What's new in Portable SourceGear DiffMerge

Jun 29, 2015
  • Core Changes in 4.2.0:
  • Added HTML and Text export of file and folder differences to a file.
  • Added new "Export" menu hierarchy.
  • Improved visibility of the selected change within File Diff and Merge windows. Solid side bars are now drawn in addition to the dotted lines and the color was changed to use the selection highlight background color.
  • Added "-ignore_unimportant" option to the command line interface.
  • Added a "quick match" feature to the Folder Window. This is an approximation intended for extremely large media files. If the files are the same size, they are assumed to be equal. These are marked with a "qm" icon rather than the regular "==" icon.
  • Changed Folder Window to use a background thread to scan and compare the contents of the folders. Added a per-window progress bar.
  • Remember details from Page Setup Dialog between runs.
  • Enable SWAP button in all uses of 2-way Open Dialog. Previously this was only visible when the dialog was initiated by Windows Explorer integration.
  • Enable Drag-and-Drop onto DiffMerge File and Folder Windows. These windows now respond to Drop messages and will attempt to open a new window with the dropped files. Only the first 2 items in the drop are recognized and the Open Dialog will be raised first to let you verify the order of the items.
  • Moved the functionality provided by the Find and Go To Line dialogs to a set of controls on the File Window.
  • Have additional fall-back named character encodings in Ruleset.
  • The Folder Window would sometimes not respect the "Allow Default Ruleset" settings when comparing files.
  • Fixed text limit when pasting into the Registration Dialog.
  • Fixed display of omitted lines immediately adjacent to differences in diffs-with-context mode interactively and when exporting unified format output.
  • Cleaned up error message thrown when trying to open binary files.
  • W9384: Upgraded to wxWidgets 3.0.0-rc1 from 2.9.5.
  • Changes in 4.2.0 for Windows:
  • Added Drag-and-Drop onto text fields within Open Dialog. The change in 4.0 to make those fields auto-complete on Windows broke Drop support.
  • Fixed Paste in file windows to respect the line endings (EOLs) of the destination file.
  • Fixed occasional hang seen on Windows when closing last window and error messages seen when repeatedly clicking on close button while in the hung state.