What's new in Password Generator 2018 2009

Jan 9, 2010
  • Security:
  • Generate cryptographically secure passwords using Cryptographically Strong (FIPS-140 standard) Random Number Generator
  • Password list encryption
  • Password/Username hash generation (MD5, SHA, etc.), storage, and export
  • Eliminate consecutive and consecutive keyboard-wise characters like "abc", and "qwerty" (you can control how many you allow through new character policies)
  • Eliminate duplicate and repeating characters like "sDfDw9p", and "paSSword" (you can control how many you allow through new character policies)
  • Improved weak/common passwords filter
  • Ability to exclude passwords that resemble words from dictionary
  • UI, Help, and Misc:
  • User Interface greatly improved and now resembles Office 2007 look and feel. Good-looking icons and images have been added throughout to make user experience more pleasant.
  • Integrated help in the form of detailed tool tips for most of the controls is now present (in addition to documentation).
  • Access to various commands simplified, like Search and Replace for example.
  • Better performance, including start-up time, password generation, export, etc.
  • Improved windows and dialogs for usability.
  • Expanded help.
  • Better, more logically organized main window.
  • Password (Advanced) Mode:
  • Password generation mode has been renamed to Advanced to more appropriately describe its functionality now.
  • You can now specify exactly how many characters you want in your password, using minimum and maximum values. This almost gives you the level of control available only in mask mode, however is much simpler to use. You can now say that you want for example at least 2 special characters. See screenshot
  • Alternatively, you can still use density approach, if you do not have very specific requirements.
  • Control of ordering of characters is now improved. Now you can reference character groups multiple times in group order mask like this (luns). In this example it means, that a password will always start with lower case letter, and then there will be some more lower case letters in a password (the quantity is determined by either density property of a character group or minimum and maximum quantities).
  • General Generation:
  • Dramatic speed improvements throughout (up to 8X faster)
  • New Basic Generation Mode
  • Unicode support. Now you can have all sort of characters in your passwords, like cyrillic and others! See main screenshot above for character list showing some cyrillic letters.
  • RNG (Random Number Generator) selection - you can now select which RNG to use to generate passwords. Some are faster but less secure, some are slower, but more secure. There are 5 options to choose from including System, MT19937, XorShift 128, ALF, and FIPS-140 Cryptographically Strong.
  • Additional built-in character groups for vowels and consonants.
  • Character policies to control which characters can and cannot appear in a password, how often, and in what order. This has massive security-improving potential (see Security section).
  • The following character policies are included: Duplicate characters, Repeating characters, Consecutive characters, Keyboard Consecutive characters, and Similar characters. See screenshot
  • Improved dictionary support.
  • Masks:
  • Masks have been speed up by 2-4 times on average!
  • Sequences! You can now generate sequential passwords / serial numbers. You can select the base (decimal, hexadecimal, custom), apply formatting, set starting position, etc. There are 4 built-in and up to 9 custom sequences! See screenshot
  • Range operator. You can now use this operator to pick a random number within a certain range, in a numeric base of your choice, and format it as you wish. For example [16,3,0-FFF] may produce something like 0AB.
  • Random distribution operator (...) improved. You can now use it to either randomly distribute elements (i.e. words from dictionary, characters, sequences, random numbers), or individual characters (in this case of course word will be broken up).
  • Additional built-in character groups for vowels and consonants.
  • Improved literals operator. Now use "" whenever you want to have a constant string in your password - ll"constant"uu.
  • Pronounceable Mode:
  • Double vowels concept has been added.
  • You now select letters in character groups docker in character list for easier access.
  • Double vowels and double consonants can be assigned a specific chance of appearing.
  • Ability to control duplicate characters, consecutive characters, etc. - everything defined in character policies.
  • Ability to control a chance that the first letter will be consonant or vowel.