What's new in Portable Clipboard Help+Spell 2.42.0

Apr 26, 2017
  • [Improvement] Deleting clip(s) keeps the selection where it was, does not move the list of clips to top or bottom; other situations where clip list position was lost are now fixed as well.
  • [BugFix] Custom group filter sql expressions were being capped at 500 character length.
  • [Improvement] Statusbar now shows linecount of each clip.
  • [BugFix] When StayOnTop option is set (View menu), some dialogs were showing behind the main form.
  • [Feature] New (customizable) hotkey to quickly toggle clipboard monitoring on and off.
  • [Improvement] The hotkey that used to be used to trigger a copy even when CHS monitoring is disabled now does double duty, and can be used to tell CHS to trigger a copy and *NOT* store the clip if CHS monitoring is enabled.

New in Portable Clipboard Help+Spell 2.41.0 (Mar 24, 2017)

  • Released on Mar 15, 2017
  • [MajorFeature] First High-dpi compatible version beta.

New in Portable Clipboard Help+Spell 2.40.0 (Mar 24, 2017)

  • Released on Jan 21, 2017
  • [BugFix] Newlines could be pasted in clip title edit, making it seem empy [thx IainB].

New in Portable Clipboard Help+Spell 2.39.0 (Dec 24, 2016)

  • [Improvement] Significantly improved performance when browsing through clips and adding new clips.
  • [Improvement] Home and End keys now go to top and bottom of grid.
  • [Improvement] New option to not update last view date of clips when browsing (better performance).
  • [Improvement] Path to database folder now shown in options dialog on Database Backup tab.
  • [NewFeature] You can now set custom printer font for printing clips.

New in Portable Clipboard Help+Spell 2.36.0 (Dec 24, 2016)

  • [MinorFeature] Added option (Tweaks tab) to disable default behavior of focusing search edit box when toggling display of main window.
  • [MinorFeature] Added option (Interface tab) to not flash/change tray icon when copying clips.
  • [MinorChange] Changed the default values on the maintenance tab to wait longer before moving clips from New to Old section and from Old to Recycle bin.
  • [MinorBugFix] You can now search for - as a single character.
  • [BugFix] Fixed bug where clip title edit field could temporarily disappear if previous clip was an image and window was minimized before capturing a text clip.

New in Portable Clipboard Help+Spell 2.34.0 (Jan 6, 2016)

  • [BugFix] The quick-paste popup menu width was being shown too wide sometimes (due to the "Additional acctions with current clip" menu item)

New in Portable Clipboard Help+Spell 2.33.0 (Jan 6, 2016)

  • [BugFix] Try#2 at fixing bug when using "paste clip using sendkeys" from right-click menu, the SendKeys special characters were being replace (see here); now you need to start a clip with {sendkeys} if you expect to have such replacements performed.

New in Portable Clipboard Help+Spell 2.32.0 (Nov 13, 2015)

  • [BugFix] Manually created notes were forcing the clip naming template in options to be replaced with "Note" (!)
  • [BugFix] Small font sizes and display anomalies when using font/dpi options in Windows.
  • [BugFix] Attempt to fix occasional altkey being seen as down if using ctrl+alt+V hotkey to paste stack items.
  • [BugFix] When using "paste clip using sendkeys" from right-click menu, the SendKeys special characters were being replace (see here); now you need to start a clip with {sendkeys} if you expect to have such replacements performed.
  • [BugFix] The Ctrl+F hotkey to go to search field, as well as default behavior of jumping to search field when toggling display was broken; this could even sometimes lead to program becoming unresponsive.
  • [BugFix] Ctrl+F hotkey to go to search field now also works when editing clip.
  • [BugFix] It was not possible to edit clips when a search filter string was specified.
  • [Improvement] Changing text in search field will now preserve the currently selected row as long as it matches the ongoing search.

New in Portable Clipboard Help+Spell 2.30.0 (Nov 13, 2015)

  • [BugFix] A couple of formatting preset options were not being remembered when saved to modification preset files.
  • [BugFix] Options to display clip date when pasting were showing wrong dates (note that it will always show the creation date not last modification date).

