What's new in Pons for MindManager and OneNote

Apr 26, 2014
  • New: Create Subpages Mind Map by One Click, Create headings Mind Map by One Click.

New in Pons for MindManager and OneNote (Dec 14, 2013)

  • Create Notebook Map:
  • Create current OneNote notebook mindmap. Run OneNote, navigator to a notebook, click this feature will create a MindMap with the notebook, section group, section and page topics and links in MindManager.
  • Create Section Group Map:
  • Create current OneNote section group mindmap. Run OneNote, navigator to a section group, click this feature will create a MindMap with the section group, section and page topics and links in MindManager.
  • Create Section Map:
  • Create current OneNote section mindmap. Run OneNote, navigator to a section, click this feature will create a MindMap with the section and page topics and links in MindManager.