Perfect Pitch Tester Changelog

What's new in Perfect Pitch Tester 5.1.1

Jul 11, 2012
  • Made the session timer start after you've answered the first question. This way, if you come back to your pc, you will be able to do the full session.
  • Changed: the code so the window stays open, instead of closing and reopening to show the next note.
  • Changed: Made the exit button enabled by default
  • Changed: Made the default study mode set so that the program stays open for as long as the user likes.
  • Changed: the 'Play Again' button to 'Play Original'
  • Changed: Made the window go to the middle of the screen, only at the start of a session, rather than after every note
  • Fixed: The settings window was going off the left hand side of the screen on smaller windows XP screens