New in Portable Clipboard Help+Spell 2.29.0 (Apr 28, 2015)

  • [Feature] Added option (tweaks tab) to not obey programs (like password utilities) that put stuff on the clipboard and mark it as to-be-ignored by clipboard tools.
  • [Feature] Added option (tweaks tab) to go to TOP of grid list when selecting new group; improvement to keeping selected row visible and focused when adding new clips.
  • [Feature] Added option to control frequency of automatic clipboard re-establishment.
  • [Feature] Added hotkeys to print the last clip, and to re-establish clipboard chain.
  • [Feature] Added new sorting/ordering option to the text modification/transformation dialog to reverse the order of lines.
  • [Documentation] Added better help to clipboard re-establishment options.
  • [Documentation] Added better help for those who encounter Database Error 11013.

New in Portable Clipboard Help+Spell 2.26.0 (Oct 8, 2014)

  • [Feature] Hotkey to display main window (Ctrl+Alt+W by default) now toggles display of main window.
  • [Feature] You can now right-click on a clip in the quick-paste-menu item to show the "more actions" menu for that clip (instead of having to hold shift and left-click).
  • [Feature] Attempt to make CHS smarter about moving to last row in view (should only happen now when the newly added item is visible); currently experimental -- can be disabled on Tweaks tab.
  • [Feature] Added "Add note" to right-click CHS tray menu.
  • [Feature] Quick toggle of inline/live spelling of memos with button on memo toolbar.
  • [Feature] Group ID# now shown in Edit Group box.
  • [Feature] New clip grid menu items for creating new groups based on selection (moves clips) or search (creates a virtual group).
  • [Feature] Group tree drop target is now highlighting while dragging over it.
  • [Feature] Quick search/filter now provides a drop-down of favorite searches; set favorites in the Misc. Options 2 tab.
  • [Feature] Added icons to group/tree right-click context menu.
  • [Feature] Better statusbar info about selected group; reports total # clips in view and # selected.
  • [Feature] Added an option to not optimize database on startup if it has already been done recently (default set to 30 days).
  • [Feature] Manual verify/repair database operation now performs optimization if no errors were found.
  • [BugFix] Experimental fix to improve directory existence checks for network folders.
  • [BugFix] Fixed bug interacting with some other programs (e.g. TinySpell).
  • [BugFix] Right/Shift-clicking on quick-paste menu could sometimes trigger right-click context menu of the application under the cursor.
  • [BugFix] After moving/deleting, selection rows were not cleared.

New in Portable Clipboard Help+Spell 2.24.01 (Jul 14, 2014)

  • By default now if you copy a clip from the main window, it will be re-added to the CHS database -- usually this will mean bumping it to the top of the quick paste list. You can change this behavior on the Clipboard options tab.
  • Ctrl+C from the clip memo window now copies that text to the clipboard.
  • You can now customize the title of manually created "note" clips.
  • New option for what to do when user triggers a stack-pop but there is no more clips in the stack.
  • New import option (available in File menu and also in clip right-click menu as "split"); lets you import text with each line as a new clip.
  • Ratings column now has good icons with ratings from 0-9.
  • Flag column can now be edited with any user text.
  • ClipType column now can be edited with any text.

New in Portable Clipboard Help+Spell 2.23.01 (Nov 25, 2013)

  • [MajorFeature] You can now define quick actions that can be performed on clips. These can be web url searches or local program executions. They are shown in the quick-paste popup menu and on the main window text memo toolbar.
  • [MajorFeature] You can now highlight terms in the clip text memo. By default it will match any filter you are using to limit clips shown but you can override it. You can also hit F3 to jump to next occurrence of the term when in the text memo window.
  • [MinorFeature] Added icons to clip grid right-click context menu.
  • [MajorFeature] Rewrote clip export procedure. There are also now some options in Backup tab so you can specify which fields get exported and how to handle newlines. You can also now export only the currently selected clips from the grid right-click menu.

