Portable JottiQ Changelog

What's new in Portable JottiQ 1.2.0 Build 24974

Apr 9, 2015
  • Compatibility release. Jotti is undergoing some changes so we must too. :)
  • Upgrading is highly recommended; previous versions of JottiQ may break or
  • otherwise show reduced functionality as Jotti improves his service.

New in Portable JottiQ 1.1.1 Build 39993 (Aug 1, 2011)

  • Added: A setting that, if enabled, lessens the scrutiny given to the remote server of Jotti's malware scan to determine its authenticity.
  • 'Ignore certain SSL certificate errors' is only useful on a few specific configurations, and should not be enabled unless you get an error like the following in the Connectivity Test: 'The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel.'
  • Changed: dcuhelper.exe was updated to v1.10.01

New in Portable JottiQ 1.0.2 Build 22338 (Jan 10, 2011)

  • Added: Update check. It should have been implemented pre v1.0.0, but a lot of issues came up and it simply didn't happen. Have a look inside the 'About JottiQ' dialog. Future versions might add automation for this sort of checking. This supports the DCUpdater application.
  • Added: A very heavy-handed approach to try and lighten the load on the servers. If the server passes a certain point, all non-cached files will not be uploaded and throw up an error. This way Jotti will hopefully no longer be forced to cease servicing JottiQ. In future versions, once JottiQ loses its spotlight, I will look into merely saving the actual file uploads for last in the case Jotti's malware scan is overloaded so one will not have to reset items to get stuff to scan once it quiets down a bit.
  • Added: An actual link to the website and the discussion thread on DonationCoder. Forgetting to link to your own site is a bit of a stupid mistake to make.
  • Added: Internet shortcuts. (Rather too many links than too little!)
  • Added: Detection for withdrawn service from Jotti, and possible actions the user can take to alleviate the issue.
  • Changed: Upgrading versions will require the 'Privacy Agreement' to be accepted once more.
  • Changed: Users that put an unreasonably high load on Jotti's servers will from now on be reminded they are quite the inconsiderate users. I would rather not start truly limiting users as it will hurt the intended use-cases of the application as well, but if in the versions and months to come such soft reminders prove to not be enough, I will have to resort to limiting functionality in all sorts of ways.
  • Changed: The older changelog (version history) entries have been split off into their own Changelog.txt file. This way the Readme will be a bit more accessible to users again.