by the user.

New in OrganiZATOR 6.1.1 (May 17, 2010)

  • It has added a new option in dBase: Search in this group.
  • In the Note fields, we have included two new options to import and export usingt a Unicode text file. This operations can use Unicode files as direct -Little endian- or reverse -Big endian- formats.
  • Fixed a bug that did not allow export the content of a Note field to an external file.
  • Fixed a bug that did not allow to create items in a group if there was a previous item which began as the new title.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the proper functioning of the Search-Replace options while editing the Note fields.
  • Fixed error in accounting calculus -Balance in a hierarchy or a group- that precluded the result with sub-titles under 10 characters.
  • Fixed a fatal error that appeared in the print routines due to certain circumstances of randomly occurrence.
  • Fixed error in the recovery routines, "Integrity checking" who not allowed to recover certain orphan items.
  • Fixed a bug in the creation of items in the main windows of dBase in difficult conditions to reproduce.

New in OrganiZATOR 6.0.0 (Apr 13, 2010)

  • This version supports International codification (UNICODE) and includes numerous enhancements and features that make it completely new. The application has been almost entirely rewritten and submitted to an extensive verification process; we hope that the bugs and inconsistencies have been reduced to a minimum.
  • The dBase structure has been modified slightly in order to bear some of the new enhancements. It includes an automatic format conversion of data files (zDB1) from previous versions, so that by accessing an area with a old dBase format, there will be a conversion to the new (the user's permission is needed). As usual in these cases, we recommend to do a previous backup in the event that you wish return to the previous format.
  • By default, the new version is installed in a directory other than the former, but you can install it in the same directory of an earlier version, preserving the existing dBase (zDB1 file), in which case, at the start of the application, will be offered the option to convert the existing dBase to the new format (you must acces with a minimun of "owner" level).

New in OrganiZATOR 5.8.1 (Mar 30, 2009)

  • Fixed a bug in the Frame Holder of dBase, that sometimes does not refresh properly, especially when the object showed is a document. PDF, WORD, etc.
  • Fixed a possible problem of memory loss in the process of reload the image of the Frame Holder of dBase.
  • Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented to work properly the option “Open image in new window” of the Frame Holder of dBase.
  • Fixed a bug in the option “Delete all this content” in the Frame Holder who not erase all items if previously has been deleted or changed an item.
  • Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented work correctly the option “Import files from directory” in the Frame Holder of dBase.
  • Fixed a bug that in certain circumstances prevent to show correctly some windows in the scheduler.
  • The “Rebuild & Squeeze” option of the main window, now reports the space freed (unused dBase space returned to the System)

New in OrganiZATOR 5.8.0 (Mar 19, 2009)

  • The new version represents a major step in the development schedule of OrganiZator. In addition to lead a review of minor inconsistencies in the user interface and bug correction, this version incorporate significant improvements in dBase, so we recommend upgrading to all users of previous versions.
  • It has been incorporated a new field in dBase that we call Frame Holder (FH). Now, besides the Extended Data of each item, may be included a catalog of images or other resources -the kind of objects that are visible in the browser.- So, besides the other fields, may be attached photographs; Web pages; PDF documents and any other resources that are typically accessed in the Web. The resources shown in the FH may be external to the dBase (located anywhere, on the Intranet or in Internet) or internal, in which case they are stored in the Zator’s dBase. For example, a JPG image, a PDF document, Etc. The demo included with the installation contains several examples.
  • It has improved the formatting of the Note/Memo fields of dBase. Along with the existing capacity of storing notes as plain text (without format), it is now possible to store, import and export these notes as formatted text (RTF), with the possibility of determining the character set (font); size and color of the text; background color; interlined and indentation. Also is possible the use of underlining; bold; italic, etc. In addition to the above, it has included the ability of redo and undo movements in these fields.
  • It has been eliminated an error who allow delete an item in the link’s windows (lower windows of dBase). When pressing the [Delete] key to delete the link, instead of remaining the item and delete the link, the item where removed. Now, the behavior is correct; according to the documentation, the link is erased but the item remains.
  • Has been added the ability to qualify a previous anonymous link. In previous versions you could change the type of a link, or anonymous it -clear its type, but once anonymous, could not be qualified again.
  • It has been eliminated a problem of visibility in the Extended Data of dBase, presented when using a screens resolution of 1280×800 pixels. The application can be used with virtually all standard screen resolutions from 800×600 to 1440×900 and above.

New in OrganiZATOR 5.6.6 (Oct 7, 2008)

  • This version resolves a potential runtime problem in the earlier version, presented in those computers that do not have the appropriate version of certain Windows libraries (the latest version of some MS Visual C++ runtime libraries). If necessary, the new installer includes them in the host system.
  • This version also includes a significant improvement in the user interface, specifically in the modification of Extended fields (Name, Address, Town, etc.) of the Data Base. We believe that the new interface is much clearer than previous versions, and that will avoid confusion for the users.