New in Portable Clipboard Help+Spell 2.20.01 (Nov 25, 2013)

  • [BugFix] The "paste entire stack as block" function would not paste more than 25 clips.
  • [Improvement] Maximum text capture size limit now increased from 10k bytes to 1mb (default changed to 32k).
  • [Improvement] Installer now offers to install desktop icon.
  • [Improvement] Custom spelling dictionaries are now stored in users config directory (which will be in App directory if portable or on xp, but in Documents subdirectory on Vista/Win7/Win8).
  • [Improvement] Added Export button to database maintenance tab in options to export all clips (you can also export visible clips at any time from main File menu).
  • [Improvement] Re-wrote the Modify Format/Case dialog help section.
  • [Improvement] Options dialog now has a Cancel button to abandon any changes made.
  • [Improvement] Merge separator is now a MRU-based combo box list.
  • [Improvement] Merge dialog now has a Copy button to copy the merged text to clipboard; hit Cancel afterwards and new clip will not be added to database. Useful for quick merging without creating new clips.
  • [BugFix] Custom hotkeys set to Ctrl+C or Ctrl+V will be ignored as they cannot be used (you can of course use them with modifiers like alt/shift/winkey).
  • [BugFix] SaveAs and Printer configuration dialogs were sometimes showing behind main window.
  • [BugFix] When Favorites were being shown on root of quick paste popup menu, only 1 was being shown.

New in Portable Clipboard Help+Spell 2.19.01 (Jun 14, 2013)

  • [BugFix] The "Print Last Clip" menu item was sometimes printing an incorrect clip instead of the last one captured.
  • [BugFix] The Modify Format dialog sometimes appeared behind main window and was hidden by it.
  • [MinorFeature] The Modify Format dialog now can add a sequence of letters (A,B,C) as well as numbers, to lists.

New in Portable Clipboard Help+Spell 2.18.01 (May 24, 2013)

  • [BugFix] Several bug fixes to try to handle applications that CHS has had trouble capturing from in the past (Zim Desktop) and that generate excessive clipboard messages, and to avoid delayed captures in Open Office / Libre Office due to a bug in those programs.
  • [BugFix] Fixed disk-not-in-drive error and error creating initial database lock file that could happen on some startups.
  • [Feature] Added option to check for updates at startup.

New in Portable Clipboard Help+Spell 2.16.02 (Oct 23, 2012)

  • [Feature] Added new quick template, paste template menu, print template, and quick-template hotkey; all let you configure more elaborate text templates to be used when pasting or printing clips to add additional information and formatting. See "Paste Template" tab in options.
  • [Improvement] When manually adding new clip via NewClip button, it will automatically be selected regardless of grid sorting.
  • [BugFix] When CHS was set to StayOnTop, options form was showing behind main form.
  • [BugFix] Attempt to fix bug with Ctrl+Alt+C forced Ctrl+C sending (capture beep sound should no longer play if a new clip was not captured).
  • [Feature] Added new quickpaste popup menu item to show additional actions menu (shift+click menu) for first clip.
  • [Feature] Added paste-as-file action in quick paste shift clip menu; see Paste As File option tab for default filename templates. This idea was copied from a cool utility by DC member c.gingerich called "Paste As File" (see http://starpunch.net/?page=8).
  • [Feature] Maximum excerpt size in database now increased to 255; new option on Tweak tab to change max size of excerpt actually captured.
  • [Feature] New clip hint on quick-paste menu shows maximum excerpt size, and with newlines preserved in hint.
  • [Feature] Added new column for each clip record to store the active window title (WindowTitle).

New in Portable Clipboard Help+Spell 2.13.01 (Jul 7, 2012)

  • [BugFix] Paste menu for Favorite group (and other virtual groups) was not showing clips that were manually placed into that group.
  • [Minor Feature] Added balloon tray warning the first time an image exceeds configured limits on clipboard save size.
  • [Minor Feature] Added option to not autofit column headers in grid view (may be useful if you have a very large column)
  • [Feature] For portable users, program now checks for ConfigDir_Default.ini if ConfigDir.ini not found; prevents your custom ConfigDir.ini file from being overwritten when unpacking portable distribution zip.
  • [MajorFeature] Executable and setup are now digitally signed for extra security; instead of a zip-compatible installer, there are now 2 separate downloads for installer and portable version.